(10-09-2012, 10:19 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Confused, earlier today I had an experience of no desire for a few moments. Have you ever experienced that, where you feel everything is ok. It's profoundly different from a typical knowing that everything is ok.
Hello, GW, before attempting to comment on that, I would like to ask you your thoughts about desire. Do you think to desire is undesirable?
(10-09-2012, 12:20 PM)Conifer16 Wrote: staying up till 5:20 am talking to the girl i like felt like days...
(it was in person as well, so much more meaningful then over a text or something)
You have damned my hypothesis now, C16! :@ Or did you just confirm it?!

(10-09-2012, 12:30 PM)Ruth Wrote: I have touched on this concept before, but didn't pursue it because I didn't feel anyone here would really understand it.
Ha, that is why you are always giggling and smirking, like a contented Zen meditative adept on top of the misty mountains!

On a more serious note, Ruth, I think it has got to do with the polarized basis of our octave of creation. The basis of our current illusion is polarity. In other words, everything has been designed in such a way to accentuate the illusory miasma of separation (or individuality, if you will), in order to accelerate, intensify and magnify the act of individual and collective evolution. To strengthen the coordinates of separation, it becomes necessary to veil (or deny) the identical other-self nature of everything around us, for otherwise the very act of moment to moment living will come undone.
It is as if the One Infinite Creator wants us to be busy so that we can realize that we need not be busy in order to be cozy. What was the One Infinite Creator smoking?!