11-04-2021, 03:52 PM
(11-04-2021, 01:20 PM)MonadicSpectrum Wrote: Regarding shedding, I want to share some tools that work well for me for protection around those who shed. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
1. A black crystal. I have a black crystal necklace that I wear when I know I'm going to be around those who shed for a significant period of time.
2. A black flame visualization. Imagine a black flame in your mind's eye, and the flame actively disconnecting your energy fields from those energies that will harm you through absorption rather than connection.
Black crystals and black flames are often tools for service-to-self adepts to disconnect from others so I don't recommend using it beyond setting boundaries and protecting yourself when necessary if you wish to polarize positive. Service-to-other individuals have a natural tendency to radiate and connect energetically to others, but this can be harmful to the self if one is picking up on more powerful negative energy than one is capable of transmuting.
I recommend this video if you wish to learn more about these techniques: https://youtu.be/3PKUhwrr_iI
By black crystals do you mean shungite or tourmaline? I've been advised about shungite to absorb negative energies but to not over use it. I used to get quite the intense reaction/sensation from it but not so much anymore. It makes sense about disconnecting, it's what I need for crowds as it can get overwhelming.