03-27-2020, 05:32 PM
(03-27-2020, 04:19 PM)flofrog Wrote: Black Dragon you make me laugh, I love your Cs and Ds

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03-27-2020, 05:32 PM
(03-27-2020, 04:19 PM)flofrog Wrote: Black Dragon you make me laugh, I love your Cs and Ds ![]()
03-27-2020, 06:23 PM
(03-27-2020, 03:20 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: I never read the Cassiopaean material, but it sounds like a load of hooey. They seem to have a whole little insider language of terminology, processes, and procedures that's a lot more compartmentalized, coded, and cluttered with mental bullshit than what you find here. It seems set up to create confusion rather than clarity. There's a group out there that owns some pretty fancy properties in different states called the "Saint Germain Foundation", and there's a lot of similarities in the cult-like attitude. This cult was influenced somewhat by two late 19th/early 20th century book I read called "A Dweller on Two Planets" and "An Earth Dweller's return. They started saying s*** like kill your pets for some higher purpose, and that wearing any Earth-tone rather than bright type colors was prohibited as they weren't "spiritual". I've read both of these "Atlantis cannon" pieces, the books and some of the entities involved in it seem quite deceitful, even possibly including "Terre"(Their version of Yahweh that the books do confirm was a teacher that helped transfer us from Mars). Sometimes grounding to earth and integrating with earth is the most spiritual thing you can do.
03-27-2020, 07:10 PM
(03-27-2020, 06:23 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote:Absolutely 100% agree. That's why those notions that group had were so insidious and distorted. This is a beautiful planet, and despite the societal yellow ray morphic mess and negative higher density interference, the beauty and love is clear to me when I look at the Earth itself and the first and second density aspects of it.(03-27-2020, 03:20 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: I never read the Cassiopaean material, but it sounds like a load of hooey. They seem to have a whole little insider language of terminology, processes, and procedures that's a lot more compartmentalized, coded, and cluttered with mental bullshit than what you find here. It seems set up to create confusion rather than clarity. There's a group out there that owns some pretty fancy properties in different states called the "Saint Germain Foundation", and there's a lot of similarities in the cult-like attitude. This cult was influenced somewhat by two late 19th/early 20th century book I read called "A Dweller on Two Planets" and "An Earth Dweller's return. They started saying s*** like kill your pets for some higher purpose, and that wearing any Earth-tone rather than bright type colors was prohibited as they weren't "spiritual". I've read both of these "Atlantis cannon" pieces, the books and some of the entities involved in it seem quite deceitful, even possibly including "Terre"(Their version of Yahweh that the books do confirm was a teacher that helped transfer us from Mars).
03-27-2020, 07:33 PM
03-27-2020, 08:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2020, 09:06 PM by Black Dragon.)
(03-27-2020, 07:33 PM)Infinite Wrote:(03-27-2020, 03:20 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: (Their version of Yahweh that the books do confirm was a teacher that helped transfer us from Mars). "A Dweller on Two Planets" and the sequel "An Earth Dweller's Return". The being Terre/Yahweh, I can't really tell if he is true and heart-felt STO, distorted and cold STO, or just outright something else less wholesome. He interferes in certain ways to direct the main character but doesn't save him from getting screwed over when it's needed. He lets the "bad guy" of the first book get away with basically everything and then randomly "blasts" him into the "outer darkness" after all is said and done, and then proceeds to leave and let the protagonist die to the "bad guy"'s machinations. There are some quotes attributed to this Terre/Yahweh character in the second book that seem to point to an attitude that our mind/body/spirit complexes in this life our little more than machines. While there is some truth to that statement, there's also ignorance. I don't think this being has much real love or respect for incarnate beings from what I gather. I would like to be wrong, but things such as love(when combined with a hint of wisdom) and more so, respect, are a two way street...in the grand scheme of things, we are all equal, so being of a higher density or later stage in spiritual development does not make one a worthy master or teacher if they are cold and detached and play us like pawns, in my( admittedly sometimes less than humble ![]()
03-28-2020, 07:45 AM
(03-27-2020, 08:45 PM)Black Dragon Wrote:(03-27-2020, 07:33 PM)Infinite Wrote:(03-27-2020, 03:20 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: (Their version of Yahweh that the books do confirm was a teacher that helped transfer us from Mars). Can you say me the exactly book and page I find this information about Mars transference?
