I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Printable Version

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I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Adonai One - 06-24-2013

Consider this a part two of my wanderer story...

When I first started trying to contact UFOs telepathically a year or so ago, I had no idea what I was doing. I was experimenting based on some reddit comment and seeing if I got results...

Through recent revelations, I am assured my calls were heard and I was influenced, guided, nudged by my social memory complex to read The Law of One and start exploring spirituality. This was within my freewill because preincarnatively it was my intention. If this nudging had not occured, I would probably still scoff at all this mysticism and esoteric stuff.

Apparently I am supposed to be helping to spread the lessons of The Law of One in some way. I currently doubt my capabilities but I have faith everything will work out in the end.

The biggest surprise is that the self that awaits me in the afterlife isn't a single soulstream but perhaps an uncountable number. I am not the lone spirit I once hoped I was. I am also somewhat disappointed that my journey is quite late in this octave. I wanted to be a younger soul with much more to do. It saddens me that I am relatively nearing the end of my journey in this octave... But really it is silly to worry about such things. I kind of didn't want to be part of a social-memory complex either but it seems that choice has already been made.

Anyways, apparently it was intended for me to even be on this forum... Which is a relationship I consider strained in some capacity, haha.

Thanks for reading...

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Rake - 06-25-2013

It sounds to me like you found some truths that you aren't entirely comfortable with. You had previous ideals of what you thought of your self and these new truths conflict with them. I don't think i need to tell you to accept what is and embrace it. I know we haven't spoke much but i often read your comments on threads and respect your opinion greatly. Keep on trucking ... Smile haha

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - AnthroHeart - 06-25-2013

I want to be part of a social memory complex. I want to be closer to Creator. I'd be delighted if I'm late in the game, rather than a younger soul. I'm tired.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Turtle - 06-25-2013

If you truly are 'all that is', and experiencing yourself as the human you are...then every single internal conflict you have about yourself and your beliefs can be completely interchangeable.

How's that for mind boggling? Smile

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Adonai One - 06-26-2013

(06-25-2013, 06:51 PM)Turtle Wrote: If you truly are 'all that is', and experiencing yourself as the human you are...then every single internal conflict you have about yourself and your beliefs can be completely interchangeable.

How's that for mind boggling? Smile

I can beat it:

Imagine infinity. Imagine the number of universes that will be created within that infinity.

Knowing that, this universe and all that occurs within it is one small drop in a endless ocean.

I just thought about all the bunk past-life readings I have had and it makes sense: I have no linear past lives if my SMC is as bonded as it is implied. Instead, there are tons of simultaneous lives to look back to. Quite impossible to nagivate in a veiled form.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Turtle - 06-26-2013

(06-26-2013, 01:51 AM)Adonai One Wrote: I just thought about all the bunk past-life readings I have had and it makes sense: I have no linear past lives if my Social Memory Complex is as bonded as it is implied. Instead, there are tons of simultaneous lives to look back to. Quite impossible to nagivate in a veiled form.

We can refer to any incarnation for a variety of reasons, but of course the ones we identify with the most are usually perceived as "past" or "future" lives. Time being an illusion of Infinity as well, all lives are simultaneous. The real question then becomes, how do you use such an experience of cross-referencing?

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Jade - 06-26-2013

I spent some time reading about past life regressions, and I think it's common for people to experience a past life that may have involved someone else of their complex. What really matters are what issues are shown to you and what you feel you need to resolve involving them - usually people don't regress just for the fun of it.

I read one anecdote where someone had done a past life regression where they had won a Nobel Peace Prize, and upon further research and finding the person who's life she regressed into, she realized that they had been alive at the same time! When she asked her guides/higher self they told her that it was a parallel life to her own, with lessons that she needed to absorb. Interesting stuff!

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Unbound - 06-26-2013

You can always choose to forget again.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - AnthroHeart - 06-26-2013

(06-26-2013, 05:17 PM)TheEternal Wrote: You can always choose to forget again.

If you choose to forget, can you later remember what you have forgotten, or are you stuck forgetting?

