Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Printable Version

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Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Horishi - 06-15-2011

Hello I'm seeking help and advice. There is blue ray energy center blockage as its causing me a lot of problems and distress. Can anyone give me some techniques or exercises to help me open my blue ray energy center? This seems to be a major energy center I'm struggling with. Thank you so much!

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Bring4th_Austin - 06-15-2011

Hi Horishi, I too have blue ray blockage problems intermitently, mostly when I ignore it.

This is all based on my own understanding:

It is my understanding that the blue ray has to do with expression, creativity, and communicating understanding. Whenever I don't pay attention to my blue ray, it almost always manifests itself physically, the latest example being a cluster of canker soars in my mouth that was debilitating for almost a week.

For me, finding outlets of expression is key in keeping an open blue ray. Do you have any artistic talents? How do you feel most comfortable expressing yourself? If you can't think of anything, simply writing may help. You could write about what you've found in yourself, your acceptance of yourself or others that you've found in green ray, or just every day happenings in your life. Exchanging this sort of energy with people, such as posting a thread on this forum and discussing with the members, will help create a flow through the blue ray.

If you play music, sing, draw, paint, sculpt, garden, or anything which allows you to express your creativity, dedicating time to any of these will help release blockages. Meditation is great for finding your true self and accepting that self, and then finding ways to express that true self will start to move your through the blue ray.

I hope this helps.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Horishi - 06-15-2011

Thank you for the tips. Majority of my blue ray blockages manifest through problems with talking and communicating. It's either I stutter slightly or have trouble with tonality. I'm normally a quiet person and at times shy. I would attribute that to blue ray blockage. As I am a friendly and sociable person when I am able to be. However more often than not I have trouble communicating. I love to draw and paint, even though with these outlets I still have some blockages. It's as though there's a lump in my throat. However I do need to do more meditation.

(06-15-2011, 02:47 PM)abridgetoofar Wrote: Hi Horishi, I too have blue ray blockage problems intermitently, mostly when I ignore it.

This is all based on my own understanding:

It is my understanding that the blue ray has to do with expression, creativity, and communicating understanding. Whenever I don't pay attention to my blue ray, it almost always manifests itself physically, the latest example being a cluster of canker soars in my mouth that was debilitating for almost a week.

For me, finding outlets of expression is key in keeping an open blue ray. Do you have any artistic talents? How do you feel most comfortable expressing yourself? If you can't think of anything, simply writing may help. You could write about what you've found in yourself, your acceptance of yourself or others that you've found in green ray, or just every day happenings in your life. Exchanging this sort of energy with people, such as posting a thread on this forum and discussing with the members, will help create a flow through the blue ray.

If you play music, sing, draw, paint, sculpt, garden, or anything which allows you to express your creativity, dedicating time to any of these will help release blockages. Meditation is great for finding your true self and accepting that self, and then finding ways to express that true self will start to move your through the blue ray.

I hope this helps.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - kycahi - 06-15-2011

Please believe that I'm no expert on rays, but as I believe that yellow is awareness of others and green is compassion for others, you maybe have a yellow issue because it's about communication with others here in 3D.

That said, I don't have much esoteric advice except to meditate. That's my cure-all remedy, at least partial. Next I would suggest what the New York taxi driver said when somebody walked up to him and asked how to get to Carnegie Hall: "Practice!" I.e. chat with friends about unimportant things (so you won't have any pressure on what you are saying), then do that with a stranger that you perceive is friendly.

B2far is right that doing something creative that you enjoy will help with energy flow AND, when you are expert at something you love, talking about it will be easy.

In case I didn't already, welcome to the B4th and L/L community.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Bring4th_Austin - 06-15-2011

(06-15-2011, 03:49 PM)Horishi Wrote: Thank you for the tips. Majority of my blue ray blockages manifest through problems with talking and communicating. It's either I stutter slightly or have trouble with tonality. I'm normally a quiet person and at times shy. I would attribute that to blue ray blockage. As I am a friendly and sociable person when I am able to be. However more often than not I have trouble communicating. I love to draw and paint, even though with these outlets I still have some blockages. It's as though there's a lump in my throat. However I do need to do more meditation.

