06-24-2021, 10:31 AM
Good morning everyone! May the light of 1000 suns shine through. Please keep me in mind this morning I have a day that appears really hard and challenging for me. I believe! I trust! I let go!
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06-24-2021, 10:31 AM
Good morning everyone! May the light of 1000 suns shine through. Please keep me in mind this morning I have a day that appears really hard and challenging for me. I believe! I trust! I let go!
06-25-2021, 06:46 AM
(06-24-2021, 10:31 AM)BlueLoveLotus Wrote: Good morning everyone! May the light of 1000 suns shine through. Please keep me in mind this morning I have a day that appears really hard and challenging for me. I believe! I trust! I let go! Well may also 1000 suns shine love an light on you and the challenging catalyst ![]()
The Daily Q'uote for June 25, 2021
"�It is not only intent, but intent carried through with even and steadfast perseverance that creates personal power." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1019.aspx Could there be a better word choice in this quote than perseverance? Marries perfectly with intent.
06-26-2021, 02:58 AM
The Daily Q'uote for June 26th:
"We encourage each of you to trust in the self, to listen to those hunches and intuitions that are the only voice into the conscious mind of the deeper and larger self that exists below the threshold of consciousness. Each of you is as the fruit of the true vine. Each of you has roots in heaven. Within each of you dwells perfection, truth and infinite love." https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0207.aspx and this: "Within each of you dwells perfection, truth and infinite love. Spiritual maturity comes to those who seek to run the straight race regardless of what others may think. Move slowly and thoughtfully and wait for inspiration. Maturity will come faster to those who yield their ambitions and ask, “What is the Creator’s will for me today? Where is the love in this moment?” The love in this moment is you. May you carry that truth and wear it as a crown and even when the crown sits heavy upon the head, may you serve, may you reach out to others, may you respond to requests for help with the best that is in you. May you encourage others in their paths, for you are the hands, voices, the caring of the infinite Creator within the Earth, you and none other. As the old chant goes, “May you love each other. May you care for each other. And may you bring each other home.” I have found that this little voice of intuition is the fastest, before the rational mind kicks in, and it is usually right and spot on. all the rationalizing, worrying and thinking only comes afterwards and thus is not original to us, to our true selves. Have a wonder ful weekend all you beautiful otherselves reading this! ![]()
06-27-2021, 08:12 AM
The Daily Q'uote for June 27, 2021
"Never fear that you have somehow been left out of that wonderful feeling of having a purpose and being about the Creator�s business on this Earth, for you are the Creator�s eyes of love. You are the Creator�s hands of love. You are the Creator�s words of love. You are the Creator�s thoughts of love." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1113.aspx An to keep with the inspirational messages.. here's a few more to hammer the point home ![]() "you have only to hold the frequency of love. Hold your heart open, let your mind and your emotions be at peace, and feel the love flow through you and out into the world. As you feel the love flowing through you, bless it. Set your intention to serve and you shall serve beyond your wildest dreams. We speak here of the inner purpose of living, not the outer work, but the inner work. It is the most valuable. It makes the most difference. And it never shows. In fact, the only way it shows is that when you are loving, love flows back to you from the most unexpected sources, ten-fold, a hundred-fold, and a thousand-fold. Love is reflected in love."
06-27-2021, 12:00 PM
Thank you Margan and Quan for the super awesome q’uotes this weekend!!!
(06-27-2021, 12:00 PM)BlueLoveLotus Wrote: Thank you Margan and Quan for the super awesome q’uotes this weekend!!! Thank you, dear BLueLoveLotus (love your name btw) and let's not forget "Thanks to Q'uo" also! Q and I are merely the messengers ![]() I hope your schedule went well the other day BlueLoveLotus.
06-28-2021, 03:55 AM
And thanks to those of Q'uo, the Daily Q'uote for june 28
![]() "When you move into the open heart, then remain in silence for awhile. Allow the silence to fill you. For there is information being given to your subconscious mind within that speaking silence. Simply rest, letting the love you have for the Creator flow and radiate until you begin to feel that answering pressure of love from the Creator, that incredibly strong, answering love. Rest there; be fed, and be comforted." https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0513.aspx Always the heart, eh? the heart is the lock, and silence is the key, to unraveling the secrets of the universe and spirituality?
