How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Printable Version

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How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - LsavedSmeD - 07-29-2012

Quote:13.5 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of the first known thing in the creation?

Ra: I am Ra. The first known thing in the creation is infinity. The infinity is creation.

13.6 Questioner: From this infinity then must come what we experience as creation. What was the next step or the next evolvement?

Ra: I am Ra. Infinity became aware. This was the next step.

Okay, my interpretation is that infinity, containing ALL possibilities, must be aware as this is one of one the infinite possibilities. So its not that infinity became aware and so on but instead infinity being infinity already had awareness.

From a 'time line' perspective it would go awareness and then focusing into the One Infinite Creator. Meaning that this awareness in infinity and the One Infinite Creator have always really existed in a simultaneous manner right?

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - SeekOne - 07-29-2012

This is stimulating which gives rise to me granting appreciation unto you for initiating this thread and for reminding me of that which I have previously read.

On one level, I feel an over complification of that which by nature is simple.

On another, I believe you are accurate in your closing statement of that All That Is (OIC) is simply that, All That Is (OIC).

Touching upon that which may not be touched upon is always a worthwhile paradox IMO. Smile Smile Smile

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - unir 1 - 07-29-2012

Imagine this (if you will):
The One (comprised of the souls that returned to the Source from the previous octave [and the souls that held steady the infinite one even before those souls returned]) created this Universe full of atoms, stars, cosmic phenomena, etc. How so? I feel this should be explained before explaining the awareness. The souls (pay attention) which had returned are now again leaving the One, not in essence but in "journey/physicality". The One is Thought, The Thought is Infinite and it is expressed as the physical which you see as the Universe, and also as all other realms of existence; 4th density, 5th density and so on. Recall that souls are now, once again, entering the "new" expression, the journey. Now, where does a soul which has, in some manner, "departed from" the One go to? Does it simply float in space?Huh What are it's properties, you might ask. I would say that as the soul leaves, and chooses (literally imagines it, thus choosing) the experiential Universe, it also chooses how the expression is. In one way, the soul is the Logos, sub-Logos and so on... I would imagine here one might ask, "so does one soul do this (create the world)? Is it capable of creating an entire Universe for itself and all other incoming souls? Why should that be? How should that be?" Mind you, that the soul is the Creator, This Creator is all other souls... we all have a part in least those that have joined the life in Creation (that would be many, infinite number of souls). So as this theory goes, the soul creates and creates..."galaxy", "sun"..."planet"... however these newly formed beings will be perceived and called doesn't matter, I am using this functioning Universe/expression as the current example. The soul is not floating in space, in one way, and yet it is everywhere in the expression, now. It is in the Sun perhaps, and even on the forming planets, which should be, at this point of creation, chaotically bursting/forming. All these things are formed, or actually have been formed: elements, gases, gravity; The laws of the Universe were made. What is intended to be the foundation for all following densities are laid out perfectly even in the beginning-maelstrom. It is simply a matter of having intelligent energy and intelligent infinity [with]in the constructs (matter) to be able to, shall I say, move or make move so that the next densities will be able to experience their beingness in such and such a way.
Anyways, the chaos forms an awareness and then a planet. Or perhaps it is the chaos upon a planet that starts to become aware...I'm not sure which comes first ( could the chaos be in the space; i.e. elementals colliding, combusting and/or gathering a central point and such?) Perhaps somewhere there is planet whose people have barium in their bloodstream and barium as the planets core...I'm guessing this would have to do with physics and the laws of the Universe... Moving on - The chaos gradually stops...I suppose this is where the whole "Awareness" part fits in. In other words, that the chaos stops is not coincidence, or a matter of some element running out and ending the whole process, but maybe it's because it has achieved a level of awareness. How??'s that intelligent, I guess. Its placement in the Universe, Galaxy, solar system all has to do with it's development, as well as the plan for it's creation. That is my take on it. I would only advise that you don't believe this to be true so easily, think about it however you will. That's what I wrote it for.

I hope this answers your question, otherwise I hope it will be answered or that you will be relieved/helped in some way.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Siren - 07-29-2012

(07-29-2012, 07:00 PM)LsavedSmeD Wrote: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware.

Session 13 is one of the most interesting sessions in the entire Ra Material. This is the first time Ra discuses cosmology in-depth. Being the first time (and being one of the earlier sessions of the contact) I believe certain terminologies had not exactly been established/agreed upon for the laying of a proper contextual foundation. Thus you will see various terms and concepts that may at times appear to overlap and/or contradict each other. This is "regularized," shall we say, in later sessions, as Ra's terms become more consistent throughout the continuation of the contact. So Session 13 can be best understood in light of later sessions.

Ra says,
Quote:Infinity became aware.

This is a very intriguing quote. Ra almost seems to hint there was an "un-aware" Infinity prior to Infinity becoming aware. Whether this Infinity here is different than Intelligent Infinity I do not know. All I know is that I see no difference between awareness and consciousness and intelligence. These terms are inseparable to me. Therefore if there is an Infinity that at one point or another was "un-aware," "un-conscious" and "un-intelligent," it is indeed a mystery...

On the following question Ra states,
Quote:Awareness led to the focus of infinity into infinite energy. You have called this by various vibrational sound complexes, the most common to your ears being “Logos” or “Love.”

It is my understanding that here, "infinite energy," is equatable with what Ra would later refer to intelligent energy.

Ra continues,
Quote:The Creator is the focusing of infinity as an aware or conscious principle called by us as closely as we can create understanding/learning in your language, intelligent infinity

Now Ra calls the focusing of infinity, "intelligent infinity," which seems to slightly overlap with the previous quote, in which Ra calls this focus of infinity, "infinite energy."

Ra has later said,
Quote:To define intelligent apart from infinity is difficult, for these two vibration complexes equal one concept.

And then,
Quote:There is unity. This unity is all that there is. This unity has a potential and kinetic. The potential is intelligent infinity. Tapping this potential will yield work. This work has been called by us, intelligent energy.

And they also said,
Quote:In this way you may observe the term to be somewhat two-sided, one use of the term, that being as the undistorted unity, being without any kinetic or potential side.

So unity is all there is: intelligent infinity and intelligent energy (potential and kinetic, respectively). And yet now we have the concept of undistorted unity, being without any kinetic or potential.

I suppose you may see Infinity as "preceding" Intelligent Infinity, or you may see them as the same; likewise, you may also interpret Intelligent Infinity as being intelligent energy. The truth is, that it doesn't really matter in 3rd density. My suggestion is that you meditate upon it if you seek further insight.

I shall, nevertheless, attempt to offer you my understanding: Intelligent Infinity is based on free-will and potential of experience; and the individualized focus, or Thought (Intelligent Energy, Logos) of this Infinity, is then responsible for the utilization/tapping of that potential for the generation of a particular medium, system or vehicle of experience (the Creation). This is a simplistic way to put it.

Everything else is a mystery.

Bear in mind that in channelings such as these the instrument is serving as a translator, therefore Ra was not actually speaking English: Ra's thoughts/energy vibrations were being received and interpreted by Carla, and translated into verbal format. Also consider that words have an enormous predisposition for misinterpretation. One example of this in the Ra Material is the word "galaxy." This word caused some confusion/difficulty in communication between Don and Ra, as Ra was using the word "galaxy" to refer to both galaxies (as in Milky Way) and solar/planetary systems. This had to be later clarified.
There may have been other instances in which similar accidental, semantic "complications" may have been present and not been noticed.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Sagittarius - 07-29-2012

As above so below, infinity became aware just as we will of our infinity. If looking at it in a linear view it was simply the previous awareness waking up from it's sleep.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Peregrinus - 08-05-2012

The Creator IS infinite, thus being infinity. The Creator was by itself in darkness prior to becoming aware of self. Upon becoming aware of self, Creator asked self Original Thought. Hence all of Creation has been created to experience self in order to answer the question of self, "What am I"?

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Conifer16 - 08-06-2012

maybe it is like how when you are walking and then start thinking about something deeply and suddenly realize that you have been walking this whole time and you are suddenly "aware" that you are walking. when before you were not really paying attention. if that makes any sense. :-)

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Shin'Ar - 08-06-2012

(07-29-2012, 07:00 PM)LsavedSmeD Wrote:
Quote:13.5 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of the first known thing in the creation?

Ra: I am Ra. The first known thing in the creation is infinity. The infinity is creation.

13.6 Questioner: From this infinity then must come what we experience as creation. What was the next step or the next evolution?

Ra: I am Ra. Infinity became aware. This was the next step.

Okay, my interpretation is that infinity, containing ALL possibilities, must be aware as this is one of one the infinite possibilities. So its not that infinity became aware and so on but instead infinity being infinity already had awareness.

From a 'time line' perspective it would go awareness and then focusing into the One Infinite Creator. Meaning that this awareness in infinity and the One Infinite Creator have always really existed in a simultaneous manner right?

