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04-25-2020, 02:53 PM
Before I knew Ra's material, I already had an idea of what polarity was. Not just because of my spiritual and esoteric literature, but because I grew up worshiping superheroes and the like. I think good guys and bad guys are a basic scope of service to others and service to self. In spiritualist traditions the need for intimate reform, altruism, upright living and an ethical conscience that seeks well-being with all is always reinforced. Esotericism talks about the path of the right hand and the left hand, which are the duality STO and STS, studied philosophically and even in a practical sense.
Today I find it simple to determine what polarity is in the sense of moving towards the positive or negative, but I still don't know for sure what that "polarity" would be gained. I think it would be the total sum of all energies, which reflect the various inflows from the energy centers, which can be measured by the violet ray. More or less what Ra says here: Quote:Thus, instead of one, shall we say, magnet with one polarity you have in the body/mind/spirit complex one basic polarity expressed in what you would call violet-ray energy, the sum of the energy fields, but which is affected by thoughts of all kinds generated by the mind complex, by distortions of the body complex, and by the numerous relationships between the microcosm which is the entity and the macrocosm in many forms which you may represent by viewing the stars, as you call them, each with a contributing energy ray which enters the electromagnetic web of the entity due to its individual distortions.(19.20)
04-25-2020, 05:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2020, 05:33 PM by Black Dragon.)
The way I've been looking at it, is STO is that which generates joy, and STS is that which generates misery and suffering. There's some truth to that, and it's easy to blame misery and suffering on outside factors, the architecture of the logos, etc., and avoid responsibility, but it ultimately leads to a state of disempowerment. I have been distorting it through the lens of my own biases, and not realizing that the biggest misery is in separation and that my own biases are creating a lot of both. It won't be easy to let go of these biases I've been fueling for a long time, but I realize they aren't serving me anymore. Thanks for the fresh perspective. I will be contemplating this and trying to step outside my box and comfort zone a bit.
04-25-2020, 07:37 PM
I think in order to approach this concept as presented by Ra you have to look at the concept of 'spiritual mass' which is what happens when one finally unifies with their body/mind/spirit totality.
Quote:27.6 Questioner: I’d like to expand a little on the concept of work. In Newtonian physics [the] concept of work is what we call a force which moves through space, it’s the product of force and distance as we measure it. I’m assuming that the work of which you speak is a much broader term including possibly work in consciousness. Am I correct? Noting the "silence" of this rhythm. Quote:36.1 Questioner: In previous communications you have spoken of the mind/body/spirit complex totality. Would you please give us a definition of the mind/body/spirit complex totality? So what we have is a simple fractal of B/M/S Totality > Higher Self > M/B/S Complex. And here we have a critical point about what Ra actually means by polarity: Quote:29.10 Questioner: Okay. Do the sub-Logos, such as our sun, do any of them— in our major galaxy— do they have a metaphysical polarity, shall we say, positive or negative as we’ve been using the term? The bolded part here is very interesting and I think the key to understanding the nature of the polarity as Ra expresses it. First of all, it says the planetary sphere begins 'harmonically interacting' with M/B complexes (2nd Density) or more especially with M/B/S complexes (3rd density). This is a pretty vague idea, but what my take away is basically that polarity is something that comes with sentient development. A planet locked in 1st Density will only be composed of minerals and chemicals, so there are no 'thought complexes' which can interact with the planetary sphere. Quote:19.2 Questioner: Let’s take the point at which an individualized entity of second density is ready for transition to third. Is this second-density being what we would call animal? I love these two answers together because they reveal the fumbling that Ra sometimes goes through. In 19.2 they used the phrase 'become enspirited' seemingly because it was the best they could think of, but then immediately in the next quote they have to correct the thinking because the language lead to confusion. This seems to me to be a difficulty of the English language and that of the word 'becoming'. However, we can see that this awareness that comes with enspiriting is parallel to the development of polarity. Thus, I would describe polarity as the tension of the individuated consciousness' awareness of itself as the Creator. The two 'paths' that Ra defined by 'control' and 'acceptance', and this easily applies to the idea of gradually increasing awareness of the self as the All, whereby this awareness is either grasped as 'inwards' (I am God, the Creator, etc) or 'outwards' (We are God, the Creator, etc}. Now, why this is important is because this all revolves around the concept of ourselves as M/B/S complexes experiencing catalyst, and catalyst is what inspires or motivates us towards one or the other path. However, this is why I brought up the point of the Higher Self and Totality because as entities develop and 'become' (there's that word again) closer to their Higher Self they are able to have more conscious direction in their catalyst, but before that it is simply provided either by the higher beings or simply 'random catalyst'. In this, we see the process of 'recapitulation' or recapping on the creative