Sophic Hydrolith, The Water stone of the wise, A Fastrack to Spiritual Evolution - Printable Version

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Sophic Hydrolith, The Water stone of the wise, A Fastrack to Spiritual Evolution - Void_Marker - 03-12-2013

Hi, Sticker_Ninja here, decided to seek user name change on account of not feeling totally Sticker Ninja so choose a more spiritual title of the such. Figure everyone is a Void Marker in their own ways.
[Image: 184513_336825453098527_855356501_n.png]
Angel Been working on this project for some time now. Yet only over the past few moons has this awareness only just begun to grasp and understanding of its creation. Apparently the Ra material may be in fact in direct reference to this one item. Many here may resent posting this saying something like artificial means of achieving spirituality is wrong. Others may honor or respect it.
Made this face book page in honor of the sacred of the sacredist, the holy of holyist the water stone of the wise. Details on the transmutation of one's lead form into one's golden form, only details how to transition the phase of matter, modern culture surrounding the sacred item, humor, & information on one's new spiritual abilities.
Apparently it is the key to Tesla's wireless transmission of energies as well. Can transmit any amount of energy for innumerable purposes at any distance. Free energy for the world.
Apparently this common knowledge but to many refuse to share and if they do they speak in broken images. Something about joining a collective likely.. Very spiritual. Apparently the only open speaking page on the net as far as one can see. On google top search for Sophic Hydrolith as well.. Though one should share here. Heart 1111

RE: Sophic Hydrolith, The Water stone of the wise, A Fastrack to Spiritual Evolution - Aureus - 03-13-2013

The great alchemical work of turning led into gold; The balancing of the energies into perfection=Golden Aura.

Having a functional/active root will slow down the degeneration of your body(longer lifespan). Also, when you reach perfect balance, there is no more need to reincarnate anywhere(immortality).

RE: Sophic Hydrolith, The Water stone of the wise, A Fastrack to Spiritual Evolution - Void_Marker - 07-16-2020

tell us all something we do not know about sophic hydrolith philosopher's stone Bring forth our Ultimate occult trinity: of flower of life, philosophers stone, and vrill grail. FOOD ALERT