06-17-2011, 02:43 AM
I don't think categorization is a requirement for self-knowledge, since I feel the deepest facets of the self elude identity or "technicality".
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06-17-2011, 02:43 AM
I don't think categorization is a requirement for self-knowledge, since I feel the deepest facets of the self elude identity or "technicality".
Categorization as in positive/negative. I'd say that it isn't always helpful to go around and label an action positive or negative, but until we unify everything will be viewed from a polarized perspective and reconciled against our understanding of polarity. Every action polarizes, understanding the subtleties of polarity is necessary for someone who especially seeks balance. Now, just because you come to understand something as positive or negative doesn't mean you're giving something preference or frowning upon whatever..you're simply acknowledging the nature of its polarity.
06-17-2011, 01:39 PM
But is the polarity inherent in the thing itself or is it in the interaction with the thing? That is, the relevancy of the polarity is unique to each individual I feel. Each action is context based, so you cannot really say that any particular ACTION has any polarity but only the intention surrounding the use of the action.
My point is that you /can't/ categorize because what exactly constitutes a change in polarity only influences the involved individual. Lets take killing as a good example. Some might instantly state it's an action of negative polarity. However, what if you kill someone unintentionally, perhaps even in the process of protecting someone else? Which action has more "weight", the saving or the killing? In this case lets say the person had pure intentions of saviour, they only wanted to protect life, yet some accident or other happened in the process and resulted in the death of another. How will the person's polarity shift? Indeed, what if it was the choice of the person who died to have their death at that time (consciously or not), and so the person who caused the accident will in fact have only been a player in THAT person's reality, a necessary one at that? Really, action cannot be categorized, action itself is without polarity, action is just a movement, something you use, and the same action will not always polarize in the same way! Intention is very relevant to polarity I feel, since THAT is where the SPIRIT of the action lies.
06-17-2011, 02:17 PM
What one intends or believes and what is actually happening can be two different things though. That's like saying a fundamentalist Christian placing all kinds of restrictions on their child would polarize the parent positively because they believe they are doing the right thing. The energy behind a thought/action ultimately has a polarity independent of opinion. It would seem that intention would more so keep you from polarizing in the opposite direction you intend (ha), and simply keep you in a neutral state.
There is truth to what you say, but I think the numbers of harvest should speak for themselves, in that they are low because the majority of the people aren't examining their intentions and actions from a higher objective perspective of polarity. We complain "That's not what I intended." Well, it seems that's not how it works.
06-17-2011, 02:21 PM
That depends where you want to make the distinction between thought, action and intention I suppose, ultimately.
06-17-2011, 02:38 PM
Kareoke at the bar helps with this blockage for me. In my current situation I don't have any musical outlet like a band or even musicians to jam with. So to unblock my musical communication with others (singing conveys thoughts and emotions on a uniqie and spiritual level subcoincously for me) The mix of adrenaline and concentration, plus the passion if your singing a song that's close to your heart is a cocktail for energetic sucsess in my book
06-17-2011, 02:42 PM
I'm playing a show tonight, so I'll get to do vocal for that, it should be gud.
06-17-2011, 02:46 PM
Take what we know of how densities of knowledge work. Everything that is learned in the density of love is valid, true, and polarizing. Yet when we view it with wisdom, its lack of unity becomes apparent. You cannot polarize further on 4d understanding and intention alone. Our nature is hierarchical, independent of opinion and has specific energetic properties.
06-17-2011, 03:04 PM
AH, but nature is a gradient and each blends in to the other. I have NEVER seen an element unaccompanied by another. So, indeed, the heirarchy is moot except as a functional blueprint for an efficient path. You truly can go wherever you wish upon the realization that indeed this is true! It is your beliefs that craft your own universe, nothing is imposed, what you see (project) is what you get (manifest).
06-17-2011, 05:06 PM
Unless it's crazy, like becoming the hulk or Turning invisible.
06-17-2011, 05:11 PM
Those things are just form alteration. Describing something as crazy only shows your own degree of acceptance.
06-17-2011, 05:21 PM
It's non-crazy that I have difficulty accepting
06-19-2011, 05:09 PM
(06-17-2011, 03:04 PM)Azrael Wrote: AH, but nature is a gradient and each blends in to the other. I have NEVER seen an element unaccompanied by another. So, indeed, the heirarchy is moot except as a functional blueprint for an efficient path. You truly can go wherever you wish upon the realization that indeed this is true! It is your beliefs that craft your own universe, nothing is imposed, what you see (project) is what you get (manifest). If it were as simple as being able to manifest something simply through beliefs, I'd be flying right now. There's some concreteness to the illusion we subscribe to. On the other side of the illusion, what you say is true.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
06-19-2011, 05:20 PM
You do not believe you can fly though, so therein lies your flaw.
