09-25-2018, 07:25 AM
Hi all,
some of these are already a few days old, sorry for that - I'm just too busy with the sanctuary at the moment to keep up with the good news or even the Confederation messages on Facebook... sorry!
Campaigners celebrate as India decriminalises homosexuality
US: Animal Abusers Will Now Be Registered Like Sex Offenders
England Bans Cruel Shock Collars
A road full of bottlenecks: Dutch cycle path is made of plastic waste
Many Americans Slicing Meat From Their Diet
some of these are already a few days old, sorry for that - I'm just too busy with the sanctuary at the moment to keep up with the good news or even the Confederation messages on Facebook... sorry!
Campaigners celebrate as India decriminalises homosexuality
US: Animal Abusers Will Now Be Registered Like Sex Offenders
England Bans Cruel Shock Collars
A road full of bottlenecks: Dutch cycle path is made of plastic waste
Many Americans Slicing Meat From Their Diet