Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Printable Version

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Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Jeremy - 08-19-2012

Edit: It appears as if this should have been in the life on earth forum but I can't delete it so if a mod wants to move it, I'm ok with that

One of the hardest points right now for me is finding the balance between the two. At this current juncture in my life, I am in a precarious position in that to be able to pick myself back up financially speaking and get off of the mattress on my parents floor after a nasty divorce, I am forced to find a second job due to child support

I am an X-ray tech and jobs are ridiculously hard to find so I'm having to constantly check job sites along with various hospital sites to ensure that I can apply as soon as the job is posted so that I have a chance at it.

The problem that I run in to is that a some points, if I'm to have faith in my higher selfs path, it feels like I'm forcing the issue thus reenabling an already estalished pattern of impatience that I have come to realize.

So with that said, to have complete faith in your intended path, are you supposed to just sit back and allow your intended path to simply jump into your lap or is there some sort of benefit to having ambition to improve ones life outside of the spiritual path?

I realize that I have all that I need in this particular illusion to allow my spirtual evolution but it's to a point where I feel like I'm limiting the amount of service to not only my daughter but to my hopeful new relationship along with any hope of actually being self reliant ever again.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - zenmaster - 08-19-2012

"if I'm to have faith in my higher selfs path". Where did you get this notion?

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Jeremy - 08-19-2012

I couldn't tell ya the specific channelings but I'm pretty sure I've read on many occasions that your intended lessons for a given carnation have been laid out so that catalysts are introduced to try to keep one on its intended path. So by having trust in this path that even though one may run into obstacles, one has to keep the faith that these obstacles were placed for a specific reason.

If there were specific reasons, would it not then be valid to assume that having such faith in this intended path for its intended lessons offer ways to improve ones spiritual evolution? If so, where does personal ambition come into play in regards to ones spiritual development?

I don't know, maybe I'm overreading at this point but I seem to remember that for one to give ones self completely to the will of the creator and to ones higher self, is to eventually lead the self on to a greater spirtual enlightenment

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - zenmaster - 08-19-2012

I'd forget the idea of faith and simply stop ignoring the catalyst being offered.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - anagogy - 08-19-2012

(08-19-2012, 02:31 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Edit: It appears as if this should have been in the life on earth forum but I can't delete it so if a mod wants to move it, I'm ok with that

One of the hardest points right now for me is finding the balance between the two. At this current juncture in my life, I am in a precarious position in that to be able to pick myself back up financially speaking and get off of the mattress on my parents floor after a nasty divorce, I am forced to find a second job due to child support

I am an X-ray tech and jobs are ridiculously hard to find so I'm having to constantly check job sites along with various hospital sites to ensure that I can apply as soon as the job is posted so that I have a chance at it.

The problem that I run in to is that a some points, if I'm to have faith in my higher selfs path, it feels like I'm forcing the issue thus reenabling an already estalished pattern of impatience that I have come to realize.

So with that said, to have complete faith in your intended path, are you supposed to just sit back and allow your intended path to simply jump into your lap or is there some sort of benefit to having ambition to improve ones life outside of the spiritual path?

I realize that I have all that I need in this particular illusion to allow my spirtual evolution but it's to a point where I feel like I'm limiting the amount of service to not only my daughter but to my hopeful new relationship along with any hope of actually being self reliant ever again.

First off, the plan that you worked out, in conjunction with your Higher Self, prior to incarnation is a very general one in most cases. Keep in mind, there is no predestination. You have various intentions to learn certain lessons when you come in, but apart from those lessons you basically have the power to create your own experience.

Your thoughts, beliefs, desires, and intent are the programming language for life as you know it. And your emotions are your communication from your higher self. Your emotions are the relativity between your desires, and your beliefs relative to those desires.

The desires that you have, were the ambition you were programmed with. It's not that mysterious. You have to "follow your bliss." When you truly line up with what you want, meaning, that you brush away all pessimistic thinking and turn your attention to optimisitic faith that what you truly desire is in the process of manifestation, you will feel your emotional state change in response to your new, more positive focus. That is the signal, from your Higher Self, that you are in balance with your Selves.

