02-14-2021, 02:38 PM
The vaccine causing sterility is really funny because Covid actually is proven to be decreasing fertility in men(at least temporarily) https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-01-c...y-men.html
COVID-19 may negatively affect sperm quality and reduce fertility in men, according to research published in Reproduction. The study indicates that COVID-19 infection can cause increased sperm cell death, inflammation, and oxidative stress, resulting in lower sperm quality and potentially reducing fertility. These findings provide the first, direct experimental evidence that the male reproductive system could be targeted and damaged by COVID-19, and suggest that men's reproductive function should be evaluated after infection to detect and avoid further fertility problems.
It does this by entering ACE2 cells
“ Both SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV enter host cells via the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, which is expressed in various human organs. We have reviewed previously published studies”
The thing is though studies have not been run in women as yet we also have ACE2 receptors in our urogenital system so it can logically be extrapolated to effect female fertility too.
“ We reviewed the literature that reported the distribution and function of ACE2 in the female reproductive system, hoping to clarify the potential harm of 2019-nCoV to female fertility. The available evidence suggests that ACE2 is widely expressed in the ovary, uterus, vagina and placenta. Therefore, we believe that apart from droplets and contact transmission, the possibility of mother-to-child and sexual transmission also exists. Ang II, ACE2 and Ang-(1-7) regulate follicle development and ovulation, modulate luteal angiogenesis and degeneration, and also influence the regular changes in endometrial tissue and embryo development. Taking these functions into account, 2019-nCoV may disturb the female reproductive functions through regulating ACE2.”
COVID-19 may negatively affect sperm quality and reduce fertility in men, according to research published in Reproduction. The study indicates that COVID-19 infection can cause increased sperm cell death, inflammation, and oxidative stress, resulting in lower sperm quality and potentially reducing fertility. These findings provide the first, direct experimental evidence that the male reproductive system could be targeted and damaged by COVID-19, and suggest that men's reproductive function should be evaluated after infection to detect and avoid further fertility problems.
It does this by entering ACE2 cells
“ Both SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV enter host cells via the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, which is expressed in various human organs. We have reviewed previously published studies”
The thing is though studies have not been run in women as yet we also have ACE2 receptors in our urogenital system so it can logically be extrapolated to effect female fertility too.
“ We reviewed the literature that reported the distribution and function of ACE2 in the female reproductive system, hoping to clarify the potential harm of 2019-nCoV to female fertility. The available evidence suggests that ACE2 is widely expressed in the ovary, uterus, vagina and placenta. Therefore, we believe that apart from droplets and contact transmission, the possibility of mother-to-child and sexual transmission also exists. Ang II, ACE2 and Ang-(1-7) regulate follicle development and ovulation, modulate luteal angiogenesis and degeneration, and also influence the regular changes in endometrial tissue and embryo development. Taking these functions into account, 2019-nCoV may disturb the female reproductive functions through regulating ACE2.”