First of all, how could any being spawned from the One come to know with certainty the origin of Mystery or Infinity?

Ra is a group of evolving fields of consciousness, just as we are, and can only relay that which it has come to know and experience, whether accurate or inaccurate.

It would be wise of all LOO students to remember this and to diligently seek for inaccuracies as they study to make sure they are not misled by mistake. Mistakes that could be made in the transmission or the receiving ends of that sharing of fields.

I will say that what I have picked up on is that Ra has, on occasion, used the term Intelligent Infinity when they meant to use Intelligent Energy.

If you re-read this material regarding the above quotes with that in mind you will understand the confusion. I think that Siren was unconsciously picking up on this as well.

Lsavedme, your interpretation does not consider exactly what Ra has said.

Ra specifically stated that "the next step" was awareness. A next step unarguably suggests next, or afterwards. Future.

Therefore Ra could not be suggesting that Infinity was already aware as you have interpreted.

But if you replace intelligent Infinity with Infinite Energy, you will see what I mean.

I suggest that what Ra is trying to tell us, is that this Mysterious Energy responsible for creation became aware of its existence.

And here we have the chicken and the egg paradox. Which came first?

How could there be anything before creation?

WHERE did such events take place if there was no 'where' for it to take place? Creation had not yet happened so there is no 'place' for the event of awareness to occur, nor should there be any intelligence of any sort where there is no creation.

Here we enter the confusion of semantics. What is meant by creation? Does that refer only to the material? Or will that also refer to any and all that might exist beyond the material creation? What exactly do we include when use the term universe? Some here are pointing to Ra's use of octaves or shifts in the creation process to account for the infinite nature of the universe.

Here we enter the dilemma of time/space. For as intelligence attempts to measure and calculate events, that very act of intelligent supposition itself creates time/space, where without intelligence to even consider or measure it, such a thing as time/space does not exist.

These paradoxes are unavoidable. They are created by the calculation of intelligence alone. Where there is intelligent calculation there is created paradox in the impossibility to solve the paradox.

I do not think that Ra meant to suggest that Intelligent Infinity became aware. I think that they meant to say that Infinite Energy became aware, in that as this Energy proceeded from its origin that very 'process of being' created awareness through its calculation of time passing, and experiences becoming past memory.

This is the true definition of Infinite Energy. It creates its own existence in the awareness of its 'process of being' within that existence.

Thought/Process of Being/Creation. Awareness/calculation.

Look familiar to any of you? Creator/Process of Being/Creation.
This is not a coincidence.

So the question remains, 'what is the source of this energy which became aware?'

We identify Intelligence with the Source, because we assume that this is where everything spawned.

We associate the energy of creation as the power or force of that Source.

So what if we reconfigure our thinking a little and suppose that this Energy, being available spontaneously with the Source, are one and the same, and cannot be separated?

Here we have this unity that is being spoken of, we have the One Consciousness and its creative ability, we have The All as a result, and what is left is the speculation of the First Event where both Source and Energy originate; Mystery.

But this does not correspond to what Ra has relayed to us. Ra clearly uses the words Intelligent Infinity and 'next step'.

I would suggest that a 'wise discerning' of Ra's word is applied here.

Unless, of course, that you are one who would deliberately choose to accept Ra as being omniscient and all knowing, having given you the solution to the chicken and egg paradox once and for all.

As Siren has stated, there is only One/Unity. And that is the definition of Infinity. No beginning and no end. One.

Everything else is and remains Mystery.

To attempt to comprehend Infinity is exactly what this Intelligence was doing from the beginning, which is what Ra is trying to tell us here, but not doing a very good of. Which can be expected of any field as it attempts to describe Mystery and paradox.

If the Source itself cannot comprehend its existence, shall we attempt to solve it? Shall Ra?

Awareness is not intelligence. Intelligence is the source of awareness.

Awareness is being.

A stone is being. A tree is being. Intelligence is not simply being. Intelligence is the Source of being/awareness.

Awareness is being, prepared to be, ready to exist. And in that state of awareness intelligence is born as being proceeds to experience and learn.

Awareness is not intelligence. It develops intelligence by its existence, and without intelligence it could not evolve. Intelligence and awareness are inseparable. They are One.

If we interpret Ra's message as 'the Source became aware', in the context I have just offered, we can better understand the true message being delivered to us.

The Source is intelligent infinity because in its infinite awareness it proceeds to be, proceeds to become.

Without becoming, without proceeding into the unknown, the uncreated, there is no infinity. And if there is no infinity there is no energy or intelligence proceeding.

All is One. There is only One.

It is my thinking and humble suggestion that when reading this Ra material we should use discretion when reading the terms Intelligent Infinity and Intelligent Energy, and rethink them as Infinite Energy and Infinite Intelligence.

And I believe that if you look for this within the Ra material that you will find both Intelligent Infinity also referred to as infinite Intelligence. It is my suggestion that Ra also confuses the semantics, or that in the transmission/channeling the terms become misaligned with their intended meaning.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - native - 08-06-2012

Everything seems to have an antithesis. The opposite of consciousness is being unconscious. It's probably a rhythm of coming into awareness then going back to sleep, only to rediscover one's self again. Meaning there never was a "first time" of coming into guess at least.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Shin'Ar - 08-06-2012

(08-06-2012, 10:01 AM)Icaro Wrote: Everything seems to have an antithesis. The opposite of consciousness is being unconscious. It's probably a rhythm of coming into awareness then going back to sleep, only to rediscover one's self again. Meaning there never was a "first time" of coming into guess at least.

There is no first in infinity. You are right.

But within infinity there is the developing awareness of intelligence. And that is Infinite Energy.

All of this occurring in a unity of intelligent procession into the unknown future; Mystery

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - native - 08-06-2012

I hear what you're saying about the development of intelligence. Here's a good definition..

27.12 Questioner: I would like for you to define love in its sense as the second distortion.

Ra: I am Ra. This must be defined against the background of intelligent infinity or unity or the One Creator with the primal distortion of free will. The term Love then may be seen as the focus, the choice of attack, the type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity in just such and such a way. This then may be seen to be an object rather than an activity by some of your peoples, and the principle of this extremely strong energy focus being worshipped as the Creator instead of unity or oneness from which all Loves emanate.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Shin'Ar - 08-06-2012

(08-06-2012, 10:43 AM)Icaro Wrote: I hear what you're saying about the development of intelligence. Here's a good definition..

27.12 Questioner: I would like for you to define love in its sense as the second distortion.

Ra: I am Ra. This must be defined against the background of intelligent infinity or unity or the One Creator with the primal distortion of free will. The term Love then may be seen as the focus, the choice of attack, the type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity in just such and such a way. This then may be seen to be an object rather than an activity by some of your peoples, and the principle of this extremely strong energy focus being worshipped as the Creator instead of unity or oneness from which all Loves emanate.

I try very hard to interpret Ra's words and I don't know if anyone else has difficulty with it or not.

But if I try to rephrase this quote by dropping a few words so that it makes any sense to me at all this is how it would appear,

"Love is the energy/object of a Higher Order which causes intelligence to be formed from the potential of infinite intelligence, in a designed manner.

This may be seen top be an object rather than an activity, which your people worship as being of God instead of the Oneness from which all love emanates."

Now I know that breaking things down like this can lead to all sorts of complications, but it is the only way for me to even begin to comprehend what was said in that quote.

As I further break it down it seems to say this:

Love is the object which a Higher Order uses to form the potential of intelligence within the Divine design.
Love then is an object/tool not an activity, (the hammer, not the action of hammering), which is why it is wrong to worship it as an Entity instead of just another aspect of The All.

So how does Ra relate this to Intelligent Infinity and Intelligent energy?

Ra seems to be pointing to love as being an energy that is more of a tool than an action, like electricity for instance, used by a Higher Power to create the potentiality for intelligence to evolve.

So this 'electricity' is not the creator but spawns from it.

Does this mean that Ra is trying to tell us that intelligent energy spawns from intelligent Infinity which is why it is the second distortion? The primal distortion of Free will suggests free will to be the first distortion.

And we are told that defining this tool of love must be done in consideration of the already present background of this free will, and Ra also here equates Intelligent Infinity to the One Creator, thereby defining Intelligent Infinity as the Creator. Ra clearly states Intelligent Infinity OR the One Creator.

What is Ra's point?

It seems to be pointing to the Source being separate from the tool, and yet that is how we should worship it, suggesting that energy and intelligence are not one and the same. They are united only in the 'process' of being.

Any further thoughts?

That does seem to be what I have been saying all along.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Siren - 08-06-2012

This is how I "un-scramble" all this:

There is Infinity. This is All There Is. Therefore It must also be the Only One: the Infinite One.