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Unbound - 06-26-2013

The whole point of forgetting is to remember again aha

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - AnthroHeart - 06-26-2013

So does remembering mean repeating what you had done before? I'd like to think that I could recall things I had forgotten without having to repeat certain lessons.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Unbound - 06-26-2013

Theoretically remembering is what should make you NOT have to repeat things. We repeat things because we forget we did them already, and forget what we learned in doing so. Once we remember and integrate a lesson, there is no need to repeat. Remembering your self is, imo a big part of knowing your self.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Spaced - 06-26-2013

(06-26-2013, 09:07 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: So does remembering mean repeating what you had done before? I'd like to think that I could recall things I had forgotten without having to repeat certain lessons.

isn't that what we're doing here in third density?

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Adonai One - 06-26-2013

My understanding of a SMC is still rather limited but it seems what I percieve as "me" as an individual is controlled by my SMC at times. My other bodies are kept under lock and key. So my ability to become an adept is rather limited, forcibly. Sad

Perhaps I misunderstand this whole paradigm but it appears my original will as I was prior to incarnation is signed in blood. There's no way to turn back except to a certain degree.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Unbound - 06-26-2013

That doesn't sound anything like what I understand of social memory complexes, a social memory complex can't and won't, in any way I can understand, inhibit the progress of the individual especially towards becoming an adept. Nor is any aspect of the self "controlled" by a social memory complex, nor is the social memory complex in any way responsible for keeping your bodies "under lock and key". It seems you are blaming social memory complexes for something that you really chose yourself. The life you now know was not, in any way, "imposed" upon you insofar as I can understand.

You can choose to do whatever you please, now and ever. The only one who has "arranged" anything for you, is you.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Jeremy - 06-26-2013

I agree and I don't ever remember reading anything where a social memory complex actively takes part in a single incarnation of a wanderer. I'm not saying it can't happen but once you made the decision to rejoin 3D, you made that leap of faith that you would eventually remember and awaken to your true reason you incarnated here. I'm assuming that once you went back into a lower density, your higher self would be the only "controlling" aspect apart from your guides.

Also if you would like to read about someone becoming an adept, search for godwide_void. I came at the tail end of his tenure here and is what I would consider an adept ( someone could correct me if I'm wrong)

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Adonai One - 06-26-2013

Humbily, I stand corrected. I only theorize.

I want to say I am cringing at what I have pm'd you recently. Haha, thanks for putting up with me.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Jeremy - 06-27-2013

I know you were talking to The Eternal but I just wanted to tell you have patience brother. I applaud your ever present eagerness to attain such a level. Just remember that you have your entire life to work on it Smile

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Unbound - 06-27-2013

We are all on a journey here, and many of us meet eachother on the path. Such is part of the spice of life aha

I would also highly recommend taking a read through the thread of Godwide_Void, whom I would say is still, energetically, one of my closest allies.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - spero - 06-27-2013

(06-26-2013, 11:30 PM)Adonai One Wrote: My understanding of a Social Memory Complex is still rather limited but it seems what I percieve as "me" as an individual is controlled by my Social Memory Complex at times. My other bodies are kept under lock and key. So my ability to become an adept is rather limited, forcibly. Sad

Perhaps I misunderstand this whole paradigm but it appears my original will as I was prior to incarnation is signed in blood. There's no way to turn back except to a certain degree.

what your describing is probably best a summary of the following:

Quote:Secondly, the free will of third-density entities needs be preserved. Thus Wanderers volunteer for third-density genetic or DNA connections to the mind/body/spirit complex. The forgetting process can be penetrated to the extent of the Wanderer remembering what it is and why it is upon the planetary sphere. However, it would be an infringement if Wanderers penetrated the forgetting so far as to activate the more dense bodies and thus be able to live, shall we say, in a god-like manner. This would not be proper for those who have chosen to serve.

