I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from December 23, 2001:
The question today comes from B and S. B was wondering if a social memory complex possesses a kind of consciousness that can engage in the exchange of energy with its members, either consciously or unconsciously, or if it is simply the sum of its members? We were assuming (in our conversation previous to this meditation) that a social memory complex could indeed engage in conversation of a very intimate and continuous nature with all of its members. If that is true, could you expand upon that, and could you let us know? And as S asks: As we are beginning to form a social memory complex, is there anything that we can do to prime the pump towards positivity in service-to-others acts, attitudes of mind, meditations, rituals, anything at all?
(Carla channeling)
We are those known to you as the principle of the Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. It is a great privilege, as always, to speak to this group, and we thank you for forming a circle of seeking once again. It is a great blessing to us to share with your circle’s vibrations, and it is a great blessing to us to be able to serve by speaking our thoughts. We ask, as always, that your discrimination choose which of these thoughts you will retain, and which are not for you. We do not claim to be purveyors of truth. We claim only to share what we have concluded in our journey so far. But we are very happy to do so, and we do believe that it is a valid path of service.
The question this day is very apt for the time of year that this meeting is being held, for it is near Christmas, and all over your world, in every nation, many millions of hearts turn now at this season to thoughts of peace, love, and giving. The catalyst for this enormous peak in energy among the peoples of your planet is an outgrowth of the natural cycles of light and dark, fear and love. And, indeed, as was spoken of earlier, the Christian Christmas is a very old overlay to even older rituals from a previous time and a previous religion. It is a response of the heart of a society to the maximum amount of darkness and the minimum amount of light. It is a response to that which moves into the consciousness at such a deep level that there is no true defense against it. The lack of light creates a mood, and the tendency of that mood is towards poignancy and intensity and what this instrument would call negative thought patterns for the simple reason that life within third density is often, among other things, an accumulation of moments of pain that certain occasions seem to bring closer to the surface of memory.
However, this energy of Christmas has never been expressed in precisely the way that the one known as Jesus the Christ expressed it. And the way this entity expressed it has to do with this question about the formation of a social memory complex. Now, this entity who in his native tongue is called Jehoshua but whom we will call Jesus, because of this instrument’s distortions and the distortions of the culture in which all of you live, was, in his own way, a politician. But he was a politician who was running for office in another world. As he said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” This entity identified his kingdom as the kingdom of heaven. We feel that there has been a tremendous amount of distortion of this entity’s message. However, there is enough in what is left of what he actually said to begin to form an idea of what it takes to form a social memory complex.
When one gazes, for instance, at what this instrument calls the Beatitudes, it is interesting to note who is blessed. Blessed are the poor. Blessed are the meek. Blessed are the hungry. Blessed are those who suffer for righteousness sake. Blessed is adversity. Blessed is the enemy. Blessed is he who despitefully uses you. In other words, no matter what you do you will be blessed. When this entity was on the cross dying painfully a thief asked Him if He would remember him when He came into His kingdom. And the one known as Jesus said to him, “This day you will be with me in paradise.”
Jesus was not a foolish man. He did not feel that all things were good. He felt that some things were sinful. However, he took it to a higher level in each and every case and said, “The past is past. Make a new beginning and you are completely and utterly forgiven.” Would that the voices that surrounded this entity had the same message. Much has been lost of the message because others immediately misunderstood it and felt, during the time that this entity was alive, that this entity should become a political figure and rule a country, a physical country, the country of the twelve tribes. This the one known as Jesus rejected out of hand. So if the one known as Jesus was offering information about the vibration of a social memory complex then the direction that the entities who wish to help form a social memory complex need to go is the direction of forgiveness and love. Forgiveness of enemies. Forgiveness of the self. And the willingness to make a new beginning. These seem finite qualities, but in the metaphysical world they are infinite. The freedom to expand and strengthen light is complete once the soul has pierced the veil of forgetting.
Now a very tiny example of a social memory complex would be the couple or the family which is extremely close, so that the entities have begun to tune into each other and eerily have begun to know what the other was going to say, what the other was sensing, how the mood of the other was going without having to speak. There is a growing awareness from the soul level when there is complete trust between two people. This is difficult to achieve. It takes time and it takes persistence on the part of two human beings who will systematically fail at everything that they try to do at one point or another, metaphysically speaking. Consequently, there is forgiveness built into trust so that when entities within a fellowship of complete trust misbehave they are allowed the room to do that. They are allowed the support to come out of that. They are allowed the chance to start anew.
