Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Printable Version

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Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - zack231 - 07-07-2011

I recently made a comment on a video on youtube updating that there had been a earthquake in New Zealand and a Tsunami warning had been issued which meant the guy who made the video was correct. Anyway I then got this comment from a religious occultist saying:

Quote:"Tesla made earthquakes you f@#@$% retard. Man made earthquakes you have the mark of the beast for not having an ear. -Biblical Prophet"

I never get angry or attack people back especially after the Law of One I try to send peace and love instead of fighting here is what I said back:

Quote:"settle down mate no need to get so defensive... I know about the HAARP and other technologies that are can create earthquakes and alter weather and I did not say they were responsible for it or it was natural I simply just stated that there was a recent earthquake no need to attack me on that... Dont even know why you attacked me at all..."

His response was:
Quote:"I will not settle down and I attacked you for not having this ear... Man made earthquakes in 1899 so saith The Lord God. This is not rocket science you will burn in hell. -Biblical Prophet"

This is where I took the oportunity to try and save this poor lost other self, this is what I said:

Quote:"oh so Im going to rot in hell for not saying that the earthquakes are caused by man... Yeah that makes sense... You sadden me you sound like someone from Westboro Baptist Church who make fun of dead soldiers saying they deserved to die and God killed them, that gays are fags, nerds are fags, Americans are fags and they hate everyone and everything but themselves and they thank god for 911, the truth is there is no hell it was created by the church to keep people in line.

plus I do not hate anyone I see everyone and as everthing as equal for we are all one and we are all human, people who go out of their way use religion for hate are the reason there is so much sadness in the world. We are all human, we all One no matter what our race, colour, religion, country, or state we are all on this earth together and life is about helping out each other not hating on each other... I really do feel sorry for you... Why are you full of so much hate?"

His response was no heartfelt sympothy just:
Quote: "You are a fag. God hates you. Man made earthquakes. -Biblical Prophet"

I looked at his channel and it turns out he is some occult freak who believe nicola Tesla was the beast and the antichrist and his technology has been responsible for all bad weather and earth quakes since his death. heres what is written on his channel:

Quote:Nikola Tesla caused the 1899 Cape Yakataga and Yakutat bay earthquakes,
with The Knob Hill Apparatus from his Colorado Springs lab.
That is why he spent his last ten years and died in Room #3327.
3h03m27s on September 3, 1899.

A second divisible by 3,
times 3,
times 3,
in a minute divisible by 3,
in an hour divisible by 3,
on a day divisible by 3,
in a month divisible by 3,
times 3,
in a year divisible by 3

And for Christ's sake it was Earthquake Milne Shide No. 333

"All repeated acts or operations I performed had to be divisible by three
and if I missed I felt impelled to do it again,
even if it took hours." -Nikola Tesla (After Causing Earthquakes)

And his new comments he makes everyday say that anyone who doesnt know that earthquakes are man made and do not have the ear for God like he does. Has the mark of the beast and is going to hell... He believes he has the ear from God and this is what he was told:

Quote:"Jesus was The Antichrist Nikola Tesla and He made earthquakes... and your world... I will prove it... and take Mine. -Biblical Prophet"

That sentence does not make any sense and I do not think in my whole life I have ever seen someone so crazy.. Do you think this is the Orion Group who is telling him this.. Preying and the weak minded to impose their Philosophy

If you read all this I thank you so much, I would love your thoughts on this extremely troubled person and my response to him.

Love and Light

We are One

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Oceania - 07-07-2011

it sounds like he ain't ready for LOO. Tongue sure send love to him but i wouldn't twist my panties. youtube is full of them.

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - 3DMonkey - 07-07-2011

facebook is too, Ocean Tongue

You did fine, Zack. Just don't expect anything from an other. We can't expect.

He is working through some catalyst. Your words went somewhere into his existence. Don't expect them to hit the target you wanted to hit.

Yeah, he might have some distortions where some 4d/5d negatives vibrate. But, again, these are pre-incarnate decisions on his part.

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Crown - 07-07-2011

Looks like a 12 year old to me. Not that 12 year olds are stupid... But generally, 12 year olds on youtube are... Stupid? xD

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Monica - 07-07-2011

Been there done that! I encountered several people like that on an old forum I was on a few years ago. I was told I was Satan himself just because I believe in reincarnation!