![]() Of course, time and space are root assumptions in that they uphold a great deal of your realistic conceptions, however as all assumptions they are liable to be bent with enough force (intensity of focus) behind them. Thus, your belief must be without a single crack or flaw like a pure diamond.
06-19-2011, 05:24 PM
What does belief have to do with anything?
06-19-2011, 05:26 PM
Aha You do not think your beliefs influence any part of your reality? They, quite literally, guide your experiences. Your beliefs are what draws events to you.
This also relates to the blue ray activation, since many beliefs are expressed vocally and often in conflict with held inner beliefs causing a blockage.
06-19-2011, 05:37 PM
(06-15-2011, 03:49 PM)Horishi Wrote: Thank you for the tips. Majority of my blue ray blockages manifest through problems with talking and communicating. It's either I stutter slightly or have trouble with tonality. I'm normally a quiet person and at times shy. I would attribute that to blue ray blockage. As I am a friendly and sociable person when I am able to be. However more often than not I have trouble communicating. I love to draw and paint, even though with these outlets I still have some blockages. It's as though there's a lump in my throat. However I do need to do more meditation. Dear Horishi, I hardly understand my own patterns in terms of how they relate to the chakras. I make reasonable educated guesses with which I'm able to bring some sort of framework of understanding to my catalyst. That said, what you describe sounds to my untrained ears like they have their roots in lower center blockages, with limiting ideas you hold about yourself. It seems so much of the work we do in evolution is clearing away/unlearning/releasing limiting, fearful, and fragmented notions of self, and in so doing awakening to the larger perfection of being already fully present within the moment. Perhaps you there are conscious or unconscious loops happening in you which assert your inferiority to others (based upon any number of measuring criteria), or that deny the rightness of self-expression, or that suggest you should not speak. Troubles with tonality may be simply a matter of technique and vocal cord development, not necessarily energy blockage. Stuttering may also be the same, i don't really know, or it may be indicative of self-limiting beliefs held onto as part of who you believe yourself to be. Energy has a long journey before reaching the first ray of self-radiation, blue ray. The more the self is known and accepted, the more the lower centers are cleared and balanced, the more that the green ray is energized in fearless embrace of the moment as it is without expectation of return, the more the blue ray has the requisite power to express clearly and proudly in the surety of self. Blue ray sees clearly, but that sight first needs a field of vision which has been accepted and loved, because resistance to what is, in my understanding, distorts vision and yields and unclear picture. And the ways in which we resist Self (mostly through the creation of time), are many and hidden. I find that my own voice is most resonant, honest, clear, and articulate when I feel, for lack of a better term, "good" about myself - confident, capable, and standing tall - when harmony reigns within my energy system, and more so when I am in harmony with those around me. Love/Light, GLB Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear, but love unexplained is clearer. - Rumi
06-19-2011, 05:42 PM
(06-19-2011, 05:20 PM)Azrael Wrote: You do not believe you can fly though, so therein lies your flaw. And what about the people who trip LSD, believe they can fly, and die because they jump out of a window? Beliefs play on the biases that Ra talks about, and we work with them within the illusion.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
06-19-2011, 05:46 PM
That is not the same thing though, LSD does not change the actual beliefs of a person as they will always subconsciously be aware that they are being influenced by drugs. Plus, I've never, ever heard of that happening to someone on LSD, do you have a source story?
Of course, don't get me wrong, I at no point said it was easy to shift such a belief. Since it is on a weak point of leverage within our human memory complex it would take an immense amount of individual force and focus in order to bend such a belief. However, if every human believed they could fly, by whatever means, I fully endorse the idea that it would in fact be true. Who could say otherwise at that point? To be honest, I liken psychedelic trips to waking dreams, although what is seen is illusory the information contained can be useful. Yet this is why psychedelics are above all a tool that must be used consciously and carefully to avoid such mishaps.
06-19-2011, 06:21 PM
(06-19-2011, 05:46 PM)Azrael Wrote: Plus, I've never, ever heard of that happening to someone on LSD, do you have a source story? My old high school psychology text book. It discussed several documented cases. You can take it or leave it. Ra mentions several times about the strictures of our illusion, what is possible and not possible within 3rd density, and explains abilities which grow in other illusions. The text is riddled with these allusions and at this moment I can't be bothered to find them, but if you wish I will find some quotes from Ra explaining the restraints we experience despite our beliefs sometime later, for your own benefit of knowing. For now I'll leave you with this question: if anything is possible through altering beliefs within 3rd density, what is the point of separation between densities? If we can choose to believe, in our 3rd density incarnation, to experience 6th density experiences simply through beliefs, what is the point of the system set up by the Logos? What about archetypes? Why would a Logos even go through the trouble of creating archetypal systems if they are simply broken through individual beliefs?
