
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from April 6, 2003:

The question today, Q’uo, has to do with what it seems like a lot of people are feeling these days, because the United States is engaged in a very destructive war with Iraq, and times just seem like they’re full of stress. There’s more to do than there’s time to do. A lot of people are feeling sadness, anger, frustration, and doubt. These things just seem to come bubbling out. We’re wondering if there is a way of maintaining one’s harmony in such times; if there is a way of dealing with these difficulties that will bring us back to harmony? We appreciate anything that you might have to say about how we can deal with the difficult times that are within us and about us.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we come to you this day. We wish to thank you for the great blessing of your company and the beauty of your vibrations as you sit in this sweet circle of seeking. We thank you especially for taking the time out of that life which, by your question, is represented as being most busy and somewhat difficult. Yet you have found the time and the place to come together simply to seek the truth. For this we thank you, for it is a great blessing to us to be able to share our thoughts with you and to be called to your meeting.

We share these thoughts with you with the request that, in listening to them, each be very discriminating as to those thoughts which you accept and use as resources. We would not ask that you look upon us as authorities but rather as those with an opinion which we are glad to share on the basis of our being friends and neighbors with you, not simply in terms of time and space but in terms of the nature of our beings and the journey which we share. If you are able to use your discrimination in listening to our thoughts then that will free us to be able to express them without fear that we would be infringing upon any entity’s free will.

You ask us this day concerning the peace and harmony that is so beloved and so dearly sought among your peoples and yet is seemingly quite elusive at times for many of your peoples. The description of the times as being troubled and the self as being troubled seem to be that truth which lies upon the surface of the minds of many of those present, and certainly it echoes those thoughts which are upon the minds of your people in general, for upon a global basis the great cry of your planet and its people is for harmony and peace. This instrument wished to use the term “grass roots,” and we stopped this instrument from using that term to describe that energy which is bubbling up. For in “grass roots” we would not make the pun without intending to! And we wish to say that the energy of harmony and peace is indeed bubbling up out of the grass roots themselves, out of every seed and every living thing that takes its life from the soil and turns towards the sun in your second density. The energies which turn towards harmony and peace are those energies which you possess in each cell of your vehicle upon the physical level, and in your finer bodies within the inner levels as well.

There is an instinct within each spark of the Creator’s Light for the balancing of the energy to a default setting of peace and joy. The impulse and energy which nurtures this into manifestation, however, is the impulse—not towards joy or towards peace—but that instinct that lies in the direction of single-mindedness or, as the one known as V has said, the discipline of the personality. So, we would take some time to discuss this concept of the default setting of joy and peace. It is our bias as we look upon this circle of entities, with their beautiful energy vehicles shimmering, that we see that view which lies the deepest most easily and that portion of you which lies upon the surface least easily, whereas within the physical incarnation such as you now enjoy, unless the vehicle in which you enjoy living has been born blind or there are other perceptual difficulties of a substantial nature, that which comes easiest to your senses and to your observational powers is that which is seen, heard, smelled, tasted and felt. The priorities of your earthly experience, then, focus upon those things about you as an entity which are the least authentic or real. And yet, it is at the level of these inauthentic and illusory structures which this instrument calls “consensus reality” in which you spend your days and your working hours. And we do grasp that there is every temptation and every logical reason for each of you to wander far from the concept of the self as one whose mind is on only one thing and that is the love of the one infinite Creator.

We gaze within this instrument’s mind to find a description of this paradox and find her experience of long, and busy, and well-crafted days of toil in which many chores of varying kinds are approached, organized, and removed from the list of things to do. Thus, within this instrument, we find to be the source of almost no stress, and this is remarkable, for among your people there is the tendency, not only to have too much to do, but also to find oneself being concerned about the fact that one has to much to do. This kind of energy then snowballs upon itself and creates an ever-greater sensitivity to one’s lacks and failures to achieve that which has been expected of one either by the self or by others. Within this instrument’s mind we also find constant efforts towards the re-tuning of the mind, and it is in this direction that we would like to go in discussing ways to work with the situation which you now enjoy, which is, basically, a very good environment: observe, analyze, and alter the priorities of thinking which cause your particular mind and attention to focus upon one thing rather than another of the details of those things which are occurring at any particular moment.

