03-02-2022, 11:36 PM
Hi all,
I wish to shed some light on my experience of the dark night of the soul, in the hope that it may help others who find themselves with this predicament, and also so it may inspire others to share their own stories as well.
At 20 years of age I had a spiritual awakening, after I had planned to kill myself. I made this decision quietly and it brought me much peace (apparently this decision is often made quietly among men, and they also find it quite satisfying once they have decided to do it).
One day, laying upon my sofa, I had a sudden spiritual awakening. I was not spiritual before hand (in terms of knowing anything about it, nor religious). It wasn't an extravagant experience to begin with, only my mind switched off for around 10 seconds or so. It was just pure simple awareness, then after 10 seconds thoughts began again but I felt different. I went to sleep that night and I woke up the next day to the most beautiful experiences of my life. It lasted for 2 weeks before I was plunged into the dark night of the soul, maybe I can share more of my awakening experience later.
After 2 weeks of pure bliss, love, light and clarity, I felt doubt creep in. I felt depression creep in. The ego clenched up tremendously and before I knew it I was lost once more. The 3rd eye shut down and I could no longer see my way, I felt angrier than ever and rage towards my past, amongst feeling frustrated at my lack of being able to perceive the creator anymore. My old ways of functioning became the norm all over again. For 11 years I have gone through the most intense catalyst. Shrouded by darkness (literally, if I close my eyes I can see darkness all around me, swirling). I've felt majorly blind sided while I have been working through major catalyst with family members, friends, my self and with the outer world at large.
What I wish to share most here, is what I've found to prolong my dark night of the soul the most and what has caused me the most havoc, has been my inability to let go. What started out with such bliss, love and light (my initial spiritual awakening) soon made me realise what a huge shift had taken place inside of me and I quickly became scared of how quick myself and reality had changed. That's when the ego doubts creeped in and the darkness began. A spiritual awakening is truly beautiful, but I would like to stress that it's MASSIVE when it happens, and takes some getting use to. The huge blast of love and light is quite the impact, it's a tremendous energy and the sudden awareness which brings empathic and psychic abilities is great to start with, until you realise "oh crap, I can actually know another's thoughts and feel their every emotion".
If you are going through the dark night of the soul, I can only call you to "let go". Surrender to the natural and organic intelligence that is taking place inside of you and trust that the creator, your higher self and your guides know how to work through this with you. I'm slowly but surely finding my way out of this dark place now, or should I say this darkness is falling away from me, since I have accepted that what happened has happened and I really don't know how to navigate life anymore (I never did to begin with, hence why I was in such despair and had a spiritual awakening). I do believe, and I want to word this carefully now, that after a spiritual awakening "free will" doesn't hold the same power anymore. You do have free will, to choose to awaken when you do and at what time, before incarnation. But after a spiritual awakening you are now under divine intelligent guidance and anything the ego tries will surely fail and have you hitting a brick wall. Everything I've tried to do from the ego to change my reality or re-create the initial awakening experience has only led to me being tangled up more and feeling more lost. It's only now that I've surrendered and accepted that I don't know the answers as to what I'm meant to do in life or how to do it, that I'm gradually finding peace again and it's a huge burden off my shoulders knowing that I don't have to have it all worked out.
I'm not completely in the clear yet, my relationships are still fractured but gradually repairing and I'm still coming off the back end of loosing a lot during this dark night, my green ray has really taken a pounding over these years. But I can slowly but surely feel flow entering into my life again, love coming back and I can sense a deeper intelligence at play to help me achieve my purpose and goals for this lifetime.
So, whether you have had a spiritual awakening or not, I call you to surrender. To let go of your hold on reality so divine intervention may take place and show you the way. Know that if you have had a spiritual awakening and find yourself in the dark night, that you're not alone, you may feel the most intense loneliness and confusion but you are having your hand held by the creator the whole way through. The creator (and yourself) would not give you anything you couldn't handle, and only if you are able to give way and hand over your will to the creator are you then able to realise that you don't have to work it all out on your own. Help is at hand, after all
I hope this helps someone!