03-28-2020, 09:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-28-2020, 12:13 PM by Asolsutsesvyl.
Edit Reason: clean-up
Here are some fairly short notes which bring out some main differences in how the Cassiopaeans describe the history of humanity and the solar system, compared to Ra.
A side-topic is that of the stories of the four old Phantasy Star games (1987-1993 in the original versions). The story of Phantasy Star II, in particular, has strong similarities to part of the Cassiopaean story of the solar system, though the symbology clashes rather sharply in terms of where it points when details are looked at. Ra and the C's use different names for the planets of this solar system. Ra's naming may be connected to a type of "tradition" or "language", related to groups of souls with shared experience and understanding. Ra's characteristic "Adonai" farewell at the end of each session was brought up in a discussion which seems relevant. The C's use different names. On 1994-09-30, the C's named the planet which exploded Kantek, stating that it happened roughly 79000 years ago. They also name Mars Martek. The C's claim to have been in regular, direct contact with the people of "Kantek", before they were moved to Earth by Orion STS prior to the planetary destruction, becoming (rather loosely speaking) the "northern peoples" here on Earth. On 1994-10-23, the claim was made that humanity was originally "seeded" on a planet called "D'Ankhiar", which then burned up completely, the Ankh being an "ancient symbol" for that "planet". So in that sense, we apparently cannot "go home". Humanity was then moved to Earth, a later session that year claims. Where to go, with what the Ankh symbolizes dead and gone? On 1995-09-24: "Pay attention to Orion! This is your ancestral home, and your eventual destination. ...the most heavily populated region of your Milky Way galaxy!" The C's then describe how Orion STS created the genetic variations of human beings on Earth by combining and modifying various genetic materials. The key to the future, it is claimed in other sessions, is Orion STO contact. The C's present Orion as the true origin of humanity. It is a large area which, it is said, includes our solar system. It is claimed that there is a roughly half-half positive and negative polarity division in Orion. Finally, on our solar system and its peoples, the C's claim that the three planets of Earth, Mars, and the one which blew up, at one time were populated simultaneously, though the populations were never all in contact with one another.
03-28-2020, 02:16 PM
That's interesting to know. Looking through answers these entities had given (concerning Orion) to the questioner, it has me suspect if these entities were attempting to influence people to recruit them for the Orion empire, or a similar agenda. What is everyone else's thoughts?
03-28-2020, 04:25 PM
(03-28-2020, 02:16 PM)Luigi Wrote: That's interesting to know. Looking through answers these entities had given (concerning Orion) to the questioner, it has me suspect if these entities were attempting to influence people to recruit them for the Orion empire, or a similar agenda. What is everyone else's thoughts? In some ways, that could be true. It depends on whether the original Cassaeopaean material was of and STS nature or whether it was STO but distorted by people and other interfering forces into a cult-like attitude. I would, however, strongly caution against the notion that every being or information that comes from Orion is inherently negative or STS. Orion is a huge star system, for one, and another argument is how space/time and stuff works in weird ways. Not all sources from Orion are from the same timeframe or timeline. For all we know the timeframe/timeline connecting in the early 80's could have been mostly or all negative, but some of the beings from Orion connecting now could be from a timeline where the conflicts are resolved. From what I have heard there is a positive planet and a negative planet in the Zeta system in relatively close proximity to one another...the same could be true of Orion, especially in a timeframe/timeline where the "empire" has fallen apart, leaving individuated planets and SMC,s and the like, some of which are STS and some STO. Just a thought.