At any particular moment an entity may be experiencing a multitude of catalysts. There are catalysts that come to the ears, the trains that pass, the telephones that ring. There is catalyst for the eye in the passing view and catalyst for all the senses in that which is occurring. There is catalyst for the mind in those thoughts which are sparked by the sense impressions of the moment. And there are those thoughts involved with the reactions to the original thoughts that have been thought by the self. In all of this arrangement, there has been no thought described which has not been caused by the outer environment impressing itself upon the being. The one known as C was expressing her desire to move beyond the thoughts of that level, to move into those thoughts which are authentic, original, and her own thoughts, moving from the inside out and not from the outside in, so that there is a feeling of being, shall we say, as the flower that blooms to meet the wind, rather than as the scrap of tattered rag which the wind blows any way that it wishes to, for there is no root in the tatter but only material that has been beaten and torn.

The question today, Q’uo, has to do with what it seems like a lot of people are feeling these days, because the United States is engaged in a very destructive war with Iraq, and times just seem like they’re full of stress. There’s more to do than there’s time to do. A lot of people are feeling sadness, anger, frustration, and doubt. These things just seem to come bubbling out. We’re wondering if there is a way of maintaining one’s harmony in such times; if there is a way of dealing with these difficulties that will bring us back to harmony? We appreciate anything that you might have to say about how we can deal with the difficult times that are within us and about us. Q’uo began their reply by saying that the peace and harmony that is so beloved by our people is seemingly quite elusive because these are troubled times, and our people are also troubled which seems to be on the global basis the great cry of our planet and its people for harmony and peace, so Q’uo said that the energy of harmony and peace is indeed bubbling up out of every seed and every living thing that takes its life from the soil and turns towards the sun in our second density, and the energies which turn towards harmony and peace are those energies which we possess in each cell of our physical body and in our finer bodies within the inner levels as well. Q’uo continued by saying that we are all sparks of the Creator’s Light, and each of us has an instinct for the balancing of our energy to a default setting of peace so that our impulse and energy which nurtures this into manifestation is the impulse—not towards joy or towards peace—but that instinct that lies in the direction of the discipline of the personality, so Q’uo wanted to discuss the concept of the default setting of joy and peace as that which comes easiest to our senses and to our observational powers is that which is seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt. Q’uo said that the priorities of our earthly experience focuses upon those things about us which are the least authentic, and it is at the level of these inauthentic and illusory structures of consensus reality in which we spend our time, and they understood that there is every logical reason for each of us to wander far from the concept of ourself as one whose mind is on only one thing, and that is the Love of the one infinite Creator. Q’uo went on to say that they saw within Carla’s experience of having long and busy days of work to do that are, paradoxically, accomplished in a manner in which she feels no stress which is not usually the case for most of us who have too much work to do in our days and are concerned about having too much to do, and then this kind of energy snowballs upon itself and creates an ever-greater sensitivity to our failure to achieve that which has been expected of us either by ourself or by others, and within Carla’s mind they also found constant efforts towards the re-tuning of her mind so that they wanted to discuss ways to work with our situation to observe, analyze, and alter our priorities of our thinking which cause our minds to focus on one task rather than other details that are occurring at any moment. Then Q’uo said that at any moment we may be experiencing a multitude of catalysts that we hear such as passing trains and telephones that ring; catalyst for our eyes in the view out the window; catalyst for all our senses in that which is occurring; catalyst for our mind in our thoughts in each moment and our reactions to them, and there has been no thought which has not been caused by our outer environment impressing itself upon our being. So Q’uo said that Carla wanted to move beyond the thoughts of that level and to move into those thoughts which are her original thoughts that move from: “the inside out and not from the outside in, so that there is a feeling of being, shall we say, as the flower that blooms to meet the wind, rather than as the scrap of tattered rag which the wind blows any way that it wishes to, for there is no root in the tatter but only material that has been beaten and torn.” On June 25, 1989, Oxal described a way that we can help bring harmony and peace to people who need it:

We feel that at your current level of development, shall we say, it is the sending of the love and the light in the general form, the simple vibrations and intentions for harmony and peace within the heart, that may with hopefulness be sent, and it then be realized that as all healing vibrations, these shall be used and be translated, shall we say, in a most general sense by those to whom they are sent.

The ambiance, shall we say, of the inner planes as they are related to this particular culture is enhanced so that there is a greater feeling of goodness, shall we say, of nurturing, of support that may be drawn upon by those which have distortions or biases in this direction. Thus inspired, these receiving such vibrations will then allow the resonance of these vibrations to influence the life pattern to some degree. All of this, of course, operates upon the most basic and general of levels of spiritual existence, thus enhancing the mundane life pattern which grows from that foundation.

Each of you feels at times like a tattered rag, as a thing for the wind to make sport of and play with, and indeed it often feels as if the wind of spirit has picked you up and put you down someplace where you would rather not have been placed. To the mind that is focused upon the Love of the one infinite Creator, the view of all that comes through the senses, the thoughts concerning those sense impressions, and the thoughts judging those thoughts about sense impressions are all seen as the bits of froth upon the surface of the waters of life that they are. If the single thought that the mind is stayed upon is the Love of the infinite One, then the being within has the opportunity to choose to maintain that focus, not only in those moments of silence but also in moments in the noise of culture, of warfare, of crowded conditions, of distressing amounts of inequality in a world which yearns and hungers and demands absolute equality.

In your prophetic literature, in your myths and in your sagas, there is much concern for transformational times. Within ancient Roman literature there is Ovid gazing at the metamorphoses of nature and of humankind. Dry-as-dust historians have gazed at the rise and fall of empires. The energies of spiritual leaders such as Jesus the Christ have focused upon the transformation of that which is material into that which is spiritual. And this instrument has followed a long line of studies of various religions, and mythologies, and philosophical systems in which this matter of how one helps oneself to transform from the lesser into the more noble aspect of self. The stuff of transformation is the stuff of waking from a sleep.

Fortunately, we have that very humble and accessible example of the kind of change that you all face at this time. It is a time of transformation, perhaps most importantly for your planet. The very Earth which has bred you and nurtured you is itself now being born, and this effort and labor go well. Yet there is difficulty. The difficulty is critical in that if the delivery continues to go poorly there will need to be the equivalent of the Cesarean, the removing of portions of the skin of the Earth that the new configuration of the energy-body of the Earth may have room to be born in its appropriate shape and arrangement of energy nexi. It is more for the planet than for the people that many of you have chosen to be in incarnation upon the planet at this time. It was your hope that you would be able, by awakening within the dream of physical life, to become a magical person, a person able to act as a crystal entity, receiving energy, transmuting energy, and sending energy out into the fourth-density web of planet Earth.