I wish to shed some light on my experience of the dark night of the soul, in the hope that it may help others who find themselves with this predicament, and also so it may inspire others to share their own stories as well.
At 20 years of age I had a spiritual awakening, after I had planned to kill myself. I made this decision quietly and it brought me much peace (apparently this decision is often made quietly among men, and they also find it quite satisfying once they have decided to do it).
One day, laying upon my sofa, I had a sudden spiritual awakening. I was not spiritual before hand (in terms of knowing anything about it, nor religious). It wasn't an extravagant experience to begin with, only my mind switched off for around 10 seconds or so. It was just pure simple awareness, then after 10 seconds thoughts began again but I felt different. I went to sleep that night and I woke up the next day to the most beautiful experiences of my life. It lasted for 2 weeks before I was plunged into the dark night of the soul, maybe I can share more of my awakening experience later.
After 2 weeks of pure bliss, love, light and clarity, I felt doubt creep in. I felt depression creep in. The ego clenched up tremendously and before I knew it I was lost once more. The 3rd eye shut down and I could no longer see my way, I felt angrier than ever and rage towards my past, amongst feeling frustrated at my lack of being able to perceive the creator anymore. My old ways of functioning became the norm all over again. For 11 years I have gone through the most intense catalyst. Shrouded by darkness (literally, if I close my eyes I can see darkness all around me, swirling). I've felt majorly blind sided while I have been working through major catalyst with family members, friends, my self and with the outer world at large.
What I wish to share most here, is what I've found to prolong my dark night of the soul the most and what has caused me the most havoc, has been my inability to let go. What started out with such bliss, love and light (my initial spiritual awakening) soon made me realise what a huge shift had taken place inside of me and I quickly became scared of how quick myself and reality had changed. That's when the ego doubts creeped in and the darkness began. A spiritual awakening is truly beautiful, but I would like to stress that it's MASSIVE when it happens, and takes some getting use to. The huge blast of love and light is quite the impact, it's a tremendous energy and the sudden awareness which brings empathic and psychic abilities is great to start with, until you realise "oh crap, I can actually know another's thoughts and feel their every emotion".
If you are going through the dark night of the soul, I can only call you to "let go". Surrender to the natural and organic intelligence that is taking place inside of you and trust that the creator, your higher self and your guides know how to work through this with you. I'm slowly but surely finding my way out of this dark place now, or should I say this darkness is falling away from me, since I have accepted that what happened has happened and I really don't know how to navigate life anymore (I never did to begin with, hence why I was in such despair and had a spiritual awakening). I do believe, and I want to word this carefully now, that after a spiritual awakening "free will" doesn't hold the same power anymore. You do have free will, to choose to awaken when you do and at what time, before incarnation. But after a spiritual awakening you are now under divine intelligent guidance and anything the ego tries will surely fail and have you hitting a brick wall. Everything I've tried to do from the ego to change my reality or re-create the initial awakening experience has only led to me being tangled up more and feeling more lost. It's only now that I've surrendered and accepted that I don't know the answers as to what I'm meant to do in life or how to do it, that I'm gradually finding peace again and it's a huge burden off my shoulders knowing that I don't have to have it all worked out.
I'm not completely in the clear yet, my relationships are still fractured but gradually repairing and I'm still coming off the back end of loosing a lot during this dark night, my green ray has really taken a pounding over these years. But I can slowly but surely feel flow entering into my life again, love coming back and I can sense a deeper intelligence at play to help me achieve my purpose and goals for this lifetime.
So, whether you have had a spiritual awakening or not, I call you to surrender. To let go of your hold on reality so divine intervention may take place and show you the way. Know that if you have had a spiritual awakening and find yourself in the dark night, that you're not alone, you may feel the most intense loneliness and confusion but you are having your hand held by the creator the whole way through. The creator (and yourself) would not give you anything you couldn't handle, and only if you are able to give way and hand over your will to the creator are you then able to realise that you don't have to work it all out on your own. Help is at hand, after all

I hope this helps someone!