The group question for this session was: “We were assuming (in our conversation previous to this meditation) that a social memory complex could indeed engage in conversation of a very intimate and continuous nature with all of its members. If that is true, could you expand upon that, and could you let us know? And as S asks: As we are beginning to form a social memory complex, is there anything that we can do to prime the pump towards positivity in service-to-others acts, attitudes of mind, meditations, rituals, anything at all?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that the question for this session was appropriate, for this Christmas time of year was a time when people around the world focused on the concepts of peace, love, and giving, and the catalyst for this was the natural cycles of light and dark when the lack of light creates an experience of negative thought patterns and an accumulation of moments of pain that certain occasions seem to bring closer to the surface of our memory because third density also has this same quality as the nature of our experience of living in the darkness of our conscious mind. Q’uo went on to say that the way Jesus expressed the energy of Christmas is related to the forming of a social complex when He said that His kingdom was not of this world. Then Q’uo continued by saying that Jesus gave us an idea of how a social memory complex might be formed by each of us being blessed no matter what we might do, and they gave the example of when the thief that was also upon a cross asked Him: “if He would remember him when He came into His kingdom. And the one known as Jesus said to him, “This day you will be with me in paradise.” Then Q’uo said that even though Jesus felt some behaviors were sinful that what is in the past is past, and all behaviors could be forgiven so that when entities wished to form a social memory complex the key was to forgive and love one another and the self, and then the freedom to expand and strengthen light would be complete once the soul had pierced the veil of forgetting. Q’uo gave an example of a couple being able to form a social memory complex after experiencing love and trust after a period of time of being together so that they were able know what each other was going to say or do, and even though they would fail many times there was enough trust and forgiveness that had been created in their relationship that they were free to begin again. On September 3, 2017, Q’uo spoke of how groups of people may form a social memory complex:
There is also the consideration within each group, of the so-called spiritual family, or minor grouping of entities within the larger group, that may wish to move as a group, as the individual may do; so that at this time, at the end of your master cycle of 75,000 years, there is much intermingling of entities from all of the various planetary sources of origin. When harvest has been achieved by any individual or spiritual family of individuals, that harvest, then, results in the moving forward of those individuals who have been able to polarize sufficiently in order to begin the fourth-density experience of forming a social memory complex with all other individuals, or minor groups, from any planet of origin.
These qualities of forgiveness, and forgetting, and moving on are sweet indeed, metaphysically speaking, because they free up the energy system, the energy body. The one known as T was asking about fear and whether that is an improvement upon anger which is an overlay of fear. And we would say that all overlays being taken away are improvements. The fear now is exposed because of the practice of the one known as T. He now is able to see and be aware of what that underlying emotion truly is, and indeed, no matter what the negatively oriented emotion, we assure you that it is a type of fear. Whether it is anger, grief or any other negatively perceived emotion, the dynamic is always between love and fear.
Now, how do entities in third density achieve such a heady and ambitious intention as forming a social memory complex beforehand, before its time? Almost anything that seekers can think of as ways to express their own individual desire and thirst for being part of the good and the Love of planet Earth will help. So much of spiritual evolution is involved in sheer desire and persistence of intention in following that desire. Desire is the fire that drives. It can be a fire that is red-ray, orange-ray, yellow, blue, indigo, or violet-ray. Each of those types of desires, each of those combinations of types of desires, has its own characteristics. And an entity, in order to progress, needs not to follow someone else’s idea of a curriculum or a study but, rather, each entity needs to follow his own heart, his own intuition, his own hunch of this or that book at the bookstore, this idea or that idea to think about.
Each of you already is part of a nascent social memory complex, but it is at a very low level at this time because it is not yet time. Priming the pump is a matter of desiring to prime the pump and desiring it just as much tomorrow and the next day and taking each moment of desire as it comes and asking, “Show me Thy ways. Teach me how to serve.” And surrendering that cleverness of wit in order to open to deeper guidance and to purer fire. For there is help for those who wish to rise. There is an enormous company, as this instrument has often said, of angels, beings that wish only to help entities to evolve and to cherish them while they do, to keep them in a metaphysical sense safe and comfortable. There are angels around each of you. They truly desire to be of service. When you sit in the silence, lean into that help and ask that invisible company to give you signs, give you ideas, help with the guidance, help with the clues, so that you can choose what feels the most resonant as your own path of service.