That which distracts is always a detail; that which calls you back to remembrance is always discipline. Very seldom does nature so configure experience that it is impossible to miss the spiritual signals. Most usually the hints and clues of spirituality are so configured as to be completely able to be missed, able to be glanced over, able to be prioritized below the threshold of awareness, displaced by the affairs and details and chores of the day. Each is aware of the spiritual figures who have indicated through history that, when they are busy, then is the time to rise earlier so that they may pray longer, for it is in the praying that the work gets done rather than in those long daylight hours of toil. This is a great key for those who have ears to hear. We are not suggesting that entities must get up early and meditate before they begin the day in order to prepare, but we are suggesting that the mind of an entity is that which is in a state of extreme vulnerability to the mental conditioning. The power of suggestion is great. Each entity has seen many examples of such a suggestion, the most common perhaps being that when one entity yawns, those about that entity will quite often catch the yawn and find themselves expressing similarly. So it is too with the mass media, the television, and the newspapers, those agents of consciousness of which J was speaking, that tend toward creating cookies of the right shape out of the dough of entities’ thoughts so that entities’ opinions upon certain subjects bear a remarkable similarity. They have been listening to one source, and in that source lies a structure which seems to explain or justify actions. And yet in the details of these actions there is no end to the shades of gray, the ethical questions, the causes for sorrow, or anger, or concern of one kind or another.

Then Q’uo said each of us feels at times like a tattered rag and like the wind of spirit has picked us up and put us down where we don’t want to be, but if our mind is focused upon the Love of the Creator, the view of all that comes through our senses can be seen as froth upon the surface of the waters of life, and if the single thought of our mind is stayed upon the Love of the infinite One, then the being within us may choose to maintain that focus, not only in moments of silence but also in the noise of warfare, of crowded conditions,  and of distressing amounts of inequality in a world which hungers for absolute equality. Q’uo went on to say that in our prophetic literature, myths, and sagas there is much concern for transformational times: historians gazing at the rise and fall of empires: Jesus the Christ focusing upon the transformation the material into the spiritual; and Carla studying various religions, mythologies, and philosophies that speak of how we can help ourself to transform from the lesser into the more noble aspect of ourself because transformation is how we awaken from a sleep. Q’uo continued by saying that they had an example of the kind of change that we face at this time of the transformation of our planet Earth which has bred and nurtured us, and is now being born, and the labor goes well, but there is difficulty that may require the equivalent of the Cesarean and: “removing of portions of the skin of the Earth that the new configuration of the energy-body of the Earth may have room to be born in its appropriate shape and arrangement of energy nexi,” and it is more for the planet than for the people that many of us have chosen to incarnate upon the planet at this time because it was our hope that we would be able to awaken and become a magical person that is able to act as a crystal entity, receiving energy, transmuting energy, and sending energy out into the fourth-density web of planet Earth. Now Q’uo said that which distracts us is always detail; that which calls us back to remembrance is always discipline; so it is seldom that nature configures our experience so that it is impossible for us to miss the spiritual signals because the hints and clues of spirituality are so configured as to be completely able to be missed, and each of us is aware of spiritual figures who have said that when they are busy: “it is the time to rise earlier so that they may pray longer, for it is in the praying that the work gets done rather than in those long daylight hours of toil”, and this is the key for those who have ears to hear. Q’uo said that they are not suggesting that we must get up early and meditate before we begin our day, but they are saying that our minds are vulnerable to mental conditioning such as the yawning reflex, and the mass media of television and newspapers function in a similar way because these sources contain a structure of a way of thinking that justifies actions, and in the details of these actions there are shades of gray and the causes of sorrow and a variety of concerns. Onn May 25, 2003, Q’uo spoke of how each of us is a magical person:

Indeed many entities even now are repairing their little bit of the planetary surface by loving and talking to the Earth, by cooperating with what this instrument would call nature deities or divas, by relating to the surroundings of self with the understanding that all things are alive, all things work in rhythm and in harmony, and all things except those sunk in the mire of third-density forgetting not only love each other but know that they are one. In this atmosphere, the possibilities of becoming a powerful, magical person are great, and as the time sharpens the focus right unto the moment of birth of fourth density there is in effect a fourth-density energy that is now as real upon your sphere as the third-density energy. It shows up within the physical world only by creating anomalous effects [in terms of physics’ sub-atomic particles] but it shows up within the inner life of that wonderful multilayered being that each of you is in a much more clear and obvious way, as the interpenetration of the two densities becomes such that it is much easier for nature, or for the forces of coincidence, to work in order to bring things to your attention which you have asked to be brought to your attention. That is why, in the midst of such challenging times, such times of transformation and change, yet still each of you has had the feeling of entities helping along the way, unseen hands giving a boost and angelic guidance coming through unexpected and unusual means.