I am inclined to agree with Kyachi, perhaps the blockages is lower than blue? If you are having trouble communicating rather than suppressing communication, it may mean that your blue ray is not receiving the proper amount of energy for expression.

I also agree with Kyachi about meditation, its importance is not to be understated when working with the upper chakras. Along with silent meditation (which brings your true self to the surface), I would also suggest asking your guides and higher self to show you blockages within your chakra system. I first learned about my blue blockage doing this; after I asked for guidance, I was given images of a stick sticking out of my throat.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Eddie - 06-15-2011

(06-15-2011, 02:26 PM)Horishi Wrote: Hello I'm seeking help and advice. There is blue ray energy center blockage as its causing me a lot of problems and distress. Can anyone give me some techniques or exercises to help me open my blue ray energy center? This seems to be a major energy center I'm struggling with. Thank you so much!

Horishi--Know that you are a divine being, a great manifestation of the Creator. Have no fear to say what you need to say.

Every action you take adds to the magnificence of the creator. Have no fear to speak.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - unity100 - 06-15-2011

(06-15-2011, 04:06 PM)kycahi Wrote: Please believe that I'm no expert on rays, but as I believe that yellow is awareness of others and green is compassion for others, you maybe have a yellow issue because it's about communication with others here in 3D.

good approach. problems dont need to come from single rays. generally they are combinations of them.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-15-2011

One technique, called 'active imagination', may be used to find an imbalance. First blank your mind, recall the feeling of the problem so that its energy is in focus. Then let the associated imagery appear in symbolic form. Interpret the symbols, and become aware of their biased source. That's it. Once aware, there is balance with that aspect. BTW, the awareness itself may change the 'scene' and invoke resolution type imagery - for example an alchemical reaction, or merger with subjects and objects - egg hatches, lightning strikes, body merges with lost body, etc.

You can also use the same technique to heal, to offer healing to another, to resolve problems, etc. It's a question of intent, will and focus.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-15-2011

Okay. What does rat, swamp, cabana mean?

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Bring4th_Austin - 06-15-2011

I have a question of my own.

This may seem like a silly and obvious observation, but since teach/learning or even learn/teaching are the most significant forms of communication, it would seem to me that they are one of the best ways to exercise blue ray. Also, discernment between relevant (or "good") teach/learners also seems to me an exercise in blue ray.

Does this make sense?
(06-15-2011, 10:12 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Okay. What does rat, swamp, cabana mean?

What do they mean to you?

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-15-2011

(06-15-2011, 10:12 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Okay. What does rat, swamp, cabana mean?

doubt, insecurity, need escape? Pretty accurate. ... What to do with it?
Oh. Meditate on opposites and find a mental balance?

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-15-2011

(06-15-2011, 10:18 PM)3DMonkey Wrote:
(06-15-2011, 10:12 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Okay. What does rat, swamp, cabana mean?

doubt, insecurity, need escape? Pretty accurate. ... What to do with it?
Oh. Meditate on opposites and find a mental balance?
Focus on one of them, see what environment appears. Environment will be a metaphor, and anything going on will be allegory. The self is always trying to express wholeness, so the imagery is not 'random s***'. It will be a reflection in you mind, of a very specific nature, of what needs to be addressed.

You say you see something like a rat, swamp, and cabana? Shamans can see the exact same thing you are seeing - mind is like a landscape, and they are 'psychocartographers'. They could tell you "rat", "swamp", "cabana".
(06-15-2011, 10:18 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Oh. Meditate on opposites and find a mental balance?
Well, the more you're aware of the 'opposites', the less reflection on that needed. But yes. The idea is to find what caused the disposition, by making it conscious. We're born whole, and slowly accumulate these particular dispositions, due to personality bias, as had been programmed as catalytic lessons before birth.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - native - 06-15-2011

I have recently found myself working on my blue ray in dreams. We know dreams can be used to polarize, which I've experienced. Have any of you ever had a dream and been deeply affected by it? As in, you regretted what you said or did and it actually changed you in your waking life? That seems to be the polarization Ra speaks about.