This Infinity is, or becomes(?*) intelligent/aware/conscious of itself: of its own INFINITUDE. Upon doing so, the first inevitable realization is that of infinite POTENTIAL (as of "yet" unexplored, untapped), and hence: WILL (willFORCE, willPOWER). This WILL, this potential is INFINITE. This is the 1st distortion (prior to which, there was NO distortion).

Being INFINITE, it is also infinitely FREE. Therefore its will is a FREE-will. But in order to truly experience this infinity and this freedom it MUST conceive of a system of experience, which is only possible through regulations, laws and limitations. This IDEA is the THOUGHT, or focus, of Intelligent Infinity ("the choice of attack," as Ra calls it), the Active Creative Principle responsible for the CREATION. The very moment Intelligent Infinite FOCUSES, the moment this vortex of ENERGY yields the work/kinetic (action) that MANIFESTS the Creation.

The CREATION is LIGHT, the 3rd distortion. LIGHT is like the drawing on a blackboard: lines and forms and figures and patterns and shapes. In other words, light is what allows the delineation of various fastidiously meticulous systems and processes and configurations which allow for an EXPERIENCE. The Creation is nothing but a framework for experience, the stage upon which we (the Creator) play and dance and grow and learn and EXPERIENCE.

Let me offer you a very simple analogy:

Imagine a blackboard. The BLACKBOARD would be INTELLIGENT INFINITY, the BRUSH would be the LOGOS, and the PAINT would be the CREATION.

There is of course no painting without an artist to paint it, and there is no artist without the potential for an artist to be. What you perceive as "blackness" is nothing but INFINITY (in its as of yet unpotentiated, unfocused, untapped state/phase).

In truth, there is no step-by-step linearity in this. That the 3 are ONE is simultaneous: for as long as there is Intelligent Infinity (which is for-ever), there will always be a focus (or rather, foci/logoi), and the moment there is a focus, the moment there is a creation.

There is only INFINITY.

Everything else is a mystery.

*I am somewhat uncapable of distinguishing Infinity apart from Intelligence.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - βαθμιαίος - 08-06-2012

(08-06-2012, 02:18 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Any further thoughts?

Ra is saying love is an activity but sometimes our people worship it as an object.

Here's my paraphrase of the quote: love is that which focuses intelligent infinity into intelligent energy. Sometimes our peoples see the love as an object and worship it instead of the Creator from which it comes.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Shin'Ar - 08-06-2012

(08-06-2012, 03:01 PM)Siren Wrote: This is how I "un-scramble" all this:

There is Infinity. This is All There Is. Therefore It must also be the Only One: the Infinite One.

This Infinity is, or becomes(?*) intelligent/aware/conscious of itself: of its own INFINITUDE. Upon doing so, the first inevitable realization is that of infinite POTENTIAL (as of "yet" unexplored, untapped), and hence: WILL (willFORCE, willPOWER). This WILL, this potential is INFINITE. This is the 1st distortion (prior to which, there was NO distortion).

Being INFINITE, it is also infinitely FREE. Therefore its will is a FREE-will. But in order to truly experience this infinity and this freedom it MUST conceive of a system of experience, which is only possible through regulations, laws and limitations. This IDEA is the THOUGHT, or focus, of Intelligent Infinity ("the choice of attack," as Ra calls it), the Active Creative Principle responsible for the CREATION. The very moment Intelligent Infinite FOCUSES, the moment this vortex of ENERGY yields the work/kinetic (action) that MANIFESTS the Creation.

The CREATION is LIGHT, the 3rd distortion. LIGHT is like the drawing on a blackboard: lines and forms and figures and patterns and shapes. In other words, light is what allows the delineation of various fastidiously meticulous systems and processes and configurations which allow for an EXPERIENCE. The Creation is nothing but a framework for experience, the stage upon which we (the Creator) play and dance and grow and learn and EXPERIENCE.

Let me offer you a very simple analogy:

Imagine a blackboard. The BLACKBOARD would be INTELLIGENT INFINITY, the BRUSH would be the LOGOS, and the PAINT would be the CREATION.

There is of course no painting without an artist to paint it, and there is no artist without the potential for an artist to be. What you perceive as "blackness" is nothing but INFINITY (in its as of yet unpotentiated, unfocused, untapped state/phase).

In truth, there is no step-by-step linearity in this. That the 3 are ONE is simultaneous: for as long as there is Intelligent Infinity (which is for-ever), there will always be a focus (or rather, foci/logoi), and the moment there is a focus, the moment there is a creation.

There is only INFINITY.

Everything else is a mystery.

*I am somewhat uncapable of distinguishing Infinity apart from Intelligence.

Two things here Siren,

First you speak of the One having to devise the design where you say this …… "But in order to truly experience this infinity and this freedom it MUST conceive of a system of experience"UNQUOTE

Does this not conflict with the whole simultaneity thing?

This would suggest that there was a time when creation needed to be conceived and developed.

Simultaneity on the other hand suggests that all is ever present.

Secondly you seem to admit to confusion yourself over the aspect of infinity where you deliberately place the question mark here where you say "This Infinity is, or becomes(?*)"UNQUOTE

Even as you state that infinity 'becomes', suggesting an uncreated future yet to be developed, you also realize the dilemma causing you to question what you have just thought.

13.5 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of the first known thing in the creation?

Ra: I am Ra. The first known thing in the creation is infinity. The infinity is creation.

13.6 Questioner: From this infinity then must come what we experience as creation. What was the next step or the next evolvement?

Ra: I am Ra. Infinity became aware. This was the next step.

Here Ra says that Infinity is creation. And then Ra says that Infinity became aware. That is the same as saying that Creation became aware.

27.12 Questioner: I would like for you to define love in its sense as the second distortion.

Ra: I am Ra. This must be defined …….the type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity …..

Here Ra states that … the energy of an (extremely higher order), causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of Intelligent Infinity which Ra just defined above as Creation. So Ra is saying that some High Order causes intelligent energy using the potential of creation.

What is the potential of creation? Further creation? Experience? Existence?

And what is this High Order that Ra speaks of as causing intelligent energy by using the potential of creation, when Ra has just stated that Intelligent Infinity is creation?

If we do not dissect these quotes and ask these questions when such things are spoken, and we simply accept them without even making sense of them, we would be no better than the Christians in their churches following their priests without question.

And it just seems that when these particular quotes are dissected they begin to contradict themselves. Or become confused as to their actual meaning.

Does anyone else see this or am I the only person that does not comprehend what Ra is saying here?

What I am observing is Ra speculating on the creation of the cosmos, which is all that any created thing can do. The truth of the origin of creation remains a Mystery, and a paradox that cannot be fathomed, and so it makes sense that even Ra would have difficulty voicing its thoughts about such Mystery.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Siren - 08-06-2012

Quote:Does this not conflict with the whole simultaneity thing?

Not in my watch. In fact, I'm looking at it right now and it says "NOW" (it always says now, if you're curious). So yes, this is all always occurring in the ever-present moment.

Quote:This would suggest that there was a time when creation needed to be conceived and developed.

Indeed. And that "time" was within the ever-present moment that is NOW. In trying to understand these things within a 3rd density mindset, framework and perspective, we will inevitably continue to experience these natural difficulties of understanding. But I assure you, from the vantage point of 6th density, things look vastly different.
It's all a question of where you're looking from.

And remember, this density is NOT the density of understanding. It is always good to keep that present lest you fall into trap-holes of your own making.

Quote:Even as you state that infinity 'becomes', suggesting an uncreated future yet to be developed, you also realize the dilemma causing you to question what you have just thought.

I agree. And you may find it funny/illogical, but in my mind, I can simultaneously see the "becoming" and the "ever-being" as quite naturally the same (and it make sense to me in ways I cannot verbally describe). But it's not so much that I question myself to the point of doubt or confusion. I simply do not worry too much about a subtle nuance such as this one.

Quote:Here Ra says that Infinity is creation. And then Ra says that Infinity became aware. That is the same as saying that Creation became aware.

Of course. Just like I have said, and I will say again, that light is temporal. And yet I acknowledge that it is also infinite. This seeming paradox is true.

Quote:Here Ra states that … the energy of an (extremely higher order), causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of Intelligent Infinity which Ra just defined above as Creation. So Ra is saying that some High Order causes intelligent energy using the potential of creation.

That energy of extremely high order is none other than Love.

Due to the rather abstruse nature of the linguistic structure we call language, Ra is very often quite redundant in what they say and how they say it. It is like me saying this: "the Thought is a Focus of Love as an Active Creative Principle of intelligent energy of a high vibratory frequency which is kinetic in nature." Much more simply I could have said: "Love is Love," implying all of the above (thought, focus, energy, kinetic, vibration, etc). But would a human grasp it that way? Human beings have this awful tendency/bias/need towards creating definitions within definitions within descriptions within distinctions within definitions within descriptions within distinctions within descriptions within definitions—ad nauseam.

As I have said several times over, I seek to synthesize/simplify, not complexify further.