emergence. Quote:13.16 Questioner: Could you tell me about this first density of planetary entities? So our experience is a fractalized echo of this original process of discovery of self awareness. Quote:30.5 Questioner: I would like to know how the mind/body/spirit complexes originate. How, going back as far as necessary, does the— Do they originate by spirit forming mind and mind forming body? Can you tell me this? Thus, this 'tension' as I described is actually the 'upwards spiraling light' which is that fundamental impetus from the creative rhythm to move towards total self awareness. This tension is produced by the awareness of 'other-self' which are just all the other parts of the self as the creator manifest. By that notion, I think service would be defined by Ra as that which most supports the upwards spiraling light, whether in the self or in the other. When people are neither becoming aware, not interacting with life consciously, they have not yet been stimulated in to seeking towards that upwards spiraling light. I think the hard think for a lot of people to digest might be that both the 'positive' and 'negative' path are both 'upwards spiraling' and ultimately tending towards the same unity, just one going clockwise, one going counterclockwise up the spiral. Yet, there could be no 'straight and narrow' path without the two polarities around it. Quote:17.33 Questioner: Why is the negative path so much more difficult a path to attain harvestability upon than the positive? There is no upwards movement without the spiral, and the spiral is born out of duality. Yet, while you ride this spiral, you must strike true like an arrow loosed from a bow, for it is not the motion created by the polarities in themselves that is important but the greater direction that they carry us towards as they dance around eachother. Each spin takes us closer to home.
04-25-2020, 08:26 PM
Thanks for sharing that Agua. Kinda puts into perspective the main choice of what one really chooses in each scenario: heal or control/protect. Makes the polarity thing seem less stupid and full of s*** when you put it like that. Still not sure I trust the Ra channelings or the whole "evolution through the densities" thing, but to put it in terms of healing versus controlling things so the source if what is in need of healing does not get experienced again makes plenty of sense in and of itself, "polarity" aside.
04-25-2020, 09:40 PM
So beautiful Aion,
04-26-2020, 11:04 AM
(04-25-2020, 05:32 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: The way I've been looking at it, is STO is that which generates joy, and STS is that which generates misery and suffering. There's some truth to that, and it's easy to blame misery and suffering on outside factors, the architecture of the logos, etc., and avoid responsibility, but it ultimately leads to a state of disempowerment. I have been distorting it through the lens of my own biases, and not realizing that the biggest misery is in separation and that my own biases are creating a lot of both. It won't be easy to let go of these biases I've been fueling for a long time, but I realize they aren't serving me anymore. Thanks for the fresh perspective. I will be contemplating this and trying to step outside my box and comfort zone a bit. I've tended towards the opposite bias, viewing whether things feel good or bad as a "surface matter" only, and polarity as a question of something else, a less visible nature of what is done and what it means. Neurochemicals tend to decide whether joy is felt or not, and anyone could be made to feel positive by being drugged, including in the most negative of contexts. Conversely, something could bring a person greatly down inwardly, even as the greatest act of service to others is performed. But I've come some way towards a synthesis, in noting that joy can be linked to balance and harmony, and that such for a person are linked to what's in the person's nature, making it more related to positivity the more positively polarized a person is.
04-26-2020, 03:43 PM
(04-26-2020, 11:04 AM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote:(04-25-2020, 05:32 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: The way I've been looking at it, is STO is that which generates joy, and STS is that which generates misery and suffering. There's some truth to that, and it's easy to blame misery and suffering on outside factors, the architecture of the logos, etc., and avoid responsibility, but it ultimately leads to a state of disempowerment. I have been distorting it through the lens of my own biases, and not realizing that the biggest misery is in separation and that my own biases are creating a lot of both. It won't be easy to let go of these biases I've been fueling for a long time, but I realize they aren't serving me anymore. Thanks for the fresh perspective. I will be contemplating this and trying to step outside my box and comfort zone a bit. I have never really associated the concepts with emotional states. I try to keep things simple whenever I can. For me I have always viewed it as a very literal statement of intent and effect. Whenever an action is undertaken is the purpose to serve yourself or others, and does it actually serve others. Polarity is the metaphysical charge gained thru action. If you notice, it is always mentioned that polarity is lost or gained as a result of actions. If the intent is pure but the result does not match the intent the polarity lost or gained is modified. Looking at suffering and joy as the arbiter of polarity is a mistake. There are a lot of things that a person has to go thru that can be described as suffering, to get the results wanted for themselves or others. Child birth being a natural example. Often whether something is enjoyable or insufferable depends completely on your own attitudes and beliefs toward that thing. The inverse is also true and a lot of enjoyable things are not helpful.