03-28-2020, 04:53 PM
(03-28-2020, 07:45 AM)Infinite Wrote:Yeah, actually. I'll dig out the book when I get a chance and skim through until I find it. I'll tell you the page and paragraph, and I'll quote it verbatim here for you and anyone else interested to see.(03-27-2020, 08:45 PM)Black Dragon Wrote:(03-27-2020, 07:33 PM)Infinite Wrote:(03-27-2020, 03:20 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: (Their version of Yahweh that the books do confirm was a teacher that helped transfer us from Mars).
03-31-2020, 06:38 PM
(03-28-2020, 04:25 PM)Black Dragon Wrote:(03-28-2020, 02:16 PM)Luigi Wrote: That's interesting to know. Looking through answers these entities had given (concerning Orion) to the questioner, it has me suspect if these entities were attempting to influence people to recruit them for the Orion empire, or a similar agenda. What is everyone else's thoughts? Another possibility is that the Cassiopaean information was, in part, designed to attract and co-opt people with an Orion STO background. The main theories I have at present about the nature of the C's are: 1. (Older) A 6D STO contact came in association with higher-density STS intermediaries engaged in the "blending of the service patterns". (The C's claim that beings who do so are sometimes in touch with 6D STO.) Clues as to the nature of the Cassiopaean Experiment may then, in part, be deliberate slips of positive origin. 2. (Newer) A negative imitation from the beginning, the manifestation of the true nature gradually growing down through the densities over the years. Symbolic clues may in part be explained by Laura's old synthesis which drew upon Michael Topper: some "law" of higher-density existence makes it a must for symbolic clues to be provided by high-level negative beings as to their real nature, as this preserves the free will of those convinced by the deception, to the benefit of the manipulator. (It isn't "good food" unless "eaten" with free will intact.)
04-01-2020, 12:58 PM
(03-31-2020, 06:38 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: Another possibility is that the Cassiopaean information was, in part, designed to attract and co-opt people with an Orion STO background. Maybe that's too thin a summary to make all that much sense. To expand on it a bit, and also add another theory I've basically discarded for now... Laura's life, which I've read about in earlier years (including her autobiography), contains plenty of 4D-related stuff, from psychic phenomena to alien abduction and more. It's obvious that she has a higher-density body and is not just 3D. The higher-density mind is, I think, firmly in charge following her personal "shamanic initiation" ordeals. That's what "shamanic initiation" is all about, for people with a higher-density being of their own; a process of it "growing down" into fully directing the incarnation. (It may take several years, may turn the 3D inner world inside-out several times, and has nothing to do with any "initiation" which an external person can hand you with mere symbols or ritual.) That was before Montalk's unpleasant experiences with her, and possibly, at the 3D level, Laura actually believes fully in what she claimed about Montalk and others; a switch is flipped, so to say, and Laura's 3D mind constructs an explanation and she genuinely believes it. (This 3D-sincerity may greatly have helped her convince people.) If Laura became spiritually corrupted, as Montalk believes, then the corruption must have taken place in 4D rather than 3D. I tend away from that explanation for basically the same reason I don't think Laura was positive and the C's negative (Laura then spiritually falling in 1994). The symbolic patterns and structure of Laura's life, described by her extensively, truly make the dangling threads all come together with the Cassiopaean Experiment. Decades of stuff led up to it. The simplest explanations which seem to take everything into account make for Laura's life simply unfolding according to "plan", without any sudden changes of spiritual polarity. Unless someone comes up with things which add clarity and change the above big picture, that basically seems to leave the two main theories I briefly mentioned.
04-02-2020, 10:16 PM
(03-28-2020, 07:45 AM)Infinite Wrote:Sorry it took a bit for me to get around to it, but I've found it. It's in the second book "An Earth Dweller's Return", page 304, Sec. 746 "My immediate tutor, Terre, hath sometimes been called Yahveh, Yehovah, or Jehovah. Man had then but recently arrived on Terre--the Earth--from Mars, having made the planetary round three times."(03-27-2020, 08:45 PM)Black Dragon Wrote:(03-27-2020, 07:33 PM)Infinite Wrote:(03-27-2020, 03:20 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: (Their version of Yahweh that the books do confirm was a teacher that helped transfer us from Mars).
