Patrick's story... - Printable Version

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Patrick's story... - Patrick - 06-28-2012

Hello sisters and brothers.

This thread shall be the story of this Self. This version of you that is currently called Patrick. Smile

In this first post is the book that started it all for me back in early 2011.

The Grand Design (2010) by Stephen Hawking Ph.D, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA.

It's quite readable even for a layman.

Quote:When and how did the universe begin? Why are we here? What is the nature of reality? Is the apparent “grand design” of our universe evidence of a benevolent creator who set things in motion—or does science offer another explanation? In this startling and lavishly illustrated book, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow present the most recent scientific thinking about these and other abiding mysteries of the universe, in nontechnical language marked by brilliance and simplicity.

According to quantum theory, the cosmos does not have just a single existence or history. The authors explain that we ourselves are the product of quantum fluctuations in the early universe, and show how quantum theory predicts the “multiverse”—the idea that ours is just one of many universes that appeared spontaneously out of nothing, each with different laws of nature. They conclude with a riveting assessment of M-theory, an explanation of the laws governing our universe that is currently the only viable candidate for a “theory of everything”: the unified theory that Einstein was looking for, which, if confirmed, would represent the ultimate triumph of human reason.

In his book our eminent other self is trying to show us that God is not needed to explain the multiverse or our existence. What is demonstrated is that Infinity alone is needed for this, which of course seems evident for readers of LOO. It should be understood then that the image of God that the author has is the thunderous immortal old man sitting atop his mountain. Smile For most of us here God is indeed Infinity itself.

Having been raised in the Catholic faith, I had the old man God image too at first. But growing up, I only kept the God is Love portion of this teaching. Weighting everything I read in the Bible by this idea that God is Love and keeping only the parts of the teachings that fit this idea.

I am (or was) a very scientific person and this book was the perfect diving platform for me. Instead of convincing me that a Creator was not needed to explain everything, it opened my eyes to the fact that the Infinity itself had to be the Creator whether this Infinite Creator was conscious of the creation or not.

------- part 2

Then I started reading about an experiment currently being conducted within hospitals in England where they put messages on top of high shelves and other places in operating rooms one cannot normally reach to read. They want to know if those coming back from Near-Death Experiences, during surgery, will be able to give information about those messages. This would provide evidence that consciousness can exist outside of the body. As far as I know, no results have been published yet.

This experiment gave me the desire to know more about NDEs and so I started reading lots of them and was fascinated. While reading those accounts, I started seeing a pattern that was not really part of the stories related. It was a pattern of my own beliefs scientific and spiritual, up to that point, starting to suddenly coagulate together and make sense.

This marks the turning point in space/time where I quickly started awakening to spirituality. I was not reading on these subjects out of simple interest anymore. I was reading to gather information. My Faith that physicality is not the only reality was now solidifying itself and there was no doubt left in myself about it.

I found myself looking into conspiracies and I am still a member on multiple conspiracy related forums. Then on ATS, I started reading the Hidden_Hand material. In my opinion this material bridges the gap in between conspiracies and the spiritual nature of our reality. Since, the material refers to the Ra material, I then started reading the Law of One.

For me, as is for many, reading the Law of One was like remembering instead of learning. It tied everything together and forever changed the little Self living out this current incarnation as Patrick.

RE: Patrick's story... - Plenum - 06-28-2012

thanks for sharing Pat. Maybe I could ask you 5 questions to tease a bit more from you about your past.

1) you said you worked in IT? how long did you do that, and did you enjoy it? (I tried my hand at some COBOL and DB2, but it didn't stick).

2) how exactly did you find the Ra material?

3) what is your favourite computer game of all time?

4) you list your residence as Canada, do you find American English still trips you up with spelling (like it does for me as an Aussie Smile)

5) have you had any ufo encounters?

RE: Patrick's story... - Shin'Ar - 06-28-2012

(06-28-2012, 09:56 AM)Patrick Wrote: Hello sisters and brothers.

