02-08-2022, 06:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2022, 01:26 AM by Vestige.
Edit Reason: New title and re-centered thread topic
I had been attempting to relate the concept of the holograph to the independent vibratory schedules of positive and negative entities, especially of the blue ray, but I feel now that what I wrote was too slipshod. I have re-centered the thread to focus on my comments on Hecht's textbook on optics as compared to Ra's cosmology.
Until today, I had not appreciated the real precision with which Ra uses "center" and "ray" in describing the travel of energy; energy, which is light (and the path it travels, a recapitulation of the original Creation). I will cite firstly from Eugene Hecht's Optics (5th Global Edition), emphasis mine:
The correspondences I saw here took my breath away. The mechanics of physical light in our third density are identical or near-identical to the mechanics of the entire octave. Just as Ra has said: "any portion, no matter how small, of any density or illusory pattern contains, as in an holographic picture, the One Creator which is infinity."
![[Image: Hecht-Optics-Fig5-1-5th-Global.png]](https://i.ibb.co/ctRdqCh/Hecht-Optics-Fig5-1-5th-Global.png)
The earlier chapter in Hecht's textbook was also quite instructive in this regard:
Note: Some here may be familiar with the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, a fanciful imagining of shifting perceptions across (spatial) dimensions. We have length, width, and depth, but we can only 'see' height and width--if we saw depth, and not just the suggestion of depth, we might see all sides of an object concurrently. An entity of only length and width--a parchment person!--would, similarly, only see length. Their world would, spatially, or, geometrically, be a world of points and lines. An entity of length only would see nothing--all they would be aware of would be their own self.
"Lenticular" refers to the lens, actually, a double convex lens. To illustrate, here are some lenticular clouds:
I see a cone of clouds, with clear demarcations--straight lines--between the layers that comprise the cone; and it all looks as if projected outward by some higher point in the sky. Radial, yet straight. Same manner in all directions--thus, spatially or physically radial, and metaphysically linear (or, hierarchical, or, segmented). This is how Ra perceives our galaxies, our planets, and even each and every one of us:
So, how do we actually return to the Creator? Even our seventh density is the turning towards timelessness or foreverness.
Ra also assures us that the seventh density is, truly, a density of completion. Ra's own teachers are sure of an actual coalescence with the One, and a new beginning.
And every harvest, on every world, is tended by "the Guardians," who are "from the octave above" and "provide the precise emissions of light/love in exquisitely fastidious disseminations of discrimination so that the precise light/love vibration of each entity may be ascertained."
... I will pause here before I attempt to link third-density light physics with the mechanics of a completely new octave--though I have some impressions, as Ra does, that if we have visitors from the next octave here in ours, then there might yet be an elusive microcosm of their octave to found somewhere here in ours.
Until today, I had not appreciated the real precision with which Ra uses "center" and "ray" in describing the travel of energy; energy, which is light (and the path it travels, a recapitulation of the original Creation). I will cite firstly from Eugene Hecht's Optics (5th Global Edition), emphasis mine:
Quote:5.1 Introductory Remarks
(to Geometrical Optics) [p. 159]
The surface of an object that is either self-luminous or externally illuminated behaves as if it consisted of a very large number of radiating point sources. Each of these emits spherical waves; rays emanate radially in the direction of energy flow, that is, in the direction of the Poynting vector. In this case, the rays diverge from a given point source S, whereas if the spherical wave were collapsing to a point, the rays would of course be converging. Generally, one deals only with a small portion of a wavefront. A point from which a portion of a spherical wave diverges, or one toward which the wave segment converges, is known as a focus of the bundle of rays.
The correspondences I saw here took my breath away. The mechanics of physical light in our third density are identical or near-identical to the mechanics of the entire octave. Just as Ra has said: "any portion, no matter how small, of any density or illusory pattern contains, as in an holographic picture, the One Creator which is infinity."