04-26-2020, 07:21 PM
(04-25-2020, 05:01 PM)Stranger Wrote: It's easy to overthink a quintessentially simple concept. At least in this density, polarity boils down to goodwill towards all involved including oneself, vs ill-will towards any. My general practical way of determining polarity of any actions/situations is by evaluating the actions/situations through for variables: Power, Control, Acceptance (inclusiveness) and Compassion (unconditional love). In my experience, any action/situations associated more with power and control are usually more negative polarizing for me and any actions/situations associated more with acceptance and compassion are more positive polarizing. Most actions/situations are associated with all four variables. Therefore, how I change/shift my actions/situations is to somehow shift my attitude and perspective towards acceptance and compassion. Once my attitude shifts, my actions will start to change which in term will change the situation. This is how I assess any situation that I am about to be involved in as well. I usually would just avoid any situations that associate mainly with power and control. I find a lot of similarity in my method with what Aqua and Stranger mentioned. When one is leaning towards power and control, ill-way towards others and separation of self will start to occur. On the other hand, when one is leaning towards acceptance and compassion, goodwill and harmony tend to converge. Thank you Aqua for this thread. I have learned much from everyone's posts.
04-26-2020, 10:18 PM
Whenever you have an idea you must remind yourself it is part of the one. You are the idea, you are the event, the everything in all.
Meaning you are a part of one limitlessly interwoven mind, and if you have a soul, you are a soul of the universe of which nothing can be outside of. If you observe something and have a dualistic or biased attitude, meaning any preference at all.. it means that you are off balance of witnessing everything as a part of everything as one. So immediately I could picture a room full of people objecting to this idea, saying what about this horrible thing, or what about me and my life, how does that fit in to my daily routines? I cant just think of everything that way and go about life without being swayed one way or another. we must make choices. my answer is that sahaja meditation balances your energies. and your responses to any situation shouldnt be too extreme or too light, there should be a balance in your mind. you must remain calm in any situation if order to put forward light and uplifting energy towards people. no one wants a guy whos crazy obsessed with them at first sight. no one wants a careless person that doesnt blink at the sight of a car accident. thats all it means.
04-27-2020, 12:58 AM
(04-25-2020, 12:19 PM)Agua Wrote: The central core of sts is separation, with the first separation being the separation from the Self. I agree, I have found this to be true. A child can be nutured in goodness and socialised healthily and patiently, and the Self will emerge able bodied and effective in the world. The traumatised child is at worst very dissociated and feels nothing. His subconscious is full of vengence, and so he constructs a false self in order to move in the world. He performs his duties in the uncanny valley of mimicry. He becomes exceptionally good at controlling himself, and therefore can only relate to others through control - master/slave dynamics. This is the dicotomous polarity of acceptance/authenticity/truth vs control/deception/shadow. I see the power in becoming more and more the Self, but where is the spiritual power in the false self. What is the false self even? Does a total investment in it make it real?! And why is it called service to self, if it is a seperation to the Self? It appears to be more like the polarity of the service of others to the false self or SOOTSFS... I cannot move forward until greater insight is found. There are stages to attachment presented by Dr. Gordon Neufeld. I will quote them below. They relate to the rays. The 6 Stages of Attachment 1. Proximity Quote:An infant begins the journey of attachment to the parent or caregiver through Proximity by touch, contact and closeness. -Red Ray; survival; immediate bodily needs; 2. Sameness Quote:Around the age of two, a child adds Sameness. Their desire to be like us is an important element in their acquisition of language. - Orange Ray; self-identity, relating to the other and self, body and verbal language 3. Belonging or Loyalty Age 3 the child seeks to feel like they belong to their family and tribe. - Yellow Ray; group consciousness and dynamics, contribution, roles, duties and privileges 4. Significance Child seeks to be special to those he is attached to. - Outer Courtyard of Green Ray; Am I safe to give my heart away? 5. Love The child gives his/her heart away to those they are attached to. - Green Ray 6. Being Known Quote:And finally, the last stage — Being Known — is where if all has gone well, the child from six on up tells us their secrets.. - Blue Ray: Communication of one's deepest truths ..... So if STS is love of self, does that mean the STS entity does go through all those stages and beyond with only himself? Or to put it another way, what/who is he attached to, what is the motivation?
04-27-2020, 03:40 PM
Thanks Agua. When I think of ego I think of the classical Freudian definition - the user interface between the id (primitive self) and the superego (social conditioning from our environment, which we do absorb as part of our self). Of course all these parts make up the self and so we can identify with all of them.
