So I find this very interesting. Maybe everyone else has seen it but obviously it sounds very Buddhist.
I also only have one desire left and I might be finally releasing this desire. So kind of resonates that after this life I will not wander for a while. So what to do for the next 40 years. I guess discover the will of the creator within(vs ego-ic will I assume)
I would love to hear thoughts on illuminating what precisely "desire to know the will of the creator within" would mean. Because honestly as far as I have personally gotten in my journey is to want to know the collective divine will so I can just alline with that. I am not sure if that is actually the same thing, seems I am not meditating nearly enough. Maybe that is why.
ps Thank you Quan for your post which led me to this passage
Quote:The desires which are within each must be fulfilled before the entity is free to depart this illusion for another, more light-filled illusion to learn further lessons, all further lessons being the refinement of the choice made in this density. Thus, we ask that you be very careful of that which you desire, for you shall get it, and that before you may move on to the next density.
Therefore, a prerequisite to graduation from this density is to have done all those things which you wished to do, and have purified the desire to the point where that which you desire is to know the will of the Creator within.
So I find this very interesting. Maybe everyone else has seen it but obviously it sounds very Buddhist.
I also only have one desire left and I might be finally releasing this desire. So kind of resonates that after this life I will not wander for a while. So what to do for the next 40 years. I guess discover the will of the creator within(vs ego-ic will I assume)
Quote:Therefore, a prerequisite to graduation from this density is to have done all those things which you wished to do, and have purified the desire to the point where that which you desire is to know the will of the Creator within. It is very difficult to know that will until one has worked with the self for some time. The process of daily meditation in a listening sense rather than creative visualizations, we feel, is central, for in listening to the silence within, passages are opened from the conscious to the subconscious mind, and voices may come upwards from the roots of the tree of mind and break through the threshold of consciousness and enhance and sustain the life experience.
Now, how should one go about this task and this joy? One may begin in many ways. But once one has settled upon a daily spiritual time, a daily spiritual routine, a daily spiritual practice of the presence of the one infinite Creator, then we suggest that you stop looking up and down the aisles of the supermarket of spiritual values, thoughts and phenomena, and to move into that leap of faith, acting upon that which moves you the most greatly of any inspiration, thoughts and ideals with which you may have come into contact. Then it is persistence and persistence alone that brings the results that you wish, meditation upon meditation upon meditation, not done any fancy way necessarily, done on the run, done when the clock strikes, done when the noon whistle sounds. Centering and calling for the presence of the one Creator, even momentarily, is a steadying and stabilizing experience, a part of the crystallization of a personality.
I would love to hear thoughts on illuminating what precisely "desire to know the will of the creator within" would mean. Because honestly as far as I have personally gotten in my journey is to want to know the collective divine will so I can just alline with that. I am not sure if that is actually the same thing, seems I am not meditating nearly enough. Maybe that is why.

ps Thank you Quan for your post which led me to this passage