06-29-2021, 03:24 AM
The Daily Q'uote for June 29, 2021
"�There is destiny, let us say, but there is not predestination, that is, in no way is an entity�s life fixed. It is malleable as a soft piece of new clay. The entity begins the incarnation forgetful entirely of all its good reasons for choosing this parent, that sibling, this situation, that relationship. Rather than wasting the time of pondering these things, we might suggest that it is an act of faith to trust that whatever is happening at the moment is what should be happening at the moment, and the only important thing is that you approach the moment with the resonance of eternity within your consciousness so that the mundane and grimy world cannot touch the light being that you are, nor can it touch your ability to act as a channel for love and light to those who suffer in one way or another. http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0723.aspx "nor can it touch your ability to act as a channel for love and light to those who suffer in one way or another." Yep so keep those lower 3 energy centers in check, an all is well ![]()
06-30-2021, 06:18 AM
The Daily Q'uote for June 30, 2021
"Each of you, as individualized portions of the one Creator, partake in [the great cycle of creation] by particularizing what is simultaneous, taking a small portion of what you would call the river of time from the ocean of eternity, and viewing that river of time as if under the microscope, looking at what seems to come before that which follows, creating the past, the present, and the future, in order that that which is and that is unity in many portions might be experienced in a more intense, varied and purified fashion. That small sliver, then, of experience that is chosen for each incarnation has working upon it your free will choice, so that that which is eternal becomes magnified and particularized enough that it may be examined carefully within an incarnation, be worked upon by free will, be refined in this process and be purified as an expression of Beingness, of the identity of the one Creator within yourself." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1231.aspx An what is comes down to is your choices to express that beingness. A major life changing.. thunder and lightening, explosions and fireworks off going event, when you realise the following below "How many times do your people turn from their heart, refusing to ask, refusing to open the door to that helper or comforter which waits patiently to be asked to aid in decision-making of various kinds?" So harness that belief system of yours whatever it is doesnt matter, its that connection embrace it .. (06-30-2021, 06:18 AM)Quan Wrote: A major life changing.. thunder and lightening, ..... event,Yeah we had that yesterday, plus the torrential rain, I was waiting for Noah and his Ark to come rescue me and my unicorns... "all good things come from above" ![]() The Daily Q'uote for July 1: "Choices made in fear separate; choices made in love unite. " https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0106.aspx so this explains a bit more: "Each of you is an entity. Let this be basic and imprinted. Each of you is an unique consciousness. You are unique because of the choices that you have made. It is your choices which define you, your biases which express your nature. It is not in the clarity of your Creator-self that you exist in terms of the solution, but as an unique portion of infinite consciousness which has been mated with free will in order that you may go through the choosing process again and again, creating, enhancing and altering your biases and distortions. What could we offer to any, clear and lucid enough to be a perfect and empty instrument that could all be filled with the treasure of the infinite Creator? Nothing. We offer words to you because both we and you are learning, and yet do not know, but we are persistent, as are you. This free will moves firstly by chance, and in terms of your time/space continuum, this occurs for a long period. In the density which you now enjoy comes a very critical period in which the unique and distorted entity that you are must choose blindly, in the deep of midnight, how to follow the light." So very interesting, it is not so much about the solution, than the choice! Since us humans often think we have to solve everything - when in fact we are not here to solve anything (didn't they say at some point "you are not here to fix it, you are here to love it") So let us take care of the choice, and God will provide the solution ![]() The Q'uo family continues: "Thusly, all discussion of the entity which is you as a purely metaphysical entity must in some way be wrapped in mystery, for it is not important to know the nature of the soul, or the true entity, during an incarnation. It is, in fact, baggage, for you are not here to practice discarnate skills. Each of you is here to be affected by an environment you know to be an illusion. Yet, why would you choose to be in an illusion which is so often challenging, unless that which is truly your self is aware of the great value of not knowing, and having to choose in faith, blindly?" Again emphasizing, that we do not have to know. Faith! take that leap of faith! Jesus said to this woman who came to him "your faith has healed you" (07-01-2021, 02:18 AM)Margan Wrote:(06-30-2021, 06:18 AM)Quan Wrote: A major life changing.. thunder and lightening, ..... event,Yeah we had that yesterday, plus the torrential rain, I was waiting for Noah and his Ark to come rescue me and my unicorns... "all good things come from above" "Yeah we had that yesterday, plus the torrential rain, I was waiting for Noah and his Ark to come rescue me and my unicorns... "all good things come from above" ![]() Sorry my bad.. the unicorns were with me ![]() Like this one.. "wrapped in mystery, for it is not important to know the nature of the soul, or the true entity, during an incarnation. It is, in fact, baggage, for you are not here to practice discarnate skills." aww please not even just a little ![]() ![]() one more for your herd, take good care of them for me, will ya, Noah Quan? ![]() ![]() At first I thought they reference trying to find out about pastlives and such but now I think it is much broader, meaning finding out "THE" true self. So maybe they say that because it is futile and a waste of time, behind the veil and with all those 3 D distortions bugging us? But yea, just a little bit might be nice occasionally ![]()