This thread shall be the story of this Self. This version of you that is currently called Patrick. Smile

In this first post is the book that started it all for me back in early 2011.

The Grand Design (2010) by Stephen Hawking Ph.D, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA.

It's quite readable even for a layman.

Quote:When and how did the universe begin? Why are we here? What is the nature of reality? Is the apparent “grand design” of our universe evidence of a benevolent creator who set things in motion—or does science offer another explanation? In this startling and lavishly illustrated book, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow present the most recent scientific thinking about these and other abiding mysteries of the universe, in nontechnical language marked by brilliance and simplicity.

According to quantum theory, the cosmos does not have just a single existence or history. The authors explain that we ourselves are the product of quantum fluctuations in the early universe, and show how quantum theory predicts the “multiverse”—the idea that ours is just one of many universes that appeared spontaneously out of nothing, each with different laws of nature. They conclude with a riveting assessment of M-theory, an explanation of the laws governing our universe that is currently the only viable candidate for a “theory of everything”: the unified theory that Einstein was looking for, which, if confirmed, would represent the ultimate triumph of human reason.

In his book our eminent other self is trying to show us that God is not needed to explain the multiverse or our existence. What is demonstrated is that Infinity alone is needed for this, which of course seems evident for readers of LOO. It should be understood then that the image of God that the author has is the thunderous immortal old man sitting atop his mountain. Smile For most of us here God is indeed Infinity itself.

Having been raised in the Catholic faith, I had the old man God image too at first. But growing up, I only kept the God is Love portion of this teaching. Weighting everything I read in the Bible by this idea that God is Love and keeping only the parts of the teachings that fit this idea.

I am (or was) a very scientific person and this book was the perfect diving platform for me. Instead of convincing me that a Creator was not needed to explain everything, it opened my eyes to the fact that the Infinity itself had to be the Creator whether this Infinite Creator was conscious of the creation or not.

That's it for the first part. Smile

I think when one starts trying to define the Creator, and single it out in a point in time or as a single entity where none other existed, one will always be speaking in theory.

It doesn't matter whether that one is a physicist or a philosopher. Theory is still speculation, and all one can ever do with Mystery is speculate on it.

I think this is where many of the more recent scientists that now entertain such speculation differ from their counterparts who will not even go there at all.

RE: Patrick's story... - Charles - 06-28-2012

Patrick, I love and respect you, and I enjoy your mind.

But while That ONE is eternal and infinite, those words "define" nothing. I don't think the human brain can begin to wrap itself around "infinity" (or eternity). In my youth "infinity" meant infinite space. But infinity itself is infinite.

Infinite wisdom, infinite love, infinite anger, infinite life, infinite experience (which includes the experience of being finite), infinite patience, infinite understanding, infinite infinity.

I think that any definition is confining, and That ONE should not (cannot) be confined. That ONE is every blade of grass, but while I appreciate the grass, I don't worship it.

I also think that what is true, is true, and therefore science and spirit agree with each other. I don't have a science brain, I'm glad you do.

RE: Patrick's story... - Patrick - 06-28-2012

(06-28-2012, 02:20 PM)plenum Wrote: thanks for sharing Pat. Maybe I could ask you 5 questions to tease a bit more from you about your past.

1) you said you worked in IT? how long did you do that, and did you enjoy it? (I tried my hand at some COBOL and DB2, but it didn't stick).

I have been programming computers since the age of 8 (30 years ago already). I enjoy it yes, but I did not enjoy COBOL or DB2 either. Smile I prefer more hardcore programming languages. It was more than enjoyment actually, I was living for computer programming. That is practically all I ever used my time for. For me this was an outlet for creating, just like any artists would feel about their art. For the past 10 years though that passion has lessened a great deal.

(06-28-2012, 02:20 PM)plenum Wrote: 2) how exactly did you find the Ra material?

After reading the grand design I started reading on the science of the near-death experience and somehow this led me to conspiratorial theories and than to the Hidden Hand material which was how I found out about the Law of One. I started reading TLoO in may 2011 and of course this material completed the first phase of my awakening.