Theone known as Jesus tried to apply fourth-density ideas to third-density society. We grasp the fact that this has not been popular since, and we believe we grasp why, realizing as we do that the one known as Jesus was able to open his heart and trust in the infinity of supply. The closest that your peoples have come to the idea of Jesus, which was to hold everything in common, has been various socialistic and communistic societies in their theoretical form, where each entity is looked at as completely equal and equally deserving of the right to live and to have a place to be and food to eat. The ability of your culture at this time to tolerate the situation where many, many entities do not have enough to eat is, among many other things, acting as a, shall we say, drag on the planetary evolution. For it reflects a carelessness among its members and a lack of appreciation for the qualities that humanity offers long before it justifies itself by being useful.
We ask you to consider who you are. Your physical vehicle was created, according to the writer known as Sitchin and others, to be gold miners for extraterrestrials. Consequently, there are many among those who believe in extraterrestrials and believe in their interactions with those of Earth who believe that there is no resurrection possible because the physical vehicles are simply dust and were created only to be slaves. But we say to you that a physical vehicle is a physical vehicle. Yours, like most life forms in this universe, has been interfered with several times. But that has little or nothing to do with the consciousness that accepts the contract with the physical vehicle to have an incarnation together. Each of you is truly a citizen of eternity. It does not matter what the makeup of your body is, whether it was created by the God of the Bible in six days or whether it was created by extraterrestrials. The fact is that, within the illusion that you now experience, you are here. There is a little sign with an arrow that says, “You are here.” Whatever your age. Whatever your station. Whatever your challenges. That is the playground in which you are enjoying yourself at this time.
Then Q’uo said that forgiveness, forgetting, and moving on are metaphysically very helpful because they free up our energy body, and it doesn’t matter whether our feeling is anger, grief, or any other negatively perceived emotion, the dynamic is always between love and fear. Q’uo continued by saying that if we want to form a social memory complex that almost any of our individual desires and thirst for being part of the Love of planet Earth would be helpful because so much of our spiritual evolution is built upon our desire and our persistence of intention in following that desire according to our unique thoughts and intuition. Q’uo went on to say that each of us is part of a potential social memory complex whose time is not yet here, and that we can prime the pump of forming a social memory complex by desiring to do so each day, then surrendering to our inner guidance and angels in meditation, and then asking them for signs and directions to follow in order to form a social memory complex. Then Q’uo said that Jesus attempted to use the fourth-density idea of the common ownership of goods within the third density in order to form a social memory complex because He was able to open His heart and trust in the infinity of supply, but the inability of most of the population of Earth to see the needs of all being met by any level of organization is slowing the planetary evolution. Q’uo said that each of us is a citizen of eternity, and it does not matter whether our bodies were created by the God of the Bible or whether it was created by extraterrestrials because within the illusion that we experience now we are here, and whatever our age, challenges, or situation we are enjoying our life on Earth at this time. On November 1, 1998, Q’uo described what it means for us to be a citizen of eternity:
We give to this instrument the image of a traveler. The traveler moves across the desert landscape gazing intently, even feverishly, for a source of water. At the same time this entity is, metaphysically speaking, in a world made of water, that which this instrument refers to as water consciousness. As a citizen of eternity, one may consider oneself cast upon the shore of an inhospitable environment, the desert land which offers learning opportunity for service and challenges that teach and create the potential for transformation. When you feel that you are truly in the desert, that all is dry and lifeless and without hope, we encourage you to practice knowing by faith the watery environment of the human spirit, for that which seems upon the surface to be dry, and dusty, and difficult is, in metaphysical terms, wondrous, a treasure, that which is to be prized, a canvas upon which to paint a self in Love with the beauty and the majesty of the infinite Creator. When the mouth is parched for something to drink, when the stomach grumbles for food, remember that you are a citizen of eternity, and that you have meat and drink that the world does not know of. And allow the desert to become the ocean, life-giving and new with every tide.
While you are enjoying yourself on this playground it is very seductive to come to the belief that you are on a playground enjoying the games. It is, however, an helpful thought always to move beyond the playground, to move beyond the lights, the glitter, and the drama of people doing righteous and unrighteous things to each other. It is possible to move back into the heart of being that was before this world was and which will be when this world has finally become energy again. It is an uneasy union, body and consciousness, but it is precisely that union of flesh and Spirit that is needed for third density. The vehicles you have are sound for the work that you wish to do.