The simplicity of the solution is funny. For the solution to the awareness of trouble is in the turning of the consciousness to the Love of the infinite Creator. We do not intend this as a greatly abstract concept. We intend this in another way, and we would ask you to open yourselves to the concept that you are the peace and harmony that you seek, for you are a spark of the one great original Thought of the infinite Creator. Say that the Creator, in its infinity, in its impossibility of being described, is a vibration. You have that original vibration, which is unconditional Love, as the basis of every cell of your being.

Without that Thought of Love has nothing been made that is made. It is not something you possess, it is your very nature; it goes far deeper than the marrow of your bones; it is far closer to you than your breathing. It is far more real then the impressions of sense. For it is that impulse and spark without which you could not take thought, take breath, or enjoy existence or consciousness. This nature of the principle of Deity is the heart of you, is the truth of you. You are as the stone within which the perfect sculpture hides. Each detail, each chore, each duty, each disturbance, each warfare chips away, pounds away, hammers away, rattles away, and aggravates away bits and pieces of detritus, of those things that are not you, gradually beginning to shape that faceted gem that lies within the details of a busy, earthly existence. How blunt are the instruments of catalyst! And yet how effective.

When one begins to become aware of this process of catalyst and experience, learning and transformation, one begins to be able to pick up some tools to use that are not as blunt as the blunt instruments of outer experience, things learned the hard way. And once again, the key to making use of these finer instruments, of removing and distilling from the self those impurities which one targets and wishes to see fall away, is the will. And each time the will is used to lift the self from that archipelago of small confusions to a place of spiritual attitude and consciousness where these details are seen as details like any other, a burden is lifted off of the attention. It is as though blinders are released from the eyes and for the first time, by asking of yourself this discipline of attention, you may begin to experience the unreasoning feelings of joy and peace of which this instrument was speaking earlier. For it is our opinion that it is this instrument’s long years of attempting to be disciplined about returning the mind to the silence from the details that has gradually enabled this instrument to find a measure of peace that does indeed pass understanding.

The Creator within you, the Truth of yourself, is happy to live your life. You have sufficient spiritual impulses within you to move through your incarnations in a state of true peace and undiluted joy. Yet it is something for which permission must be given from the self to the self. One must give oneself permission to be content, and happy, and blessed, for these are not things which are in the training which your culture offers its people. It is not taught among your peoples that happiness is a natural state, but rather that struggling and competition are the natural state. And each is aware of many ways in which the culture itself offers these lessons to those who are growing and in need of instruction. Always it is the spiritual sense alone that is able to release the conflicts, the struggles, those things which are the truth of the illusion, in order to turn once again to the stunning mystery of oneness, to the Love that is all that you see, to the Light that has created all that is, without blinking at those things which seem good and which seem evil.