04-03-2020, 04:46 PM
(04-02-2020, 10:16 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: Sorry it took a bit for me to get around to it, but I've found it. It's in the second book "An Earth Dweller's Return", page 304, Sec. 746 "My immediate tutor, Terre, hath sometimes been called Yahveh, Yehovah, or Jehovah. Man had then but recently arrived on Terre--the Earth--from Mars, having made the planetary round three times." No problem. Thanks a lot!
04-30-2020, 04:05 PM
After the old updates on my personal journey in this thread, I made a separate introduction thread. Its first two posts contain some more on personal experiences and thoughts leading to those turns described earlier in this thread.
I've been thinking of more to write on this topic, but I go about it slowly. The question of language, how Ra and the C's differ and perhaps why, is something I plan to return to. Also some more detailing of interesting details in C's sessions and relations to those of Ra when there's any. But I think I'll go ahead first and post my current speculations on the nature of it all, which may change over time.
04-30-2020, 04:45 PM
My current big picture theory is summarized in a short journal entry I wrote, quoted below.
The three stages listed, of the development of a psycho-spiritual control system, largely parallel the list in an older post of "the three spiritualities", in differing periods of years, of the Cassiopaean Experiment. My journal Wrote:Wisdom combined with the negating of love, as love, is the spirituality of the Cassiopaean Experiment, from the very beginning to whatever the end will be.
I think triads mentioned in mythology are kind of overcomplicating it because they make everything look external. One infinite means one mind, one universe, one soul
I read a comparison in Hindi terms could be related in how Atman [individual] and Brahman [Universal soul] are ultimately equivalents Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna is the kundalini [evolutionary force] in you. It is serpentine-like in the way two coils of DNA are seroent-like Ego is bias, imbalance in your vibratory complex
05-09-2020, 04:55 PM
A change in direction, for now: adding some complementary aspects of the philosophy of the Cassiopaean Experiment. I have previously left Laura's husband, Ark, out of the picture; actually, I find the most positive human elements in the older mix of influences to be his.
A different core philosophy Ark doesn't play nearly as visible a part in setting the direction of the Cassiopaea community; and when, from time to time over the years, he adds something into the mix which changes the direction, the result is what comes from his input both passing through Laura's filter, and Laura changing her filter into something neither quite like the old nor something which really accomodates Ark's core philosophy. What is that core philosophy? Actually, there's a basic uncertainty to my writing in that my information is incomplete. Ark's main direct philosophical input is old, as in personal notes from many decades ago and some shorter, newer writing, quoted here and there in the writing on the Cassiopaea website. There's no definite, elaborate big picture update that I know of. In a way, Ark is the opposite of Laura. Instead of furthering a very general sense of urgency and theologically-charged drama, his idea is that the best people can do is to figure out what they want to do most of all and then work towards it, without worrying about the time it may take. Maybe it can be done in this life, maybe not; if it takes five lives to do it, so what? God or the Universe doesn't expect more than for people to hopefully basically love and take care of themselves, and do whatever is in their hearts to do. In that sense, Ark's philosophy is fundamentally much more easy-going and accepting. And if it were as prominent a part of the whole as Laura's much more moralistic and emotionally-charged approach, then a much better balance may have resulted. But it plays a much smaller part, as something there in the background, while the main focus is given to the opposite inclinations. That's very much a long-term part of the picture. Social memory complexes and "debugging the Universe" An old idea of Ark's, captured in by now very old journal notes quoted in Laura's writing, is that of "debugging the Universe". Loosely inspired by Fourth Way thinking, Ark had arrived at the idea that what people are at this level is not what really matters. Compared to the larger being, and/or larger potential, the self of the physical body is more like a little shell, or machine, which by itself doesn't amount to much. It either drifts through life in a basically meaningless way, or aligns with something bigger than itself, and through that has a meaningful purpose. In other words, a truly meaningful life is a life of serving something greater than what comes from the nature of the physical self. A real aim in life gives a real direction and a real meaning. But what aim? It depends on the person, whether an aim is found and if so what it might be. Ark arrived at an idea