We encourage both an intensity of dedication and a very light touch with the seeking to accelerate the pace of evolution and to come into some expression of fourth density. Now, you may find as you continue seeking peace that ideas will come to you. We encourage you to respond to those ideas because each of you is a Creator. Perhaps you have a gift for becoming closer to another entity or to a new idea that no one else has. We assure you that each of you sings a different melody of vibration, so each of you has unique gifts to give. And those gifts are already held in common by the people of Earth. There is at this time a nascent fourth-density social memory complex of positive nature forming on planet Earth. It is occurring now.
Theone known as B is attempting to do this by starting a community. The one known as Carla, this instrument, in her own way has dedicated her life to bringing more light; to running fourth-density energy within a third-density system. This entity, unfortunately, has not done this entirely efficiently within her personal life. But in terms of metaphysical efficiency, both the one known as B and the one known as Carla have made good efforts. And it is the continuation of those efforts; that is, the continuation of faith, that will avail the most. For Love has a way of teaching you without being obvious about it, without the two-by-four having to hit the forehead. There is no wakeup, often, with the lessons of Love but, rather, you discover that your ideas have migrated a bit, that there is a different Light from which you are seeing the same thing. It may be slight, but it may well be more fourth-density if that is what you are affirming and seeking.
When you are expressing this nascent fourth-density energy you, if you are very aware, will feel it as an energy exchange even if the entity with whom you are communicating is half a globe away. There is an energy exchange between those who are vibrating together in Love with each other on the fourth-density level which is very heartening and very healing for both entities, and we encourage each to attempt in all relationships to move from a point of fourth-density Love, acceptance, forgiveness, and willingness to move on. That is the pattern of learning, not to linger too long in negative emotions but, rather, to honor that negative emotion whenever it arises, to sit with it as long as it needs to be sat with in order to be accepted, in order to feel that it has been honored. And then, when it has been honored and there has come a peace and a balance and some small understanding, it is time to say, “Amen. I am sorry. I begin again.” And let mistakes be mistakes, but stay in the Light and the Love of the one infinite Creator while you make the mistake, and, after you make the mistake, allow yourself your own love rather than your judgment. For judge and grasp the lesson you certainly will, but then it is time to release that.
The great obstacle to peace among your peoples is the same obstacle that is in a family when they will not agree, and they insist on leaving problems unaddressed and unsolved. The one known as Jim has said very truly many times that this world needs a great deal of Love. That is true at the individual level. It is also true at the societal level, at the racial level, and at the planetary level.
Now Q’uo said it is well for us to remember that our experience in the third density is an illusion and for us to move back into the heart of our being that is the Creator which was before this world was created and which will be when this world has become energy, and it is an uneasy union of our body and consciousness, but it is this union of flesh and Spirit that is needed for third density. Q’uo went on to say that each of us has gifts: And these gifts are already held in common by the people of Earth. There is at this time a nascent fourth-density social memory complex of positive nature forming on planet Earth. It is occurring now. Q’uo continued by saying that using our gifts in whatever way we choose to share them, and having faith that they will succeed, is the best choice to make because Love teaches us without our being aware of it, but eventually we will discover that our ideas have changed in some way, and there is a different Light in which we are seeing the same thing, but it may well be more fourth-density if that is what we are seeking. Then Q’uo said that when we are sharing fourth density vibrations with another person that this exchange of energy is healing and heartfelt for each of us, and whenever we can share the fourth-density Love, acceptance, and forgiveness with anyone that we should not stay within any negative emotion, but we should honor it whenever it arises and to sit with it for as long as is necessary to accept it and understand it, and then say that we are sorry. Q’uo said that we should: remain the Light and the Love of the one infinite Creator while you make the mistake, and, after you make the mistake, allow yourself your own love rather than your judgment. For judge and grasp the lesson you certainly will, but then it is time to release that.” On January 21, 2001, Q’uo spoke of our nature as being part of the heart of the Creator:
When one attempts to talk about Love, one ends up talking about qualities such as compassion, faith, hope, patience, and humor. But these are all as the rays of Light which come from the sun of Love, each a slightly different color, each a definable and recognizable quality but yet each a ray of Light from the heart of the Creator. And what the spiritual group does is to bring that sun a little closer to make it more possible to find a conscious, honest faith in the existence of this sun or source of Love and Light. It is a permeable cocoon, this cocoon that your experience of incarnation in flesh. Through your energy body there are tremendous numbers of entrances into finer densities. Through the gateway of intelligent infinity which is part of the energy body there is access to inspiration and realms of teachers and guides.
