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12-28-2017, 06:27 PM
I to have dealt with traumatic times in this incarnation, my pain was always internal dealing with energies and vibrations, not ever physical pain or not being able to feed myself or that type of thing. When I found out about the concept of wanderers my life got better because I know longer felt like I was doing something wrong because I wanted to remove myself as much as possible from so called normal life. I worked on myself and my vibration almost exclusively and I had great healing and finally experienced regular joy in this life. I dont know if my situation applies to what your going thru but thought Id share.
12-28-2017, 10:32 PM
You may find this song Sober by Tool interesting.
12-28-2017, 11:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2017, 11:43 PM by SkyGodWarrior.)
![]() @777 Your allowing yourself to close yourself off to the universe... the things you are perceiving as negative are there for you to show your love for it so that it is turned into a higher form of love and expression. We never really loose our opportunity to achieve something as our higher selves create the conditions for one to achieve that something after a lesson is learned. Sometimes the things we want and had high hopes for take a certain type of mind set or physical condition in order for us to best utilize what we are calling for. Also there is also the probability of asking for something and realizing that it isnt what we want or even asking for something that is hollow. You sir.... use that energy and turn it around..... I wish I could tell you what it really meant for one to do this but one must discover these truths for themselves otherwise one would not know its truth..... (I put a lot of hints in this sentence) Also from the way you wrote this topic it would seem I can see how you perceive the world and yourself in it? It would seem that you dont like yourself in the way the universe loves you.... it would seem that you suspect the world to punish you or put you through all these trials of death and fire in order to fulfill your "mission" Relax man.... take it easy.... find your love for the world from within and not in anything else. ONce you realize that all your love and passions come from within it would be easy to recognize them from outside of ourselves.... these are just words for now but you will have to fill them in order to know their truth.... I know in my case I was very un emotional and etc and going down a path that ultimately would of lead me to a unhappy life.... as I was basically homeless for 3 years.... before that I had a stable job... car and a nice place to stay... it was comfortable....then disaster struck......... my job in the military didnt pay me for 5 months because of government shut down..... My bank account was frozen because of identify theft and would be frozen for 60 days.... my car broke down after a bad mechanic job... then a ice storm that hasn't happened to the region for 30years comes and it goes on for 3 whole days lol... I think all I had was peanut butter to eat..... I knew that if I let my self be defeated by these circumstances that it would just get worse and worse because in that way your allowing and accepting this form of stuff from the universe to happen and all the associated energies and beings that come with in to come your way... I will give you another hint... feeling helpless just feeds those beings..... giving them more power... Chin up man ![]() every day is a great day... you just have to realize it. I could go on and on but you get the picture.... embrace and love the suck.... see how it makes you feel... talk to God or what ever you believe in... ask your guardians to help you understand and see what you need to learn in order to live the life you were meant to live.... ![]()
12-29-2017, 12:19 AM
It's like looking in a mirror... All I want is to help people, but I can barely help myself.
It's okay to focus on yourself you know. Selfishness is an intrinsic part of selflessness. Don't beat yourself up just yet, maybe it's time to support yourself rather than beat yourself up. You know some of us put ourselves through some serious s***, it's really important to know when to try to help others, and when to try to help yourself. I'm still learning those lessons myself... (12-28-2017, 04:18 PM)777 Wrote: The main characteristic of each of my awakening experiences have been episodes of self-destruction and psychosis. This type of message SCREAMS, "help me!" I could begin to quote you all kinds of platitudes that would sound of psycho-babble and lift myself up as if I were some type of expert ready to assist in analysis of your needs. However, I'm not schooled in this stuff, so I won't... It's obvious that you want help and that since you've joined B4 in August of 2017 you know that this place is the best place to discuss your troubles and find conciliatory aide from others carrying similar burdens. But, you have to want to do the work and that's something that you have to find inside yourself. You have the power and the control of your situation, and I don't mean that you are part of the creation as co-Creator. I mean, if you want help, we're here to help. I can't hold your hand because I don't know where you are geographically. I can't tell you it'll get easier because you've posted a call for help and not a list of needs. I do know that if you're lonely, isolating yourself isn't going to yield any relief. I'm lonely and I'm in the middle of "small-town-America." I think that being "awake" is a double edged sword: I know the truth and the truth truly does set you free. However, owning