(12-23-2018, 11:17 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: With these better anti-cancer therapies available, why do they still use chemo?
Chemo doesn't work most of the time, and it makes the patients even sicker than they were with the cancer.
If they legalized CBD they could charge for that and use it. Or that Iridium method that was mentioned.
Why do the people in pharmaceutical industry like to see people suffer, even though they could still make money with minimal suffering?
Great question.
Because they can claim "it's dangerous" "it's advanced", "needs to be done now" etc. and charge huge money for it.
It is very common that people going through cancer "treatment" get charged upward of $100,000 to $250,000 for "the therapy".
Massive profits to the industry.
Example, breast cancer, it has 75% or higher false positive. So instead of looking for better ways to improve their detection, they are having a massive "awareness" campaign. basically all you women come to us".. the more we going to have , the more there will be false positives. 1 probable cancer plus 3 false positives makes doctors $1,000,000 dollars richer.
And they also need to make sure that they suppress and even destroy anybody who will provide alternative treatments. This means, massive campaigns to "shame" anybody who found "alternative cancer cures" , claiming they are all quacks etc. To a point where some doctors are stripped from their licenses and are even killed.
Trillion dollars a year (and more) pharma mafia rules.
What else would not you do for Trillion dollars per year.
Of course they are going to tell "(s)he is dying your loved one, needs immediate operation and chemo, now, etc" and charge the highest possible $ amount , as if they saved some lives.
You don't expect them to send you home with a note - "go eat some garlic, stop eating sugar, white flour, poor quality meat , eat salads , drink water, balance pH, add some $1 baking soda for alkalinity , and come back in a month for another test" . Because this would massively reveal their fraud, as over 50% of the people would have "magic cures" and "unheard of recoveries". While 90%-95% of undergoing chemo therapy die and not live to tell the tale of their suffering and unable to try real possible cures.