05-19-2014, 07:22 AM
just to mix things up a bit, this is Latwii being channeled, and it is not Carla or Jim being the instrument, but rather an entity known as 'S'.
Q'uo Wrote:http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0615.aspx
The indigo-ray center is the center of insight. It is the center capable of discerning a concept, which for its more and more discursive expression requires contact with the blue ray. Within the indigo ray the concept remains merely the concept. And experience of it is more direct, less refractory than one finds in the blue ray. It is for this reason that the more particular work of the adept is focused in the indigo-ray center when the adept has reached the point of being capable of reliably discerning the concepts and principles that are in so many various ways expressed within the illusion, but always in such a way as to transcend the illusion in favor of a metaphysical significance, which may be quite different from the appearance it takes on within the illusion.
In the indigo-ray center one finds that concepts do not stand alone, each discreet from the others, but, rather, that the situation is somewhat like a series of small streams or rivulets which empty into larger streams and then to larger ones still, until finally they join in a great torrent and seem to travel towards a single source. We say travel towards because this is the direction indicated by the adept who seeks, that is, the adept feels himself to be traveling towards that which is sought.
But in reality, there is not a single direction to this movement. It is, rather, a movement which goes simultaneously backwards and forwards, as it were. The adept, thus, finds that the movement in the direction of what is sought, a movement which, indeed, is initiated by the adept, does not terminate either at a point within the line of sight of the adept or one outside of this line of sight, but, rather, opens a [hallway] of love and light that returns again unto the adept. It is a stream which flows outward and inward simultaneously. It is this situation which is described in your scriptures when they advise the student that, “if you ask, you will indeed receive,” for, indeed, in truth the asking is the receiving, the seeking is finding. This is perhaps the most basic secret known and knowable in indigo ray. That is the foundation for the platform upon which all further work may be done.
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Once one has activated all the energy centers—red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo—the issue of first importance is one of balancing. For a mind/body/spirit complex which is so …
(Side one of tape ends.)
(S channeling)
… activated in any particular energy center that this center overbalances the entity in the direction of processing or expressing a certain kind of energy at the expense of other manners or laws of processing or expressing energy, will find that blockages occur which are due—not so much to the specific, distorting effects of individual chakras—but rather due to the fact that the entity as a whole is out of balance. It is vital to keep in mind that a sense of proportion should be everywhere maintained. For it is out of this sense of proportion that the finer points, or the fine-tuning, shall we say, may take place.