Dreams certainly reveal blockages to you at least. I've noticed that these blue ray expressions are carrying over into my waking life, so I think there is a definite correlation to working with energy in dream space.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-15-2011

Thanks Zenmaster,

Well, I did the exercise and got rat, swamp, cabana.

I used dreammoods to interpret to doubt, insecurity, need escape.

I recognized this as true descriptions of my current mindset and what I was dealing with.

I 'balanced' the ideas to be surety, confidence, and finding the escape.

This worked. The mindset evolved. The physical expression manifested. Vibrations secured. I'm off on a new thing. Well done.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - native - 06-15-2011

86.12 "The activity of dreaming is an activity in which there is made a finely wrought and excellently fashioned bridge from conscious to unconscious. In this state the various distortions which have occurred in the energy web of the body complex, due to the misprision with which energy influxes have been received, are healed. With the proper amount of dreaming comes the healing of these distortions. Continued lack of this possibility can cause seriously distorted mind/body/spirit complexes."

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-16-2011

(06-15-2011, 11:13 PM)Icaro Wrote: 86.12 "The activity of dreaming is an activity in which there is made a finely wrought and excellently fashioned bridge from conscious to unconscious. In this state the various distortions which have occurred in the energy web of the body complex, due to the misprision with which energy influxes have been received, are healed. With the proper amount of dreaming comes the healing of these distortions. Continued lack of this possibility can cause seriously distorted mind/body/spirit complexes."
A person can do the exact same thing, and more, if they're conscious during the 'journey' (shamans call it 'journeying', Jung called it 'active imagination').

Also, if you develop your causal body, you don't need to 'astral travel' to move to a place or a time, and you don't need 'regression' or hypnotism techniques. A good shaman will know what is going on with you, because they are with you, sharing the energy and mind, during the work.

The throat chakra is one of the more advanced to work with. Not too many people actually using it. If you get it unblocked, you can access transpersonal 'mind' - planetary and between individuals, for example. Planetary in the form of 'racial mind' and between individuals in the form of intersubjective awareness. People seem to think the internet is somehow indicative of a S.M.C., but that seems rather dull, abstract and wasteful compared to actually sharing a field of consciousness where you're on the exact same page as another 'telepathically'.
(06-15-2011, 11:12 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I recognized this as true descriptions of my current mindset and what I was dealing with.
It's remarkably easy and instantaneous when there is some acceptance present. In fact, things that have caused emotional difficultly for 80 years, for example, can be balanced in 1 second if merely addressed that way. That's 'polarization'.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - native - 06-16-2011

(06-16-2011, 12:08 AM)zenmaster Wrote: A good shaman will know what is going on with you, because they are with you, sharing the energy and mind, during the work.

It is impressive how tuned they are, able to access information in the moment.

Quote:The throat chakra is one of the more advanced to work with. Not too many people actually using it. If you get it unblocked, you can access transpersonal 'mind' - planetary and between individuals, for example. Planetary in the form of 'racial mind' and between individuals in the form of intersubjective awareness. People seem to think the internet is somehow indicative of a S.M.C., but that seems rather dull, abstract and wasteful compared to actually sharing a field of consciousness where you're on the exact same page as another 'telepathically'.

I can feel how it is intimately linked with the indigo center and the balancing of green energy that is required. It's not so much that accepting yourself is the hard part, but acknowledging what is necessary and true to move forward by not being bound to other individuals so that they're not holding you back. Ironically, working in a unified fashion it seems inevitable that you will disappoint others. Our loving nature wants to hold on and please others, but that does not develop the self. So there forms a balancing act of loving others and the self.

Going along with what you said, it would seem the more you integrate your understanding of self and others, the more crystallized and open you become to receiving undistorted information.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-16-2011

Y'all keep this up. I'm learning. Well, I'm applying and it's teaching me.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - native - 06-16-2011

I'm glad I could tingle your centers for you Tongue

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Wander-Man - 06-16-2011

Quote:There is always some difficulty in penetrating blue primary energy for it requires that which your people have in great paucity; that is, honesty. Blue ray is the ray of free communication with self and with otherself. Having accepted that an harvestable or nearly harvestable entity will be working from this green-ray springboard one may then posit that the experiences in the remainder of the incarnation will be focused upon activation of the primary blue-ray of freely given communication...

