04-04-2021, 03:56 PM
I am new to these forums and found out this place exists. I don't really fit in with the mainstream narrative/personality descriptions; especially given how vast my interests are and how quickly I cross-pollinate between the subjects I do study.
I do feel more spiritual than most and my mother is glad(seriously grateful) that my ESP is limited to sensing energy and emotion around me; specifically either the calm or intensity around me.
I do not do well when completely being surrounded by digital/mechanical technology that emits electromagnetic field around me. I swear my brain works like a sensing organ with such problems where I "feel" nature has soft radiation like gentle ocean waves and artificial radiation is like pins and needle jabbing my brain.
If I am a wanderer, than I must have chosen to reincarnate on this planet for a specific reason, which I am still sorting out to this day. The earliest memory I have is warm reddish-orange glow that surrounded me before I was born. Oddly anything after that point up to age five is a blank or blacked out.
I do not trust the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, or other global forms of it, for making first contact publicly; their thoughts are way too dis-harmonious. I prefer the grass-roots approach with this outside such psychological controls frequently used by such a complex.
For my professional role, I have decided to be a drugless practitioner and just got Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
This particular group seemed to be the most humane among those others I researched; especially with balanced personal studies (like L/L Research material) and Professional Study (like being properly trained to interpret medical lab results). This path feels right both instinctually and intuitively; including the non-invasive tests used for my Board Certification.
For formal recognition (as our public society currently defines what can be formalized) of my vast interests, I do have a Bachelor of Art in General Studies which covers science, technology, engineering (limited to electronics), arts (fine art and graphic design), and also mathematics (college algebra and discussion-based of advanced math topics without having to do the manual calculations).
So I did get a STEAM degree (not merely STEM), it just didn't happen in the way I thought it would, which seems to ring true about life in general; life happens, just not always in expected ways.
It is not easy, but I do try to structure my days and follow a schedule that I set for myself. However, sometimes things still seem erratic flow-wise. For personal therapy, I am pushing myself to be more consistent to draw daily, especially on days that do not involve house chores (like buying groceries).
If I am a wanderer, then I need to quickly improve my focus mentally and in physical action toward that end so I can make a consistently growing impact regularly, both for myself and those I will be coaching.
Your thoughts?
I do feel more spiritual than most and my mother is glad(seriously grateful) that my ESP is limited to sensing energy and emotion around me; specifically either the calm or intensity around me.
I do not do well when completely being surrounded by digital/mechanical technology that emits electromagnetic field around me. I swear my brain works like a sensing organ with such problems where I "feel" nature has soft radiation like gentle ocean waves and artificial radiation is like pins and needle jabbing my brain.
If I am a wanderer, than I must have chosen to reincarnate on this planet for a specific reason, which I am still sorting out to this day. The earliest memory I have is warm reddish-orange glow that surrounded me before I was born. Oddly anything after that point up to age five is a blank or blacked out.
I do not trust the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, or other global forms of it, for making first contact publicly; their thoughts are way too dis-harmonious. I prefer the grass-roots approach with this outside such psychological controls frequently used by such a complex.
For my professional role, I have decided to be a drugless practitioner and just got Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
This particular group seemed to be the most humane among those others I researched; especially with balanced personal studies (like L/L Research material) and Professional Study (like being properly trained to interpret medical lab results). This path feels right both instinctually and intuitively; including the non-invasive tests used for my Board Certification.
For formal recognition (as our public society currently defines what can be formalized) of my vast interests, I do have a Bachelor of Art in General Studies which covers science, technology, engineering (limited to electronics), arts (fine art and graphic design), and also mathematics (college algebra and discussion-based of advanced math topics without having to do the manual calculations).
So I did get a STEAM degree (not merely STEM), it just didn't happen in the way I thought it would, which seems to ring true about life in general; life happens, just not always in expected ways.
It is not easy, but I do try to structure my days and follow a schedule that I set for myself. However, sometimes things still seem erratic flow-wise. For personal therapy, I am pushing myself to be more consistent to draw daily, especially on days that do not involve house chores (like buying groceries).
If I am a wanderer, then I need to quickly improve my focus mentally and in physical action toward that end so I can make a consistently growing impact regularly, both for myself and those I will be coaching.
Your thoughts?