Now Q’uo said the simplicity of the solution of the source of our difficulties is funny because our solution to the awareness of trouble is in turning of our consciousness to the Love of the infinite Creator and opening ourselves to the concept that we are the peace and harmony which we seek because we have that original vibration of unconditional Love of the Creator that is the nature of every cell of our being. Q’uo continued by saying that all things are made of Love, and it is our very nature that is closer to us than our breathing, and we are like the stone within which our perfect sculpture hides so that each chore and duty chips away all of those things that are not us and begins to shape the faceted gem that rests within our busy earthly existence through our process of using catalyst effectively. Q’uo went on by saying that when we begin to become aware of this process of catalyst and experience we begin to pick up some tools that are easier to learn with, and the key to removing our impurities is our will so that each time we use our will to lift ourself from the islands of small confusions to a place of spiritual consciousness, where we can see these details are like any other, a burden is lifted off of our attention, and it is as though we have taken blinders from our eyes so that for the first time we may begin to experience joy and peace, for it is our opinion that it is this instrument’s long years of attempting to be disciplined about returning the mind to the silence from the details that has gradually enabled this instrument to find a measure of the peace that passes understanding. Then Q’uo said that the Creator within us is happy to live our life because we have spiritual gifts within us to move through our incarnations in a state of true peace and joy, but we must give our self permission to be happy, for this is not part of the training which our culture offers us since it is not taught among our people that happiness is a natural state, but rather that struggling and competition are the natural state so that each of us is aware of ways in which our culture itself offers these lessons to each of us who is growing and in need of instruction, and always: “it is the spiritual sense alone that is able to release the conflicts, the struggles, those things which are the truth of the illusion, in order to turn once again to the stunning mystery of oneness, to the Love that is all that you see, to the Light that has created all that is, without blinking at those things which seem good and which seem evil.” On October 20, 2002, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the peace that passes understanding:

It does not matter how intense the outer forces of fear and negativity are when the heart of an entity rests in faith, in hope and in love: faith that all is well, hope in every hopeless situation, and love of all things, of all biases, of all entities. Rest and perfect peace, how beautiful those words are, and yet this instrument has asked over and over again since 9/11/2001, “What is perfect peace? What is the peace that passes understanding? In what does that consist, is there in my heart already?” This instrument has asked over and over again, “That peace, do I know it already? Am I squashing it; am I pressing it down out of my reach by my choices?”

We suggest to you that this peace is a state of mind, a state of consciousness, a way of vibrating. When fear runs through the system, this state of mind is unavailable. When the fear is dropped from the illusion by the choice of the entity, this state of consciousness becomes available. Many are those among your peoples who have attempted through drugs to find this state of perfect peace, but we suggest that this peace lies within your heart, it is your native and natural environment; it is real, it is not the illusion. It is one tiny, thin veil from you at this time, for fourth density truly is coming upon you. Thusly, your faculties of faith, hope and love have an increasing amount of potential to take hold within your life. We encourage all forms of positivity within your minds, within the way you talk to yourselves within your hearts, for that state of consciousness which you create day by day and hour by hour within yourself is as the training wheels for that spontaneous and unrehearsed state of consciousness that comes to you as you awaken to the new day.

The life that is lived is a work of great subtlety. There is an unlimited potential for transformation within the physical illusion and the limits are released one by one by that entity who is willing to ask of the self, “Yes, but who am I beneath that detail; Yes, but who am I beneath that action? Who am I, whose am I, why am I here?” When faced with disharmony it may be a resource for you to think to yourself this thought: “Who am I? In terms of that situation that is ‘out there,’ what’s the situation with me? If I am a creature of Love, then what am I doing in this situation?” To look at the situation and to react as you see it from the outside in is often less than helpful. To gaze at a situation from the inside out is to find the Love within that particular structure and then to be the defender, the protector, and the expresser, if need be, of that Love. Whatever it is that you gaze upon, whoever is reaching out to you that asks for a reaction from you, attempt if you can to leave that situation, that relationship, that moment in a little better order than you found it, with a little more love, a little more understanding, a little more of the Creator’s freedom in the atmosphere.

In almost any situation it is easy to lose the tuning of mind which is that tuning of yourself that holds remembrance that the “I” of you is an “I” that is far more than the personality shell and that self which lives the surface life. Who is truly living your life? Infinite Consciousness would like to live your life. It is a matter of getting out of Its way. Those who remain silent may be those who have the most wisdom. Those voices that speak the loudest in your society may well be those voices which offer the deepest confusion. Consequently, we encourage your appetite for the silence. We encourage plunging into that muscular silence that is the speech of the one infinite Creator and going as deep as you can for as long as you can whenever you can. If you only have thirty seconds or two minutes, or five, you may visit the gateway to intelligent infinity. Take the time, whenever you can, to release your energy body from its very strictures to refresh it, open it up. And when you find yourself in the open heart, we greatly encourage your sitting there for awhile with that one great original Thought that is Love Itself. Rest in the Love that lies within the heart; and know that it is the truth of you; it is your deepest self. And then go forward in your armor of Light, knowing that those things which are of earthly origin will express as they must and that all things that live shall die and all that passes from illusion shall once again come into being. Rest in those cycles that lie beyond sense. Rest in that mystery that lies beyond mind. Rest in the feeling that you have…