I would bet you can work on unblocking your blue ray through your interactions with others, focusing on honesty in all interactions, saying what you mean, and trying to understand the other person beyond what they're saying.

This is all stuff I'm trying to work on at the moment. Good luck!

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-16-2011

(06-16-2011, 12:52 PM)Icaro Wrote: I can feel how it is intimately linked with the indigo center and the balancing of green energy that is required. It's not so much that accepting yourself is the hard part, but acknowledging what is necessary and true to move forward by not being bound to other individuals so that they're not holding you back.
We're 'bound', or subject to emotional effects, to the extent that unconscious projection from an imbalanced bias is present.

(06-16-2011, 12:52 PM)Icaro Wrote: Ironically, working in a unified fashion it seems inevitable that you will disappoint others.
Disappointment and anger are merely failed projections - unaccepted aspects of self that an individual ignores.

(06-16-2011, 12:52 PM)Icaro Wrote: Our loving nature wants to hold on and please others, but that does not develop the self. So there forms a balancing act of loving others and the self.
The other-self, at least unconsciously, recognizes and respects the valuable potential, or ethical integrity, being expressed by the intention of one that knows better than to just please. That is, even if they seem to be demanding coddling or appeasement. 'Love' is the expression of individuality that has formed (or 'crystalized') from the opportunities, or 'systems of distortions' provided by the Logos.

(06-16-2011, 12:52 PM)Icaro Wrote: Going along with what you said, it would seem the more you integrate your understanding of self and others, the more crystallized and open you become to receiving undistorted information.
If you've already 'asked the questions' that have lead to a certain degree of balance in an area, then it is less likely that you'd be asking for distorted information (unconsciously or conciously) in that area. There is no place for it to go. Due to analogy in the creation here, we also learn princples (those that matter) which may have otherwise been learned through other methods.

Finding 'love in the moment' seems to be the same thing as being able to accept the conditions and limitations of what is capable of being expressed at any time. This naturally requires some 'green-ray' balance. Lacking that, how can we accept something of which we're not aware? We'd be back to projection (with its dualities such as good and bad, hope and fear).

Projection is a form of identification (the 'veil'), a clinging or attachment to something that unconsciously compels us to compare, to inflate, to condemn, to be upset, to feel hopeful or fearful, to experience 3D lessons, etc. In the way of Zen, the idea is to find our true nature that does not live by such attachment. Our higher nature, the 'face before we were born', is without attachment - which we already know.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-16-2011

(06-16-2011, 09:09 PM)zenmaster Wrote: We're 'bound', or subject to emotional effects, to the extent that unconscious projection from an imbalanced bias is present.
Disappointment and anger are merely failed projections - unaccepted aspects of self that an individual ignores.

I am understanding these. I can see these things of me.

I did apply those teachings which alleviate the negative emotional effects. It worked.

Another question- In balancing, I get the impression that I 'flipped' the negative to positive. So, I'm wondering if it is "balance" or if it is more literally readjusting what I choose to feel?
Specifically, I turned pessimism into optimism rather than "balancing" to neutral. Is this desired for true balance?

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Unbound - 06-16-2011

Pessimism and optimism are only tools with which to change your polarity, they themselves are not the existence of the polarity.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-16-2011

(06-16-2011, 09:21 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: So, I'm wondering if it is "balance" or if it is more literally readjusting what I choose to feel?
Specifically, I turned pessimism into optimism rather than "balancing" to neutral. Is this desired for true balance?
I just take the emotional memory and 'zoom in' to hold it in awareness, there should be emotional energy with it if it's catalytic. At that point, I accept it by seeing its place in a broader or more aware context. The opposites thing is one way to do that. But the 'wound' or 'pain body' or whatever typically stemmed from a misunderstanding in the first place. Seeing how that misunderstanding happened is enough to 'heal' or to release it.

Also, the mind/body patterning, that we experience as emotion, tends to follow the breath. To facilitate release, take a deep breath and exhale as you hold the memory in attention and acknowledge it. You will know that this process has worked, because you will be less and less able to hold the memory (as an emotional blockage) in your attention. It will fade into the background.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-16-2011


When it fades, there if a flow of excitement or elation because of the sense of achievement. Are these also emotions that should be balanced?

