01-09-2011, 09:21 PM
Hello all you beautiful souls... 
I had a "deeeeeep thought" today and I'd like your thoughts on it. I was thinking about how Wanderers who come here are born into Human bodies, but they come here "blank", so to speak. In other words, they have the veil of forgetfulness - they don't remember who they are.
If they (we) came here to help humanity, then it would stand to reason that we'd remember who we are and how to help people. I think of my own life, and how crappy it has been from the get-go, and I think I could have been so much more useful if I could have remembered a long time ago who I really am, so I could be about the business of serving humanity.
It just seems soooooo risky and even terrifying that we could "never" remember. I am wondering, why the veil for a Wanderer??
Thanks!! ((forgive me if this has been covered))

I had a "deeeeeep thought" today and I'd like your thoughts on it. I was thinking about how Wanderers who come here are born into Human bodies, but they come here "blank", so to speak. In other words, they have the veil of forgetfulness - they don't remember who they are.
If they (we) came here to help humanity, then it would stand to reason that we'd remember who we are and how to help people. I think of my own life, and how crappy it has been from the get-go, and I think I could have been so much more useful if I could have remembered a long time ago who I really am, so I could be about the business of serving humanity.
It just seems soooooo risky and even terrifying that we could "never" remember. I am wondering, why the veil for a Wanderer??
Thanks!! ((forgive me if this has been covered))