To further clarify, using Ra's words:
Quote:The first distortion, free will, finds focus. This is the second distortion known to you as Logos, the Creative Principle or Love. This intelligent energy thus creates a distortion known as Light.

Here Ra equated this focus to the Logos, the Creative Principle, Love and intelligent energy in one simple sentence.

Quote:What I am observing is Ra speculating on the creation of the cosmos, which is all that any created thing can do. The truth of the origin of creation remains a Mystery, and a paradox that cannot be fathomed, and so it makes sense that even Ra would have difficulty voicing its thoughts about such Mystery.

Those of Ra are humble messengers of the Law of One. They certainly do not know everything; they are still evolving, as are we all. I agree with you wholeheartedly in that by the mere act of translating a 6D entity's thoughts/vibrations through a 3D channel into a 3D textual/verbal format for a 3D audience with a 3D grade of awareness, much, much, much is diluted, lost and/or otherwise distorted in the process.

However, I rarely find any contradictions in Ra's message despite the apparent instances in which contradictory statements are clearly made. I find resonance not in the words, but in the underlying essence of the message itself, thus I can easily "forgive" these small grammatical "errors."

Quote:If we do not dissect these quotes and ask these questions when such things are spoken, and we simply accept them without even making sense of them, we would be no better than the Christians in their churches following their priests without question.

And it just seems that when these particular quotes are dissected they begin to contradict themselves. Or become confused as to their actual meaning.

Instead of dissect them, I would rather suggest seeing past the surrounding verbiage into the heart of the message using your heart/intuition rather than your optical lenses and intellect.

Just a suggestion, dear.

What I do agree in, and what I will say, however, is that the great majority of the people mindlessly take words without really knowing what they are saying. Having an etymology dictionary around would prove most useful.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Peregrinus - 08-07-2012

I will share with you a gift. In an early stage of my awakening, self humbly asked higher self and Creator to see my beginning, expecting to see some distant planet or life. Although it took me a day and a half to process the vision I was gifted, I will share it with you here. There is a post by me on the vision if I remember correctly. Following is an abbreviated version.

I saw the Creator alone in darkness. The Creator was simply there, unaware. It then, became conscious of self, upon which It asked self "What am I"? From this Original thought stemmed the requirement for a means to experience self, and Light became the medium. Upon Creating Light, Creator created Creation. It was in steps as I saw it, first the light, then like a big bang without the bang, simply silent, light spread in all directions.

Becoming aware... I would suggest that Ra could have better described it using the term "becoming conscious". Consciousness being, of course, far much more complex than awake or asleep.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - godwide_void - 08-07-2012

I would like to humbly offer my slant upon this.

To delve further into this and untangle the knot of complication, what is it exactly which accompanies the concept of "infinity" for all here? When you speak in reference to "infinity", are you presuming that infinity is a distinct form or being? Do you believe that "infinity" occurs in some set location or is subject to laws which immerse it into physicality or confinement into a set identity or form? And what exactly distinguishes plain "infinity" from an "intelligent infinity"?

Intelligence is the noumenal faculty which leads to formulation of conceptualizing and development of a mental system which contains in itself various sets or complexes, from an emotional complex with various subsets to a perceptual complex which includes awareness, sensory input, communicative, creative or interactive output, and the most mysterious of all systems, the very generation of awareness. Retaining awareness does not necessarily entail that there is "intelligence" in an observable sense behind it, nor does anything which has "being" require intelligence or awareness to exist. One semi-recent example is the child born without a brain, who is still alive today at the age of 2. Clearly, this child has being. What is less clear is whether there is an intelligent component to this child's being or any type of projected awareness which is linked to this being. How could it? It lacks the necessary mainframe to develop, maintain and operate any system of awareness or intellectual development of any sets within its mental complex!

Yet, without a shadow of a doubt this being has being and undergoes the process of becoming in a form with an identity, regardless whether it has no intelligent component to it. Consider the inverse, that even though something does not have any set being, identity, form, awareness or intelligence, does not negate that fact that it may exist.

To tackle the subject of what infinity is, or was before developing an intelligent aspect to it, one must try to envision the destruction of boundary, limitation, restraint or a central focal point which constitutes a "point" in "space". Even when one closes their eyes and enters deep meditation, there is a distinct space and an originating point where there is awareness observing this space, even if one's conscious mental awareness that they are a being with a form exits the mind temporarily while in trance. Attempt to imagine an ocean or wave form, which is nothing but color and shape and perhaps sound, a synaesthetic mesh of these factors in chaotically waltzing asymmetrical geometry. It has no beginning or ending to it. There is no above or below, no walls which contain it. There is no discernible point of origin for these colors and sounds and shapes and patterns. There are no individual components to it, no fragmented portions of it outside of itself to step back and observe it, for the very concepts of fragments, portions, out/inside, it, self, do not exist in a set form or system of language or articulation. There is no direction of its potential for no directions exist. The only event taking place is its thrashing oceanic "being", a beingless being which cannot formulate any intelligent concepts, for such things as formulation of concepts, can or cannot, do not have any bearing upon it, as these would impose guidelines or limitations upon it. It lacks intelligence, yet it has a design to it, a design of being without being and movement without a central figure to enact the moving. Because there is no space for it to take place in, no distinction of internal or external, there exists no awareness, neither of itself or its activities nor that it is even performing any activity. Yes, the only thing which is would be the activity of this beingless being actively existing without awareness that it may exist or not exist. What does it matter, whether it is aware of such things? It is not even a "thing", and there is no intellectual portion which is creating conceptual divisions of "this" thing or "that" thing. "It" is not even an "it", for there is nothing to term it as an "it", nor would there be a need to, for this "it" would be the very matter which the concept of "it" would arise from. But why would any concept need to arise? There is nothing but this waltzing colorful ocean with no end or beginning, no rhyme or rhythm, and no criteria which would impose itself upon it that would shepherd it into any categorization or restraining factor to its unaware yet all-encompassing existence.

It simply is.

Perhaps, in the midst of this chaos, from this unknown "ocean" of matter, or ether, or molecules, or energy, or whatever the substance which it is comprised of, information which has no existence for there is no input or output of such data, something formed, much as one would physically build something, or forge a thought, the correct factors collided which led to the development of something so extraordinarily "different" that it became its own paradigm. Perhaps it discovered that in this frenetic, somnambulant oceanic whirlwind which is its "form" or "being", it could project a fraction of itself, within itself, but distinct from itself.

Silence. Darkness.

A pause. All activity has ceased.

There is space.

There is a focal point.

Momentary awareness, as a brief inhalation. Its directionless energy and potential has been absorbed.

But into what? This is of little concern at this point.

From this infinite ocean ingested, came digestion and dissection. Finally, there appears to be a sense of order and set design to this chaos. True linearity, however short, comes into existence. The pause continues. Unseen calculations occur.

There is a passage of events. There is awareness to be aware of this passage, of time.

Space and time, yet undeveloped, merely in their foetal stages. Still, the infinite ocean deliberates without awareness of this deliberation. But this unconscious process does not go hidden for long, for this minute awareness becomes aware that there is a process occurring in the background. Then, it becomes aware that there is a distinguishable "foreground" and "background" to it. It begins to realize that there are set formulations of things; these things are concepts, concepts which yet have no shape to them.

Why are these things arising? Is there a purpose to this process, to this awareness, to this beingness, to this infinite potential? Naturally, behind or within this awareness arises another paradigm: intelligence, spawned from a moment of controlled awareness and a shift in regular beingless beingness. Then, this awareness attached to this infinite boundless form would seek purpose, its purpose, a purpose.

Next, as its awareness grows (which presumably is extremely quickly considering it is the awareness of infinity developing intelligence), it would devise something, mixing concept, paradigm, capability, its potential, and its awareness into a melting pot, stir it, and direct this focused energy, imbued with intelligence, into...

A manifestation. A spawn of it. A creation. A distinct being.

This is the exhalation... the representation of intelligent infinity into a distinct form which is governed by the law of infinity; the divine breath:

One Infinite Creator. It is the only logical progression to arise from an intelligent formless beingless being. A being, with form, equipped with infinite awareness and intelligence fed into it by the intelligent infinity, powered by intelligent energy coursing through it, whose sole purpose and function is to generate more awareness, more intelligence, more infinity, more aspects, more possibilities, more potentials, without exhaustion of potential, without limitations, without cessation. Suddenly, there is no more chaos, no lack of direction, no lack of a discernable central point of focus. The formless has taken a form. That which had no being or sense of becoming is now a being, becoming, always performing both in flux. Yet, this manifestation, this god-wide void which now contains all possibility, is itself a possibility, the ultimate endless possibility, conjured up and contained within the infinite, a mere component of its intelligence.

All things begin and end in mystery. For what purpose does the One Infinite Creator create? What experience(s) does it seek? Perhaps it wishes to peer into what came before, a sort of scavenging for extreme prenatal memory for the very source of infinity before it developed intelligence and awareness and decided to focus its energy.