I tried many times to reach them, but to no avail. Their heads were locked in concrete.

My advice is toss out a life preserver, but if they don't grab it, move on. There are plenty of people out there who would appreciate your love and time. Don't waste it by sending it down a black hole.

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Bring4th_Austin - 07-07-2011

I honestly think what you have there Zack, is a troll. A troll trying to include as many people in their troll-activity as possible, ranging from devout religious people who would be offended at their claims as well as strict non-religious people who would probably also be offended at their claims.

I very much appreciate your ability to meet them with love.

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Nyu - 07-07-2011

The problem there is that you are trying to engage this person as an open intelligent human being and he is not on the internet to be one of those. Situations like this are a waste of your energy, I would say just block and ignore those people. It's even harder practicing the LOO on the internet because we can't feel each others energies. It's all just words on a screen unless the words are particularly insightful to cause resonance, and at our level its very difficult to achieve that, and if you did there is no guarantee anyone who reads it will be open enough to receive the message you are trying to give. Just "be" you and as you grow I think you will see changes in your everyday life before you see them happening online. Don't let trolls get to you, they don't even know what they are doing. xo

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - zack231 - 07-08-2011

thanks everyone for your positive replies!

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Oceania - 07-08-2011

(07-07-2011, 07:19 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: facebook is too, Ocean Tongue

are your friends trolls?Tongue the only trolls i see on fb are people my friends or friends' friends are having problems with because they don't have friends only comments. and even then it's really rare. youtube on the other hand is a trollsoup, you can't expect to have civil discussions there in a pristine environment. there's lots of smart people there you can talk with but there's almost always trolls as well. you just gotta not feed them.

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - 3DMonkey - 07-08-2011

No. Not trolls Sad

(I'm still learning this term- trolls)

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Joseph326 - 07-09-2011

No need to feel sorry for someone no matter how unintelligent, confused, or 'trollish' they my seem to you. If we are all equal, and are all One, then there is nothing lacking in their existence whatsoever. Perhaps you might only need to accept them as they are and move on to things that are more of match to your own vibration?

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - zenmaster - 07-09-2011

One person's troll is another person's savior.

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - BrownEye - 07-09-2011

(07-08-2011, 06:32 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: No. Not trolls Sad

(I'm still learning this term- trolls)
I am a troll. If you want to learn more about trolls.............

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - 3DMonkey - 07-10-2011

(07-09-2011, 09:50 PM)Pickle Wrote:
(07-08-2011, 06:32 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: No. Not trolls Sad

(I'm still learning this term- trolls)
I am a troll. If you want to learn more about trolls.............
Seriously? " posts inflammatory, rude or offensive messages designed to annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion" This is your intent?

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - BrownEye - 07-10-2011

I don't think you understand the full meaning. Having come across many of your posts you fit the same definition.

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - 3DMonkey - 07-10-2011

(07-10-2011, 10:29 AM)Pickle Wrote: I don't think you understand the full meaning. Having come across many of your posts you fit the same definition.
It is the meaning that you directed me to.

I don't think you fit the definition that you directed me to. If it is your intent, you could do better.

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - BrownEye - 07-10-2011

My character does not actually fit in this forum. I did have a huge amount of fun on the old Vigilant Citizen forum though. Usually I do not get into that mode unless the forum has a lot of Poes.. If you don't know what that is you could look it up too. Tongue's_Law

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - 3DMonkey - 07-10-2011

OMG! We humans have too much time on our hands to be creating "laws" that are just plain common sense. LOL. wwwwhhhhyyyyyyy

RE: Fighting hate with love, in a personal attack - Oceania - 07-10-2011

(07-10-2011, 12:16 AM)3DMonkey Wrote:
(07-09-2011, 09:50 PM)Pickle Wrote:
(07-08-2011, 06:32 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: No. Not trolls Sad

(I'm still learning this term- trolls)
I am a troll. If you want to learn more about trolls.............
Seriously? " posts inflammatory, rude or offensive messages designed to annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion" This is your intent?

i have troll friends, they can be nice too. Tongue and i've trolled myself at times. there are shades of grey in trolling imo.

and yes Monkey is a troll as well. Tongue