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
06-19-2011, 06:40 PM
Ah, there! You are instantly perceiving right now the greatest secret! Because it WANTS you to discover that you are infinite! Really, really consider that. Realize that part of the third density of confusion is breaking out of that confusion!
There is nothing imposed, these restraints are restraints we put on ourselves. We can progress to any density at any time, our consciousness is limited only in its focus, not its scope. Of course, as I have said, it takes an immense amount of will in order to do such a thing and this is why it is drastically uncommon in third density. Yet if you would seek the tales of masters and initiates, you'd see it is not wholy impossible to progress very far from this density as a platform.
06-19-2011, 07:19 PM
(06-19-2011, 06:40 PM)Azrael Wrote: Ah, there! You are instantly perceiving right now the greatest secret! Because it WANTS you to discover that you are infinite! Really, really consider that. Realize that part of the third density of confusion is breaking out of that confusion! And harvest? Why does there need to be a harvest if this comes simply with the unraveling of confusion? Once the confusion is unraveled, we would simply progress, yet there is harvest...why? Why would there be a system in place for these steps? Wouldn't there just be a seamless unraveling of beliefs that we are everything, and can do anything? And again, why would there be archetypal systems in place? Wouldn't we only be limited by our beliefs? Why do archetypal systems exist if they themselves weren't imposing limits on our consciousness? I understand what you're saying, I really do. I've read tons of New Age material saying the same exact thing you're saying over and over (there's a massive amount of material on this very matter), and I've spent much time in contemplation of beliefs and their effect on our reality. What you are saying is not new to me. What I have personally found, through experience through the knowledge of what you are saying, and through what I have read in the Ra material, is that our beliefs are effective for working within our illusion. You are free to believe otherwise, but please, when you can fly, let us know and post some videos!
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
06-19-2011, 07:49 PM
Because that would be pointless. There would be no learning if there were not perceived challenges. Why is there a "plan" and organization? Because we here in the third density require it in order to grasp the nature of expanding consciousness. As you say there are SYSTEMS in place, the whole thing is just a tool! The entire concept of spiritual evolution is just a tool for realization of the capacities of the self. However, the thing is that you progress at your own pace. You are not restricted to any time limitation, your progress is wholy a function of your own choice to be open to progress.
I have not tried to fly, nor have I attempted to craft my beliefs to allow it, and I think most people can say no more than the same. I am in no way expressing that this is my ability or that it is in any way easy or simple to attain, simply that it is completely plausible. Also, understand that Harvest is not an end, or completion, it signifies only a major conjunction.
06-19-2011, 08:21 PM
If our Total Self is really what we are, then we must accept that we, self, imposed limitations on our "now.".
If, then our Total Self can do all that Azrael says, and our "now" self is completely limited to this illusion as Austin is suggesting. 3DMonkey's take: I am only a piece of my Total Self, never to be my Total Beingness, only to forever be this piece in this Now. This Now is forever as it is. I'm not here to believe. I'm only here to Be. I'll Leave it at that ![]()
06-19-2011, 08:39 PM
Very well put 3DM. We, as our Total Self, are completely capable of anything within our beliefs and imagination. But we agreed to this illusion. We incarnated under this Logos, sub-Logos understanding that we would be subject to the archetypal system in place.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
06-19-2011, 08:40 PM
'Belief' can be another 'weasel word', appealing to the new-age crowd who still have inflated numinosity in perceived existential paradoxes which contain their own resolution. The irony is that one making the 'anything is possible' claim is sort of like the person that wants to believe that they can believe. So then, we must also say that wanting something to be true is enough, and then on to more absurdity.
06-19-2011, 09:34 PM
Faith of a mustard seed, always resonated with me...
06-19-2011, 09:39 PM
(06-19-2011, 09:34 PM)111 Wrote: Faith of a mustard seed, always resonated with me...Me too. We all know from experience that our current worldview constitutes what is possible. And we remember the time prior when we did not hold a limiting worldview. Thus, using faith, we extrapolate to anything is possible with the appropriate belief. But what is faith?
06-19-2011, 09:47 PM
Faith in my definition is the inner knowing that we are one infinite being. Thus negating all fear and dogma. True faith is finding that knoming behind the veil
06-19-2011, 09:56 PM
(06-19-2011, 09:47 PM)111 Wrote: Faith in my definition is the inner knowing that we are one infinite being.So faith is knowing that we are one infinite being? I wonder where you'd find such an individual that was not lying? (06-19-2011, 09:47 PM)111 Wrote: Thus negating all fear and dogma.Have you negated all fear and dogma? (06-19-2011, 09:47 PM)111 Wrote: True faith is finding that knoming behind the veilSo true faith is discovering something that transcends 3D understanding? Not sure I follow. |