42.9 Questioner: How can a person know when he is unswayed by an emotionally charged situation or if he is repressing the flow of emotions, or if he is in balance and truly unswayed?
Ra: I am Ra. We have spoken to this point. Therefore, we shall briefly iterate that to the balanced entity no situation has an emotional charge but is simply a situation like any other in which the entity may or may not observe an opportunity to be of service. The closer an entity comes to this attitude the closer an entity is to balance. You may note that it is not our recommendation that reactions to catalyst be repressed or suppressed unless such reactions would be a stumbling block not consonant with the Law of One to an other-self. It is far, far better to allow the experience to express itself in order that the entity may then make fuller use of this catalyst.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-16-2011

(06-16-2011, 09:36 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: When it fades, there if a flow of excitement or elation because of the sense of achievement. Are these also emotions that should be balanced?
There tends to be energy made available in the balancing that was previously 'locked away' or displaced in the particular emotional pattern that was recognized. Sometimes it's a lot, contrasting with the relative lack of energy felt before the work. There is a difference in just feeling that energy and being attached to it - like with the 'ego' involved - that could be undesirable. But that's just more catalyst that can be exposed and balanced with the honest approach.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - native - 06-16-2011

(06-16-2011, 09:09 PM)zenmaster Wrote: The other-self, at least unconsciously, recognizes and respects the valuable potential, or ethical integrity, being expressed by the intention of one that knows better than to just please. That is, even if they seem to be demanding coddling or appeasement. 'Love' is the expression of individuality that has formed (or 'crystalized') from the opportunities, or 'systems of distortions' provided by the Logos.

Sure..if only they would express it consciously more often! Most people do not recognize the self-serving aspects that come with expectations. Parents for example naturally want what's best for their child. The stronger a parent places expectations and ideals on the child, the more self-serving the act becomes. Morals and ethics are one thing, but many parents expect a certain life-path which doesn't embrace the individuality of the child.

Quote:If you've already 'asked the questions' that have lead to a certain degree of balance in an area, then it is less likely that you'd be asking for distorted information (unconsciously or conciously) in that area.

I was coming from the perspective that the more you understand of yourself and your surroundings in an esoteric sense, the more you become open to the subtleties of the illusory reality. I was making a link with your transpersonal mind statement.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-17-2011

(06-16-2011, 11:38 PM)Icaro Wrote:
(06-16-2011, 09:09 PM)zenmaster Wrote: The other-self, at least unconsciously, recognizes and respects the valuable potential, or ethical integrity, being expressed by the intention of one that knows better than to just please. That is, even if they seem to be demanding coddling or appeasement. 'Love' is the expression of individuality that has formed (or 'crystalized') from the opportunities, or 'systems of distortions' provided by the Logos.

Sure..if only they would express it consciously more often! Most people do not recognize the self-serving aspects that come with expectations. Parents for example naturally want what's best for their child. The stronger a parent places expectations and ideals on the child, the more self-serving the act becomes. Morals and ethics are one thing, but many parents expect a certain life-path which doesn't embrace the individuality of the child.

But as important as nurturing support for individuality is, they don't know any better (they haven't given it to themselves either) and, presumably, the preincarnative choice for the child was to experience that particular suitable constraint of their parental bias.

(06-16-2011, 11:38 PM)Icaro Wrote:
Quote:If you've already 'asked the questions' that have lead to a certain degree of balance in an area, then it is less likely that you'd be asking for distorted information (unconsciously or conciously) in that area.

I was coming from the perspective that the more you understand of yourself and your surroundings in an esoteric sense, the more you become open to the subtleties of the illusory reality. I was making a link with your transpersonal mind statement.
That's true and what I was addressing. The 'questions' are not real questions, they're unconscious expectations that lead to discovery of one's nature. Society or 'social complex' does the exact same thing, that is a collection of individuals unconsciously asking questions - drawing the inevitable from the 'void'.

