(12-20-2014, 09:11 PM)piceanjoy Wrote: Hello all!
This is a question I have for an upcoming Q and A show of In the Now (which I adore ❤️)...
Is breaking a commitment to another incarnated self (such as in divorce, or choosing to no longer see a close relative such as a parent) in order to protect the incarnated self from emotional or physical harm, negatively polarizing, or can it be considered postively polarizing depending on the circumstances? Such as in the case of emotional, verbal or physical abuse, or neglectful or disrespectful behavior. I have maintained a very distant relationship with my father for about 15 years now, for this reason. I truly have forgiven him, but have to love him from a distance because he is still "unwell" and not currently interested in changing his ways (via seeking rehabiltation and so forth). I occasionally write, and maybe call once every year or so (he rarely makes any effort either). Up until very recently I assumed maintaing what I consider to be healthy boundaries in all relationships to be very important, and not of any negative karmic consequence as long as done with authentic love and forgiveness in the heart (not to forget but to forgive). However, if we fail to maintain certain connections with people in our lives for this reason, would this actually be seen as service to self? I have often thought that by protecting the self from physical and emotional harm from negative intentions by others (even if from people to whom we are committed too and love) to be an act of self love. If we are all one, then wouldn't we only be protecting ourselves from ourselves by leaving an abusive relationship , and creating a consequence for the abuser to possibly obtain help? Sorry, for years this question felt like it had very black and white answers, but as of late I am not so certain. I am fortunately not in a situation where I was physically harmed, but it was emotionally traumatic and he is still quite ill.
I have also been divorced for similar reasons, however now happily remarried. Yet, is divorce automatically negatively polarizing despite surrounding circumstances? I used to assume not, but again now, not certain?
Intuitively I realize nothing we are here to do must be done perfectly, and there really is no right or wrong, only opportunities for growth. But maybe just with the holiday season in all, I have been pondering this issue more and more. Sometimes when I am too emotionally close to an issue, it's harder to separate my intuitive feelings from my emotional brain.
Much love and light to you all, and thank you!
(12-17-2014, 03:06 AM)StormShadow Wrote: Hey guys - have you thought about changing the format of the show slightly? I heard the show where you answered my question (THANKS! Was great to hear feedback) and you were asking for more questions. I thought that instead of a call-in, you could just set up a more talk-show-like format, where you engage a few of us at a time on Skype for a half hour or so. Then the next week we can switch to other people. I notice that one feature of the current format is that it's very deliberate, and as such very paced. If you get two or three others at a time, have everyone pick a topic beforehand, and just let it rip, I think you'll end up with much more lively discussions, lots of new ideas coming in, and you definitely will not be at a loss for questions. I know I personally would LOVE to participate in this if I can match my time zone to yours.
P.S. I love this idea, but perhaps as another event on its own, and not in lieu of? I really appreciate being able to listen to the show's archives, when I cannot tune in live, and I often enjoy being able to just hear you four respond without interupption to our questions. Yet, I would also love an opportunity to engage with all of you as suggested by StormChaser on a regular basis, if reasonably possible. I realize Carla may already have enough on her plate these days. ❤️
Much love!
In the discussion of The Christ Principle in your latest show, my question regarding regarding boundaries and commitments was answered beautifully. Thank you and love and light to all!
(12-20-2014, 09:11 PM)piceanjoy Wrote: Hello all!
This is a question I have for an upcoming Q and A show of In the Now (which I adore ❤️)...
Is breaking a commitment to another incarnated self (such as in divorce, or choosing to no longer see a close relative such as a parent) in order to protect the incarnated self from emotional or physical harm, negatively polarizing, or can it be considered postively polarizing depending on the circumstances? Such as in the case of emotional, verbal or physical abuse, or neglectful or disrespectful behavior. I have maintained a very distant relationship with my father for about 15 years now, for this reason. I truly have forgiven him, but have to love him from a distance because he is still "unwell" and not currently interested in changing his ways (via seeking rehabiltation and so forth). I occasionally write, and maybe call once every year or so (he rarely makes any effort either). Up until very recently I assumed maintaing what I consider to be healthy boundaries in all relationships to be very important, and not of any negative karmic consequence as long as done with authentic love and forgiveness in the heart (not to forget but to forgive). However, if we fail to maintain certain connections with people in our lives for this reason, would this actually be seen as service to self? I have often thought that by protecting the self from physical and emotional harm from negative intentions by others (even if from people to whom we are committed too and love) to be an act of self love. If we are all one, then wouldn't we only be protecting ourselves from ourselves by leaving an abusive relationship , and creating a consequence for the abuser to possibly obtain help? Sorry, for years this question felt like it had very black and white answers, but as of late I am not so certain. I am fortunately not in a situation where I was physically harmed, but it was emotionally traumatic and he is still quite ill.
I have also been divorced for similar reasons, however now happily remarried. Yet, is divorce automatically negatively polarizing despite surrounding circumstances? I used to assume not, but again now, not certain?
Intuitively I realize nothing we are here to do must be done perfectly, and there really is no right or wrong, only opportunities for growth. But maybe just with the holiday season in all, I have been pondering this issue more and more. Sometimes when I am too emotionally close to an issue, it's harder to separate my intuitive feelings from my emotional brain.
Much love and light to you all, and thank you!
(12-17-2014, 03:06 AM)StormShadow Wrote: Hey guys - have you thought about changing the format of the show slightly? I heard the show where you answered my question (THANKS! Was great to hear feedback) and you were asking for more questions. I thought that instead of a call-in, you could just set up a more talk-show-like format, where you engage a few of us at a time on Skype for a half hour or so. Then the next week we can switch to other people. I notice that one feature of the current format is that it's very deliberate, and as such very paced. If you get two or three others at a time, have everyone pick a topic beforehand, and just let it rip, I think you'll end up with much more lively discussions, lots of new ideas coming in, and you definitely will not be at a loss for questions. I know I personally would LOVE to participate in this if I can match my time zone to yours.
P.S. I love this idea, but perhaps as another event on its own, and not in lieu of? I really appreciate being able to listen to the show's archives, when I cannot tune in live, and I often enjoy being able to just hear you four respond without interupption to our questions. Yet, I would also love an opportunity to engage with all of you as suggested by StormChaser on a regular basis, if reasonably possible. I realize Carla may already have enough on her plate these days. ❤️
Much love!
In the discussion of The Christ Principle in your latest show, my question regarding regarding boundaries and commitments was answered beautifully. Thank you and love and light to all!