How do we know that our reality is Intelligent Infinity? Couldn't it be just like how mainstream science says that our universe is only governed by mechanical natural laws? No, because (as I see it) reality manifests now as a single event. So there is no external clock or something that can tick time forward. The manifestation of reality itself is what produces time.
And since the manifestation is only a single event, it must be infinite, or else creation would have halted immediately. Imagine listing all natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... infinitely fast as one single manifestation. If there was a limit to the numbers, that manifestation would immediately be completed because of the infinite speed of counting. Only infinity allows the counting to continue and to produce time.
Okay, infinity necessary, then what about intelligence? Why the need for intelligence? Couldn't a mechanical algorithm produce our universe? That's a tricky question. Loosely speaking my guess at the moment is that since there is intelligence in the universe it is infinite, since a finite intelligence would immediately run out of steam within an infinite single manifestation.
And since the manifestation is only a single event, it must be infinite, or else creation would have halted immediately. Imagine listing all natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... infinitely fast as one single manifestation. If there was a limit to the numbers, that manifestation would immediately be completed because of the infinite speed of counting. Only infinity allows the counting to continue and to produce time.
Okay, infinity necessary, then what about intelligence? Why the need for intelligence? Couldn't a mechanical algorithm produce our universe? That's a tricky question. Loosely speaking my guess at the moment is that since there is intelligence in the universe it is infinite, since a finite intelligence would immediately run out of steam within an infinite single manifestation.