that not everything is right with the world, or situation the world is in, and that some may be here to help in a variety of ways to correct the course or make a better future. Something larger, connected to the future and the ways in which it may unfold, may even send souls, or beings, into this world we find ourselves in, in attempts to help fix whatever the problems may be. And so, he reasoned, perhaps he is such a "debugging unit", somehow here to help. This corresponds very well with the ideas of social memory complexes, wanderers connected to them, and that, in Ra's terms, there's something of a "maelstrom" associated with "destruction" that some wanderers are here to help the world avoid the worst of - at the risk of being dragged into it. So what happened? I can't really tell what the ultimate big picture of Ark's role and spiritual significance is shaping up towards. To make one thing very clear, despite the seeming big contrasts between Ark and Laura, they obviously have been and remain deeply committed to working together, having made their causes one. Was that always meant to be, or did it end up that way partway there? It can be interesting to speculate about what may have happened had history unfolded differently. For example, if Don Elkins had lived longer, and met with Ark at some point in the late 80's or early 90's, I think they would have had much to talk about, and may have found significant common ground. But the present is the present. Ark's main role, in relation to the Cassiopaean Experiment, is as inspirer and main supporter of the quiet type at the core of what has developed since 1996. It's difficult to accurately distinguish between the nature of what comes from him and what comes from the whole, if the two differ in a more fundamental way.
09-23-2020, 07:35 PM
I agree with Montalk that the channel was destabilized after 2002. Especially since 1996 Congo invasion happened and the Great Forgetting or something akin to it, activated.
Maybe this was the plan all along to pretend to be STO and then convert this group to STS after 2002, or it may be that Cassio are legitimately what they say they are. I cannot verify either way.
09-23-2020, 07:51 PM
(09-23-2020, 07:35 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: ...Maybe this was the plan all along to pretend to be STO and then convert this group to STS... This is so typical that it seems to be the case for the majority of channeling material unfortunately. This often happens when proof is requested, which is requested a lot. I don't know what the contracts are to implement the Law of Confusion on this planet, but it really seems like there is a clause about faith/proof. When proof is requested I think the STO entity has to step out and let the Loyal Opposition answer those type of questions. When this happens a lot, then the STS entity earns the right to just stay there as the main contact. So that is a message to all people channeling. Please properly challenge the contact and do not request proof. By proof I mean stuff like asking about the future in specific terms, or asking for phenomena or info on "private" affaires of this world. Like: "What is the cabal currently doing to manipulate the financial system and how could we stop them?". You can ask how we can stop them, but the rest is going to de-polarize the channel. Anyway, that's my five cents (there are no longer any pennies here in Canada, so it can't be my two cents). ![]()
"What is the cabal currently doing to manipulate the financial system and how could we stop them?"
Often that cannot be answered. Why? Because it infringes on free will. Why does it infringe on free will? Because they will kill or disappear you if they ever found out you had accurate intel on them. And that would be a violation of your free will to stay alive on Earth to do your soul mission. Thus the only entity that would answer this call would be those that dislike your free will... catch 22, right. After my initiation ,what I learned was that knowledge comes after faith. Only when I have faith and take a leap into the unknown, do I get the knowledge of whether that decision was right or not. If I wait to be sure, if I want some type of guarantee, this energy contradicts the energy of Holy Spirit. As Aso once wrote, a shamanic style initiation is allowing the possession of this body/avatar/ego by the higher self, a type of entity possession. That spirit now guides the mortal, not the other way around. The verification I use and request, which have been given to me, are things only I can decipher or understand. It would make no sense or little sense to anyone else. How do we know someone is who they say they are? For the same reason any of us know about anyone else here, whether the yare who they say they are or whether they have the abilities they say they do. Pay attention to the fruit of their actions and the result of their behavior and energies. Very simple, yet humanity is distracted by debates, arguments, strife, conflict, and ego sumo wrestling. Assuming people aren't infected by nanites and burning down their own cities...