- "Energy center" can be equated to Hecht's "point source." Or, to be precise, the major energy centers (red through violet) can be equated to the larger reflective surface which contains or creates the "very large number" of point sources. The seven densities of experience (the macrocosm) and the seven energy centers (the microcosm) each contain seven subordinate gradations, and each subordinate gradation contains seven subordinate gradations of their own, such that the "very large number" traverses infinity as you spiral further through the fractal pattern.
- Rays of physical and metaphysical light "emanate radially" because the nexus of each, the point source and the energy center, naturally rotate. This is why Ra associates rotational speed with brilliance (brightness of hue) - the energy center and the color ray are distinct. Intrinsically linked, but, distinct:
Quote:Each energy center has a wide range of rotational speed or as you may see it more clearly in relation to color, brilliance. The more strongly the will of the entity concentrates upon and refines or purifies each energy center, the more brilliant or rotationally active each energy center will be. It is not necessary for the energy centers to be activated in order in the case of the self-aware entity. Thusly entities may have extremely brilliant energy centers while being quite unbalanced in their violet-ray aspect due to lack of attention paid to the totality of experience of the entity.
The key to balance may then be seen in the unstudied, spontaneous, and honest response of entities toward experiences, thus using experience to the utmost, then applying the balancing exercises and achieving the proper attitude for the most purified spectrum of energy center manifestation in violet ray. This is why the brilliance or rotational speed of the energy centers is not considered above the balanced aspect or violet-ray manifestation of an entity in regarding harvestability; for those entities which are unbalanced, especially as to the primary rays, will not be capable of sustaining the impact of the love and light of intelligent infinity to the extent necessary for harvest.
- The rotational motion of the energy center generates energy--light--which is refracted and reflected according to the color of the center's 'surface', so, red, or orange, or yellow, or green, and so on. The "green ray" is not the green or heart energy center; it is the activity or product of the center, which is why we might say that an entity who can keep the heart open has an active green-ray center.
- The rotational motion of the energy center generates energy--light--which is refracted and reflected according to the color of the center's 'surface', so, red, or orange, or yellow, or green, and so on. The "green ray" is not the green or heart energy center; it is the activity or product of the center, which is why we might say that an entity who can keep the heart open has an active green-ray center.
- The violet "center" is the exception, that is, where the center is the ray, because violet ray is the "total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit" and "cannot be manipulated as can the others." It is an entity's signature pattern, thus the truer center for the violet ray is the whole and complete entity. This is how we have identity as sub-Logoi and not as something truly separate from the One.
- The violet "center" is the exception, that is, where the center is the ray, because violet ray is the "total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit" and "cannot be manipulated as can the others." It is an entity's signature pattern, thus the truer center for the violet ray is the whole and complete entity. This is how we have identity as sub-Logoi and not as something truly separate from the One.
- The divergence or convergence of the spherical wave of physical light can describe three metaphysical dynamics: the expansion and contraction of the octave of experience, the radiant nature of the positive entity and the absorptive nature of the negative entity, and any blockages (of green ray and lower) within or between any entities regardless of polarity:
![[Image: Hecht-Optics-Fig5-1-5th-Global.png]](https://i.ibb.co/ctRdqCh/Hecht-Optics-Fig5-1-5th-Global.png)
- Although the positive entity radiates by nature and the negative entity absorbs by nature, it is also true that the positive entity will seek to both reciprocate and accept radiation by others (unless the entity is energetically blocked) and the negative entity will seek to obviate and assert power over others (unless the entity is energetically fatigued). This is how the positive path takes part in what IS, and the negative path in what IS NOT. The positive entity has the two mutually strengthening expressions: I AM (radiance), YOU (or, WE) ARE (acceptance). The negative entity has the two antagonistic choices: I AM NOT (not strong enough, thus necessitating the feeding on others) and YOU ARE NOT (not me, and not stronger than me, thus motivating the bid for power). This is why, when the positive and the negative entity meet each other on equal footing, there is a complete inversion, or, cancellation (the portion in the diagram converging to P, essentially 'lost'), and the entities have to regroup. The positive entity must still radiate, because to accept the negative energy would create constructive interference of the 'waveform' and empower the negative by a strength identical to that of the positive entities (as they then become chattel).
