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Field Ripples - AnthroHeart - 06-24-2011

Is there anyone else here who's been able to open their chakras to the point where they can feel the density of the Field? I find when I'm focused on something, and then change my thought, the Field will ripple, and I'll feel it oscillate. They say everything is vibration, though many people might not realize the period of oscillation could be as much as one to a few seconds.

Here's a video that demonstrates wonderfully how I experience the Field rippling. It's the first demonstration on the video:

The Field is very much fluid like.

RE: Field Ripples - Nyu - 06-27-2011

I wrote somewhere about once when they were all open and the room was physically heavy and the lights were swirling around me. It was crazy strange and it was so sudden and intense and then it slowly closed off and now I'm stuck being boring again not knowing how to do it

RE: Field Ripples - AnthroHeart - 06-27-2011

Yeah, I went through a period probably 6-7 months ago that the ripples/vibrations shook me to the core and I ended up closing my upper chakras so I could ground. Now I'm climbing again.

I find that letting go of emotions, a little at a time, is really great for opening up. When you can feel the Light, you can direct it more to come in and burn away old past blockages.

RE: Field Ripples - Oceania - 06-27-2011

i seem to have closed my higher chakras too.

RE: Field Ripples - unity100 - 06-27-2011

it occasionally happens.

RE: Field Ripples - native - 06-27-2011

Do you see grid patterns? I've had friends say this. I see none of it.

RE: Field Ripples - AnthroHeart - 06-27-2011

I did see geometry in the past. But lately have only seen some slight rippling effects. I feel it much more than I see it.

RE: Field Ripples - native - 06-27-2011

I've always been empathetic and able to feel emotions of others, but I'm realizing that even my own separative thoughts will cause a disharmonious resonance. It has always been that way to a certain extent, but it feels I'm being held responsible for my thoughts more than ever as described in Book 5. Imagination and contemplation is fine, but when I consciously choose to invoke negative thoughts I feel it.

RE: Field Ripples - Unbound - 06-27-2011

Oh man, I'm always feeling some kind of vibration and movement, ripples in my energy and shifts in my field. Sometimes I wonder wtf is going on aha

RE: Field Ripples - Bring4th_Austin - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 11:02 AM)Icaro Wrote: I've always been empathetic and able to feel emotions of others, but I'm realizing that even my own separative thoughts will cause a disharmonious resonance. It has always been that way to a certain extent, but it feels I'm being held responsible for my thoughts more than ever as described in Book 5. Imagination and contemplation is fine, but when I consciously choose to invoke negative thoughts I feel it.

I am curious as to what passage in book 5 you are referring to? If you recall it at all I'd love to contemplate it.

RE: Field Ripples - AnthroHeart - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 12:22 PM)Azrael Wrote: Oh man, I'm always feeling some kind of vibration and movement, ripples in my energy and shifts in my field. Sometimes I wonder wtf is going on aha

Are these ripples you feel pretty random? Or can you purposely push out and feel it ripple back?

Sometimes the ripples are pretty dense for me. Especially when I'm shifting a dense energy and then my mind thinks of something else. It's some dense inertia then.

RE: Field Ripples - Unbound - 06-27-2011

It's always associated with something going on. I feel a lot of energy when I meditate, moving through all parts of my body, I can feel blockages being worked out, energies rearranging themselves and ripples when I focus. I almost always feel some kind of ripple, if I sit still and quiet my whole body starts to ripple and pulsate with energy, like being in water.

RE: Field Ripples - native - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 12:49 PM)abridgetoofar Wrote: I am curious as to what passage in book 5 you are referring to? If you recall it at all I'd love to contemplate it.

Do you own Book 5? Because there is commentary from Jim and Carla that describes the situations behind the scenes that make sense of the advice Ra gives.

When they were considering moving to Atlanta, Don thought the hawk was a sign to stay away, but Jim and Carla took it as positive synchronicity. Jim and Carla didn't really speak up, so the lack of communication allowed the 5d entity to cause harm by way of allergic reactions in Carla's throat. This was also amplified because Carla was angry at their landlord over the money dispute. Then Jim got bit by a spider because he was angry about something and his whole body swelled.

Look at session 96..later sessions also touch on it.

RE: Field Ripples - 3DMonkey - 06-27-2011

All of that was a great example of our inability to "understand" in our density.

For me, it begs the question of who is affecting who more 3D or other Ds?

RE: Field Ripples - Unbound - 06-27-2011

I consider the densities to be like clockwork, a shift in one is a shift in the rest.

RE: Field Ripples - native - 06-27-2011

I'd say that's personal catalyst stuff more than anything. The more you learn the more you're required to apply it or you'll just receive more catalyst. The nature of their harmonization and the type of work they were doing required a great amount of harmony.

RE: Field Ripples - AnthroHeart - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 01:37 PM)Azrael Wrote: It's always associated with something going on. I feel a lot of energy when I meditate, moving through all parts of my body, I can feel blockages being worked out, energies rearranging themselves and ripples when I focus. I almost always feel some kind of ripple, if I sit still and quiet my whole body starts to ripple and pulsate with energy, like being in water.

Same for me, it's like being underwater sometimes. I feel the pressure even inside myself pushing inward. When I release and surrender, the pressure subsides. Though I can be up and active, as long as I'm tuned in I feel it sway my field. I don't really meditate anymore, at least not now. Unless you count intense focusing as meditation.