So the basic answer to your question is, do what brings you the most happiness in this moment. Think those thoughts, in this moment, which bring you the most happiness. Remember those things, in this moment, that bring you the most happiness. The only thing that ever stops what you desire, from coming into your experience, is your own blocked energy -- your own resistance -- created by your focus (where you have placed your attention). Clear up the contradiction in your energy (which is registered by your emotional state), and the rest will manifest easily.

All negativity is simply resistance to the natural well being of the universe.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - zenmaster - 08-19-2012

(08-19-2012, 03:53 PM)anagogy Wrote: And your emotions are your communication from your higher self.
emotions are more like what develops later, after ignoring your communication from your higher self. Communication actually starts more directly from the spirit, then more indirectly to mind, then more indirectly still from mind to body. Basically, subtle to less subtle. Here we have the faculty of intuitive perception to connect with spirit, and when that is ignored we have the unconscious emotional feedback at the lower level of mind and body. So if you're working with emotions, you are working within a much more transient, self-distorted framework of your 'personality shell'. This personal complexity and distortion is necessarily an abstraction layer from communication with higher self. As well as it should be to make things safe enough until there is sufficient acceptance.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - neutral333 - 08-19-2012

(08-19-2012, 02:31 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Edit: It appears as if this should have been in the life on earth forum but I can't delete it so if a mod wants to move it, I'm ok with that

One of the hardest points right now for me is finding the balance between the two. At this current juncture in my life, I am in a precarious position in that to be able to pick myself back up financially speaking and get off of the mattress on my parents floor after a nasty divorce, I am forced to find a second job due to child support

I am an X-ray tech and jobs are ridiculously hard to find so I'm having to constantly check job sites along with various hospital sites to ensure that I can apply as soon as the job is posted so that I have a chance at it.

The problem that I run in to is that a some points, if I'm to have faith in my higher selfs path, it feels like I'm forcing the issue thus reenabling an already estalished pattern of impatience that I have come to realize.

So with that said, to have complete faith in your intended path, are you supposed to just sit back and allow your intended path to simply jump into your lap or is there some sort of benefit to having ambition to improve ones life outside of the spiritual path?

I realize that I have all that I need in this particular illusion to allow my spirtual evolution but it's to a point where I feel like I'm limiting the amount of service to not only my daughter but to my hopeful new relationship along with any hope of actually being self reliant ever again.

You can't fly with one wing. Your higher self has one, you have the other. Angel

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Jeremy - 08-19-2012

So am I just reading outdated information that was later corrected in future chanellings that I haven't read yet? Because everything that has been said is completely contradictory to what I have been reading. Do you guys possibly have some specific chanellings for the information? I know we are not supposed to take the chanellings as gospel and I understand that but I've read specific chanellings that don't say any such things. I'm definitely not trying to be confrontational. I'm just trying to really understand and believe a lot of what I'm reading and when I ask a question pertaining to it, I seem to get subjective information.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - zenmaster - 08-19-2012

(08-19-2012, 09:54 PM)Xradfl Wrote: So am I just reading outdated information that was later corrected in future chanellings that I haven't read yet?
I don't think we could ever know that unless you bother to provide the actual info. This was the first question asked.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Bring4th_Austin - 08-19-2012

Xradfl, how do you know what your higher self's "plan" for you is?

Like zenmaster touched on, if you're feeling some sort of emotional charge towards anything you experience (including impatience), there's part of you that is out of alignment with your "true self." The Ra material provides some excellent techniques for using these emotions to help remove whatever biases have taken you out of this alignment. Once we balance these emotions, we can reach a point of unhindered communication with our true self. It will flow through our intuition which will guide you to where you "need to be." It seems to me that most times, where we "need to be" includes more catalyst to be integrated, likely meaning more emotions to balance.

Anything that enters your perception which you have an emotional reaction to can be used to help reach this point of balanced clarity. If you'd like, I can provide the parts of the Ra material which explain how to use these emotions in order to balance.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - zenmaster - 08-19-2012

(08-19-2012, 10:38 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: Anything that enters your perception which you have an emotional reaction to can be used to help reach this point of balanced clarity. If you'd like, I can provide the parts of the Ra material which explain how to use these emotions in order to balance.