[Side one of tape ends.]

In order for personal learning to occur and in order for you to do your service we are always happy to join you in your meditation in order to deepen that state of meditation that you may enjoy. And there are many entities in the unseen worlds which are alert to those who seek in various directions. Consequently, it is a matter of knowing that which you are and that which you believe and then asking for help from those structures within which you feel comfortable asking. This instrument would call the help angelic. Others would describe various entities of various levels of the inner planes by various technically more accurate names. Our point is simply that there is tremendous energetic help for those who have become clear as to what it is they seek, who it is that they are, and why it is that they have chosen life at this time. Move into a feeling of as full an awareness of the self as can be had. Ask for the help that is there. And then find that courage which releases the self, in a state of complete vulnerability, to face the next moment without preconception.

So Q’uo said our life that we live is a work of great subtlety so that we have an unlimited potential for transformation within the physical illusion, and the limits are released one by one when we are willing to ask ourself: “Yes, but who am I beneath that detail; Yes, but who am I beneath that action? Who am I, whose am I, why am I here?”, and when we gaze at a situation from the inside out we can find the Love within that particular structure and to express that Love, so whoever is reaching out to us and asks for a reaction from us we should attempt to leave that relationship in a better order than we found it and with a little more of the Creator’s freedom in our experience. Q’uo went on to say that in almost any situation it is easy to forget who is living our life because Infinite Consciousness would like to live our life if we could get out of Its way, so Q’uo encouraged us to engage into the silence of meditation that is the voice of the Creator, and to go as deep as we can, for as long as we can, whenever we can for any length of time so that we may visit the gateway to intelligent infinity, and when we find ourself in our open heart they encouraged us to sit there with that one great original Thought that is Love Itself and to rest in the Love that lies within our heart and know that it is our deepest self, and then go forward in our armor of Light, knowing: “that those things which are of earthly origin will express as they must and that all things that live shall die and all that passes from illusion shall once again come into being. Rest in those cycles that lie beyond sense. Rest in that mystery that lies beyond mind.” Q’uo completed their thoughts by saying that if we need help in learning our lessons, or in offering our services, that they would be glad to join us in our meditations by deepening them, and they said that there were also other beings in the unseen realms who can aid us on our spiritual journeys if we know who we are, what we believe, and then ask them for assistance in order for our personal learning to occur, and then we should find the courage which releases us into a state of vulnerability to face each moment without any preconception. On November 2, 1986, Q’uo spoke of that mystery that is beyond our mind:

Doubt not that you have attained, but continue to doubt that you know what you have attained, for that which you seek is truly born of mystery and will continue to attract your seeking. Only one who is either unaware that such mystery exists, or is satisfied that the mystery is solved shall fail to make progress in moving closer toward the heart of that mystery. In time you will see with clearer eyes the nature of that mystery more and more clearly. Yet within your illusion at this time you must content yourself with continuing upon the journey toward mystery and accept that you do not know what you do or how to do it, but that you wish to do that which will make the mystery move within your life in the pattern that may only be described as Love.

[Side one of tape ends.]

We are informed by this instrument that our time with her is up, and consequently, and with good grace and humor, we gladly leave this instrument and transfer this contact to the one known as Jim, that any questions remaining upon the minds of those present may be addressed. We leave this instrument in love and in light with thanks. We are those of Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo. We greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to ask if there may be any further queries remaining upon the minds of those present to which we may speak.

