(05-15-2020, 02:36 PM)peregrine Wrote: I understand your point, Diana. If "all is well" is believed to be a fact in real time, then one blocks opposite or contrasting experiences from one's consciousness. And yet, as it is used here, the term has no basis in fact and is not logically derived; which is to say, it is actually NOT solidified and is not a mental construct.
Instead, it's more like, after eating a refreshing bowl of ice cream on a hot day, when one feels inherent satisfaction, there is no mental construction needed: the satisfaction is just inherent in the experience. Of course, when one experiences the vicissitudes of the outer world (where mentation plays a key role), this kind of satisfaction is not the most commonly felt response. Yet, do you find, when tuning in below the waves of outer disturbance down into the deeper regions of self, that there is an inherent satisfaction there--not in the sense of escaping the outer world, but in the sense of feeling a bit closer to the warm center of Creation? Isn't that what you sense when you purify and more deeply settle into your own experience of what you refer to as "acceptance?" In that feeling of oceanic acceptance, is there not also a sense that--ahem--all is well.....or something similar to that?
I'm totally with you here. And I do have a a connection to that level of perception, with the caveat that I don't feel "all is well" for all beings.
Let me see if I can be articulate about what I mean, which I am dubious about

That feeling of connection is my feeling, my connection. That does not make unimportant the "outer world." I make a distinction between the outer world and the drama of the outer world. The drama is all human. The outer world includes all beings.
There are levels of consciousness, existence, perception, and evolution. Is one more important than the other? I may be able to enter that stream of consciousness that connects to all things, that is a beautiful wordless sense of well-being, but that does not equate to "all is well" in my opinion. It may be well for me when I am in that stream, but there are other levels of perception/consciousness where things are not well. By faith I presume you mean that this stream of well-being is what justifies "faith," in that at some point or level of experience all IS well seemingly. But what makes that level of consciousness or being more relevant than this one? This one is ephemeral, but that does not, in my mind, make it any less important than a million years or infinity. It all just IS. Would it be responsible to ignore one's accountability in any brief experience or interaction?
I cannot, no matter how much I connect to that stream of well-being myself, feel that all is well for the other beings in this existence. I can stretch my perceptions to comprehend the possible benefits of suffering for humans. But even then, there is just so much of it, and Ra did allude to there being anomalous and random catalyst and that they could not comment specifically because of it. I really can't know that people are without food and hungry without sadness. And I can't consider the very long list of suffering that humans put animals through, and plant life, insects—all other life but human without sadness. To me, this is not "all is well." And just because it's a fleeting life, and some think it's okay because we are evolving and learning lessons, and everything works out in the end, I question that stance. I am not a proponent of "the end justifies the means."
Maybe I'm just not evolved enough to be above the suffering. I have never claimed to be. But I challenge anyone to consider that all levels of being are equally relevant. Not just where we will be "down the road." Ra did talk about the concept of responsibility. Are we only to be responsible in certain circumstances, knowing that the greater reality is all bliss, and have faith that everything is okay within the context of that that greater reality? Faith would contend that you just have to have faith that it is. Well, that is circular thinking (or feeling), and great if you can believe it. For my part, I will continue to question and push boundaries and skate on the edges of consciousness.