As above, so below. As we create new experiences, as we seek out the mystery of who we are, what we are, where we are, where we come from, why we are here, what here is, how we are, so too are we microcosmic reflections of the macrocosmic quest for purpose. It is all in good fun. There is no urgency or frustration, for in our/Its search, We have come to discover so much more than what we initially set out for or even expected.

I have drawn this understanding from my personal 8th density experience, although in my sharing of it I have left out one portion of the experience which, upon constant reconsideration and analysis, has had its purpose uncovered to me. Before I perceived the One Infinite Creator in its 8th density form, there was that void where I was relayed the introductory message that "We will show you the 8th density" (I still am not aware of who is this "we" which holds the ability to reveal or conceal the 8th density at will. Perhaps it was the One itself, properly referring to Itself as a plural when it is singular, yet simultaneously both). Right before the void, was the experience of timelessness and lack of boundary; I was a geometric pattern in a tremendous sea of color, shape, and sound. I have further applied all the elements of that experience into a cohesive understanding of the One Infinite Creator, Intelligent Infinity, Intelligent Energy and Infinity itself, and thus I share it with all of you in the hopes that all will experience vast refinement of their notions of these concepts.

The waltzing geometry I likened to infinity, the cessation, pause, empty void as the inhalation/development of awareness and intelligence, and the One Infinite Creator as the regurgitation/exhalation/directing of intelligent energy, with the various distortions coming soon after. I use this experience as the framework or springboard to approach, study and draw and refine my understanding from when plumbing the Law of One.

I propose an offer to you all.

When the day comes, when we are all 4th density aware beings, and either we have formed a social memory complex, or at the very least we all possess transparency of mind and the ability to literally share thoughts, memories, and visions with one another from our stores of consciousness, I swear to every single being that I will make you all experience first-hand what infinity truly is. I make this promise with the extreme confidence that my experience was the genuine experience of the One Infinite Creator, and to a lesser extent of certainty, Intelligent Infinity, and Infinity before it became aware. I hope to do so by being able to mentally share this memory and experience with all other minds.

However, I am not aware what will happen when other minds possess this experience of knowing themselves semi-first-hand as the One Infinite Creator. Would this be an infringement of Free Will? Perhaps not, if all are already aware and accepting of their nature as such. If all entities in the Creation became aware of their nature and true original form, then this would constitute the end of this octave. We won't need to worry about that however, not just yet, as I have a feeling that this experience will only be disseminated in our personal social memory complex.

What will come afterwards is a mystery.

In any case, if anybody is aware of how to actively transfer visions/memories/thoughts/experiences between minds, it would be greatly appreciated if you could assist me in developing this ability. I can visualize the experience from memory just fine, not just the image but the sensation of absolute unity and infinite expansion, but what I seek to do is implant this experience into other curious and receptive intensely seeking minds. Otherwise, I'll just continue trying to learn this on my own so I could begin to do this from 3rd density awareness, and if this does not come to fruition then I don't mind waiting until we're all existing with 4th density awareness. It would make this task much, much more easy and feasible.

Eternal blessings, my friends. Let us all bask in the beauty of mind-boggling paradoxes and infinite mystery! Smile

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Shin'Ar - 08-07-2012

Godwide, my dearest and most precious of all, I will attempt to elucidate on your powerful attempt to express your experience after I speak to Siren and Pergrinus's posts because what is being very seductively sought after here is the chalice which human sanity has longed to drink from for its entire existence. Bear with me.


What you have relayed here is amazing,

"I will share with you a gift. In an early stage of my awakening, self humbly asked higher self and Creator to see my beginning, expecting to see some distant planet or life. Although it took me a day and a half to process the vision I was gifted, I will share it with you here. There is a post by me on the vision if I remember correctly. Following is an abbreviated version.

I saw the Creator alone in darkness. The Creator was simply there, unaware. It then, became conscious of self, upon which It asked self "What am I"? From this Original thought stemmed the requirement for a means to experience self, and Light became the medium. Upon Creating Light, Creator created Creation. It was in steps as I saw it, first the light, then like a big bang without the bang, simply silent, light spread in all directions.

Becoming aware... I would suggest that Ra could have better described it using the term "becoming conscious". Consciousness being, of course, far much more complex than awake or asleep." UNQUOTE

You have eloquently defined the true aspect of consciousness and of the One Consciousness which is the fore-bearer of The All. But I would ask you to reconsider one aspect of your expression of it. You say you saw the creator in darkness. But what if that was not the point before creation, but the immediate point after creation. You have no way of knowing at exactly what point in the history of the Creator that was set in. The reason I propose this to you is that I want to suggest to you that maybe what was created was not light, but the darkness. What if Light is infinity, and darkness is what was created in that instant of movement/thought/awareness? Infinity is not darkness, but light. reconsider your experience with that thinking and let me know if it opens any doors to you.

Godwide related to this as well, but in his case I think there is difficulty in expressing the point of observation, or the proximity of the lookout point if you will.

Siren, you make a great point about absorbing the essence of the message whilst trying to shake off the thorns of its vibration. This is the truest definition of gnosticism is it not? To follow that which guides us beyond the desire of the brain to rationalize. But in such intuitive following if intelligent thinking is not applied, the puzzle pieces that are discovered cannot be intelligently pieced together. A child can open a puzzle box of a thousand pieces and play with those pieces all day long without any desire to actually fit them into place. But until intelligence is applied and calculation put into motion, the true picture will not begin to form.

Intelligence is the mainstay of creation. It is the attribute of the Energy behind all that exists. And it cannot be cast aside in the intuitive process of following its results or the picture will not unfold as it has actually unfolded. Intelligence can however be cast aside if all that is sought after is the experience of playing with what has been placed in the box, with no intention of actually realizing the potential of what is in that box.

Intelligence demands that both the potential and the actual construction/design are sought after. Intuition is programmed into our very design for this purpose because the Designer seeks the same. Godwide pointed to this in his assertion that The Source might be seeking to know its prenatal experience. This is the essence of intelligent energy; to know thyself.

Siren you are becoming aware that our individual comprehensions are not so distant as they seem in that it is really only our attempts to clarify our thoughts that bear confusion. Light, love, thought, vibration, focus, logos, distortion, origin, void, infinity and so on, are the things we try to define within the limitations of this '3rd density', (oh how I dislike using that terminology), and because of individual limitation, unity of comprehension will not be had. You seem to have a strong affinity toward Ra's words and seem to be able to make them fit into your construction of the puzzle. And I wish that I could be that fortunate. Even Godwide, and I would love to be able to call him by name as I really do not like to refer to him by his user name, even he is bound to this burden of expressing individual comprehension of his experience, which is vastly beyond anything that I can even begin to fathom.

Intelligence is one thing, but the ability to express the discoveries by applying it is another matter altogether. Being does not require intelligence as GWV acknowledged. And it seems that intelligence does not necessarily mean an ability to express absolutely an individual comprehension in such a way that other individuals can absorb it.

This is the design of evolution and the concept of free will. Which is also the absolute evidence of Intelligent design. The fact that intelligence cannot describe itself. The design is individual fragments of experiences attempting to learn what they are while they create each experience through the process of being, and being limited to being able to share those experiences with other fragments by the individual comprehensive ability and experience of each. Thus each experience being unique fulfills the Divine design, but the limitation of expression also creates the drive to seek further means of sharing what is experienced. Some fragments are incompatible with others, and some have just the right connection to share components of their storehouse with another. This is the design of the evolutionary process of being.

As above, so below. If you reverse that ancient wisdom you will see what I mean. That which IS, is the same as that which will be, because it is all One process. That which will be was once that which is caught up in the same process of being and will become that which has gone on into the further aspects of this process.

There is a song that relates to this which relays a child asking its mother what it will become.

"When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother what will I be. Will I be happy, will I be sad, here's what she said to me.

Que sera, sera. What will be , will be. The future's not ours to see. Que sera, sera."

I have always loved that song and felt a powerful connection to it. it does not speak to predestination as many would think. It speaks to the process of the now becoming the then and the then having been through the same process. if it spoke to a destiny the song would not contain the message, 'the future's not ours to see.'

Simultaneity is a matter of removing the future from the process as though the process is no longer taking place. But if the process is ongoing, which is the true definition of infinity, then simultaneity is not possible. And here I enter the mind of my esteemed partner in harmony, Godwide.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Patrick - 08-07-2012

(08-07-2012, 07:50 AM)ShinAr Wrote: ...
Simultaneity is a matter of removing the future from the process as though the process is no longer taking place. But if the process is ongoing, which is the true definition of infinity, then simultaneity is not possible...

Indeed, excellent post my friend!