Does a social memory complex have its own ability to communicate? Certainly. Even within a marriage there is a social memory complex. Within this group, which today represents only four human beings (physically present), there is a strong and healthy social memory complex that is helping each. It is not that each has become wonderfully able in the human sense to comfort and support each other but that the wish to do so is pure within these four hearts sitting within this room. And within this atmosphere, since all things truly are one, naturally over a period of time there is formed not just these four souls into a union but these four souls and the Creator so that the Creator and the self multiplies with the Creator and the next self and the Creator in the third self and the Creator in the fourth self, and the result is powerful, far beyond the sum of its parts. There is a feedback system that begins to work when entities meet spiritually and attempt to love each other, even when they misbehave, even when they have difficult times.
Many, many opportunities will come to each of you in small ways and in large. Opportunities to see an entity as the self or the other self. We do not say to ignore the needs of the physical life. We do not say that it is wrong to set limits when there are difficulties, to protect the self from damage. You are third-density entities, and you need to respond to the pain and the suffering that you feel. If you do not respond to it, if you insist on being all Love and Light at all times and not dealing with your feelings, not dealing with your dark side, you shall never make a social memory complex.
So, the first entity that you must fall in love with in order to form a social memory complex is yourself. If you can fall in love with the shadow self of your own 360 degree being you have become far, far more vulnerable to the Light that is the new Light of fourth density. So much of the Light that you call to yourself is created by the nexus of desire and emotion within which you are seeking the Light. So, all aspects of Light feed into making third density into fourth density because all aspects of Light can be illuminated by Love. Love makes food taste better. Love makes gardens bloom better. Love makes children grow healthier. Love makes businesses thrive. Love will also make positive fourth density occur because the Love energy within many of your people is now approaching that energy which is the graduated third density, the Christ energy.
The one known as Jesus would laugh long and hard at someone who said that He was a saint, or that He was holy, or that He was better than the next sinner. This entity did not feel those things. This entity was seeking to become more meek, more poor, more hungry, and to achieve more suffering. Why was this entity doing this? This is the mystery of moving from third density to fourth density. Why did this entity find such joy in turning the other cheek? And in embracing death when he thought that by that sacrifice He would be able to save others from that suffering? Why was this very imperfect human act of choosing to die something that has riveted your culture for 2,000 years? That is the question that we feel may be most beneficial at this time for you to ponder. For the Entity comes into the Earth at this time. The one known as Jesus each year comes into the darkness, and the darkness knows Jesus not. And to that darkness Jesus is simply a mistake, a fool, a troublesome entity that must be stopped. For this entity simply wants to love. He wants nothing in return but simply wishes to speak the words of His Father, to do the will of His Father.
May you follow your heart. May you follow that which this instrument calls the cross. For fourth density is cruciform; that is, early fourth density especially. There is a cross involved. There is a sigil of sacrifice that needs to be grasped in a way that words almost cannot achieve. Silence itself, the tabernacle of the heart, and those infinitely blessed words that have no sound, that still, small voice, will bring to you that which you need. We encourage each to seek that silence each day and to affirm that all is well, that all will be well, that the life may be lived in faith. This rest that faith gives, again, frees one to love. It enables fearlessness. No one within your sphere is truly fearless in all ways, but it is well gently but determinedly to work on that fear, work on those separating emotions and realize that all actions expressed lovingly are metaphysically correct. It is not possible often within the Earth planes to make a pure choice because the physical vehicle won’t stand it, or the budget won’t stand it, or the family won’t stand it, or something will fall apart that you wish to keep together if you pursue a totally pure path of Light. As we said, there are times when one must make decisions that do not seem particularly loving. But if they are made carefully, thoughtfully, and because of Love then we say that is excellent work. It might not be right, but it is not important to be right. It is important to be loving. So, attempt to be right. Attempt to run that ship that you have. But attempt more to open the heart to Love.