Here's a crude explanation from Carla, post Ra contact, as "Latwii":

"Thus, the emotions are the barometer, or shall we say the temperature gauge for an entity, in that the emotions show to the entity the degree of feeling or bias that the entity has toward any thought, word or action, and by becoming aware of this biasing within the emotional self, shall we say, the entity then may take this biasing, this emotional coloration, and work with it in a fashion that attempts to balance the emotional charge so that the final product is that quality known as love or acceptance. Thus, the emotions point to that which is in need of balance and which when worked with in an efficient manner may then yield a lack of emotion, a lack of coloration, and may finally yield that quality known as love."

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Jeremy - 08-20-2012

You guys will have to give me a few days then because I have read every single chanelling from Ra through September 1987 plus 1972 through 1975 so there's a mountain of info to go through but I'm positive what I have written is directly from what I have read.

Also, I don't take only what Ra said as gospel as I give every chanelling just as much credence as Ra

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Bring4th_Austin - 08-20-2012

Please know that even though I might reference Ra's words, my input on the situation comes from personal experience.

You might find some use from

Here's a link to every session containing the words "higher self."

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - zenmaster - 08-20-2012

(08-20-2012, 12:48 AM)Xradfl Wrote: I give every chanelling just as much credence as Ra

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Confused - 08-20-2012

(08-19-2012, 02:31 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Edit: It appears as if this should have been in the life on earth forum but I can't delete it so if a mod wants to move it, I'm ok with that

One of the hardest points right now for me is finding the balance between the two. At this current juncture in my life, I am in a precarious position in that to be able to pick myself back up financially speaking and get off of the mattress on my parents floor after a nasty divorce, I am forced to find a second job due to child support

I am an X-ray tech and jobs are ridiculously hard to find so I'm having to constantly check job sites along with various hospital sites to ensure that I can apply as soon as the job is posted so that I have a chance at it.

The problem that I run in to is that a some points, if I'm to have faith in my higher selfs path, it feels like I'm forcing the issue thus reenabling an already estalished pattern of impatience that I have come to realize.

So with that said, to have complete faith in your intended path, are you supposed to just sit back and allow your intended path to simply jump into your lap or is there some sort of benefit to having ambition to improve ones life outside of the spiritual path?

I realize that I have all that I need in this particular illusion to allow my spirtual evolution but it's to a point where I feel like I'm limiting the amount of service to not only my daughter but to my hopeful new relationship along with any hope of actually being self reliant ever again.

Ah! this is a very vexing and classic question, indeed. No easy answers there Sad

Our higher selves do not need finances in the place where they exist; but our known identities and existence at this space and time on this planet do require it.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - DMCubic - 08-20-2012

An excerpt from what Xradfl wrote:
Quote:The problem that I run in to is that at some points, if I'm to have faith in my higher selfs path, it feels like I'm forcing the issue thus reenabling an already estalished pattern of impatience that I have come to realize.

So with that said, to have complete faith in your intended path, are you supposed to just sit back and allow your intended path to simply jump into your lap or is there some sort of benefit to having ambition to improve ones life outside of the spiritual path?

Let's go outside channeled material for a moment. In Daoism's portrayal of the STO path the catchphrase is "effortless effort." If we are to take effortless effort as one of our spiritual maxims (I'm not saying you should; let's treat it as a hypothesis), we have not one concept but two working together. If you get stuck in effortlessness alone, one succumbs to a lazy passivity, whereas if one strays into effort alone, one will be hardheaded and have pathological ambition. The two have to balance, which is something the seeker has to find for him/herself. People often forget the "effort" part and get stuck in effortlessness as a spiritual ideal which can deaden them.