Quote:36.4 Questioner: Do I understand from this then that the higher self or Oversoul may break down into numerous units if the experience is required to what we would call simultaneously experience different types of catalyst and then oversee these experiences?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a statement we cannot say to be correct or incorrect due to the confusions of what you call time. True simultaneity is available only when all things are seen to be occurring at once. This overshadows the concept of which you speak. The concept of various parts of the being living experiences of varying natures simultaneously is not precisely accurate due to your understanding that this would indicate that this was occurring with true simultaneity. This is not the case.

The case is from universe to universe and parallel existences can then be programmed by the higher self, given the information available from the mind/body/spirit complex totality regarding the probability/possibility vortices at any crux.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Siren - 08-07-2012

(08-07-2012, 10:34 AM)Patrick Wrote: Ra: I am Ra. This is a statement we cannot say to be correct or incorrect due to the confusions of what you call time. True simultaneity is available only when all things are seen to be occurring at once. This overshadows the concept of which you speak. The concept of various parts of the being living experiences of varying natures simultaneously is not precisely accurate due to your understanding that this would indicate that this was occurring with true simultaneity. This is not the case.

Quote:There are duple areas of potential confusion. Firstly, let us say that the basic concept is reasonably well-stated. Now we address the confusion. The nature of true simultaneity is such that, indeed, all is simultaneous. However, in your modes of perception you would perhaps more properly view the seeding of the creation as that of growth from the center or core outward.

Quote:The seeming contradictions of determinism and free will melt when it is accepted that there is such a thing as true simultaneity.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Shin'Ar - 08-07-2012

(08-07-2012, 02:05 AM)godwide_void Wrote: Even when one closes their eyes and enters deep meditation, there is a distinct space and an originating point where there is awareness observing this space,.... The only event taking place is its thrashing oceanic "being",... There is nothing but this waltzing colorful ocean with no end or beginning,...It simply is.

Perhaps it discovered that in this frenetic, somnambulant oceanic whirlwind which is its "form" or "being", it could project a fraction of itself, within itself, but distinct from itself... True linearity, however short, comes into existence. There is a passage of events. There is awareness to be aware of this passage, of time.

All things begin and end in mystery. For what purpose does the One Infinite Creator create? What experience(s) does it seek? Perhaps it wishes to peer into what came before, a sort of scavenging for extreme prenatal memory for the very source of infinity before it developed intelligence and awareness and decided to focus its energy.

I was a geometric pattern in a tremendous sea of color, shape, and sound.

The waltzing geometry I likened to infinity, the cessation, pause, empty void as the inhalation/development of awareness and intelligence, and the One Infinite Creator as the regurgitation/exhalation/directing of intelligent energy, with the various distortions coming soon after.

Above you will see that I have portioned your actual post to ask you to read what you have put in your own words and see how, when dissected, they can speak to support that which I write below.

Godwide, above I made the suggestion to Peregrinus that what existed first, that which is infinity, was Light, not darkness. you I know will understand this because you have expressed the experience of the void as being more than darkness in your relaying of your experience as 'The Eye' looking back at itself.

An example of this is what some of us see behind closed eyes. I cannot adequately define it, nor can I know what anyone else sees there. It is an individual experience that may or may not be shared by all. Which cannot be described by any other than their inadequate attempt to express their own observation of it. But if there are others who experience something similar to myself when they close their eyes, they do not see pitch black darkness, but rather a sea of blues, greens, yellows, reds, and violets. All forming very specific central images that appear to be points of focus, that do not remain still, but seem to float away requiring the desire to try to either follow it or to control it. In trying to follow it will eventually disappear only to restart again in the center of focus. And trying to control it so that it does not drift off is next to impossible, but I find that with practice it becomes more attainable and the images become more complex in design. As a matter of fact during recent rituals I have clearly seen, (although that word is not fitting as I am not seeing anything with my eyes), a bright and colorful cross. The most beautiful image I have ever experienced in all my life.

Might I suggest that what we see behind our closed eyes, is infinity. It is when we turn OFF the darkness of physical experience, that the true Light is turned on. It is when we rise above the material experience that we see the immaterial reality. It is when we ascend to a higher point of view that we realize the divine.

This is the secret of the darkness which the Ancients have tried to preserve for humanity. And it is the Kant ‘noumenal’ reflection to which you referred. It is literally the reflection of our reflection of our reflection that Azrael has pointed to many times. It is the secret truth that is only seen when we turn off what we think is the light. It is the duality of what we believe to be singularity, and the consequence of such reality is that the duality becomes hidden within a delusion of singularity and is only revealed when that which was thought to be Light is released from our thought process to enable the True Light.

This is the casting off of the physical to ascend into divinity.

Godwide you said this,

“The waltzing geometry I likened to infinity, the cessation, pause, empty void as the inhalation/development of awareness and intelligence, and the One Infinite Creator as the regurgitation/exhalation/directing of intelligent energy, with the various distortions coming soon after.“ UNQUOTE

Might I paraphrase that in a way that will elaborate on what I am suggesting here.

Allow me say it like this:

“Infinity gave birth to the ‘process of being’, in which infinity became intelligent energy, (the Goddess/duality), and the fragmented consciousness followed in the pursuit of further experience of the duality.”

We Ancients continue to use the ancient symbols and representation because they are enchanted with vibrations that instill learning ability and enhanced comprehension. This enchanted gift brought to us from the most ancient of ancients, and passed down through the very secretive guardian of intuitive process. Thus when we use these ancient terminologies and symbols, vibrations are activated which create a field of possibility for sharing between fields that are compatible with those vibrations. This is not for all, it is for ‘those who have an ear to hear’.

What those First Ancient fields brought to this Earth were the vibrational teachings of The Serpent Goddess, which some of you may acknowledge as Intelligent Energy if it helps you to keep up via the Ra material. This Serpent Wisdom relayed to us by the Serpent Masters which were appointed by the Goddess to be the harbingers of this knowledge, was of course not always properly understood by all that heard it because they did not have an ear to hear. Meaning that they were not yet at that point of their evolution to be able to share in it. This led to what I call the Luciferian Misconception, which readers can find in another thread here in this forum.

However misleading and corrupting those misconceptions have been to many, the truth residing in that serpent Wisdom still remains for those that do have an ear to hear. And when they overcome the flesh, or come over to the dark side if you will, the noumenal reality, the place where the false light is turned off, the realization of the true nature of duality, they become connected by the Goddess/intelligent energy to the True Light/darkness/infinity that is the Source of The All.

This Serpent Wisdom brought to mankind in its origins as the servants of the Goddess/intelligent energy proceeded to further create worlds and forms, all being an active part of the ‘Process of Being’ that is nothing more than the Source thinking and seeking its self which creates via the intelligent energy/goddess that it expels as it does so.

Existence is not a matter of simultaneity, it is a matter of the continuing process of intelligent energy seeking its source; or in Serpent Wisdom language, the Goddess connecting to the Spirit.

She is the conduit, the portal, the cauldron, the key, and the energy by which All comes to realize the Process of Being, or their divine nature/divinity.

The Source/Infinity constantly seeks the Goddess, intelligent energy, which in turn constantly connects the fragmented experiences to the Source.

This is the ’process of being’ within a divine design which was not formed by intelligent energy, the Goddess, but rather formed by the very ‘process’ of the Source ‘being’, or seeking.

This is why you, when you viewed through the field of the Goddess felt as though you were looking back at yourself. As intelligent energy, that process looking anywhere will be looking at The Source because that is what it is. The source seeking its self and experiencing the process as it does so. Creating what the fragments experience as existence, which is nothing more than It’s, the Source, existing/being/seeking/comprehending/calculating/learning/evolving.

Infinity is not the space background of creation or the blackboard on which creation is drawn. Infinity is the Mystery sought by the Source, the Process of It’s Being, which continues infinitely because The source is not a singularity, but a duality of Infinite stillness combined with Infinite energy. It is the result of still awareness becoming motion into that awareness creating moving awareness/process of being. This is why I have asked you in the past to elaborate on your use of the term stillness. I had hoped that you would come to that realization of the point of actual duality.

Let me show a few texts from ancient teachings that were set in place by the Ancient Serpent Masters, even though they may have been misconstrued by many.

Speaking of the origin of creation or the moment of creation the Bible says that ‘The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.’

Let’s consider that this is not suggesting that before creation there was darkness and then the Light shone into it. Let’s read this as the moment of creation where now that darkness has been created by the duality of separating from the Light as it becomes aware of its existence, that the darkness created could not comprehend the Light from which it spawned because it was the dual nature of that Light seeking its own origin.
In other words both Light and darkness are One, and yet neither can comprehend the other and the process of seeking and connecting begins.
This was the two opposing forces of action and reaction. The birth of existence. The Spirit and the Goddess. Infinity becoming Intelligent Energy. True Light/Infinity/The Source becoming darkness/Intelligent Energy/The Goddess becoming the Process of Being becoming creation in the process. All develops from that process and continues to do so because The True Light is infinite.

