(07-18-2022, 10:49 AM)Patrick Wrote: Still trying to impress on others that "maybe" the solution to most of our societal problems would be fixed by transitioning to this: https://eosprojects.com/fairness-and-ene...nting.html
I am all for a society that genuinely cares for the Earth, each other, and all living things. The problem is when there is a small fraction of the Earth's population hoarding resources and control of all the rest in STS fashion. How then to deal with the present global moves to take more control of this planet, seemingly under the guise of beneficial principles?
Speculation here: I think it is safe to say that if we have a UBI (which I have always been in favor of as long as it is a baseline and not a forced limitation) and people are forced to subsist on that and government issued foods and housing etc., that the STS wealthy/powerful will not be subsisting on that. So this in my mind would be furthering separation.
(07-17-2022, 07:58 PM)Patrick Wrote: Just dropping by to say that my wife and I are doing really well. We had all the doses and boosters. I also had Covid twice. We are both still very much processing spiritual catalysts in everyday life (no soul disconnect). From my perspective, all is well. Just thought some people might be interested. Much love and light to y'all !
I'm very glad to hear that you and your wife are doing well.
I am curious, why you have gotten all the doses and boosters? I don't intend this question to be invasive in any way, so feel free to ignore it.