(11-29-2018, 05:22 PM)Nía Wrote: Wyoming billionaire plans to purchase around 15% of the planet, doubling the amount of protected lands and waters on Earth
How's that "great news"? Some corporate monopolist is purchasing 15% of the planet?
(11-29-2018, 05:22 PM)Nía Wrote: Patagonia’s CEO is donating company’s entire $10M Trump tax cut to fight climate change
As I mentioned , they failed with the "Global warming" propaganda meme, as it was proven data is fake.
So, instead of going back to the real science, they changed the meme (using same fake data) - "climate change".
Did anyone ever asked - has climate ever was stable on the planet?
And what does this meme mean? Other than used as propaganda, where it suits some.
Quote:Extinction Rebellion: I’m an academic embracing direct action to stop climate change
A Thanksgiving Meditation in the Face of a Changing Climate
Of course, changing. Always changing. God made this planet so that climate would always change on it.
Quote:Concerned About Climate Change? Nature Wants to Help
No, not concerned.
Quote:A eureka moment for the planet: we’re finally planting trees again'
Wow, greedy capitalists are finally doing something nice for change?
Quote:'Lesbos deserves better': pioneering aid project unites locals and migrants
You were posting a bunch of gay, lesbo and near pedophile propaganda here, as "Positive news" .
Can someone, please , explain how is this anti-family, anti-white, anti-normal propaganda - positive?
Quote:Vegan Crops Produce 1900% More Protein Than Raising Animals for Beef or Eggs, Study Finds
This one's actually, pretty good. But did you see where you are linking? It has giant pictures of burgers and sorry, blacks.
Quote:Americans Voted Overwhelmingly to Protect Wild Places
No they did not. The propaganda department doesn't want you to be energy-independent.
Oil is renewable resource, it is HYDROCARBONS, not "fossil fuels" as propaganda leads you to believe.
When you cap production from oil wells at certain low percent, you can have 100-200 years, or potentially, unlimited production.
In order to prevent this, "protect wild places" meme is being pushed so that we don't seem to have enough low, slow producing oil wells.
I am going to stop here.