What are you doing 12-21-12? Any Questions for Carla & Jim? - Printable Version

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What are you doing 12-21-12? Any Questions for Carla & Jim? - Monica - 11-30-2012

What are your plans? Will you be meditating? Engaging in a magickal ritual? Praying for world peace? Having a quiet evening? Watching the news? Spending all your money? Scuba diving in Cancun? Partying like it's...2012?

Unless Carla and Jim change their plans, we'll be doing our radio show, like we do every Friday.

I'm actually rather surprised that we don't have a backlog of questions about 2012, with this big day right around the corner.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - zenmaster - 11-30-2012

(11-30-2012, 10:20 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I'm actually rather surprised that we don't have a backlog of questions about 2012, with this big day right around the corner.

Hasn't everything already been said?

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - AnthroHeart - 11-30-2012

Probably what I'm doing today, working on decreasing my distortions and raising my vibration, while staying grounded. A lot of sources say it's the end of time, so I'm curious to see how that pans out.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - JoshC - 11-30-2012

Same as I do every day, Monica: try to take over the world!

But really, I'll just be chillin, meditating, sending out love and light vibes, and hopefully hitting the slopes hard. Snowboarding season Wink

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Cyan - 11-30-2012

Likely at my appartment looking out the window in my chair and smoking a pipe and welcoming a new age without the 2012-21-12 mythos. (A big gosh darn thing for me)

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Parsons - 11-30-2012

I will be doing generic meditation / chakra balancing in hopes attaining harvest to 4D+. If I am lucky enough to experience the shift somewhat earlier than others, I will be giving everyone aware of the harvest but not sure how/when it will manifest a heads up so they can 'brace themselves'. I have a strong feeling that is my primary reason for incarnating here: to help those ready for 4D+ during and just after the shift.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - AnthroHeart - 11-30-2012

That's great Parsons. I could use all the help I can get. I think my reason for being here is to hold a strong vibration that helps my Universe through ascension. Already the energy is pretty strong in me. Just need to change my diet to be lighter, which I will be doing. Feeling some interesting sensations in my body. A lot of yawning and burping as well.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - kdsii - 12-01-2012

I'll be intentionally living a perfectly normal day on the 21st, spending some time at home with my wife.

Having read the Law of One once more through, some Quo transcripts and A Wanderer's Handbook, I've come to realize that I don't care If I actually am a wanderer, from where I've come, or whether I make Harvest.
Life is now, in the present. I am eternal, and have all the time in the world to get to where I'm headed.
If there's anything I take from this incarnation (so far anyway), it's that -never- again will I rush spiritual progress. It's my nature to be hasty, and I have a hunch that I've loaded this mountain of super-tough catalyst on myself, for this lifetime. Unwise.
Side note: In my opinion, this sphere saw much more chaos than ever needed be because of the outside influence for us to polarize. Remember what Ra said about working on higher chakras while lower ones remain unattended? It causes imbalance and illness. I think that the very higher-density contacts we've had, well meaning as they were, caused societal imbalances similarly... except for Q/A style channelings, which are strictly informative.
In short, 12-21-12 will be same-old for me. No worries on what happens either way, just steady growth from here on out. Cause, everyone knows, the tortoise beat the hare Wink

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Lycen - 12-01-2012

Tehee, I find myself exited, with all the talk and comments I have noticed, make that date ever more noticeable. It be special for me anyway so.. EXITED BigSmile
The snow, the cold and the darkness came. I really love this time of the year, the nights feel so magical. Silent, invigorating.. peaceful.

I have no plans right now for 21.dets, but I would like to do something "different" that day. Maybe climb to the highest spot I can find, and just stare at the endless ocean of stars. Hopefully it will be a clear sky if not.. I love lotsa snow as well BigSmile

Or maybe (lotsa maybe here Tongue) I will want to be around people.. or both!

But actually I hope that my feelings will guide me to "perfect" spot for me to be at, when the time is nye. So I guess I will wait and see where I am guided, hopefully I am wise enough to pay heed. I wish the best experiences for you all, as well Smile

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Ashim - 12-01-2012

Me and 12 friends are going to steer the Planet through the Nibiruan Stargate.
Will happen at 11:11 - german time.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - AnthroHeart - 12-01-2012

What will the Nibiruan Stargate do Ashim? Sounds interesting.
What can I be doing to help the process?

I probably will meditate on being one with all anthros.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Spaced - 12-01-2012

I don't even know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Monica - 12-01-2012

(12-01-2012, 09:37 AM)Ashim Wrote: Me and 12 friends are going to steer the Planet through the Nibiruan Stargate.
Will happen at 11:11 - german time.

So just another day, for everyone except Ashim! Wink

Do you need any help, Ashim? That sounds exciting!