07-02-2021, 10:10 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 2, 2021
"Once you have meditated—frustratingly or pleasantly makes no difference—for long enough to perceive yourself differently than you did before you began to meditate, you will begin to experience outward changes in your perceptions. This is due to the fact that contact with the essence of love, the one original Thought of the Creator, causes a continuing shift in the point of view. The method of evaluation of data becomes far more regularized and polarized towards valuing those things which are considered to be of service to others and to the Creator and devaluing those things which are seen as unethical or service to self." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1019.aspx
07-03-2021, 01:15 PM
The Daily Q'uote for July 3, 2021
"Spiritual maturity comes to those who seek to run the straight race regardless of what others may think. Move slowly and thoughtfully and wait for inspiration. Maturity will come faster to those who yield their ambitions and ask, �What is the Creator�s will for me today? Where is the love in this moment?� The love in this moment is you. May you carry that truth and wear it as a crown and even when the crown sits heavy upon the head, may you serve, may you reach out to others, may you respond to requests for help with the best that is in you. May you encourage others in their paths, for you are the hands, voices, the caring of the infinite Creator within the Earth, you and none other. As the old chant goes, �May you love each other. May you care for each other. And may you bring each other home.�" http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0207.aspx
07-04-2021, 09:33 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 4, 2021
"You have set yourself within a situation where you are at once universal and unique. You are living a life and at the same time you are living forever, never stationary and yet unified. This is the key to grasping the nature of the spiritual journey. It is truly a journey because the Creator is never still. The Creator�s nature is extremely strong in freedom. This freedom of will creates a state of cyclical discovery, the desire to know more, the desire to seek. It is your nature because it is the Creator�s nature." http://llresearch.org/transcripts/issues..._0902.aspx
07-05-2021, 07:26 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 5, 2021
"We would suggest to you that the very first job of all of you, because you are human, because you are part of third-density Earth, is to hold the frequency of love and allow a space for it to flow through you. My friends, do not attempt to love from your yellow-ray energy center. Do not use your will to bring forth your human love. Use that precious commodity of will and desire to allow the Creator�s love to flow through you." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1113.aspx
07-05-2021, 04:54 PM
I love the daily Q'uotes and L/L's posts on Facebook. There's such a huge volume of channeled material in their library that I feel it would take forever to read and absorb, so these selections that they offer really help to bring out a nice palate of wisdom and inspiration.
07-06-2021, 05:36 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 6, 2021
"�It is often the case when planning incarnational lessons that a soul chooses to challenge the self by making it more difficult to reach that which is desired. It increases the factor of suffering within the lifetime while at the same time giving to the seeker the maximum opportunity to exercise the faculty of faith" http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0513.aspx
07-07-2021, 03:05 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 7th:
"[As individualized portions of the one Creator], you enter into this entire process in order that you might pick a portion of that which is yourself and, by working upon it intensively, cause it to become as vivid as possible that it might become an adornment, an honestation for the one Creator. Thus, you refine as one who takes the raw ore from the mountainside and removes from it by this process of particularization that which is gold so that the product of this process, then, is bright, brilliant and shining and is purified in its nature in a manner which would not have been possible were not you to have chosen to expend your consciousness and your effort upon it." https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._1231.aspx
07-07-2021, 03:15 AM
(07-06-2021, 05:36 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for July 6, 2021 Why am I reminded of a computer game here, haha. Like you know, as you dance thru the different levels, the difficulty is upgraded and it is more of a challenge.... and when you step up and reach the next level, the satisfaction is even greater , like after climbing up a steepy mountain .... if things are too simple we tend to get bored.