The Sumerian texts reveal this:

1. When in the height heaven was not named,
2. And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name,
3. And the primeval Apsû, who begat them,
4. And chaos, Tiamat, the mother of them both,—
5. Their waters were mingled together,
6. And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;
7. When of the gods none had been called into being,
8. And none bore a name, and no destinies [were ordained];
9. Then were created the gods in the midst of [heaven],

Here we see the revelation of the Serpent Goddess Tiamat, intelligent Energy, the mother of both/duality. Their waters were mingled together. And then came the gods, her servants.

Judaism gives this account to us,

“The light created at the very beginning is not the same as the light emitted by the sun, the moon, and the stars, which appeared only on the fourth day. The light of the first day was of a sort that would have enabled man to see the world at a glance from one end to the other. Anticipating the wickedness of the sinful generations of the deluge and the Tower of Babel, who were unworthy to enjoy the blessing of such light, God concealed it, but in the world to come it will appear to the pious in all its pristine glory.”

Here we see that in the beginning Light was created, and it is said to have been hidden from man until a later time, clearly suggesting that there was an absence of light, darkness. Or a false light, not the True Light of Infinity. It also clearly suggests that the True Light was a light THAT COULD HAVE enabled man to virtually see the entire universe.

Is that familiar to you Godwide? Have you experienced that Light?

Might I offer this for thought?

That which we know as creation, is the absence of that True Light which actually proceeds from infinity, hidden from us by the veil. And it is when we ascend beyond the physical light/matter we think is the true light, we discover that what we thought was light is actually a delusion for the purpose of causing us to seek, to proceed, to be, to exist, to continue. What we discover is that the True Light is ‘light creating darkness’, the process of Infinity becoming aware, which becomes the dual nature of creation.

Infinity becomes aware, and in that thought process being emitted is the consequence of duality, in that what becomes aware also seeks to discover why. And that which is established in the process cannot comprehend its origin any more than the origin can understand its origin.
The EYE looking upon itself, sees its result of thinking, creation, but cannot rejoin with the unawareness that preceded it. And so it continues to seek after that origin creating the process of being as it does.
The two forces of equal and opposite action/reaction establishing that which is existence of thought process/intelligent energy/the Goddess of All.

The Divine Feminine to the Divine Masculine, which we must discover within ourselves in order to evolve into the higher being of further understanding the process of being, and in order to connect to the conduit which guides us to that realization. And within that Divine Process of evolution, seeking and development we shall traverse the many various vibrations that form within the countless possibilities of the ongoing future of the Process, because we are that process unfolding.

We are not The Source/Infinity/Light, but we are The Goddess/Intelligent Energy/Darkness/False Light/Process of Being.

We are human, in this temporary state, and we are also divine in the process. One with The All. One Consciousness thinking into Infinite Mystery. To desire to remain in a temporary state for the enjoyment of it is Free Will of the fragmented consciousness. To desire to seek the divine states of the process is procession into that Mystery.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Siren - 08-07-2012

You are a fervent one, brother! And although I find your methodologies, conceptualizations and terminologies rather theatrical and at times awkward ("Process of Being," "Goddess," "Wisdom Serpent," "The Ancients," et al), I still nevertheless find congruency in what you say (despite apparent contradictions you may choose to nitpick on).

I agree in that there are various gradients of intensity/purity of the One White Light, if you will, and that the light diffracted as the yellow-ray spectrum (3rd density) is exponentially different from green-ray light, blue-ray light, indigo-ray light, etc. Yes, from this particular vantage point, there is a "greater" or "truer" light, so to speak, that we may look upon—which is what the growing, evolving entity continually seeks, whether consciously or un-consciously (and what is being sought is ultimately the Source of that light—the light being the medium, the vehicle, the ladder to that Source).

I won't go into detail, but I will tell you I have experienced a "greater" light than 3rd density light (within this 3D locus), and upon doing so, this reality (3D) seemed suddenly extremely dark and devoid of life (in view of this I have been able to see 3rd density with greater understanding, compassion, love, humility, awe and gratitude). So I believe I do understand what you are trying to convey.

Quote:An example of this is what some of us see behind closed eyes. I cannot adequately define it, nor can I know what anyone else sees there. It is an individual experience that may or may not be shared by all. Which cannot be described by any other than their inadequate attempt to express their own observation of it. But if there are others who experience something similar to myself when they close their eyes, they do not see pitch black darkness, but rather a sea of blues, greens, yellows, reds, and violets.

I too, when I close my eyes, "behold" that blackness and "see" an infinite sea of colored pixels as you do, vibrating, jittering, full of life (and I have often likened it to "how Infinity must look like"). But the reason why I see light in this blackness is because this blackness is the canvas* upon which all light is drawn upon/from—this blackness is the potential. And for as long as I am this focusing or thought (of infinite potential), light will continue to be formed, arranged, generated through me, from me, before me, within me and all around me.

When the Thought is dissolved into the All—having no memory, no identity, no past or future, but existing in the All—I shall behold, for an infinite, timeless moment, that One White Light (before it was prismatically diffracted into the rainbow-densities), and thus see myself in that light; then I'll close my Eye and know myself in my total beingness before finally dissolving once again into Nothingness. None of this will have existed a trillion, billion, million aeons ago—and the Mystery shall properly remain a Mystery.

Quote:27.12 Questioner: I would like for you to define love in its sense as the second distortion.

Ra: I am Ra. This must be defined against the background of intelligent infinity or unity or the One Creator with the primal distortion of free will. The term Love then may be seen as the focus, the choice of attack, the type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity in just such and such a way.

*Not a 2-dimensional canvas, not a 2-dimensional blackboard, but an omnidimensional infinite space/void/plenum of infinite potential without edges or limits or boundaries or delineations or differentiations.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Shin'Ar - 08-07-2012

(08-07-2012, 12:23 PM)Siren Wrote: You are a fervent one, brother! And although I find your methodologies, conceptualizations and terminologies rather theatrical and at times awkward ("Process of Being," "Goddess," "Wisdom Serpent," "The Ancients," et al), I still nevertheless find congruency in what you say (despite apparent contradictions you may choose to nitpick on).

None of this will have existed a trillion, billion, million aeons ago—and the Mystery shall properly remain a Mystery.

The theatrics are important to us as enchantments that vibrate in such a way that assists in the understanding. this symbolism may appear theatrical, but I assure you that Serpent Wisdom is the Guardian which has kept truth and knowledge safe from extinction.

And in a billion years from now all of this past shall continue to exist as memory in the One Consciousness, with the accumulation of all of the experience and knowledge which those memories brought to The One. And the Flower of Life will unite them all into One Grand Symphony which continues to be developed one note at a time.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Peregrinus - 08-07-2012

If I have interpreted the previous posts correctly, beingness and consciousness are being spoken of as the same thing, when this indeed is a misnomer. 1st density experience consciousness without awareness of the mind. 2nd density experiences consciousness with and without awareness of the mind. Third density, of course, experiences with mind and veils consciousness in separation from self.

It is without doubt difficult to understand the singular infinite event of Creation; it took 26+ hours for my mind to be able to comprehend what I had seen. Time is a distortion of light which is used to Create, the same as space is. As such, space/time and time/space are both illusions and at higher planes do not factor into an undistorted understanding of Creator and Creation.

All is NOW, so conceptualization of time is used only to convey the event via the human perspective.

Light was not present prior to the One Infinite Creator creating it. There was only darkness, absence of light. I cannot possibly describe the Creator alone in the darkness, I can only approximate... think of a massive ball of black energy shimmering like a billion pieces of broken glass were moving in and out of it, in an infinite void of darkness. This was Self Creator became conscious of.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - JustLikeYou - 08-07-2012

What an abundance of fantastic responses! It has been a pleasure to watch the group mind of grow and expand so rapidly. We are asking questions and offering answers that I never would have expected a year ago.

I would say that my own answer would be largely similar to Siren's. Having spent many hours with these sections of the Ra Material (especially sessions 13 and 27), it is good to see that someone else has made nearly the same connections as I did.

Let us never forget that Ra choose their vocabulary for the express purpose of keeping their message clear. Thus, the words do not have esoteric meanings. The common meanings of the words Ra uses should be sought out and studied for anyone who wants to better understand the Ra Material as a whole.

It is upon this point that I raise the question, one which Siren alluded to: One a cosmological scale, what is the difference between awareness, intelligence, and free will? Shin'Ar claims that awareness is being, and this may be true, but not by definition. The definition of awareness is simple: an awareness is a relationship between a subject (that which is aware) and an object (that of which the awareness is aware). Thus, an awareness is present to something, is a witness, an observer.

Extend this conception to Infinity, All That Is. When All That Is becomes aware, it becomes aware of All That Is, thus there forms a split within Infinity: part of Infinity is aware and the other part is that of which the first part is aware. In order for Infinity to become aware, it must reflect itself; it must generate an image of itself.