Asolsutsesvyl, interesting background information on Ark and Laura. It will take me a while to absorb the info in this thread and probably will reread material at the Cassiopaean web site.
The “debugging the universe” theme resonated with me. Granting unrestricted free will to STS did not work out well. Maybe it will be revised in future cycles; can begin here and now. I was a devoted reader of Laura’s web site about 15 years ago. I was in a hurry to catch up on learning information that I had been ignorant of during my many years of sleepwalking through life. After reading the Wave series and other essays/books by her, I wanted to study material that was less focused on STS. Eventually I switched to studying Barbara Marciniak’s channeling, the Ra Material, and essays by Montalk. I participated in the forum that he and his girl friend operated, Noble Realms. That forum became inactive in 2008. Jerry
02-20-2021, 03:01 PM
Concerning Ymarsakar's mention of 1996, the main connection of that year to the Cassiopaean Experiment is of course Ark coming prominently into the picture. A decade later, 2006, further big steps were taken, with the QFG organization and the launching of the Cassiopaea forum. In between, Ark's role in pushing up the intellectual standard and qualities of the then email-list-based Cassiopaea community is very significant.
Arguably, Ark's input has fueled something negative. That's certainly my own view. But why and how? For now, I have no information which suggests that Ark is of a basically negative or destructive nature, and the old information I have read on him, his life and his musings, actually suggests the opposite -- an inspired person deeply concerned with ethics and, unlike Laura (with her Cassiopaean backing), not at all inclined to view everything as evidence of being the center around which the fate of the whole world revolves. For now I continue to give Ark the benefit of the doubt as to his basic nature and motivations. It makes sense that the egocentric core of Laura's agenda, with toxic seeds looking for nourishment, would grow into something distinctly negative when plenty of positive fuel is added to it. Ark could have been duped, on one or more levels, into thinking that he was genuinely supporting the most meaningful cause in the world, without being a crazed egomaniac himself. Interestingly enough, many decades ago by now, Ark briefly was in touch with a physical Fourth Way group based on Gurdjieff's teaching. Ark described (can be found somewhere in "The Wave" books, like much other background info for him) rejecting joining that group, finding it useless to devote himself to it, as he had something of his own which was important to focus on instead, a strong sense that there was a reason he was in this life basically, that he could approach inwardly -- and belief in such a thing is incompatible with a dogmatic Gurdjieffian approach. I ultimately realized that it's the same with the dogmatic Cassiopaea community approach, for all who have a mission of their own apart from being part of Laura K-J's crowd. (09-23-2020, 07:51 PM)Patrick Wrote:(09-23-2020, 07:35 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: ...Maybe this was the plan all along to pretend to be STO and then convert this group to STS... Actually, little proof is asked for in the Cassiopaea community. And early on, the C's said that an approach of requesting proof was contrary to being open to something beyond "3D thinking". But they've focused a lot on predictions, and also material details and other how-to-live-life and how-to-be-spiritual details, what's safe and not, related to positive and negative forces, etc., swallowing detail after detail when it comes from their chosen authority. In predictions and other things, the community has long been eager to confirm "hits" while not being serious about looking into possible "misses". It's been like a fanclub which usually never speaks of losing and keeps focusing on how it's winning and is better than everyone else. Their consensus, even in matters mainly physical, implicitly has a special, sacred status, the loss of which leads to risk of the soul being lost, through alignment with entropic forces. There you have the topics of negative disintegration, soul smashing, etc. -- often used to explain why people "go bad" in connection with leaving the fold, since around the time when the Fellowship (FOTCM) was founded. Which made me wonder, does every schizophrenic, and every person with brain illness or damage resulting in dementia or other similarly severe issues, also lose the soul permanently along with the brain-mind? It's a silly idea, but also very close to where the Cass. community consensus points (if they were to follow implications of their general ideas without making arbitrary exceptions on the spot to avoid such obvious silliness). I think when people begin to develop an all-encompassing "standard", focused on specific nuggets of wisdom, for how to be safe and good vs. lining up with doom and evil forces, as in the Cassiopaea community, then the potential for "us vs. them" division of followers and "the others" attracts intense negative attention. Because the latter is exactly the kind of thing that negative forces want to develop to the maximum so that people end up divided and conquered, too busy categorizing those superficially different from themselves as supporting evil to give any space for understanding to grow.