Q’uo said that when seekers such as those gathered in this channeling meditation come together with the desire to help each other on their spiritual journeys they are working with the infinite Creator in a way of loving each other that powerfully multiplies their efforts even in times of difficulty. Q’uo continued by saying that when we suffer difficulties with other selves that we should not ignore them, but we should deal with our dark side, or we will never be able to create a social memory complex. Q’uo went on to say that if we can fall in love with the dark side of our 360 degree being then we are more vulnerable to the Light of the fourth density, and the Light that we call to ourself is created by the strength of desire and emotion with which we are seeking the Light, so all aspects of Light help to make third density into fourth density because: “all aspects of Light can be illuminated by Love. Love will also make positive fourth density occur because the Love energy within many of your people is now approaching that energy which is the graduated third density, the Christ energy.” Then Q’uo said that Jesus did not feel that He was better than any other sinner, but he was seeking to become meeker and to achieve more suffering because this is the nature of the mystery of moving from the third density to the fourth density. Q’uo suggested that we follow our heart to deal with the sacrifice that is necessary to move into the fourth density by meditating on a daily basis and listening to that still, small voice within us so that we may live our life in faith that all is well, and that all will be well, and this will allow us to be fearless and to be able to love. Q’uo completed their thoughts by saying that no one is completely fearless, so in all of our actions we can work on that fear by lovingly expressing our actions because it is metaphysically correct when we attempt to open our heart to Love. On March 25, 2023, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the still, small voice within us:
The forming groups to engage in the meditative practice and seeking to be of service to others is a process which we find is most helpful on your planet at this time, as it would be upon any third-density planet, for you are all part of that One Creator which you seek. That One Creator is available to you in a meditative state so that when you listen to that still small voice within, you are listening to the One who is in all. Such meditative techniques and organizations and groupings are that which pave the path to the fourth density of Love and understanding. This is the way in which The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator has suggested, throughout all time within your third-density experience, whether it be in channeling groups such as this one, in contact in the meditative state, or in the daily life experience where our presence may be felt, in sending Love and Light to various groups and planets, this is our connection. We are all the One Infinite Creator that exists as seemingly separate portions within your third-density illusion. That you are emphasizing the working together is that which is most important, for each one teaches the other. There are many ways of experiencing the Creator. And as you share your own way, you enlighten others as to another way and give a doubling effect, shall we say, to the seeking of all. For that which you seek is within you; that which you seek is without you; that which you seek is in all entities. Those who together seek may far more surely find.
We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We thank this group for asking such a good question, and we at this time would leave this instrument in love and light. We are those of Q’uo.
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and we greet each once again in love and in light through this instrument. At this time, we would seek to offer ourselves to any further queries which may remain on the minds of those present. Are there any shorter queries to which we might speak at this time?
S: It is recently on my mind that, since yesterday we had a rear end collision, and a couple of days ago we had another accident, I was wondering if there was some lesson that I had missed?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We apologize for the delay that was necessary for this instrument to work the recording devices. To your query, we cannot see any particular lesson here other than there is always the unexpected, which occurs sometimes without any seeming rhyme or reason, yet which one can interpret by whatever means or attitude is prevalent within the personality structure. This attitude of mind then is set to work upon whatever catalyst approaches and will make the necessary adjustments to include the new catalyst within the established ways of thinking. The seeker of truth, then, may utilize any catalyst to achieve the desired perspective, shall we say. When one has one’s spiritual feet firmly under one, there is no catalyst which can shake one’s ground of being. All catalyst then becomes available as grist for the mill, shall we say, the catalyst being the means by which one seeks the heart of the being, if that is one’s predilection, or seeks the more easily accessible surface interpretation, if one wishes to skirt the issue, shall we say, or move around the experience of one’s being. Is there another query to which we may respond, my brother?
S: My wife has been feeling kind of low and down, and I suggested it might be a psychic greeting, or it may be the doldrums, but she couldn’t seem to find a reason why she feels the way she is feeling. Do you have any perspective on that?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We show this instrument the picture of the ice and the broken ankle. We suggest that this entity, the one known as C, may be, in the memory of the body complex, remembering that which occurred nearly one year ago at this time. The memory of the body is much stronger than most entities in third density are aware of or give credit to the body for possessing. We assure you, however, that the body does remember those traumatic experiences, and this memory bleeds through from the subconscious mind and becomes that which is seemingly non-directional, without source, a feeling of apprehension or anxiety. Is there another query, my brother.
S: That is most helpful, and I am sure C will appreciate it too. I am curious from the last session, concerning Carla’s fifth-density friend of negative polarity that occasionally attacks her. Does this entity have a name?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And this is correct. Is there another query, my brother?