- Note: In the negative greeting, from density to density, usually the (lower density incarnated) positive entity has some natural protection and thus there is neither complete destruction nor complete construction if the positive entity remains accepting of the negative entity (not the same as accepting the entity's greeting - to accept the greeting would be to simply depolarize, to drop the level of light one generates from within). In fact, (in the particular instance of the negative greeting) the positive entity adopts the same pattern with the negative entity as with a positive entity: accept the entity (which somewhat interrupts the positive working in that moment but does not depolarize) and then radiate out again (restoring the positive working back to its former strength, which tends to encourage the negative entity to find an easier light to grab).
- Note: In the negative greeting, from density to density, usually the (lower density incarnated) positive entity has some natural protection and thus there is neither complete destruction nor complete construction if the positive entity remains accepting of the negative entity (not the same as accepting the entity's greeting - to accept the greeting would be to simply depolarize, to drop the level of light one generates from within). In fact, (in the particular instance of the negative greeting) the positive entity adopts the same pattern with the negative entity as with a positive entity: accept the entity (which somewhat interrupts the positive working in that moment but does not depolarize) and then radiate out again (restoring the positive working back to its former strength, which tends to encourage the negative entity to find an easier light to grab).
- Although the positive entity radiates by nature and the negative entity absorbs by nature, it is also true that the positive entity will seek to both reciprocate and accept radiation by others (unless the entity is energetically blocked) and the negative entity will seek to obviate and assert power over others (unless the entity is energetically fatigued). This is how the positive path takes part in what IS, and the negative path in what IS NOT. The positive entity has the two mutually strengthening expressions: I AM (radiance), YOU (or, WE) ARE (acceptance). The negative entity has the two antagonistic choices: I AM NOT (not strong enough, thus necessitating the feeding on others) and YOU ARE NOT (not me, and not stronger than me, thus motivating the bid for power). This is why, when the positive and the negative entity meet each other on equal footing, there is a complete inversion, or, cancellation (the portion in the diagram converging to P, essentially 'lost'), and the entities have to regroup. The positive entity must still radiate, because to accept the negative energy would create constructive interference of the 'waveform' and empower the negative by a strength identical to that of the positive entities (as they then become chattel).
The earlier chapter in Hecht's textbook was also quite instructive in this regard:
Quote:4.3.1 The Law of ReflectionAha! The holographic nature of Creation is what Hecht would call isotropic, "behaving in the same manner in every direction." This is why Ra uses the term "lenticular" in describing the shape of the cosmos:
[p. 105]
Drawing wavefronts can get things a bit cluttered, so we introduce another convenient scheme for visualizing the progression of light. The imagery of antiquity was in terms of straight-line streams of light, a notion that got into Latin as “radii” and reached English as “rays.” A ray is a line drawn in space corresponding to the direction of flow of radiant energy. It is a mathematical construct and not a physical entity. In a medium that is uniform (homogeneous), rays are straight. If the medium behaves in the same manner in every direction (isotropic), the rays are perpendicular to the wavefronts. Thus for a point source emitting spherical waves, the rays, which are perpendicular to them, point radially outward from the source. Similarly, the rays associated with plane waves are all parallel. Rather than sketching bundles of rays, we can simply draw one incident ray and one reflected ray (Fig. 4.17a).
Quote:This light of love was made to have in its occurrences of being certain characteristics, among them the infinite whole paradoxically described by the straight line, as you would call it. This paradox is responsible for the shape of the various physical illusion entities you call solar systems, galaxies, and planets, all revolving and tending towards the lenticular.Ra is able to perceive with great clarity. Ra literally sees in more dimensions, and that is also why we call them the "higher" dimensions. We live and reside in the third density, or, 3D, and so we are limited, at least as regards the physical eyesight, to a somewhat 'flat' perception. We see the suggestions of depth but not depth itself. Since we still see the suggestion of depth, we still call our galaxies spiral, our planets spherical, and so on, but we do not readily see their true shape.