this truth as co-Creator, and living in a world that is constrained behind the veil, comes at a price. You can't simple walk around preaching to the world. They'll lock you up. That's how this world functions, with it's head in the sand following the status quo. So, if you're trying to bang the drum and sound the alarm, you're writing a ticket for yourself on the crazy train and you'll find loads of people willing to help you in the "boarding process." Living the LOO is traumatic and can be trying in the best of times. I can't know your circumstances so I can't speak directly to the trials that you've suffered. However, it's been mentioned already that it's possible that some of these trials were specific to your needs as part of being. It is also possible that some of these trials are overt attacks against you to prevent your being effective. All that crap is nice but worthless if you are unwilling or unable to care enough to want to do the work. It's very possible to "go to sleep." I've done it and was very successful at it for over 25 years. All you need to do is play the "game" and jump back into the "rat race." I can guarantee you that that game sucks and is designed for you to fail. You can also remain awake and simply "be." In doing so you add to the positive orientation of this planet. Of course, you can do more. How much you decide to work on is completely up to you. I read in Book Three, Session 65, page 100 a passage of the LOO that I personally refer to as the Wanderer's Blinding White Light of Hope. I keep this passage on my desk as a promise of what is to come. I find eternal hope in the these words. You might see this hope also. I great you in infinite love and infinite light of the one infinite Creator. The Law of One, Book III, Session 65 August 8, 1981 Page 100 You may, at this time, note that as with any entities, each Wanderer has its unique abilities, biases, and specialties so that from each portion of each density represented among the Wanderers come an array of preincarnative talents which then may be expressed upon this plane which you now experience so that each Wanderer, in offering itself before incarnation, has some special service to offer in addition to the doubling effect of planetary love and light and the basic function of serving as beacon or shepherd. Thus, there are those of fifth-density whose abilities to express wisdom are great. There are fourth and sixth-density Wanderers whose ability to serve as, shall we say, passive radiators or broadcasters of love and love/light are immense. There are many others whose talents brought into this density are quite varied. Thus, Wanderers have three basic functions once the forgetting is penetrated, the first two being basic, the tertiary one being unique to that particular mind/body/spirit complex. We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.
12-29-2017, 06:27 PM
I think this would be the full awakening:
Quote:The seeker which has purely chosen the service-to-others path shall certainly not have a variant apparent incarnational experience. There is no outward shelter in your illusion from the gusts, flurries, and blizzards of quick and cruel catalyst. Something about 3d and protection: Quote:The nature of experience is such that the attention shall be constantly given varieties of experience. Those that are presumed to be negative, or interpreted as negative, may seem in abundance. It is a great challenge to take catalyst and devise the magical, positive experience. That which is magical in the negative experience is much longer coming, shall we say, in the third density. Quote:The mind/body/spirit complex of third density has perhaps one hundred times as intensive a program of catalytic action from which to distill distortions and learn/teachings than any other of the densities. Thus the learn/teachings are most confusing to the mind/body/spirit complex which is, shall we say, inundated by the ocean of experience. Quote:... the means of protection against any negative or debilitating influence for those upon the positive path was demonstrated by this instrument to a very great degree. Consider, if you will, the potentials that this particular occurrence had for negative influences to enter the instrument. This instrument thought upon the Creator in its solitude and in actions with other-self, continually praised and gave thanksgiving to the Creator for the experiences it was having. This in turn allowed this particular entity to radiate to the other-self such energies as became a catalyst for an opening and strengthening of the other-self’s ability to function in a more positively polarized state. Thus we see protection being very simple. Give thanksgiving for each moment. See the self and the other-self as Creator. Open the heart. Always know the light and praise it. This is all the protection necessary. (quotes by Ra)
12-29-2017, 09:50 PM
