Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Printable Version

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Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Unbound - 07-19-2011

"Shadow, the Internal Light"
Quote:Questioner: Now we are getting to what I was trying to determine. Then at this point were there still only nine archetypes and the veil had just been drawn between the Matrix and the Potentiator of the Mind?
Ra: I am Ra. There were nine archetypes and many shadows.
Questioner: By shadows do you mean the, what I might refer to as, birthing of small archetypical biases?
Ra: I am Ra. Rather we would describe these shadows as the inchoate thoughts of helpful structures not yet fully conceived.
Ah, this is quite amazing! Found in session 79, and exactly a good reference to my recently adapted maxim, which is the subject of the thread. I am here to reveal the illusion of shadow, a necessary part of moving in to 4D. We have the nine archetypes which originated in the pre-veil state, and then we have "shadows", which are the nine archetypes in fractal, to my imagination at least. Of course, as each part refracts in to smaller and smaller portions of light it becomes less and less like the original nine archetypes. (I am basically associating the things of the archetypes as different manners of light, since all is light/love) So, in truth these "shadows" are in fact light! These may be obvious to some people, but this has very significant implications! If matter, which to me is signified by shadow, is self-radiating, self-existing, and it exists at every single miniscule point in infinite in some fashion or another, or we can consider just the energy formulating the matter, being the astral light; THEN! That means that in fact "matter" is in no way particulate, it is just an illusion of light spirals. Since light is both a wave and a particle, you could maybe image the wave being more like a coordinate and the particle being the point of manifestation. Truly, matter as we know it does not exist in a "concrete" manner. Of course we perceive it to be so, and interact with it in that manner, but let your mind relax from those ideas, perhaps even see if changing your mind might change your reality. Turning dark thoughts in to light ones might just be the key to illuminating, radiating and irradiating our world in the external mass projection. Imagine that suddenly we realize that the illusion of light is in time with our heart, it flows from our love, a point in the heart which opens unto the vast infinite.

I leave you to ponder this, blessings everyone, I am forever your Guardian and ferryman, love and light from Creator to Creator, adonai.

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Conifer16 - 07-19-2011

Quote:love and light from Creator to Creator, adonai.

Darn I should have thought about that one first. Lol

But seriously that is interesting and if I am understanding what you are saying right then the thread -Consciosness Unmoving- would help make this easier to understand. So am I right in saying that this post is related to the other thread because if not then I will have to read this much more carefully.
Adonai Vasu Borragus
I will have to think up a more creative end remark for my posts lol.

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Unbound - 07-19-2011

Certainly! Imagine that no longer you were in darkness, in your inner self, and you cast your own light, so no longer would there be a certain degree of "Darkness" within your outer projected perception. This is what it means to crystallize and radiate. When you awaken your indigo ray, your perception WILL change, and you will see how much the light truly dances, ad infinitum.

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Nyu - 07-21-2011

Azrael, it is joyful watching your soul burst to life in this way.. I can almost literally see the lightbulb from here

just sayin'

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - 3DMonkey - 07-21-2011

I enjoy it as well Smile

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Unbound - 07-21-2011

Aha I can't help it, nothing excites me more than spiritual evolution!

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Nyu - 07-21-2011

Its good, creates a positive effect for me and I'm sure for many who read your posts. It's like validation for my own seeking when I see others growing so fast.
P.s. when I see stuff like this its like "yes we can get there!" - I wonder what the higher beings are thinking about so many of us finally having hope and desire to graduate.. they probably think "finally!! It only took 75,000 years!" Haha

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - 3DMonkey - 07-21-2011

The Higher beings knew all along, didn't they? Smile

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Void_Marker - 08-01-2011

After reading this thread a song came to mind that resonated deeply with me with this thread
This Little Light Of Mine - Memphis Slim & Willie Dixon
so i spent the past 11 minuets listening to the song and typing its lyrics into a text file just for you!

Lyrics to This Little Light Of Mine - Memphis Slim & Willie Dixon:
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
Every day!
Every day, Every day, Every day!
Gonne let my little light shine
On Monday he gave me the gift of Love
On Tuesday he came from Above
Wednesday, he told me to have a little more faith
Thursday, gave me the gift of Grace
Friday, told me to watch and prey
Saturday, told me just not to say
Sunday, gave me power Divine
Just let my little light Shine!
Here we go!
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
Oh! This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
Every day – Every day – Every day – Every day!
Gunna let my little light shine!
Now, some say, you gotta run and hide
Some Say there’s no place to hide
Some say this is not the time
We say this is just the time
Yes, some say the times not right
We say there's no, I’m just right
There's a dark corner in our land
You gotta let your little light shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
Every day – Every day – Every day – Every day!
Gunna let my little light shine!
Oh yes, we really got this now!
On Monday he gave me the gift of Love
On Tuesday he came from Above
Wednesday, he told me to have a little more faith
Thursday, gave me the gift of Grace
Friday, told me to watch and prey
Saturday, told me just not to say
Sunday, gave me power Divine
Just let my little light shine!
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
Every day – Every day – Every day – Every day!
Gunna let my little light shine!
Now some say, you gotta run and hide
We say, there's no place to hide
Some say, let the boss decide
We say, let the people decide
Some says the times not right
We say, the time's Just Right!
If there's a dark corner in our land
You gotta let your little light shine!
One more time!
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine
Every day – Every day – Every day – Every day!
Gunna let my little light shine!

RE: Umbra, Penitus Lux Lucis - Unbound - 08-01-2011

Ah, I know that song! Good choice, well describes what I am trying to get at!