Think of "going with the flow." We all want to do that. But life is not always a lazy river; it includes rapids and obstacles. To go with the flow, then, is sometimes to find the most efficient route to paddle, not always to float. But this can be done with the trust that such an efficient route exists, and that by scanning the river with one's eyes in a relaxed but alert way, one will find it. Skilled kayakers can therefore make it look effortless to shoot a stretch of rapids because they are sensitively attuned to the current and the lay of the obstacles, and act with concerted, sometimes strenuous effort in order to seize opportunities.

Other analogies: Consider Olympic judo artists who practice a style of martial art renowned for its efficiency who nonetheless spend hours building large muscles, for when pulling power is needed to seize on an opportunity. Also consider the analogy of the spiritual balancing process being like burning a log in a fire - the process is automatic once it catches fire, but it can be accelerated by rotating the log with a stick.

My personal suggestion would be to continue the process of emotional balancing as the channeled entities suggest, but to just keep in mind which side of effortless effort you may be biased toward, and possibly make a deliberate effort to assume the opposite point of view for a time (if applicable). In my experience emotional balancing has always needed periodic effortful kick-starts.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Jeremy - 08-20-2012

I think this is the main one I was looking for but I’m not sure. Here are a ton of other references also.

The approach to joy involves several series of experiences in which the seeker becomes confident through meditation and the analysis of experience that he has penetrated the key factors of spiritual seeking and now grasps the nature of seeking. There develops then a lack of openness to change which results in further discomfort and challenges, which then open up the seeker to the painful consideration of further refinements upon the choices he has already made.
The ultimate result of these choices is finally a bafflement and a frustration deep enough to cause the seeker to surrender the quest and leave the understanding of the quest in the hands of the Creator which the seeker wishes to know. The nature of being is such that one cannot know the Creator except by being with the Creator, or, more accurately, perceiving the being of self and Creator as one. This is done only through the surrender of the self to the great Self. Thus, the most efficient use of being is the surrender of that being to the higher will of the greater Self, the greater Being, the greater love, so that these things which the seeker does are channeled through the seeker from an infinite source of compassion and creative love.

There is a request for the so-called daily bread. Notice that the request is minimal. Within this request is an unspoken emphasis on demand. Note that there is no shame in asking for what you wish, for anything that you wish, as long as it is the will of the Creator, or to put it in more personal terms, the higher self.

I am Q’uo, and to answer in a general fashion is misleading, for each entity is one which pursues a course of learning which has been determined by that entity’s higher self to be appropriate, each course being pursued within the confines of what you call an incarnation, where the scope or reach of view and experience is limited by birth and death and the veil which separates the conscious and unconscious minds.

2 separate parts within same link
For you see, the conscious self of the seeker sees the relationship for the first time as it reacts to the catalyst which has been prepared before the incarnation by the self and all those parts of the higher self which become ultimately the complete expression of love of the one Creator. All good and all difficult things, alike, have been offered to you by yourself, not either to endure or to avoid, but to learn from, to study, to ponder, to reflect upon and, finally, to make choices on the basis of what has come to you in the process of seeking.
We ask those who ponder a choice to have infinite patience, if possible, and in order to have the patience to wait long enough for inner certainty, it may be necessary to seek solitude, time and space apart from that which puzzles and confuses one. There are no good or bad choices in terms of finding what Jesus the Christ called the Glory of God. There are many less efficient choices available to the entity which cannot wait long enough to receive that inner certainty, which shall be his or hers at some point when the waiting, the seeking, the praying for understanding has been fully accomplished.
If there is waiting and no hearing until one leaves the physical body, that too is acceptable, for the only element which polarizes an entity towards the love and the light of the infinite Creator in service to others is the simple and fastidious determination to await a knowledge of the higher will of the higher self, a knowledge of where and how glory and love shall enter the experience. Anything can be endured, if it be endured in certainty of the rightness of one’s actions. Very little can be endured if the entity feels that enduring such is harmful for one’s spirit.