(12-28-2017, 04:18 PM)777 Wrote: The main characteristic of each of my awakening experiences have been episodes of self-destruction and psychosis. Sometimes when we are tired, we need to go to sleep for a while. There have been lots of times where I grew weary with the world, and dropped out of life for a while. Allowing myself to get absorbed into distractions: movies, books, videogames, etc. Sometimes it was weeks, sometimes it was months. Sometimes even years believe it or not. The world was still here when I was done resting. Take care of yourself, the world will still be here when you get back. If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. If you can't crawl, then imagine. if you can't imagine, then just BE. It will come back in time. Sometimes the momentum of life is just gonna have its way with you, and there isn't much you can do about it. The karma is too strong. The causes that were set into motion, by unconscious currents of thought, have amassed too much strength. Fighting it usually just makes it worse. Sometimes you have to surrender to the momentum, surrender to the strength of the wave, and when the storm is over, gather your strength. Sometimes we just need some peace and quiet. Silence is about dwelling in the potential. It is the very archetype of rest. We rest to gather our strength. Dwelling in the potential potentiates and stirs up the energy of action, the energy of fate, the energy of destiny, the energy of creation. Inaction potentiates action. It potentiates the kinetic. Meditation is simply when this rest has become a conscious rhythm, as opposed to an unconscious rhythm. Consciously dwelling in the river of the potential, knowing that it will stir up the energy of *change*. Every thought you think carries a charge. You don't have to build the charge that will fix your circumstances in one fell swoop. Just lean in the direction of well being. Lean toward the thought that makes you feel better, rather than the one that makes you feel worse. You are always building your house, and you can't stop. With every thread of thought you add to the structure you have to live in (your personal reality). Build it out of strong stuff and in a good place. The wise man built his house upon a rock. Existence is a work in a process. You will rebuild your "house" many times throughout the course of time. In-between two points of order, there is often a state of chaos. The energy of change. Ra: [...] We leave you in appreciation of the circumstances of the great illusion in which you now choose to play the pipe and timbrel and move in rhythm. We are also players upon a stage. The stage changes. The acts ring down. The lights come up once again. And throughout the grand illusion and the following and the following there is the undergirding majesty of the One Infinite Creator. All is well. Nothing is lost. Go forth rejoicing in the love and the light, the peace and the power of the One Infinite Creator. I am Ra. Adonai.
12-30-2017, 05:07 AM
Let me try to be the nominal one and say, "do not sell electricity", or perhaps more accurately, "do not produce more than you use...".
12-30-2017, 02:33 PM
I understand what it's like to be in your position, although waking up has never led me into it. I was suicidal before becoming aware of things, and still am, but at least now I have a somewhat better understanding of what's going on. Unfortunately, all I can do is wish you well.
12-30-2017, 02:39 PM
I don't presume to know the gravity of your situation but I'll give it a shot.
If you have good ground to support your believing to have done with this incarnation, that is, you have weighed and measured and steadily reached such conclusion and sincerely believe this is the right thing to do, that you'll be better off dead, then by all means release yourself from stagnation. No one, manifested or otherwise will fault you for that. The Harvest will still be here and you could still make it. However, if there is as much as tiny little miniature of doubt still there that says you might be taking the easy way out, that there is still a plausible solution to all of this which you are shying away from, that there is actual work you could do but you are neglecting for whatever reason, that by quitting now you might miss a valuable opportunity to make a come back and it will make you look funny on the other side, that you are right now sitting on a golden pile of catalyst-invincible as they now seem-that disincarnate spirits would kill to get their unmanifested paws on, then perhaps you should be more comprehensive. Because all of us have done work. "Breath in, breath out. This is the first blessing: you are alive." Surely there must be good work you have accumulated over the xx years of your life, something to salvage from the wreck you think you are, something to continue build on for the next say (85-xx) years of your life. Or you'll start all over next time. It would be economic to carry on, and the reward will be too great. Or perhaps I have overestimated this and dramatized myself. I do that sometimes, trying to appear better than I actually am. In which case you should just wait it out, like everybody have said. Don't force yourself to be awake, relax and pass the fxxx out. Be numb, be dumb, make some more mistakes, get in touch with where you're really at, lower your expectations, be a janitor with hidden depth, work on your red ray. /"However, to us the joy of life is so great that we find all this seriousness very humorous."/(1973.3.4) Or perhaps you are a SEVENTH density wanderer, in which case even Q'uo will be out of their depth dealing with YOU! (12-30-2017, 08:49 AM)777 Wrote: Thank you. I'm so sorry for your pain and horror, I will try and send you energy in meditation. You have to keep fighting fear with love, don't let it consume you, try and focus on just living until time and/or someone will help you ease the trauma and allow new energy and distortions to heal. Is this related to that mentor that abused you? With such intense trauma I can't help but think that you are going through extreme transformations, you can do it, wait it out, observe rather than disseminate. You don't need to understand why or how it is happening, only to accept and be grounded in your own reality. You will surely make new connections, and step by step learn to forgive (don't rush it, first try and forgive yourself). Beside, look at the support here. Edit: Just prayed in meditation for you. Be well.