02-22-2021, 12:47 PM
Here's an interesting essay on what happened to the Cassiopea channels and why it got so corrupted.
02-22-2021, 01:22 PM
Not getting corrupted is unfortunately the exception.
Quote:62.14 Questioner: What priority, shall I say, does the Orion group place upon the reduction of effectiveness or elimination of effectiveness of this group with respect to activities on planet Earth at this time? Can you tell me that? Quote:12.15 ...Many of your so-called contacts among your people have been confused and self-destructive because the channels were oriented towards service to others but, in the desire for proof, were open to the lying information of the crusaders who then were able to neutralize the effectiveness of the channel.
02-22-2021, 02:05 PM
"The devils favorite sin is vanity"
02-22-2021, 06:28 PM
I have read some of the Casseopeia transcripts and after the third published book found the material lacking in usefulness.
I think that it is part of the nature of humans to resist change and the nature of the material is such that if you don't do the work, you get the same message. Getting tired of the same message it is then easy to look for transient material as Ra would say. Then channeling becomes more about entertainment and its own distortion than a meaningful exchange for learning and progression along a chosen path.
02-23-2021, 02:11 PM
A second thread focusing more on the Cassiopaea forum now exists, started by another reader. (Earlier in this thread, that topic is very mixed with the topic of the channeling, however it ends up from here and on.)
(02-22-2021, 12:47 PM)dreamoftheiris Wrote: Here's an interesting essay on what happened to the Cassiopea channels and why it got so corrupted. It was also linked to by 'zvonimir' on the previous page, but it's certainly worth a look. In an older post, here, I build upon Montalk's description (which seems to be from sometime between 2006 and 2009) -- he described two stages of different spirituality in different years -- and describe what happened later, with a third stage newer than what Montalk describes (gradually approached from 2011-2016, with 2016 a bit like the new 2003 as a big year of negative change). I've heard from one reader saying that the latest channeling admits to them having been stuck in "3D thinking", suggesting some change may happen, but I'm still pessimistic about the nature of possible change. (I've not followed events on the Cassiopaea forum myself for a year, still haven't got to checking it out.) (02-22-2021, 02:05 PM)MrWho Wrote: "The devils favorite sin is vanity" I've wondered what, and how much, to make of the theme of Cassiopeia in mythology, where the constellation goes with the image of a vain queen combing her hair. (02-22-2021, 06:28 PM)Dtris Wrote: I have read some of the Casseopeia transcripts and after the third published book found the material lacking in usefulness. Here there's the usual questions of theory, practice, and the gap between the two. It's worth noting that Laura K-J's approach has been to read extremely widely, following trails in her personal research-journey which jumps between topics towards an end only she knows, and to view the messages of the C's as mainly relevant to her personal quest, and attempts to interpret the meaning differently as invalid. The overall style, which jumps between many, many topics, with short questions and answers per topic before the next jump, is because of her basic approach since the beginning of the contact in 1994. She's written about both the good and bad aspects of it -- the good is the range of exploration, the bad is of course how scattered the material can be as a result. But she thinks she understands what's essential better than critics, while Montalk and those who find his basic view and similar credible, obviously have very different ideas about what's essential.
02-24-2021, 12:55 PM
I think they have kept this in mind at all times and successfully threaded around the pitfalls inherent in doing this work.