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Sacred Geometry - fairyfarmgirl - 01-16-2010

.gif   metatrons_cube.gif (Size: 7.32 KB / Downloads: 2)

Sacred Geometry 101B: The Vesica Piscis

Sacred Geometry 101E: Metatron's Cube

Sacred Geometry: Healing Animation #11

Gate of Grace/ Sacred Geometry/Metatron's Cube/Global Eden Event

.jpg   merkabah.jpg (Size: 14.22 KB / Downloads: 2)

RE: Sacred Geometry - airwaves - 01-17-2010


RE: Sacred Geometry - Questioner - 01-22-2010

I love looking at this stuff, but my eyes glaze over and my mind shuts down when I try to truly comprehend it. When I say I don't get half of Bucky Fuller's material, this is the half I'm talking about. Same thing when David Wilcock goes into this material: I take a mental vacation until he changes the subject! I wonder, do I need a stronger math background? If I was to diligently study calculus, would these materials start to make sense? I got up to algebra/trig and have bumped into calc concepts from time to time, but never actually studied it.

RE: Sacred Geometry - thefool - 01-22-2010

(01-16-2010, 09:28 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Sacred Geometry 101B: The Vesica Piscis

Sacred Geometry 101E: Metatron's Cube

Sacred Geometry: Healing Animation #11

Gate of Grace/ Sacred Geometry/Metatron's Cube/Global Eden Event

Thanks so much Fairyfarmgirl for these wonderful links Smile It is so cool. Makes an easy entry into the subject with esoteric principles discussed. I loved the enthusiasm of Gilchrist. he is all pumped up about this subject and it shows...
I have to say I did read both the books The Ancient Secrets of Flower of life I and II, but this provides more succinct and compact introduction...
I just finished watching them all and some more from his site... WOW Transformational

Here is a feedback response from another viewer from his YouTube video:
Zrokool123 (3 weeks ago)
Dude this guys is bad ass....I juts wanna chill now....learn this universe....

Pretty much what i am thinking Smile
(01-22-2010, 05:23 AM)Questioner Wrote: I love looking at this stuff, but my eyes glaze over and my mind shuts down when I try to truly comprehend it. When I say I don't get half of Bucky Fuller's material, this is the half I'm talking about. Same thing when David Wilcock goes into this material: I take a mental vacation until he changes the subject! I wonder, do I need a stronger math background? If I was to diligently study calculus, would these materials start to make sense? I got up to algebra/trig and have bumped into calc concepts from time to time, but never actually studied it.

Hey Questioner! No math background is needed. All you need is 7 Pennies. Here-

and an interest in sacred. here-


RE: Sacred Geometry - fairyfarmgirl - 01-22-2010

The mathematical calculations is not the impetus of Sacred Geometry... It is the form and the beauty that is important. The seeing of the magnificence of the Universe in its creation. This is what Sacred Geometry shows.

When I have created Gate of Grace layouts, I have simply followed the directions having no idea what it would look like in the end only hoping that somehow I had not inverted the design. LOL Then, as a practioner I simply stood in my space with all the other particpants and witnessed something miraculous.

The why and the how is not the question... The what is the question.


RE: Sacred Geometry - colorado - 01-22-2010

(01-22-2010, 05:23 AM)Questioner Wrote: I love looking at this stuff, but my eyes glaze over and my mind shuts down when I try to truly comprehend it. When I say I don't get half of Bucky Fuller's material, this is the half I'm talking about. Same thing when David Wilcock goes into this material: I take a mental vacation until he changes the subject! I wonder, do I need a stronger math background? If I was to diligently study calculus, would these materials start to make sense? I got up to algebra/trig and have bumped into calc concepts from time to time, but never actually studied it.

sacred geometry doesn't really resonant with me either. I have taken five math classes in college (calc 1-3, differential equations, linear algebra), so that fact that it doesn't resonant is caused by something other than a lack of understanding of math in my opinionTongue

RE: Sacred Geometry - Lavazza - 01-22-2010

I really like this guy, Charles Gilchrist. Smile Especially in this second video posted by thefool:

RE: Sacred Geometry - fairyfarmgirl - 01-22-2010

I Love Charles Gilchrist! Notice his name? An incredible Kabalist and Healer of the Earth and her Inhabitants! I was so excited to finally understand the purpose of the Eye of Horus and the Metatron's Cube! LOL



RE: Sacred Geometry - love everything - 04-17-2010

Hello fairyfarmgirl,

Yes, thank you for your original response to my awakening and thank you for the label "Kundalini" it, just wonderful

Can you please let me know if you have read the book "Initiation" by Elisabeth Haich?

Thank you
Love Everything xxx

RE: Sacred Geometry - fairyfarmgirl - 04-17-2010

(04-17-2010, 04:25 AM)love everything Wrote: Hello fairyfarmgirl,

Yes, thank you for your original response to my awakening and thank you for the label "Kundalini" it, just wonderful

Can you please let me know if you have read the book "Initiation" by Elisabeth Haich?

Thank you
Love Everything xxx

Good Greetings, Love E---

Do you mean this book--
The Initiation

No, I have not read this book. I will have to ask my local library to order it so that I can!


RE: Sacred Geometry - Namaste - 04-17-2010

Great topic! This is also a very interesting SG video by Drunvalo M, based predominantly on the Flower of life, ETs and ESP.

Part 1

Part 2