08-01-2021, 01:45 PM
This is fun ! I'll listen to some more muse while I type this, shall I. 
I am not sure of my beliefs, that would be unwise indeed. But I would not go as far as saying Gandhi is one of my heroes. I would have known more about the persona otherwise. That said I am a lazy bastard and I have no issues with that.
It's actually a good attribute to have for a computer programmer. Humm, regarding beliefs, there is one I am sure of, whether that is wise or not I don't really care when it comes to that belief. But it can't really be put into words. Words seems only to distort it.
Yes I did defend the idea of Gandhi on this very forum. But I hope there were no chastising involved. It's not really my thing.
My friend, I am a very good liar and I have no issues with lies. They are very useful for the positive walker in this world. Defense is still a thing in 3d and so is defensive lying. Example: USA border agents can ask Canadians if we ever took cannabis. If you say yes you are bared from entering the USA for life. As you would say, LoL...
But I always try to do as Ra suggested: "...the honor of propinquity to light carries with it the Law of Responsibility [...] support, be harmonious, share in love, joy, and thanksgiving, but find love within truth, for each instrument benefits from this support more than from the total admiration which overcomes discrimination" ~ Ra 101.8
Finding love within truth is a great blue-ray quest for the right-hand path. I am but a humble seeker on that road. Thankfully, we are not expected to succeed. Only the attempt are we expecting of ourselves (while here in 3d space/time).
Oops, it seems you missed the mark here. I'll let you reassess.
In the meantime, I'll just say that I am often wrong and I have no issues saying it.
Oh yes, darkness is part of me. I remember well the pleasures of sexual power over others and the thrill of power from ending an incarnation (from eons ago, but still). These things are not rejected, they are well integrated and balanced inside of me. I am at peace and without judgment towards myself. There is no regret of the path traveled. I am truly thankful to the Universe for all of it.
I am in the process of replaying the game now and I know of other pleasures and other powers. I don't feel the need to replace the dark powers with these. No these other pleasures and powers are not comparable anyway. But these are what I yearn for now.
Knowing both I can make The Choice once again and just let myself be who I am without paradox. My choice is not said, it is lived. Just being my true preference. No complexity to any of it.
Yeah Aion, the wisdom is great in this one.
I know even less about Mother Teresa than I did about Gandhi. But certainly, expecting anyone to be perfect can only result in frustrated expectations?
I gave myself fully to our greater will and I just let life happens to me. Best decision I ever made ! The resulting experience truly highlights the magical nature of our "reality". Mind boggling !
I really like our little exchanges. It's great in highlighting things to ponder.

(08-01-2021, 10:54 AM)Desaad khaan Wrote: I never made any effort to know his story with any depth: So how can you be so sure of your beliefs if you make no effort to know (your heroes) (his)story or any sort of story at all in depth ? And how can somebody else trust your words about it if you're so lazy regarding those type of things ?
I am not sure of my beliefs, that would be unwise indeed. But I would not go as far as saying Gandhi is one of my heroes. I would have known more about the persona otherwise. That said I am a lazy bastard and I have no issues with that.

(08-01-2021, 10:54 AM)Desaad khaan Wrote:Quote:...now if I wanted to really find out his story...
I guess that you thought of Gandhi as an STO and went out of your way to spread how enlightened he was. You even chastised people who thought the opposite because they didn't have proofs. I guess that you did all that on this very forum. Now because you made no effort you spread the very thing you despise, Lies.
Yes I did defend the idea of Gandhi on this very forum. But I hope there were no chastising involved. It's not really my thing.
My friend, I am a very good liar and I have no issues with lies. They are very useful for the positive walker in this world. Defense is still a thing in 3d and so is defensive lying. Example: USA border agents can ask Canadians if we ever took cannabis. If you say yes you are bared from entering the USA for life. As you would say, LoL...
But I always try to do as Ra suggested: "...the honor of propinquity to light carries with it the Law of Responsibility [...] support, be harmonious, share in love, joy, and thanksgiving, but find love within truth, for each instrument benefits from this support more than from the total admiration which overcomes discrimination" ~ Ra 101.8
Finding love within truth is a great blue-ray quest for the right-hand path. I am but a humble seeker on that road. Thankfully, we are not expected to succeed. Only the attempt are we expecting of ourselves (while here in 3d space/time).
(08-01-2021, 10:54 AM)Desaad khaan Wrote: From your position of power, basking in your intelligence (which you think you have a lot) rarely questioning yourself or your beliefs (which is pretty much selfish by the way).
When someone is wrong the humblest thing he/she can say is "I was wrong" or "You might be right, I'll search" not "I was lazy".
Is this the light/laziness you are so proud of ?
Quote:Much too much work for me I'm afraid.I should be the one talking like that honestly (LOL):
This is rhetoric, you are just protecting your ego which I understand, you are forgiven bro. Being lazy show how much you care about other truth"s" much more than your own. And this is how the devil traps you. With your own laziness.
Oops, it seems you missed the mark here. I'll let you reassess.

In the meantime, I'll just say that I am often wrong and I have no issues saying it.
(08-01-2021, 10:54 AM)Desaad khaan Wrote: Hypocritical/Lazy/Egotistical/Ego-invested... that's a lot brother in dar*** you are a champion indeed, talented in the way of the dar**** my affection for you is growing
Oh yes, darkness is part of me. I remember well the pleasures of sexual power over others and the thrill of power from ending an incarnation (from eons ago, but still). These things are not rejected, they are well integrated and balanced inside of me. I am at peace and without judgment towards myself. There is no regret of the path traveled. I am truly thankful to the Universe for all of it.
I am in the process of replaying the game now and I know of other pleasures and other powers. I don't feel the need to replace the dark powers with these. No these other pleasures and powers are not comparable anyway. But these are what I yearn for now.
Knowing both I can make The Choice once again and just let myself be who I am without paradox. My choice is not said, it is lived. Just being my true preference. No complexity to any of it.
(08-01-2021, 10:54 AM)Desaad khaan Wrote: Now so far on this forum, the one named Aion (I think) has shown much more wisdom and maturity toward his/her path. The one named evolvingpheonix(I think) as shown an understanding of spirituality. Aside from those two I might have forgotten some that were indeed mature. But the rest of you lot have just been walking contradictions, ego invested, and hypocritical over and over again.
See people this is wealth of knowledge/wisdom vs laziness.
Yeah Aion, the wisdom is great in this one.

(08-01-2021, 10:54 AM)Desaad khaan Wrote: Now to deepen the cut, Mother Theresa was also STS.
Quote:People seem to have a tendency to want heroes, so they look outside of themselves to find them.
Me too I have my villains but I am not invested in their lies. I carefully do my work to avoid "their" deception. And if you look towards something outside of yourself that just means that ALL isn't ONE for if ALL was ONE you'll just had to look inside. Having a hero is saying "he isn't me" he might resemble me but "he isn't me" this is the first stage of fanatism/adoration.
I know even less about Mother Teresa than I did about Gandhi. But certainly, expecting anyone to be perfect can only result in frustrated expectations?
I gave myself fully to our greater will and I just let life happens to me. Best decision I ever made ! The resulting experience truly highlights the magical nature of our "reality". Mind boggling !
I really like our little exchanges. It's great in highlighting things to ponder.