It is my assumption that STS entities are typically those that present with personality disorders (antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder). These disorders are thought to develop in children who grow up in environments where healthy ego boundaries cannot develop. It is thought that for healthy ego development, the outside world needs to reflect back to the child that they are a good object (object is a psychological term). If the opposite occurs, the superego can develop into a harsh inner and/or outer critic, and become so overbearing that the ego cannot stand up against it, and must submit in a master/slave like relationship. This thereby creates the effect that the self is completely dictated by the external. The self will mould completely to others in either Machiavellian styled manipulation or pathological subservience. In order to love, there needs to be someone present to love, so healthy ego formation is crucial. This should occur in the early years of life as the child finds it appropriate to find their psychological independence from their primary attachment figure. My assumption is that STS individuals are those that present with personality disorders. This could be completely mistaken.
04-27-2020, 04:19 PM
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator. Interesting to think that the only thing there is in the LOO is identity. Who/what are we identifying with? Is our identifications our seat of power? Can the outside world reflect back to us our identity? Can we force the outside world to reflect back to us the identity that we want to see? Quote:Ra: I am Ra. ... The disciplined personality, when faced with an other-self, has all centers balanced according to its unique balance. Thusly the other-self looks in a mirror seeing itself.
04-27-2020, 04:38 PM
(04-27-2020, 04:19 PM)Louisabell Wrote:Quote:Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator. Your identity is your ego, which is your mental projections. At the end of that it means it is your dualism. There is nothing but one universe according to Ra, a universal spirit, and anything else is your own personal filter. Instead of seeing a nuclear power plant and accepting that that is the way of life, you have a bias about what it means. When looking at nature and thinking it is all perfect, you are ignoring the lion slowly tearing the gazelle to pieces.
04-27-2020, 04:48 PM
I think this summarizes the idea I have perfectly.
You see things the way your mind skews and filters them. Ego = identity. choice = dualism/preference I think people the farthest away from embodying these concepts and their resolution are people who are successful control freaks. narrowly focused on service to themselves. In the minds of those people, seeing love in everything is a complete waste of time. oracle is a black woman, emotion architect, white man, logic neo, the one they are aspects of one mind one interconnected spirit
04-27-2020, 07:52 PM
(04-27-2020, 05:45 PM)Agua Wrote: @LouisabellI agree that it works on a continuum. Many people try to heal from anti-social/narcissistic traits, but a clear indication that someone has one of these at a diagnosable level, is that they think there is nothing wrong with them. They commonly only go into therapy because of a run in with the law or being pushed into relationship counselling. Quote:So I would rather ask what actually the „thing“ is that bothers you. I'm not so sure if it's a distraction, maybe more better termed a pre-occupation or fascination. Most likely there are things that cannot be understood and it is best to come to a level of acceptance of those things, yet some insights act like doors into the psyche. I suppose I am looking for a door. I am trying to understand a part of myself, which has come to perplex me. It's a question about our inner most motivations, beyond the motivation to be happy, behind all motivations, what is it that pulls us forward? I imagine we all have trauma. This is a pretty traumatizing world, is it not? Are we intended to fragment into many pieces, so that we are employed in the attempt to put them back together again. Beyond words, beyond abstractions, what motivates you?
04-27-2020, 08:01 PM
(04-27-2020, 07:03 PM)Navaratna Wrote: I think this summarizes the idea I have perfectly. So where is Zion, and why must it be destroyed? (04-27-2020, 08:01 PM)Louisabell Wrote:(04-27-2020, 07:03 PM)Navaratna Wrote: I think this summarizes the idea I have perfectly. It's just a game If you look in to the origin of the Egyptian gods they are not the oldest. Sekhmet/Hathor/Shinx as an aspect of Ra shows you that these demigods were borrowed from Sumerian religion which is even older. Sekhmet is identified with Ninhursag. They look identical in art as Sphinx. Hathor/sekhmet as a feline. Who is godfather of Ninhursag in Sumerian religion? Enlil. Father of godfather Enlil? An, father of the Annunaki And he is made of 'whole universe' and 'whole earth' there is no precedent in the historical record for this entity. He was a forgotten god even later in Sumerian times, back when the middle east looked nothing like it does today. Full of forests and game, not stripped of all vegetation and torn by Islamic warfare over the past 1400 years and thousands of years of habitation before that. An he's composed of sky and earthly entities You know what the sound of nammu or naumu makes me think of? East Asian Om primordial sound of the universe Aaaauum Mesoamerican Ometeotl, the primal duality What is Zion, why must it be destroyed? It's all just a drama. People clinging to the illusion of themselves. They are the humans that chose to free themselves from the illusory word governed by industry and machinery. When neos sees without dualism the world is freed. Edit: the oldest depiction of kundalini/caduceus is the Sumerian Ningishzidda, and queen of the underworld Inanna with her lapis lazuli ornaments is gatekeeper in to the other realms. |