S: And what is this entity’s name?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We suggest that it be carefully considered whether or not this knowledge is desired. For it is polarized significantly in the negative direction to know the name of one’s seeming adversary. To know such is to begin the trail in the attempt to have power over that entity. Is there another query, my brother?
S: I’ll take the hint and leave it at that. The last question is: do those of Q’uo and the heavenly host have any message or thing that they would like to contribute to our group at this time?
I am Q’uo, and we cannot resist. Ho! Ho! Ho! Is there another query at this time?
S: Not from me. Thanks.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?
Carla: I’ve noticed that Christmas is a very difficult time for many people to the point that they have to work at surviving Christmas, to go and get some deli and some videos and shut out the horror until it passes. It’s a terribly negative view of Christmas, perhaps because there is no one to share it with or because of a bad memory. I wonder why this is and what can be done to make people feel better about Christmas?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. There is an infinity of possible reactions or responses to the season which you call Christmas as there are for any season, day, or event. Who can say why one entity feels such great joy and another such sorrow at the same experience. Each of you and each of us in all of creation is an individual, a spark from the same flame of the one Creator, yet a reflection in infinite variety according to choices made, experiences had, directions taken and not taken. There is no way to estimate the response of one entity over that of another entity to the same catalyst. For all lives are written by one soul in many experiences, some of which mark deeply upon the pages of the life pattern, while others seem to go unnoticed with the same seeming surrounding cast of characters. Life, for most, is a great mystery. To begin, and we stress begin, to unravel the various twists and turns of plot and character is the work of one entity for a lifetime. In short, my sister, we cannot give you a cure for the Christmas blues. Is there another query at this time?
Carla: No. Thank you, Q’uo.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?
T: When Carla asked the question, a thought came into my mind. Sometimes it seems to me that some people at Christmas time get a glimpse of good cheer and people having a good time and what happiness could be towards this light. And some people take this and say that it’s not this way all the time, and they get depressed. Could you comment on that, please?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, for many this is so. To see that which is desired but not realized and removed from one’s experience seems to be focusing on that which is ephemeral, seems to be a trick, to be false. Others perhaps see the commercial nature of the season and are disillusioned. Others respond more to the lack of light, the days being shorter. Others perhaps respond to the loss of loved ones from earlier times who are not now available for sharing the joy. Others perhaps respond to events within the world stage which seem to be more evident at this time in your yearly cycle. As we mentioned previously there are many reasons for entities to respond in the negative sense, of joy or sadness, at this particular time of your year. Is there another query, my brother?
T: No. Thank you very much.
I am Q’uo and we thank you, my brother. We would take this opportunity to thank each present for the heartfelt queries. The concern that underlies each is most evident to us, and we are always grateful to be able to speak to those who have the great desire to know the truth, to share the truth, and to become the truth. We walk with you on that journey, as do many others who are not visible at this time but whose hearts sing with you in the joy of your own seeking and your own serving.
At this time we shall take our leave of this instrument and of this group. As always, we leave you in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.
This morning I changed out the sheets on my bed and the pillow cases on my pillows from the green ones to the blue ones. I decided to take the Tempur-Pedic topper off of the bed because the fitted sheet was not large enough to stay in place. Then I put the sheets and pillowcases in the washing machine in the basement.
This afternoon I went down to the basement and ironed the pillow cases and flat sheet and put them in the cupboard in my bathroom.
I would like to wish all of my readers a very HAPPY NEW YEAR full of Joy and Love and the knowing that all is well, and all will be well.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
January 1
The Banquet Of Life
I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the consciousness of divine Love.
I greet you this day in merriment and laughter, joy and freedom. I invite you to the banquet of life.
Gaze at the table spread before you: the delicious zest of challenges yet unmet; the wonderful nourishment of companions, friends and family; the spice of those whom you shall meet but not understand—those most contrary flavors that often make the meal and bless the feast—and, above all, the beauty of the banquet hall.
Gaze about you today in prayerful thanksgiving for the beauties that love has made.
You are a perfect and divine part of a perfect and divine creation. And that which you see before your eyes may be feast or famine. Ask of yourself that you choose what you shall see. And if you choose to see the riches of the creation of the Father, great riches indeed shall you see.
We leave you in peace, joy and laughter, now and ever. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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