Now consider a human being. When a human being becomes aware of itself, is this not the point at which intelligence is won? Is this not also the point at which free will is won? Free will, self-awareness, and intelligence have each been identified as the virtue which distinguishes humans from animals. But in truth, what distinguishes these from each other? When I learn to ask the question "Who am I?" This is the precise moment when I am divested of the free will which is so unique to human beings in relation to all other animals (ignoring the debate about dolphins and whales). Once I am able to ask this question, suddenly the vast infinity within me opens up and I can now explore all manner of possibilities in response to this question. Without this question, all of my activities are focused upon the stimulus which finds me. Or, to put it another way, without the question of the "I," my awareness never turns upon itself and is thus constrained, limited exclusively to that which is perceived as not "I". In the case of animals, this perception never falls upon Infinity.

Intelligence, on the other hand, is marked by the concept of reflexion. Human intelligence is set apart from other sentient beings through its ability to undergo iterations. That is, I can pose a solution to a problem, explore that solution, and then -- most crucially -- reflect upon that solution to evaluate whether it needs improvement. This is intelligence. This is the force which lies behind evolution, and it is this force which in animals only exists within the species mind and not the individual mind.

When Infinity becomes aware (of itself), it becomes free, it becomes intelligent. In this moment, Intelligent Infinity and Intelligent Energy are both born, for it is Intelligent Infinity which is aware of Intelligent Energy. It is Intelligent Energy which is the relfexion of Intelligent Infinity.

"There is one energy. It may be understood as love/light or light/love or intelligent energy" (15.9). As Siren said, love/light is the Thought, the Logos, the structure of the projected experience; whereas light/love is the manifestation, the fruition, the implementation of this structure which actualizes experience. Love/light is the Creator, light/love is the Creation, yet as Ra says, both are Intelligent Energy. The infinite potential upon which this Energy draws is the infinite freedom, the infinite abundance of selfhood which lies coiled within the awareness known as Intelligent Infinity. This infinite abundance of selfhood is witnessed by Intelligent Infinity by reflecting itself upon Intelligent Energy.

Never forget that you are a microcosm of the whole. This puzzle has a solution and that solution lies within your very experience, right here, right now. And yes, at the end of the maze lies a mystery, but that mystery also lies within your experience. That mystery is, simply, your own awareness. How do you become aware? When did you become aware? What presaged this event? Can you predict when awareness will happen, or does it simply arise? Further, within your awareness, what is it that is a source of infinite potential, the infinite abundance of selfhood? Is it your thoughts? Is it your body? Or is it that emptiness of mind, that looseness of body which begets what musicians call "flow" or "feel," which scientists and philosophers call "genius," and which Taoists call True Yang? The infinity of your self is simultaneously aware and unaware. There are parts of which you are aware and there are parts of which you are unaware. The ever-unfolding coming to awareness is the process by which your microcosmic Infinity becomes Intelligent. This process is the great mystery of being. Why should Infinity become aware? Yet it does!

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - AnthroHeart - 08-07-2012

Man I wish I could create a Universe just by asking "What am I"?

(I'm amazed I even thought that just now because I had gotten away from the concept of creating Universes because of my fearful experiences before.)

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Peregrinus - 08-07-2012

Again, I only speak in a linear time perspective because this is understood by the rational mind to be acceptable.

Quote:Extend this conception to Infinity, All That Is. When All That Is becomes aware, it becomes aware of All That Is, thus there forms a split within Infinity: part of Infinity is aware and the other part is that of which the first part is aware. In order for Infinity to become aware, it must reflect itself; it must generate an image of itself.

The above statement is incorrect. The Creator created Light from Self, Love, upon the Original Thought. This was the first dichotomy. The second dichotomy was light interpenetrating darkness. By distorting love/light/darkness, exploration of Self is gained.

Nothing IS separate. All is One. There is only the appearance or illusion of separation within the third density veiled state.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Shin'Ar - 08-07-2012

I speculate that the Creator did not create Light, but that the Creator IS Light. Darkness is that which was created.

Scientists are now beginning to discover dark matter and are relating to it as the substance/material upon which everything else exists. They say that most of what exists is dark matter, we just cannot see it.

If you use Siren's analogy of the blackboard, you can imagine that the blackness of the board is dark matter/darkness, and if we place a million tiny dots on it most of the board would still be comprised of the dark matter.

However Siren suggests that this dark matter is Infinity, whereas I suggest that this dark matter is the result of First Thought, the first thing created.

Close your eyes and imagine that the darkness there, is not really darkness but a blending of many colors and blackness, and let's suppose that we call that Light, because it is not true blackness or darkness. Suddenly awakening for the first time without having ever thought or experienced, having no memory of anything, you would suddenly open your eyes and see what? Nothing else exists at this point except The Source, being Infinite Light/blending of light and blackness/True Light, and It becomes aware of its existence and thinks, applying that which is its Intelligent Energy. It seems rational to suppose that the first thing to become anything would be the only thing that already existed; that True Light/blending of blackness and color, which is all that The Source knows at this point. Infinity/Itself. There is no simultaneity of there being an already finished universe to experience, past or future. There is Now, and whatever is to come as This Source 'proceeds' to be/think.

The Source is the Divine Male beginning a Divine 'process of being', which in that very instant becomes it's Divine Feminine aspect of Intelligent Energy, or The Goddess. These are the two opposing forces of equal force necessary for action and reaction.

As these two forces 'proceed/vibrate' dark matter/darkness is created as that vibration extends away from its Source and begins to slow down, changing frequency, and condensing. The result of that vibration/energy of proceeding and slowing down with the passage of time creates what we call space, now being realized as dark matter, and the duality of the universe is born, along with what science likes to comprehend as time/space.

Each second from that point forward becomes the 'Process of Being' whereby further vibration emitted from the Source condenses as it slows and takes material form. These vibrations contain the Intelligent Energy of their Source, as thought Form, or Consciousness. This Process of being is literally the active thinking of The Source, just as The Goddess is the active being of The Source. She is The Source, the feminine aspect, not meaning feminine in the human gender way, but in the sense that she is Its being/energy released, where the male aspect is the power source/energy core. The Goddess can be thought of as The Consciousness of The Source, the First Thought/vibration, the first field of consciousness expanding out in a vast circle of continuing thought vibrations, each becoming their own 'process of being' as their vibrations slow and go through countless alterations of frequencies and form.

Understand that the further a vibration travels from its source the more alterations it will experience. The Goddess/female aspect/intelligent energy/consciousness, although expanding as further thoughts and vibrations/fields/circles/ripples, remains connected to The Source as that without alteration of frequency, being the instantaneous point of being. The two are one, the same frequency. The difference being that The Goddess is reaction to the Source of action. Each continuing field of consciousness/vibration/ripple/circle to expand from that dual Source of being, experiences an increasing degree and number of alteration of frequency the further it travels from that Source. Science tells us that light/vibration will travel forever if it is not interrupted by some impeding factor. In a universe that is in its infant stage of being/development, the only other impeding factor would be the altered frequency of another flied which is experiencing some form of condensation and materialization. At first this could only be the darkness or dark matter of First Thought. But as more and more fields proceed through this altering and condensing into forms, more impeding factors are created.

Thus begins the Divine Process of fields of consciousness interacting and sharing their experiences/ memory of their experience. And thus creating the Flower of Life which is the geometric design of The All which is being continuously created in this exact method. Each being the One Consciousness expanding according to this Design, always mirroring the Origin, always continuing in this One process of being, and adding to it according to that One design, that One Flower of Life; as above, so below.

Unity and harmony built from One design, from One being, comprised of quadrillions of experiences in the process.

What we perceive in this experience is one small ripple in a cosmic sea of countless ripples, none being the actual source, and yet all being that source expanding; a continuing thought process of the One Consciousness.

RE: How does Infinity simply 'become' aware. - Siren - 08-08-2012

(08-07-2012, 11:31 PM)ShinAr Wrote: However Siren suggests that this dark matter is Infinity, whereas I suggest that this dark matter is the result of First Thought, the first thing created.

I must correct you on this. I did NOT suggest Infinity was dark matter. Matter is light. Light is the only material. And light is the 3rd distortion formed by the 2nd distortion which is Love (prior to light), which was in turn generated by the 1rst dirtortions which is free-will (prior to Love and light).

What I call "blackness" (for lack of a better term) is not the darknes most people seem to speak of. This blackness, or esoteric obscurity, is the quiescence of the void/plenum when neither Love nor light were yet.

If you enter a pitch-black room you will understand this. The blackness that permeates the entire room is that which I allude to. What you are "seeing" (though you are "seeing" Nothingness) is that Infinite Potential: no boundaries, no edges, no delineations, no limitations, for no-thing was yet formed. Now turn on the light bulb and there you have the Love (the bulb), infinite enegery and the ensuing Creation (the light: all the forms and shapes and patterns and delineations and objects that "stuff" the room).