One of the subtleties of the illusory reality is seeing the underpinnings of thought - that which we use to 'know' - the noumenal or principled realm vs phenomenal or functional realm. The noumenal is the next step. It may be 'higher', but it is more fundamental, it precedes or encapsulates this 'reality'. There are also different aspects of being that contribute to our understanding of 'reality', which are important to recognize in order to appreciate (or contextualize) 'truth'.

Favorite verse from Tao Te Ching:

To quicken things, but not to own;
To make, but not to claim;
To raise, but not to seize the throne:
That is eternal fame.

And one from my username-sake Hui Neng:

Have your mind like unto space and yet entertain in it no thought of emptiness. Then the truth will have its full dynamics unimpeded. Every movement of yours will come out of an innocent heart, and the ignorant and the wise will have an equal treatment in your hands.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Unbound - 06-17-2011

My issue is with the idea of a child being polarized in either manner.

You know, the body cycles ever 7 years, so perhaps with the idea of macrocosm and microcosm we can also consider that the stages of life's changes may also reflect the nature of the densities. A child is only beginning to discover it has energy, and in my opinion, should be free to explore its potentials and "discipline" should only be taught on the levels of respect for life, simple humble dignity and openness to life's experiences, ideas and with the One.

My question is, are we only serving ourselves by attempting to categorize others? The paths are a guideline for each individual to make the choice, speculation will actually alter your own polarity based on your perspective in relation to another's experience. Remember, the STS path controls through the elite and so any form of idea rejection is in fact a form of control. Never think for a moment that the expressions you use aren't directly related to your position, and this is how we see where we are on the path. Notice the STS path is particular in that it opens the path to Wisdom and Knowledge without learning communication, and so this is why when those of STS return and attempt to switch polarities they are often too caught up in "making sure things are right" that they forget that LISTENING as a method and ACCEPTANCE are the key tenets of the STO path. Teaching is best done through silence until a question is asked, and there should be no teacher authority as a proper teacher understands that they can only offer themselves and their own experiences, which may only serve as a relative perspective for the student.
Aha Strange, I had a distinct dislike of the colour blue my whole life, although no longer, and I have definitely experienced the STS path in many ways prior to this life I feel.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - native - 06-17-2011

(06-17-2011, 12:22 AM)zenmaster Wrote: But as important as nurturing support for individuality is, they don't know any better (they haven't given it to themselves either) and, presumably, the preincarnative choice for the child was to experience that particular suitable constraint of their parental bias.

Certainly. It seems to be one of the great teach/learning experiences available to us. On one hand, the parent attempts to learn and exercise acceptance while the child grows into adulthood attempting to break away and embrace the self. It seems that honesty and clarity of expression can mitigate much distress.

Quote:One of the subtleties of the illusory reality is seeing the underpinnings of thought - that which we use to 'know' - the noumenal or principled realm vs phenomenal or functional realm. The noumenal is the next step. It may be 'higher', but it is more fundamental, it precedes or encapsulates this 'reality'. There are also different aspects of being that contribute to our understanding of 'reality', which are important to recognize in order to appreciate (or contextualize) 'truth'.

It is what I'm interested in at this point. There is so much out there that it is hard to discern where to start. I have always resonated with the shamanic approach, in that one should approach things from the mystical viewpoint through the utilization of will and intention seems to be the way to go. Developing the magical personality and working with different vibrational states I suppose..but it is hard to sort through all that is available. A person can learn things themselves, but techniques are traditionally passed down. Good quotes.
(06-17-2011, 12:53 AM)Azrael Wrote: A child is only beginning to discover it has energy, and in my opinion, should be free to explore its potentials and "discipline" should only be taught on the levels of respect for life, simple humble dignity and openness to life's experiences, ideas and with the One.

I was mostly referring to the teenager and later stage, but I understand your perspective. The older one gets, it seems the discord between parent and child presents many opportunities that facilitate seeking and understanding. The seeking is also simply attributed to growing up and making sense of the world.

Quote:My question is, are we only serving ourselves by attempting to categorize others? The paths are a guideline for each individual to make the choice, speculation will actually alter your own polarity based on your perspective in relation to another's experience.

I'm not sure what you're getting at. All action can be categorized..examining and understanding it brings about self-knowledge.