12-31-2017, 03:05 AM
(12-28-2017, 04:18 PM)777 Wrote: The main characteristic of each of my awakening experiences have been episodes of self-destruction and psychosis. Sometimes catalyst can seem all to much accept but its a only just 1 part of you that is expressing this difficultly the tip of the iceberg a smaller part of you that is trying to help you even if it may not seem that way.. Just remember tho the more catalyst the greater space for growth if it can be turned around, unfortunetately in this illusion its where growth typically comes from.. Law of One states: "It is to be noted that among your entities a large percentage of all progression has as catalyst, trauma." Life will only throw at you what you can deal with, must be a very strong person then to go through this..
I like what Sprout said and further suggest that we get a group meditation session coordinated across the internet at a specific time for 777. Let's pick a time when we can all put in a group effort exclusively for 777. Come on you guys and girls! Let's lift up our brother and support this individual with the power that we have at our disposal.
I suggest that we do this for 15 minutes this evening, at, say, 7:00 pm. We simple focus all our energy and support of our brother, 777, and send full power positive energy of love and light! I'm doing this tonight and I want everyone to join me for whatever time that you can. Make a note for 7:00 pm EST and join me to support this mind/body/spirit complex in the name of the one infinite Creator! I was just asking my other-self for additional ways to be of service to others...
I had hesitated to say this but although it may come across as harsh I think it is important.
While you say that you don't want to be awake, I think you don't know what it is to really be awake. It is hard to not see the ego at the center of everything you have stated and that awakening to the qualities of spirit alleviates most, if not all, of it also. So more than that you need to quit pursuing awakening, I think you need to re-think what it means to awaken and focus it more upon what's within than simply being more aware of the surrounding world from a confused state which may hurt itself in its inability to see the unity of it all. All that you need to heal and be well is contained within you. How you cling to your past is the ego, if it lets go then it'll reliberate the free potential of spirit.
12-31-2017, 05:34 PM
(12-31-2017, 12:10 PM)Billz Wrote: I suggest that we do this for 15 minutes this evening, at, say, 7:00 pm. We simple focus all our energy and support of our brother, 777, and send full power positive energy of love and light! I'm doing this tonight and I want everyone to join me for whatever time that you can. Make a note for 7:00 pm EST and join me to support this mind/body/spirit complex in the name of the one infinite Creator! I'M IN! :)
12-31-2017, 05:48 PM
Elros, I think even here there are few completely awake. The old saying, WAKE UP SHEEPLE comes to mind. It may be harsh to ask but are you awake? Do you think saying yes isn't an egotistical statement? Or that saying no is somehow humbling?
It is a very insincere game in regards to how we should regard ego as something to be overcome or rebirthed. I never looked at my ego during my 'awakening', I noted profound changes that in retrospect I would not describe as overcoming or defeating, but instead it was like the ego matured and changed. It only fell away once those things happened and led me to deep realization of the Law of One. Once I was unable to make further progress in that realization my ego came back and it, was, pissed. We are our ego as much as our soul. Remember, how we're all 3D? How would you feel, if you existed to be overcome, as if you were a hurdle, an obstacle? Something to be discarded and defeated? It'd hurt me personally. Even as an ego-based person, if anything else were possible, I still managed to be loving. I don't really understand or know deeply anything though. I find awakening shouldn't be the goal or point, or that overcoming the ego is basically a bad idea. One needs to unify the self. This means taking in the ego with forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, unconditional love. Let it exist, let it grope in the darkness, don't make it a shadow of opposition, help sooth it. When you hunger, feed yourself. One does not become enlightened by seeing the Light, but by making the Dark conscious. In the beginning there was nothingness, darkness. Then there was consciousness. We could call the very creation mythos a result of enlightenment. Instead of fretting the abyss of emptiness, Creator accepted it as it was, and this act transformed it into Light. (Simplified explanation). What's wrong with not being awake? If everyone was awake there'd be no challenge. We'd all realize the same things and we'd all lack the excuses to perpetuate the world as it is today. In a way, half-awake is the most efficacious place to be. All the roads are available, and when one becomes awakened/enlightened it is temporary as we all must sleep again eventually only to inevitably wake up again, resulting in a cycle of sleep and awakening or basically a way to continual enlightenment. It is not surprising to me then that some whom wake up desire to go back to sleep. It is not that they are not ready, but that that's the path they desire to take. Being asleep isn't a bad thing. Many dreams manifest during such time, and much potential for work still exists, it's just not distinctly known like before. Working in slumber is a lot harder, but the rewards are greater. Working awake just makes things more efficient. So, I'd say you should look at your words as if they were said from you to yourself. You too appear to be unaware of what it means to really be awake. And so do I, cause I sure don't know beyond a very brief glimpse that has left me, overall, more confused than ever. 777 has my acceptance, may their journey become ever better throughout, even in the face of things they would rather avoid. That this new year should treat them good. That they'll treat themself good. I'm sorry for your suffering, but you know. You're a jackpot. Your number is going to come up, so don't give up, just take a break. I understand your expressed feelings, and wish only the best for you regardless. (And with that said don't throw all your coins at the machine until you win, you might go broke, so take a break, and play responsibly ![]()
