does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Printable Version

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does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Plenum - 02-28-2012

with all the talk around a SUDDEN/GRADUAL Harvest, does it actually feel like your last year on Planet Earth?

if so, are you making the most of it?

- -

personally, my balancing work has taken off apace, and I am working more intensely with the archetypes/energy centres than ever before.

I seem to be learning something NEW about the Self almost every day, one that subtly shifts the perspective to a more inclusive and wider circle.

if this was an Opportunity as a Wanderer to increase Polarization, I'd like to think that I'm making the most of it.

it's been a great couple of Months so far. I can't wait for the Rest of It.


RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - zenmaster - 02-28-2012


RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - godwide_void - 02-28-2012

It certainly does, and this feeling began sometime early last year when I had this sudden realization (Harvest wasn't on my mind) that I was not going to be here much longer. At the present moment it feels like I'm in my last cycle of certain clusters of experience designed to rid myself of particular distortions I've picked up in my time here, to complete the manifestation of what I envision, and to implement everything I've learned to its fullest potential. Why do you think I've been releasing a new album monthly since early last year? I am operating on a deadline.

As you, I also feel I am coming to a much more comprehensive understanding of myself and how I may better relate and connect to otherselves, and better fortifying the relationship between my mind, body, spirit, and the all-encompassing divine presence in life. I do not feel fear or sorrow at the fact that I may no longer be with those souls I've grown close to and come to deeply love in this life, for I know that we will remain bound eternally in forms beyond this one, our true forms, in those higher spheres where suffering and pain is unknown. I look forward to and greatly seek towards the opportunity to experience an existence founded upon harmony that knows no boundaries and love that knows no end. I wish to be able to see more clearly the essence of God behind every eye, within every heart and inside every mind.

It has certainly been an enjoyable and truly epic learning experience, to go through all the dramas and laughs, and even the most painful and mentally/emotionally unbearable times are cherished for they too had their place. It was very peculiar and intriguing to have waded through life in this present form. It was certainly fun while it lasted... various and interestings things were done, and I look forward to this final stretch and accept every single purging/cleansing catalyst which arises. It feels as though the last chapter is being written, and it is now moreso a matter of biding ones time methinks. I only hope to have purified myself and better dispersed love to those around me to a high degree by the time 'death' or what have you comes.

I am very excited to see what the rest of this year will bring! Smile

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Diana - 02-28-2012

(02-28-2012, 10:28 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Cramming?

Ha! My first laugh of the day. Thanks.

I do think there is a heightened field of energy right now that may be facilitating our changes. Unresolved issues seem to be coming up for people at an unprecedented pace, and for those consciously evolving, results seem to be manifesting more quickly. Smile

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - norral - 02-28-2012


check out the link i posted to jelila star on the non L/L Research channeled sources thread. basically she is saying exactly what u just said


RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Bring4th_Austin - 02-28-2012

To me, the lesson would be to live every moment the same, whether some inevitable clock were counting down or not. Finding the NOW seems to be a central lesson within my incarnation.

As far as experiencing increased catalyst in order to meet some deadline, I would say I have experienced the opposite. 2009-2010 were some of the most intense catalyst of my life, but as 2011 progressed I have found myself more and more within a situation where I am able to pick and choose my own catalyst at a pace that I am comfortable with. I'm definitely not trying to rush anything...I can very easily feel tired of this incarnation and quite like stillness at times.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Ruth - 02-28-2012

yes, but no

I've always had the feeling that I wouldn't be here long. But I've been here for awhile so I'm used to feeling this way and tend to think the same as abridgetoofar - live in the NOW! make every moment count, no matter how long you're here.

I'm finding a bit of both as far as catalysts - some surprises, but overall I'm able to pick and choose at this point, and I'm often selecting stillness!

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Diana - 02-28-2012

(02-28-2012, 01:47 PM)norral Wrote: diane

check out the link i posted to jelila star on the non L/L Research channeled sources thread. basically she is saying exactly what u just said


Thanks Norral, I will. Smile

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Parsons - 02-28-2012

I feel much the same as Ruth in that I have always felt like I wouldnt be here that long. I thought for some weird reason that I would make it to 27 like all the random famous people dying at that age. I didn't know why I thought that since I've always refused to take any of the drugs they OD'd on, so I always thought it was amusing to come up with exotic deaths, like death by cocunut falling off a tree or death by micrometeorite.

When I finally found the LOO, I realized I would be 27 in 2012... So yeah, now that feeling actually makes a bit of sense. As I have said previously, though, I certainly wouldn't mind staying if the world does continue on in a more harmoneuos fashion and/or I can actually make a real positive impact on people's lives.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Ankh - 02-28-2012

Go with Austin on this one - finding the NOW is what important, whether some inevitable clock is counting down this year or not. And as in his case, 2009-2010 was very intense in catalysts.

Personally I wouldn't mind to stay as long as it is possible. Who knows - maybe I will be able to help someone? Do something good? I don't have the rush to get out of here anymore, as I used to. I want to stay and help when I can.