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Cyan - 12-01-2012

Far as I know, thats a normal day for Ashim BigSmile

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Ashim - 12-01-2012

(12-01-2012, 01:29 PM)Cyan Wrote: Far as I know, thats a normal day for Ashim BigSmile


You guys are great.
Funny thing is....I'm not joking.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Cyan - 12-01-2012

Me neither, i'm just on this side of the stargate so Closest i could say with a serious face:

Quote:Why are you guys waiting for so late in the 2012 until you go through the gate?

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Monica - 12-01-2012

What happens when we go through the gate, Ashim?

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - AnthroHeart - 12-01-2012

I'm wondering the same thing. Also, how balanced do we need to make it through? Do we need to be of a certain vibration?
And how can I assist in helping?

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Ashim - 12-01-2012

There will be emotional healing as you go through. It's like a magical experience.
You are helped and aided at every stage. I told the forum before - there are Guardians on hand to assist every Soul that calls.
Now is the time to drop any excess baggage and maybe go to the toilet more often. Nudge nudge.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - AnthroHeart - 12-01-2012

Do we end up in a different space/time location?

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Tenet Nosce - 12-01-2012

No plans. We had previously considered going to Cuzco and snapping some photos of the astronomical alignments I discovered there- maybe working them into an amateur documentary.

But alas, the universe got the last laugh and we now are attending a wedding on the 23rd- so that rules out international travel.

Also worth noting- wherein their incarnation has been speculated- there is no 3D harvest for Wanderers.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Monica - 12-01-2012

Does anyone have any questions for Carla, that you'd like us to do on the show that night?

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - reeay - 12-01-2012

I love Cuzco but the altitude is a bit tough to get used to!

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Monica - 12-01-2012

(12-01-2012, 02:11 PM)Ashim Wrote: There will be emotional healing as you go through. It's like a magical experience.
You are helped and aided at every stage. I told the forum before - there are Guardians on hand to assist every Soul that calls.
Now is the time to drop any excess baggage and maybe go to the toilet more often. Nudge nudge.

Should we still wrap our Christmas presents and plan our new year, Ashim?

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Cyan - 12-01-2012

(12-01-2012, 02:20 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Does anyone have any questions for Carla, that you'd like us to do on the show that night?


Assuming I still have time.

Why does going insane/psychotic/dying/going astral not hurt me after the first time or so when i really flipped out.

Now I simply make a mental note such as: "huh, i'm not in reality, my real body must be off dozing somewhere in a really comfortable position, because i know people take care of me and i'm in no risk." or some analogy of this.

Is this just experience. Or is there a buildup of energy the longer we stay out of the "astral" so that the initial return to astral is always more shocking the longer we have stayed away from it.

Not sure if this is answerable and within the guidlines.

(12-01-2012, 02:23 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:
(12-01-2012, 02:11 PM)Ashim Wrote: There will be emotional healing as you go through. It's like a magical experience.
You are helped and aided at every stage. I told the forum before - there are Guardians on hand to assist every Soul that calls.
Now is the time to drop any excess baggage and maybe go to the toilet more often. Nudge nudge.

Should we still wrap our Christmas presents and plan our new year, Ashim?

In my opinion.

Never turn down a perfectly good reason to work on a gift.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Ashim - 12-01-2012

(12-01-2012, 02:12 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Do we end up in a different space/time location?

In the 5th Density of fine matter.
It's 1000 years+ of pure wonder and beauty.
Nothing is lost. No family member, no past lover, no murderer.
Enough time everyone to hear Radiohead live.
p.s Everything you do with Love has a wide spread effect.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - AnthroHeart - 12-01-2012

(12-01-2012, 02:17 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Also worth noting- wherein their incarnation has been speculated- there is no 3D harvest for Wanderers.

What did you mean by no 3D harvest for wanderers?

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Ashim - 12-01-2012

(12-01-2012, 02:35 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote:
(12-01-2012, 02:17 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Also worth noting- wherein their incarnation has been speculated- there is no 3D harvest for Wanderers.

What did you mean by no 3D harvest for wanderers?

Sorry to butt in, but no wanderer in their sane mind would ever consider spending but another month on this Planet in 3rd Density.

We are joining the 7d-9d Nibiruans in engaging in an unheard of 'stunt', meaning that Nibiru will act as as Stargate to the Alcyone System during the 21.12.2012 event.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - reeay - 12-01-2012

(12-01-2012, 02:42 PM)Ashim Wrote: Sorry to butt in, but no wanderer in their sane mind would ever consider spending but another month on this Planet in 3rd Density.

We are joining the 7d-9d Nibiruans in engaging in an unheard of 'stunt', meaning that Nibiru will act as as Stargate to the Alcyone System during the 21.12.2012 event.

Would appreciate if you could share source of information.

RE: What will you be doing 12-21-12? and...Any Questions? - Ashim - 12-01-2012

The Source is amongst others the Family.
Lord Lucifer.