Given the need to make an important decision, as indeed all moral decisions are, one would seek the advice of the wisest friends before deciding what should be done by the self. Yet, when one is faced with the need to seek the will of the Creator, the need is perceived as an enslaving and limiting one. Yet this perceived clash between personalities is an illusion. The choice—since each seeker is truly divine, in potentiation, and to a large degree in physical activation—the actual decision is whether to operate with most information removed from the process of decision, or to operate with as much information as possible, even though the conscious solitary self is usually not very aware of these facts in any conscious manner, after seeking guidance from the higher self, angelic entities, guides, what this instrument calls the Holy Spirit, or the Creator in whatever form you may understand it

W: Is that where the concept of letting go comes in, allowing the Creator to guide as opposed to the self trying to manipulate?

I am Laitos, and we find that this is one fundamentally important portion of the opportunity for learning that presents itself in the times of difficulty. The entity suffering the difficulty will, by its very nature, respond in a fashion which is spontaneous, unrehearsed and perhaps even quite out of control as you would call it. Within these responses there lies the reflection of the limitations of the entity which are now presenting themselves for the opportunity of being stretched and expanded to the point where a greater view of the creation and of the self and the relationship between the self and the creation might be observed by the entity.
As the entity is looking upon its own experience and is in the middle of things, shall we say, it will find if the test be true and intensely enough experienced that there is a point beyond which the entity has little effect upon the movement of experience and the outcome of events. At this point the entity, perhaps in meditation, contemplation, or prayer will find it most helpful to surrender the smaller view of the conscious mind and its analysis of what to do and not to do to the greater self, which some call the higher self, and to those forces of light which guide and protect each entity within the third-density illusion.
In this way the entity is brought face to face with its own limitations and its need for inspiration and transformation of its point of view by surrendering the smaller point of view and belief system. The entity is making a path or channel through which aid may be offered by greater portions of the self, including the higher self and those guides and teachers which are drawn to an entity by the nature of its seeking. In this way the intuition may feed and nourish the conscious mind and aid in its expan…tape ends

Questioner: Yes, Q’uo. In the personality split within the individual, the higher self apparently operates without the conscious knowledge of the person. Does it read that road map that you spoke of for us and help guide us, or is it simply out there and responding to whatever the conscious person does?

I am Q’uo. The relationship of that portion of your being which you have called the higher self to that which is your conscious self within this illusion is one in which guidance is offered where possible, realizing that the free will of the conscious entity is that which is paramount in the evolutionary experience of any seeker of truth.
However, it must also be realized that the guidance which the higher self offers to you during each incarnation is a guidance which not only occurs during the incarnation, but is that which with your intention and agreement before the incarnation, sets out the possibilities that are analogous to what you have called the roadmap that would be available to the conscious entity during the incarnation. Thus, the incarnation is the point at which the predetermined purpose and direction of the incarnation meets the free will exercised by each entity during the incarnation.
There are points within each incarnation where the higher self will be more able to guide and at times even protect the conscious seeker. When the conscious seeker provides what may be seen as a call for assistance, such a call may be generated in many ways. The most usual means of generating such a call is a rededication upon the part of the seeker to move in a manner which suggests the desire to serve others has been increased and the conscious will of the seeker is surrendered so that what may be seen as a greater will may move through the seeker’s incarnational pattern and allow it to fulfill that which is its desire to serve others as the one Creator.

There are two aspects to the sense of other. One may be termed the higher self. Some have called it the Creator. It is the aspect of the Creator which is personal and yet which is far richer in experience than are you and it is far more representative of you than your seemingly complete mentality and personality within the illusion. It is benign and helpful and full of information insofar as your consciousness empties itself of judgment and self-importance and asks to know and to serve.
The other portion of the other is that which this instrument would call grace, that is, the kindness of the Creator, of love itself, which offers to the one who surrenders its will the ability to manifest the greater will that is made known to it through the overshadowing influence of the higher self.
Thus, you have available to you, if you accept the surrender of self-determination, a more conscious and wise point of view which is filled with compassion and wisdom and a practical, imminent agent which in its ineffable way marks well your needs and sees that you have what you need in order to manifest what you receive in your life and in the fruits of your travel.
Community begins with one entity. This may be difficult to perceive at first. But each entity to whom we speak has had many and diverse incarnational experiences and each who grasps these ideas is therefore a digest or an amalgamation of many and sometimes conflicting experiential preferences, ideas, opinions and goals. Therefore, the first spiritually oriented community is you yourself. It is easiest in this context to see how easily the spiritual integrity may be shattered, the light may be dimmed and then put out because of dependence upon intellectual analysis alone without the contact with that infinite source of intelligence which is love and which is available from within in the silence of the heart. Community then springs forth in full flower with two, and many are the words that are spent in accomplishing clarity of understanding and the harmonizing of two unique entities into one community with common goals and with the desire to surrender the self to the higher self so that those goals which have been prepared for you to seek may be sought in peace and with efficacy.