Note: Some here may be familiar with the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, a fanciful imagining of shifting perceptions across (spatial) dimensions. We have length, width, and depth, but we can only 'see' height and width--if we saw depth, and not just the suggestion of depth, we might see all sides of an object concurrently. An entity of only length and width--a parchment person!--would, similarly, only see length. Their world would, spatially, or, geometrically, be a world of points and lines. An entity of length only would see nothing--all they would be aware of would be their own self.
"Lenticular" refers to the lens, actually, a double convex lens. To illustrate, here are some lenticular clouds:
![[Image: lenticular-clouds-19727.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/Gt9pcNPX/lenticular-clouds-19727.png)
I see a cone of clouds, with clear demarcations--straight lines--between the layers that comprise the cone; and it all looks as if projected outward by some higher point in the sky. Radial, yet straight. Same manner in all directions--thus, spatially or physically radial, and metaphysically linear (or, hierarchical, or, segmented). This is how Ra perceives our galaxies, our planets, and even each and every one of us:
Quote:It is correct that there is a correlation between the energy field of an entity of your nature and planetary bodies, for all material is constructed by means of the dynamic tension of the magnetic field. The lines of force in both cases may be seen to be much like the interweaving spirals of the braided hair. Thus positive and negative wind and interweave forming geometric relationships in the energy fields of both persons, as you would call a mind/body/spirit complex, and planets.As we travel up, we also travel inward, which is why we have densities--the Creation, and we-the-creation, are literally becoming more dense as we compact back into the One Infinite Creator. Yet, Ra has assured us that, "due to the infinite possibilities of intelligent infinity there is no ending to many-ness. The exploration, thus, is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present."
The negative pole is the south pole or the lower pole. The north or upper pole is positive. The crisscrossings of these spiraling energies form primary, secondary, and tertiary energy centers. You are familiar with the primary energy centers of the physical, mental, and spiritual body complex. Secondary points of the crisscrossing of positive and negative center orientation revolve about several of your centers. The yellow-ray center may be seen to have secondary energy centers in elbow, in knee, and in the subtle bodies at a slight spacing from the physical vehicle at points describing diamonds about the entity’s navel area surrounding the body.
One may examine each of the energy centers for such secondary centers. Some of your peoples work with these energy centers, and you call this acupuncture. However, it is to be noted that there are most often anomalies in the placement of the energy centers so that the scientific precision of this practice is brought into question. Like most scientific attempts at precision, it fails to take into account the unique qualities of each creation.
The most important concept to grasp about the energy field is that the lower or negative pole will draw the universal energy into itself from the cosmos. Therefrom it will move upward to be met and reacted to by the positive spiraling energy moving downward from within. The measure of an entity’s level of ray activity is the locus wherein the south pole outer energy has been met by the inner spiraling positive energy.
As an entity grows more polarized this locus will move upwards. This phenomenon has been called by your peoples the kundalini. However, it may better be thought of as the meeting place of cosmic and inner, shall we say, vibratory understanding. To attempt to raise the locus of this meeting without realizing the metaphysical principles of magnetism upon which this depends is to invite great imbalance.
So, how do we actually return to the Creator? Even our seventh density is the turning towards timelessness or foreverness.
Ra also assures us that the seventh density is, truly, a density of completion. Ra's own teachers are sure of an actual coalescence with the One, and a new beginning.
And every harvest, on every world, is tended by "the Guardians," who are "from the octave above" and "provide the precise emissions of light/love in exquisitely fastidious disseminations of discrimination so that the precise light/love vibration of each entity may be ascertained."
... I will pause here before I attempt to link third-density light physics with the mechanics of a completely new octave--though I have some impressions, as Ra does, that if we have visitors from the next octave here in ours, then there might yet be an elusive microcosm of their octave to found somewhere here in ours.