07-08-2021, 03:58 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 8, 2021
"It is not easy to life a life in faith. Indeed, the more intense one�s faith becomes, the more central and important, the more it is tested in the fire of experience, for faith is not rigid, it is flexible, adaptable, accepting. It allows people their own paths. It allows people not to find a way to eternity. It allows people to be where they are without regrets for them, because of the sure knowledge that one day they will awaken to their true self�" http://llresearch.org/transcripts/issues..._0805.aspx "allows people their own paths. It allows people not to find a way to eternity. It allows people to be where they are without regrets for them, because of the sure knowledge that one day they will awaken to their true self�" yes the Law\Way of Confusion in full effect ![]()
07-08-2021, 08:42 AM
(07-08-2021, 03:58 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for July 8, 2021 I love this thread. Many thanks to Quan and Margan, the daily Q'uote is a vital part to my morning ritual these days ![]() ![]()
07-09-2021, 04:02 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 9:
"The one known as John the Baptist said, Make straight in the desert a highway for God with us. Make straight in your hearts the pathway for I AM. How does one make this pathway straight? Largely by coming to terms with your three so-called lower, fundamental, energies, through which all living light must pass to flow into the heart to give it the power and the strength and the stability it needs. How can you do this if the heart is open, but the energy moving into it must move through far too small an opening because you have not come to terms with yourself, you have not accepted yourself, you have not accepted your relationships; you have not accepted the primacy of love, unconditional love, over any personal preference whatsoever; you have not done the work of forgiveness, perhaps, or self-forgiveness, acceptance, or more likely, self-acceptance?" https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._1230.aspx This is so important! I had such a problem with people who acted unloving towards others and I just did not get it and thought I must be a bad person, if they act like this towards me.... until one day it dawned upon me that this person in fact did not love herself either! and thus could not love anyone else .... and that really helped me put things into perspective. So if for example Jesus says "love thy neighbor as thyself" - it is about you! love and respect yourself first! because if that is not given, then how will you love anyone else.... and if you are stuck in lower chakras how can the heart be open? and those lower chakra issues like control etc will always reflect in how you see and treat others. And let me finish with the I AM, which is the first name of God (I think some of the non-duality teachers say so and I always feel that the real significance behind this "I AM" is so deep and that if one were to grasp it fully and totally one would... be enlightened? ![]() ![]()
07-09-2021, 11:02 AM
thank you Margan! I say the St. Germain prayer every morning and your post reminds me of: my 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my divine inter-dimensional beings in the multi-verse I am now an enlightened being of light and love! so be it so it is! Amen! I am that I am!!!
Happy Friday! Wild new energy with the new moon ?
07-09-2021, 01:25 PM
Happy new moon energy!
Since this new moon is in Cancer which rules family and home, and new moon is a convenient time for a ritual, one could use it to set intention on the above mentioned areas for a new beginning. Or maybe simply cleanse the home space using incense ![]()
07-11-2021, 10:25 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 11, 2021
"In each entity�s life pattern there is the inevitable assumption that dramatic services are more important than non-dramatic services, that those who are healers or teachers are somehow more advanced than those whose service is to tend machines or to aid other entities in menial and mundane tasks. The truth is that what is most of service is the attitude of the heart. Each entity must work within its own self to create the holy of holies within, to become aware of that occasion within the self and to move gradually, a little at a time, the heart and the seat of the mundane self into the holy of holies that is being prepared within so that the life experience is mundane experience seen from a standpoint which is stably spiritual in its structures of perception." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0920.aspx "The truth is that what is most of service is the attitude of the heart" and "so that the life experience is mundane experience seen from a standpoint which is stably spiritual in its structures of perception.""
07-11-2021, 10:37 AM
Happy Sunday everyone! May the long time sun shine upon you and may all love surround you and may the pure light within you guide your way on!!!
Lao Tzu: The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to Two. Two gives birth to Three. Three gives birth to all things. All things have their backs to the female and stand facing the male. When male and female combine, all things achieve harmony. Ordinary people hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing her aloneness, realizing she is one with the whole universe. (07-11-2021, 10:37 AM)BlueLoveLotus Wrote: Happy Sunday everyone! May the long time sun shine upon you and may all love surround you and may the pure light within you guide your way on!!!Love n Light to you too, thank you an also for the Lao Tzu part Love that last paragraph, ahhh the paradox of seemingly being alone ![]()
07-12-2021, 05:54 AM
The Daily Q'uote for July 12, 2021
"The virtue of service, the joy of giving, the desire to make those you contact feel better—these are the choices made easily, lovingly and freely by those moving to open the center of heart energy." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0830.aspx " the desire to make those you contact feel better"... hmm no comment coming out just profound silence ![]() |