Really don't know exactly what your going through, but some facet of the underlying sentiment you share I resonate with pretty strongly. I'm still in it. I can grasp to some extent what you mean by reaching new lows. If your anything like me in that regard maybe you habor immense feelings of regret. Like missing crucial opportunity after opportunity for one reason or another...and with that, feeling that you've lost a part of yourself with each major missed opportunity or f*** up. It gets to a point where its like, the Self you once were, that spark...feels so "not there" that its like the basic foundation of Self/Desire is absent so regardless of the possibilities of improvement...the sense of self, willpower, and hope aren't there to really provide any real change- as any attempt from that standpoint would just feel mechanical, forced and ingenuine. Again, not to speak for you. Just from my own experience.
Overall you seem like a solid and intelligent person, you seem to have assessed your situation carefully and maybe you feel you've done your best to make better of it yet it still gets worse. I sense really strong emotional charge behind your words and deep desire for healing. All I can say is "I feel you". I'm with you to whatever extent. When all else fails, all I can say is it helps *me* when I acknowledge what I do still have...even if it just helps a little. I'll take it. If you can manage to still have a good laugh at something, enjoy a nice walk outside, appreciate the beingness of those you admire to whatever extent wherever you see it...whatever it may be. Your alive, your experiencing, and the pain you feel *is* temporary from a larger perspective...and I'm not down playing the pain you feel. I really hope things get better for you. I got something from your sharing, so thank you.
01-02-2018, 08:12 PM
You be strong, we're all here for you.
01-02-2018, 10:49 PM
(12-31-2017, 05:48 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: Elros, I think even here there are few completely awake. The old saying, WAKE UP SHEEPLE comes to mind. It may be harsh to ask but are you awake? Do you think saying yes isn't an egotistical statement? Or that saying no is somehow humbling? The answer reflects the focus, intelligent infinity is what is truly awakened and contained within each of us. Any other thing is a play of being partially awakened and so having a partial awareness of infinity as infinite intelligence. There can be both kind of focus really, one upon the aspects of the self that are awakened and one on the aspects of the self that are not awakened, I'd expect a greater focus upon yes because it is effectively an egoistic statement that focuses on what is known by self, and thus what is awakened in self and this sense of awakened self is the ego whether as a child or an adept. (12-31-2017, 05:48 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: It is a very insincere game in regards to how we should regard ego as something to be overcome or rebirthed. I don't think it deserves to be overcome but in certain cases it seeks of itself to alleviate itself into being released. The nature of spirit is that of potential, and in this is held all healing. You are how you see yourself and this is how it cannot be overcome, but you also are infinitely more than that and this is how it can transform. (12-31-2017, 05:48 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I never looked at my ego during my 'awakening', I noted profound changes that in retrospect I would not describe as overcoming or defeating, but instead it was like the ego matured and changed. It only fell away once those things happened and led me to deep realization of the Law of One. Once I was unable to make further progress in that realization my ego came back and it, was, pissed. I actually don't think the ego deserves to be overcome. I had experiences in which I thought I'd never go back to how I was and felt a sorrow out of it, like something great and beautiful was lost. But then the veil slowly comes back into place and you see, like you said, that you matured and changed but remain of here as a complex. Awakened is just an aspect of yourself that is ever there and awake, you just align with it and realize it within yourself as both you it and it you. (12-31-2017, 05:48 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I find awakening shouldn't be the goal or point, or that overcoming the ego is basically a bad idea. About the bolded statement, I think it should be seen as half of it and usually if you focus on seeing yourself as Light you will start seeing catalysts that make surface what within you hinders you to be this Light that you visualize yourself to be. So I think it is perfectly fine to just focus on Light, but if you are insincere about it then it is mixed with both intents and this creates energetic tensions within your field, and these tensions create a gravity with external potential catalysts to resolve the inner conflict. (12-31-2017, 05:48 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: In the beginning there was nothingness, darkness. Then there was consciousness. We could call the very creation mythos a result of enlightenment. Instead of fretting the abyss of emptiness, Creator accepted it as it was, and this act transformed it into Light. (Simplified explanation). I meant more to say that awakening to the truer nature of spirit is pretty much to reach out for peace and wellness, but yes it is undeniable that you have to release the holds of the aspects of yourself that don't want to be at peace. The darkness you spoke of that was in the beginning, it is not unwellness either and so blockages may ever be released once made conscious as common growth unfolds as they are a complex of the light. We each are the potential of being everyone else and yet it is so common to see the self as unlike the others, we create a cage of restricting self-perception which hinders our heritage of life that is love birthing light to shine and radiate. If you became exceptionally good at releasing your blockages and fall short of having much to align, you could start answering the call of others and release their nodes. It wouldn't be hard or a chore, it'd be a second nature and that's the only way to most sincerely do it. I think part of the issue some people may find they have is that they confuse seeking power with awakening as the Creator in the experience of Itself. An imbalanced seeking of power unfolds as what it is, while a balanced seeking naturally finds power as it knows to work with.