So if your desire to be an adept, with the whole displaying god-like powers, infringes on the free will of 3d citizens then yes as a wanderer it is possible you have been limited from accessing the more dense bodies of adepthood in this incarnation by your social complex or the powers-that-be. What your describing does make sense at least as far as i interpret what Ra is saying.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Unbound - 06-27-2013

That is a very good point aha

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Adonai One - 06-27-2013

That quote was on my mind, Spero. I should have cited that. Anyways, still, most of my will is my own and I need to take responsibility for that.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Aureus - 06-28-2013

Perhaps you shouldn't view your supposed SMC as your master.. Rather like a lost limb or faculty only to be rediscovered.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - xise - 06-29-2013

What Aureus said.

You always have free will. No matter what. No matter what instructions you believe is coming from another entity, social memory complex, inner guide, higher self, or the universe. You always have free will.

This is a useful and important thing to internalize. Especially when instructions from a source you believe to have your best interests at heart, such as your higher self or inner guide, does not resonate. Throw that instruction away.

Your resistance to change may be masquerading as lack of resonance. Your lack of understanding may be masquerading as lack of resonance. Or, your lack of resonance may be due to a masquerading source. Resonance and discernment is key.

There is a reason Ra and Q'uo ask us to only accept what resonates; to use discernment. It is this skill you often find that is lacking among many channels that are intercepted and spread mixed messages. Ultimately, it is this abilities that let us discover our own unique path. You walk your path. No one else. Where those steps lead you, is your choice, and your choice alone. Learn to be your own guide, and you can more fully accept the guidance of others.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Adonai One - 06-29-2013

(06-29-2013, 12:10 AM)xise Wrote: Your resistance to change may be masquerading as lack of resonance. Your lack of understanding may be masquerading as lack of resonance. Or, your lack of resonance may be due to a masquerading source. Resonance and discernment is key.
But should we really resist change in the end?

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Philosoraptor - 06-29-2013

(06-25-2013, 09:40 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I want to be part of a social memory complex. I want to be closer to Creator. I'd be delighted if I'm late in the game, rather than a younger soul. I'm tired.

You are as a child seeking the warmth and comfort and security of its progenitor. These are the first steps of the child. Now come out of your egg shell and take flight into the universe to become the Creator.

Leap of faith into the wonders of infinity.

PS: what has been restraining you all along all this time is your own shackles (i.e. fears, insecurities, self-limitations, etc).

(06-29-2013, 08:31 AM)Adonai One Wrote: But should we really resist change in the end?

Change is all there is. Resistance is futile.

What you insist to resist will persist.

Change = growth, transformation, self-destruction, re-creation, progress, evolution. Metamorphosis.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Adonai One - 06-30-2013

A message I've gotten from my guidance in regards to "freewill" and all.

Quote:Q: [redacted] Concern about personal issue.

A: This warning is made mainly out of consideration for others and their respective paths. Your feelings are important but this isn't a training exercise. Again, we are not too concerned with it. You will do as you intend and that is what matters to us.

Heh. Convoluted language but the meaning is clear.

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - AnthroHeart - 07-01-2013

(06-29-2013, 11:19 AM)Philosoraptor Wrote: You are as a child seeking the warmth and comfort and security of its progenitor. These are the first steps of the child. Now come out of your egg shell and take flight into the universe to become the Creator.

Leap of faith into the wonders of infinity.

Becoming Creator sounds good to me. I don't feel like my social memory complex from a higher density forced me to be here. I think I volunteered, quite eagerly to take on an assignment. While I'm here that's hard to see. But that's the solution that makes the most sense to me. It goes against convention that my therapist would have me believe, but it's good to have faith. My life is truly a gift, even if it doesn't always seem like that. Perhaps I'll grow old here, and start to see the semblance of 4D (if that's the right word).

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Ankh - 07-01-2013

Adonai One, by "here" - do you mean - "here" as in Bring4th forum, or as in "here" - planet Gaia, or Earth, in 3D?

RE: I was pushed by my social memory complex to be here... - Adonai One - 07-01-2013

(07-01-2013, 05:40 PM)Ankh Wrote: Adonai One, by "here" - do you mean - "here" as in Bring4th forum, or as in "here" - planet Gaia, or Earth, in 3D?

All of the above. Also, "push" is a word of my own distortion. Tongue