The question is, what is left to form value? That is a question worth asking. If you have been impressed with feelings, energies and disciplines that seem to you to be of aid in a metaphysical manner, then you have been given the gift of learning. In the process of being given this gift, you have given something up. In fact, the only way that we know of—and remember we are fallible also—to have access to a more clear knowledge of what has value is to lose the self. The more of yourself that you lose, the more of the selfhood that may be overtaken and imbued with that greater self that some call the higher self and others call the Creator within.
Thusly, that which has value is that which comes from within, that which has been paid for by the surrender of the smaller self, and that which is let loose from you in a manner completely free to the world about you, whether it be one person, many people, or simply the environment in which you have your being. Your state of mind when you are in the impersonal self has innate value which is the highest value of which we are aware, of which you are capable of achieving in your third density at this particular stage of your development. Indeed, in a more and more refined way, this is all any particle of consciousness has to offer—its birthright. That birthright is nothing less than a single and original Thought before which there was no thought. That Thought, that Creator of all that there is, is love, guided only by free will. Examine yourself at this moment. What in you is of value? In your heart, you know. There is that within you that is utterly priceless. It is surrounded by a great deal of illusion, and you are seeking to pierce the veil of that illusion.

Thus, an entity in the position of which you have described would be well advised to seek clearly, calmly and with great intention for that inner voice, that its own will might be given over, that the will of the Creator might move through it. When such has been accomplished, then no matter what action it is that is being contemplated, one may move in the greatest assurance that one moves appropriately according to the plan of the one Creator and the plan that each entity in its higher self forms, constructs before the incarnation, having at that time the greater view of purpose, service and lessons to be offered.

(08-20-2012, 09:44 AM)DMCubic Wrote: Let's go outside channeled material for a moment. In Daoism's portrayal of the STO path the catchphrase is "effortless effort." If we are to take effortless effort as one of our spiritual maxims (I'm not saying you should; let's treat it as a hypothesis), we have not one concept but two working together. If you get stuck in effortlessness alone, one succumbs to a lazy passivity, whereas if one strays into effort alone, one will be hardheaded and have pathological ambition. The two have to balance, which is something the seeker has to find for him/herself. People often forget the "effort" part and get stuck in effortlessness as a spiritual ideal which can deaden them.

Think of "going with the flow." We all want to do that. But life is not always a lazy river; it includes rapids and obstacles. To go with the flow, then, is sometimes to find the most efficient route to paddle, not always to float. But this can be done with the trust that such an efficient route exists, and that by scanning the river with one's eyes in a relaxed but alert way, one will find it. Skilled kayakers can therefore make it look effortless to shoot a stretch of rapids because they are sensitively attuned to the current and the lay of the obstacles, and act with concerted, sometimes strenuous effort in order to seize opportunities.

Other analogies: Consider Olympic judo artists who practice a style of martial art renowned for its efficiency who nonetheless spend hours building large muscles, for when pulling power is needed to seize on an opportunity. Also consider the analogy of the spiritual balancing process being like burning a log in a fire - the process is automatic once it catches fire, but it can be accelerated by rotating the log with a stick.

My personal suggestion would be to continue the process of emotional balancing as the channeled entities suggest, but to just keep in mind which side of effortless effort you may be biased toward, and possibly make a deliberate effort to assume the opposite point of view for a time (if applicable). In my experience emotional balancing has always needed periodic effortful kick-starts.