01-02-2018, 11:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2018, 11:32 PM by Infinite Unity.)
(12-31-2017, 05:48 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: Elros, I think even here there are few completely awake. The old saying, WAKE UP SHEEPLE comes to mind. It may be harsh to ask but are you awake? Do you think saying yes isn't an egotistical statement? Or that saying no is somehow humbling? I disagree with your statement; that slumber is harder work, but the rewards are greater. I believe you have a misconception of the nature of 3d. I believe it is directly linked with your expectation/s. I also think that within the misconception of 3d you see a separation, between the soul, and the body. Where there truly is none. Your body, mind, and ego. Are not obstacles, burdens, and are not separate from you. The first most clearly being self evident. Not that your body, mind, or ego is the whole representation. The body is thrilled to be in this situation, and serving, and in truth there is no separation but conscience clothed in thought/light/conscience. There is no separation, there is service. Let's all be grateful.
01-03-2018, 12:15 AM
(01-02-2018, 10:49 PM)Elros Wrote:(12-31-2017, 05:48 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: Elros, I think even here there are few completely awake. The old saying, WAKE UP SHEEPLE comes to mind. It may be harsh to ask but are you awake? Do you think saying yes isn't an egotistical statement? Or that saying no is somehow humbling? ... Min, I just want to say your spiritual wisdom is so immense sometimes it's like reading a whole different language. You should make a public journal of your thoughts. @IU: In slumber I intended the idea that polarizing under total veil influence allows for greater gain than doing so under partial veil influence, as in to say that being awake and knowing to polarize isn't the same as doing so while asleep. The idea is doing so while asleep is the idea towards strong polarizations. But I don't know, just assume. I don't see any separation, the body is just the visible part of the consciousness. What I see is unusual and disturbing usage by the consciousness of the body and m/b/s complex. In NDE's and LBL Hypnotherapy, some people upon realizing what the body is designed to be as (physical vehicle that is otherwise devoid of intelligence, with the soul being the intelligent creative 'life' of the body) expressed being disturbed and in the narrative of one of Michael Newtons books it's said that people's reactions to that knowledge ranged from indifference to serious disturbance, with some being a bit traumatized by the knowledge. I think my misconception then is less separation and more a lack of ethical consideration for what is manifested. I might even confront, ... whomever, The Powers That Be, with a plan to transform 3D into a still decently speedy and intensive experience that's less loose in some designs towards ethics. A sub-plane for those like me who are so disturbed we're stifled. I'd highly HIGHLY recommend the books by Michael Newton, the research foundation for NDE's,, and consider that the Ra Material speaks in metaphor at times about things due to the highly logical intellectual language in areas.
01-03-2018, 01:09 AM
(01-02-2018, 05:40 AM)777 Wrote: I feel a little better. You know if you ever want to talk about whatever is on your mind, you're free to pm me or someone else. I'm not sure how much we can help, but I know a lot of us are good at listening and are willing to throw you some attention to help you work through things. It's helped me a lot.
01-13-2018, 12:39 AM
(12-29-2017, 09:50 PM)anagogy Wrote: The world was still here when I was done resting. beautiful |