RE: Field Ripples - Unbound - 06-27-2011

Intense focusing IS meditation, since meditation is just concentration.

The biggest thing for me is breathing, when I'm breathing properly and steadily I am "in tune". When I am not breathing properly this is when I feel energetic pressure inside of me, which hurts sometimes.

RE: Field Ripples - Bring4th_Austin - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 04:42 PM)Azrael Wrote: Intense focusing IS meditation, since meditation is just concentration.

It can be a type of meditation, but I don't think the benefits of both balancing meditation (contemplating catalyst and balancing it within oneself) as well as silent meditation (stilling the mind of all activity including concentration on a particular thing) should be discounted. I consider both to be equally if not more important than intense focus.

Quote:99.5 Questioner: Finally, I have a question from Jim stating: “For the last two weeks I have often found myself on the edge of anger and frustration, have had a nearly constant dull pain in the area of my indigo-ray center, and have felt quite drained of energy. Would Ra comment on the source of these experiences and any thoughts or actions that might alleviate them?”
Ra: I am Ra. As in all distortions, the source is the limit of the viewpoint. We may, without serious infringement, suggest three courses of behavior which shall operate upon the distortion expressed.

Firstly, it would be well for the scribe to engage, if not daily then as nearly so as possible, in a solitary strenuous activity which brings this entity to the true physical weariness. Further, although any activity may suffice, an activity chosen for its intended service to the harmony of the group would be quite efficacious.

The second activity is some of your space/time and time/space taken by the entity, directly or as nearly so as possible to the strenuous activity, for solitary contemplation.

Thirdly, the enthusiastic pursuit of the balancing and silent meditations cannot be deleted from the list of helpful activities for this entity.

We may note that the great forte of the scribe is summed in the inadequate sound vibration complex, power. The flow of power, just as the flow of love or wisdom, is enabled not by the chary* conserver of its use but by the constant user. The physical manifestation of power being either constructive or destructive strenuous activity, the power-filled entity must needs exercise that manifestation. This entity experiences a distortion in the direction of an excess of stored energy. It is well to know the self and to guard and use those attributes which the self has provided for its learning and its service.

RE: Field Ripples - Unbound - 06-27-2011

Ah, that is still focus, focus on silence. Smile It still takes concentration to empty oneself. However, I definitely agree that both are preferential for maximal effect.
And this also speaks to me that I have some serious work to do, I feel like I have an immense amount of "stored" energy which does nothing but buzzes around in all sorts of pressures and pains.

RE: Field Ripples - unity100 - 06-27-2011

is everyone talking about the same kind of 'ripple' in this thread ?

RE: Field Ripples - Unbound - 06-27-2011

A ripple is a ripple, is it not? I believe we are all talking about the feeling of our energy rippling.

RE: Field Ripples - Bring4th_Austin - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 05:29 PM)Azrael Wrote: Ah, that is still focus, focus on silence. Smile It still takes concentration to empty oneself. However, I definitely agree that both are preferential for maximal effect.
And this also speaks to me that I have some serious work to do, I feel like I have an immense amount of "stored" energy which does nothing but buzzes around in all sorts of pressures and pains.

I understand what you mean by focus on silence, but the term "focus" seems to me to imply a function of the physical brain to hold concentration, consciously holding your attention on one thing. I think it would be better to view it as completely letting go of focus on anything. Let the functions of your mind stop, including the function of focus, and just exist. Thoughts may flow, and in "focus" you might try to block them, but in true silence of the mind these thoughts would be acknowledged and released.

Sure, it might take focus on something particular to get there...focus on breath, an image, or anything else, but I feel like the goal is to let go of that focus and just exist in silence without focusing on silence.

RE: Field Ripples - unity100 - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 05:39 PM)Azrael Wrote: A ripple is a ripple, is it not? I believe we are all talking about the feeling of our energy rippling.

the thread was opened to apparently examine a phenomenon like below :

Quote:Here's a video that demonstrates wonderfully how I experience the Field rippling. It's the first demonstration on the video:

The Field is very much fluid like.

RE: Field Ripples - Unbound - 06-27-2011

No, that video is just a demonstration of how they experienced the feeling of the rippling, the topic is about the feeling of your energy rippling, it's not about the phenomenon in the video itself.

RE: Field Ripples - unity100 - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 06:27 PM)Azrael Wrote: No, that video is just a demonstration of how they experienced the feeling of the rippling, the topic is about the feeling of your energy rippling, it's not about the phenomenon in the video itself.

since there is nothing in the video talking about feeling any rippling, i think you are referring to what gemini wolf tried to convey.


so isnt there anyone who is actually SEEING these ripples ?

RE: Field Ripples - Bring4th_Austin - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 07:22 PM)unity100 Wrote: so isnt there anyone who is actually SEEING these ripples ?

Nothing like that in reaction to my own thoughts...and I would describe it more like "waves of vibration." I think Gemini Wolf said they were starting to see ripples.

Do you see ripples?

RE: Field Ripples - unity100 - 06-27-2011

(06-27-2011, 07:36 PM)abridgetoofar Wrote: Do you see ripples?


RE: Field Ripples - Bring4th_Austin - 06-27-2011

Are they a reaction to your thoughts or actions?

RE: Field Ripples - AnthroHeart - 06-27-2011

When I see rippling, it's like the carpet slowly ripples. I see patterns like faces and such. Usually when I have the energy going strongly through me, and relax into it I'll see them.