I like this explanation. Thank you very much

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - zenmaster - 08-20-2012

Not sure this will help, but in matters of faith, there is no "supposed to" otherwise there is no faith. Everything you need is built in. All the feedback on what is still unaccepted and unbalanced is constantly available from yourself. Don't complicate things by thinking of these abstract concepts as things in themselves.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Jeremy - 08-21-2012

(08-20-2012, 09:00 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Not sure this will help, but in matters of faith, there is no "supposed to" otherwise there is no faith. Everything you need is built in. All the feedback on what is still unaccepted and unbalanced is constantly available from yourself. Don't complicate things by thinking of these abstract concepts as things in themselves.

Yea you're right. I'm just going through quite a state of flux over the passed couple months after having this epiphany of spirituality. Before this, I was a staunch agnostic. Logic ruled everything and if there wasn't a scientific explanation to it, it wasn't valid so I'm come quite a long ways in a short period of time.

This information rings so true to me that it's hard not to be at an almost fundamentalist level of dedication towards it which has caused me to become quite disappointed when I seem to hit roadblocks where I am unable to implement certain aspects of what I have read. As I said in the original post, patience is definitely a lesson that I am supposed to master and this is yet again another facet of that.

I know meditation and finding your purpose takes time along with moving from such a staunch scientific belief system to a mysterious spirtual system where faith must be held above what my intellectual mind may think which is the most difficult aspect of it for me. But it just seems that I'm doing myself a disservice when I'm not completely dedicated to it.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Richard - 08-21-2012

I'm far more practical. Take care of yourself and the ones that need you and love you first. The Creator understands....really.

Apply what you are learning in the course of daily life and use the catalyst provided.


RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Patrick - 08-21-2012

(08-20-2012, 09:00 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Not sure this will help, but in matters of faith, there is no "supposed to" otherwise there is no faith. Everything you need is built in. All the feedback on what is still unaccepted and unbalanced is constantly available from yourself. Don't complicate things by thinking of these abstract concepts as things in themselves.

In other words. All is well always. Smile

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - βαθμιαίος - 08-21-2012

Ra said that we will each receive the opportunities that we need. What we do with those opportunities is up to us.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Patrick - 08-21-2012

(08-21-2012, 09:41 AM)Xradfl Wrote: ...Logic ruled everything and if there wasn't a scientific explanation to it, it wasn't valid so I'm come quite a long ways in a short period of time...

Same here my friend. I know what you are going through. Smile

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Jeremy - 08-21-2012

(08-21-2012, 11:15 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: Ra said that we will each receive the opportunities that we need. What we do with those opportunities is up to us.

This is where my frustration lies. I can't seem to accept that I have everything I need right now. I'm stuck living on a mattress on my parents floor, just been relegated to ever other weekend with my daughter instead of every weekend if I am to get this divorce finalized, drowning financially to the point that I can't do much with my daughter when I actually do get to see her. Counting every penny so that I don't go negative after the child support and insurance are taken out. Plus I haven't worked a full 40 hour week in years and the hours that I do work make it hard to find a second job outside of X-ray unless I work overnights and I can't even find that. I just applied and got turned down the day after from a hospital that I used to work at and am more than qualified to work at.

Every opportunity to find another X-ray job runs in to a roadblock. I don't have money to go to school for MRI. I just had to borrow $600 because my car broke down. I can't have the woman that I have fell in love with. I have no privacy whatsoever.

It's just one stumbling block after another but I know there is a reason for it and I'm trying with all my power to figure it out but when I never get even the least bit of positivity from any aspect, it becomes quite frustrating. I know all of this stuff is extrinsic and within the illusion but to be able to look passed all of this is becoming quite draining

One positive note is that I did visit the Cassadega spiritualist camp on Sunday to get more positivity in my life and hopefully I can keep attending classes as it was quite nice. Problem is most classes are at night and I work but I'm gonna try to go on the weekends that I don't have my daughter

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - βαθμιαίος - 08-21-2012

Wow, I hope things turn around for you.