(06-28-2012, 02:20 PM)plenum Wrote: 3) what is your favourite computer game of all time?

That would be Ultima 7. " of the best isometric RPGs ever created." Smile

(06-28-2012, 02:20 PM)plenum Wrote: 4) you list your residence as Canada, do you find American English still trips you up with spelling (like it does for me as an Aussie Smile)

I'm a French Canadian and my spelling is better in English than it is in French. So you can imagine how awful it is in French. Anyway, this only to say that I do not really notice spelling at all. Either mine are other selves' spelling. Smile

(06-28-2012, 02:20 PM)plenum Wrote: 5) have you had any ufo encounters?

Not consciously no. In fact, other than the energy I can feel, I have never ever had any paranormal experience that could prove to me that any of what I now believe is in fact even possible. That is probably a pre-incarnational choice to make sure I would only do any of this out of pure faith alone. Smile

Charles and Shin'Ar,

My friends, I do not know where a definition of Infinity or the Creator was made in this thread ? I must be missing something. Smile

RE: Patrick's story... - Unbound - 06-28-2012

One day us Canadians shall have to visit. Smile

RE: Patrick's story... - Charles - 06-29-2012

"God is indeed Infinity itself." I misunderstood, now that I read it all again, I see that you were not defining. You were Loving and Admiring.

RE: Patrick's story... - Shin'Ar - 06-29-2012

In my case patrick I was sort of elaborating on your words here, "Instead of convincing me that a Creator was not needed to explain everything, it opened my eyes to the fact that the Infinity itself had to be the Creator whether this Infinite Creator was conscious of the creation or not."

Sorry for the confusion.

I note that the Ra complex uses Infinite Intelligence and Infinite energy to refer to the Creator. I have no problem with such nomenclature but I just wanted to point out that the Mystery and everything pertaining to it will always be speculation.

Did not expect response.

RE: Patrick's story... - Ankh - 06-29-2012

Glad to have you here, brother!

And welcome onboard, although you've been here for a while now. BigSmile

RE: Patrick's story... - Patrick - 06-29-2012

Charles and Shin'Ar,

Thank you for the explanations. It should also be noted that what I wrote is what I was thinking at the time, over a year ago. So much as changed since then.

I will be updating the first post with the other parts of my story one by one. Smile

RE: Patrick's story... - Unbound - 06-29-2012

Mystery is a doorway, it is easy to see what is around Mystery, you just have to not identify the doorway with the experience beyond the doorway.

RE: Patrick's story... - Patrick - 10-29-2012

I updated the first post with part 2:

RE: Patrick's story... - Ruth - 10-29-2012

Thanks for adding part 2 or I might have completely missed part 1. Nice to know a bit more about you, Patrick. Thank you for sharing with us.

I'll look forward now to part 3!

Also, some of my early reading included some of the NDE stuff, particularly Raymond Moody and Kubler-Ross. Among other things. The link you posted to NDE site is wonderful!

Thanks again!

RE: Patrick's story... - Charles - 10-29-2012

My NDE (I was 25, I'm in my 60's now), is remembered mainly as the greatest joy of my lifetime. Bliss is the best word I have for it. It was an absolute safety and an absolute calm, and an absolute certainty of understanding both macrocosm and microcosm. Also a complete (within and without), celebration of the joy of love and truth.

When I first died, I remember seeing my father (who had died when I was 14), and his mother (I had never met this grandmother). They were standing shoulder to shoulder, smiling, and facing me. They were carrying a long healthy loaf of challah between them. The loaf was long enough to cover the one's right waist, and the other's left waist, and they were holding it out, and offering this challah to me.

I don't recall what I thought of this at the time, other than the feel of simple bliss, but I think now that they were offering me life. That it was not yet my time to leave this planet.