But I've had a feeling for a long time, that this will be my last incarnation. Now, with all this reading about graduating - I am not so sure anymore! Tongue

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

Last year on Earth? Doubtful, last incarnation? If so, I intend to make it a long one.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - BlatzAdict - 02-28-2012

I'm more focused on what I'm going to do with myself if I don't shift with the planet on 2012. i'm a sudden believer.

What am i going to do with the rest of my life if I can't go join the confederation and get back to "work" as they say.

I was from the confederation and maybe i was a pilot, i guess there's no need for pilots now? i have no idea what i did lol only fractured mental images of a past too old to consciously remember in this limited body. argh!

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

We are not here to seek the past or the future, but to discover the infininance within time as an illusion, no?

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - TheFifty9Sound - 02-28-2012

I intend to live forever. So far, so good.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Ruth - 02-28-2012

(02-28-2012, 06:03 PM)Azrael Wrote: We are not here to seek the past or the future, but to discover the infininance within time as an illusion, no?


RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - 3DMonkey - 02-28-2012

It feels like today is the first day of the rest of my life BigSmile

Seriously, we are making making moves into completely new territories as a family this year. So, quite literally, it feels like a new beginning.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Monica - 02-28-2012


RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Oceania - 02-29-2012

feels like the last year of old life.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Gribbons - 03-03-2012

I'm 23, and I've have friends who have said earlier in life they felt they we're going to die young. I don't feel I'm going to die young, and yet, I see bad stuff happening where I could possibly die, but, if it does, I know this isn't the end, that I'm never going to eternally perish. And I know I've lived my life to the best of the extent I could, knowing what I do...

Should I die this year? Fine. Should we live on? Good. But I hope it's in a better state than we are in now. I mean, I like my laptop, but I'd rather sail through the air in the sunset with my arms wide open. To me, having to limit myself in what I want to discuss because I fear whatever I say online could potentially be tracked and used against me is kinda lame. And sad. But, we are living here, and fascism will grow in the corporate sponsorship of nations. May this be the last year we have to deal with such ignorance and disrespect for life.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Oceania - 03-03-2012

it'll be ok Gribbons Heart

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Shin'Ar - 03-05-2012

Don't know if it's the last one or not, but it feels like the 750 thousandth.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Ankh - 03-06-2012

(03-05-2012, 08:11 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Don't know if it's the last one or not, but it feels like the 750 thousandth.

lol!! BigSmile

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - AnthroHeart - 03-06-2012

I'm chillin' enjoying my life.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - zack231 - 03-08-2012

(02-28-2012, 08:34 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: It feels like today is the first day of the rest of my life BigSmile

Seriously, we are making making moves into completely new territories as a family this year. So, quite literally, it feels like a new beginning.

Agreed! Just look at this Kony thing! Never before have I ever seen something this large and wide spread, the internet is a wonderful tool and will definetly be part of bringing about a better world!

If you do not know what I am talking about, which I think is highly impossible because it is everywhere. Then watch this video:

Only been up for 48 hours and it has over 25 million views. Amazing. The consciousness is changing

It is amazing everyone is talking about this film even my friends and family and that is extremelly rare.. We are definetly entering a new stage of humanity

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Shin'Ar - 03-08-2012

If this does not explain to you the darkness that exists, and the difference between it and light, than there is nothing in this incarnation that will sway you.

It is the choice to walk toward the Light that defines us, and separates us from those who walk in darkness.

There is direction and there is darkness. Do NOT walk in that direction, and do NOT manipulate the teaching of Ra to suppose that STS is anything different than the path of people like Kony.

It is people like this young man who risks his own life to help others, for no other reason than compassion and love for others, who represent what Ra tried to teach you about STO.

And all you have heard is that STS is a valid path.

How does that define you?

Thank you for this Zack.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Shin'Ar - 03-08-2012

Our local radio talk show has just done an hour on the KONY video and case.

If we have reacted to it here in my isolated part of the world I expect grand things to come of this.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Ruth - 03-08-2012

Good share Zack231!

I need to go write some letters!

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Plenum - 03-08-2012

(03-08-2012, 09:46 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Our local radio talk show has just done an hour on the KONY video and case.

If we have reacted to it here in my isolated part of the world I expect grand things to come of this.

I like that you are letting a bit more of your 'personality' through in this thread Shin'Ar. Feels like we can communicate one-to-one when that happens.


RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Shin'Ar - 03-08-2012

(03-08-2012, 12:19 PM)plenum Wrote:
(03-08-2012, 09:46 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Our local radio talk show has just done an hour on the KONY video and case.

If we have reacted to it here in my isolated part of the world I expect grand things to come of this.

I like that you are letting a bit more of your 'personality' through in this thread Shin'Ar. Feels like we can communicate one-to-one when that happens.


I think it's pretty easy to tell when it's me that's doing the writing Plenum.

RE: does it FEEL like your last year on Planet Earth? - Daydreamin - 03-08-2012

(02-28-2012, 04:24 PM)Azrael Wrote: Last year on Earth? Doubtful, last incarnation? If so, I intend to make it a long one.

Hard to know for sure but I've felt before this feeling of it possibly being my last incarnation on Earth. And a part of me is happy and part of me seems to be sad for some strange reason?

Maybe this incarnation I get to graduate and go home!