04-21-2016, 11:39 AM
I just don't see the logic in that those who are doing the warmongering and humans rights violations are the ones who want to come to western countries. Why would they leave somewhere that is desolate and where it's a way of life to take advantage of people, to move somewhere where we actively try to prevent these things? It just seems obvious to me that those who want to take advantage of a broken system will stay where the system is most broken, and those who want a better life for themselves and their children are the ones who are attempting to flee to the countries that they believe are less corrupt.
If you can rape and murder in Syria with no consequences, why would you try to come to America where we will lock you up and potentially rape and kill you back? Seems illogical to me.
I'd much rather accept the risks of "uninformed" compassion than accept the risks of a lack of compassion.
If you can rape and murder in Syria with no consequences, why would you try to come to America where we will lock you up and potentially rape and kill you back? Seems illogical to me.
Quote:In the meantime, I am sure native western citizens appreciate the unwarranted risks and obligations imposed on them by the uninformed compassion you advocate. As if most of those millions of migrants are genuinely war refugees, and as if the west is the only safe haven for them.
I'd much rather accept the risks of "uninformed" compassion than accept the risks of a lack of compassion.