The other clear recall I have, was of being in a sort of "school." We (there were many of us) were seated in a round amphitheater. We were all wearing very dark robes (blue or black I can't say), and we all had the hood of these robes over our heads. In this manner, I could not see another's face, and they could not see mine. We were all comfortable strangers with each other, and I think now that we were all of us experiencing our NDE.

The circular floor, if human actors were to appear, was below us. But the action, the teaching, was from a sphere, floating above that floor, just at the perfect eye level. This sphere was in a constant rotating movement, both fast and slow. The design on the sphere (hard line math, and soft flow learning) and the many colors of this sphere were constantly changing.

It was a fascinating learning of All space-time and time-space truth. And it was so simple, so very easy to grasp and to understand. It was delightful.

I've no idea of what all my companions sitting in the audience with me recall, but my recollection remains the bliss of wisdom. I feel sure that I still have all of it within me, deep within me, but most of this learning is not conscious. However, I keep surprising myself.

I have the sort of face (even when I was younger), that people seem to trust and talk to. Just yesterday this happened again, and as usual I've no idea (though maybe I do), where my words come from. But knowing somehow, how to draw the correct analogies for each individual, how to teach with gentle joy, and how to suggest a preference towards wisdom behavior . . . I've no idea what I'm going to say before I say it . . . And I'll probably never see yesterday's young woman again . . . but somehow I know that that no meeting of strangers is "accident."

And for me, the car "accident" which lead to all this learning, has changed my life in more tangible ways too. Because of my NDE, and all those months in the hospital in and out of coma, there are some things I'm sure about.

I'm positive that That One is real, I know that this life is our school, I'm certain that Reality Is, and that this "reality" has its good purpose. I know that there are no accidents, and no "time," but that if there was time, that I am very old. What I really look like, and what dimension I'm from, is accepted in my heart, but I cannot say with the same certainty.

And atleast now I feel that I have some understanding of the major lesson I am here to learn, and of what good I may do meanwhile.

I was a hippie artist (and I made a living), but as soon as I learned to walk (wheelchair "for life" lasted 2 1/2 years) I became a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and a Hypnotherapist. I credit this change of course directly to the "accident" and to my NDE. I'm mainly retired, but not completely.

And that's my story/contribution, to this thread.

RE: Patrick's story... - Spaced - 10-29-2012

I had never read the Hidden Hand stuff before. Very interesting reading, thank you Patrick.

RE: Patrick's story... - Shin'Ar - 10-30-2012

(10-29-2012, 09:20 PM)Spaced Wrote: I had never read the Hidden Hand stuff before. Very interesting reading, thank you Patrick.

It is wise to ensure that one never bases their understanding on one source of information. In lieu of comparison, such sole and isolated information, regardless of its source, cannot be trusted except by faith.

Whether Hawkins, Ra, or any other source, to adopt a stand based on that source alone leads only to fundamentalism and extremism.

Have an open mind and gather your nutrition from various sources so that you have a balanced diet of information to utilize.

RE: Patrick's story... - Lycen - 11-02-2012

Thank you for sharing Patrick! .)

I have missed this too, but I see now hehe

ATS (Above Top Secret "forum") Hidden Hand and various conspiracy sites..
It tickles how similar your story Patrick is to other one-s, including me Lycen BigSmile

Side story:
On the way home today, I started evading the incoming wet slippery ice patches on the ground. Trying to get footing on more solid ground with graceful moves/jumps but keeping the same path. (I do that) During it at some point I noticed I was imagining my self a fighter plane that's flying around a canyon.. I know not that this has happened before. I could feel myself in another place being this craft and flying and yet knowing I was walking the same time. Being aware of my surroundings but being somewhere els also.
I recognized the feeling, I was on the doorstep of bliss. I could feel it being near to reach, but I had to give this reality priority as I was about to cross a road. (cars) So I ended the experience and "pocketed" it, till now Tongue
The wind rushing was what led me to imagine the fighter plane, I understood it. And the patterns on the ground formed the canyon.
Maybe this is childish but it is something I wanted to share .)

Love and light Heart