Ra said that figuring things out (knowing) is less valuable than open-heartedly accepting things (link). I think it's OK, good even, to work to improve a situation at the same time that we accept it. Part of accepting it is accepting our response, and if our response is "I want something different", that's OK, too.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Jeremy - 08-21-2012

Sometimes I swear these chanellings are arranged in an exact order of my needs this has happened countless times where I'm dealing with a particular issue and the first channeling I read, specifically deals with my issue.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Patrick - 08-21-2012

(08-21-2012, 01:14 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Sometimes I swear these chanellings are arranged in an exact order of my needs this has happened countless times where I'm dealing with a particular issue and the first channeling I read, specifically deals with my issue.

Indeed. Smile

Quote:...The clue is given in the lack of consistency of either state of mind within what is called the human condition. When one is content, one does not agonize over one’s proper point of view, one’s appropriate relation towards the Creator. It is the sorrows, the difficulties, the upsets, the tragedies which bring mind and heart to a state of attention, to a state of questioning, and we hope that this is persistent and determined, for there is a good outcome, that is to say, a satisfying and positive outcome to such a search...

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Spaced - 08-21-2012

(08-21-2012, 01:14 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Sometimes I swear these chanellings are arranged in an exact order of my needs this has happened countless times where I'm dealing with a particular issue and the first channeling I read, specifically deals with my issue.

lol, yeah, that happens to me all the time.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - anagogy - 08-23-2012

(08-19-2012, 06:23 PM)zenmaster Wrote: emotions are more like what develops later, after ignoring your communication from your higher self. Communication actually starts more directly from the spirit, then more indirectly to mind, then more indirectly still from mind to body. Basically, subtle to less subtle. Here we have the faculty of intuitive perception to connect with spirit, and when that is ignored we have the unconscious emotional feedback at the lower level of mind and body. So if you're working with emotions, you are working within a much more transient, self-distorted framework of your 'personality shell'. This personal complexity and distortion is necessarily an abstraction layer from communication with higher self. As well as it should be to make things safe enough until there is sufficient acceptance.

I agree that communication from spirit is a translation from the subtle to the less subtle, or gross, however, I don't agree with your perception that emotions are necessarily a lower, or more transient distorted framework of the personality shell. Certainly, I would agree that is the case in some cases. There are "lower frequency emotions" I just don't feel all emotions can be pinned down so specifically.

Emotions are complex translations of vibrational variances in consciousness. Much as your eyes translate different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation into "colors", or your ears translate different frequencies of vibration into "sounds", your emotions are a translation of vibration also. Emotions register the vibrational variance between belief and desire. Beliefs reside at the indigo, or form-maker level. That is the spectrum of consciousness they belong to. To the degree that these beliefs contradict your 3rd density desires, you translate that variance as "negative emotion". If you are sick, and want to be well, but do not believe you can be, you will necessarily feel bad. The beliefs held in your indigo body will keep your body sick, perpetually, until you change them.

To the degree that those beliefs support your desires, you feel positive emotion. So, in a sense, emotions *are* your communication from spirit. They *are* your intuition (which is only as reliable as you are undistorted). To me, the spirit complex is the relationship between the macrocosm (Logos) and the microcosm (mind/body/spirit complex). Emotions are your perception of this relationship. This is why they are extremely important to evolution. The less distorted the relationship is between the macrocosm and microcosm, the less distorted love/light or light/love one becomes privy to. There is only one emotion and it is love. When one partakes less purely in that love, due to negative belief structures, what we call "lower emotions" are the result.

Everything is a translation of vibration.

RE: Having complete faith in higher selfs plan vs personal ambition - Parsons - 08-23-2012

(08-21-2012, 01:14 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Sometimes I swear these chanellings are arranged in an exact order of my needs this has happened countless times where I'm dealing with a particular issue and the first channeling I read, specifically deals with my issue.

You are the first person that has pointed this out on this forums(that I'm aware of). I can't help but notice that this has happened to me more times than I can count. I will be mulling over a very specific concept and it will be brought up in the next Q'uo channeling I read. It always amuses me greatly.

In general, I just want to say from what I've read from you in this thread, you have a very strong grasp of the material intellectually/analytically. I am impressed especially considering the length of time since you joined.