T: Yes. I have a question that continues right off of what the entire channel was about. I’ve never believed too much in entities from outside of myself influencing me, but I’m coming to believe that, in the last year or so, that due to whatever reason, I’m drawing more attention to myself. Could this just be the general upheaval which everyone is experiencing? I don’t know how far you can comment without going beyond the Law of Confusion, but please comment as to whether I am being specifically targeted or is this just a general thing that everyone’s having to deal with at this time?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As we look upon the experience which you describe we see that that experience is one which is common to many people at this time. For there is within many such as yourself the great desire to be of service in a situation which does not allow the service in the manner which you desire to give. Thus, you feel a great deal of powerlessness. This powerlessness is full of desire to serve which has been blunted. This causes there to be a blockage of energy, shall we say, within your system of energy centers. There is a kind of fracture of the crystal that may be observed in such a situation where the energy applied by those of negative polarity to those who wish to aid but are blocked in their aid causes the fracture, a catalyst, to become apparent and to vibrate in an overactive manner and then to express as you have described. There is the need, shall we say, to examine the fracture, the catalyst, that triggers the difficulty within the meditative state. It might be well done to feel these feelings and to examine their origin. When one is more aware of the composition of the self, of the means by which energy moves through the body/mind/spirit complex, then one is less liable to suffer the intensification of difficulties that one has freely chosen. It may be well to find a positively-oriented project where one can construct a symbolic mending of the fracture within one’s energy centers. For example, there may be various small projects or items about one’s dwelling place that need repair, that need cleansing, that need attention. This can be a symbolic expression of energy that then is felt within and allows healing to occur within, therefore repairing the fracture.

Is there another query, my brother?

T: No, thank you very much.

I am Q’uo. We thank you very much. Is there another query at this time?

S: I have what I wouldn’t say is really a question but more of a statement. I notice as I go through life with family and friends around me, that sometimes I take them for granted, and don’t always show my appreciation and gratitude. I’d like to include you, Q’uo, and, as you say, the heavenly hosts and to express my gratitude and appreciation of your being there when I feel like talking to you or just knowing that you’re there, and the help and love that you’ve given. I just want to express my love and gratitude again for all that you’ve done.

I am Q’uo, and we are most filled with the same love and gratitude, my friend, that you have expressed for us. We feel this for each entity such as yourself and all those who seek to be of service in this illusion that you now inhabit, for it is not an easy task to move through the darkness with but a small candle to light the way, and there are many missteps in the darkness. We are happy to join any entity who asks our presence for the purpose of, as you say, listening, to blend our vibrations with your own, to perhaps offer a bit of inspiration that may aid in the movement through the daily round of activities and the many experiences of catalyst that are part of the third-density experience that each of you now inhabits.

Is there another query at this time?

S: Not for me, thanks.

J: Yeah, I have a quick question, Q’uo. Do you express yourself in other groups such as this one, in this world?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We of Q’uo are privileged to speak to this group using the verbalization technique of channeling, as you have called it, but restrict our contact with other groups or individuals to a more personalized sense of blending our vibrations with theirs. There are, however, portions of our principle, such as those of Hatonn, which do speak to other groups and have for a great many of your years. The mind-to-mind contact that produces the channeling phenomenon is one which is difficult for most to initiate and more difficult yet to maintain. So even though there have been attempts to make this kind of contact with other groups, for the most part they have been short-lived. However, we do not measure our success at service by the channeling type of contact which we now enjoy with this group, for we find it is possible to reach with our hearts in love and light to all the creation and are pleased to feel the loving response of the great majority of the creation with which we are one.

Is there another query, my sister?

J: Well, I, like S, would like to really give a heartfelt thank-you. I do feel your presence. I feel like that when I work with other people and do massage work I feel your presence. I’ve been feeling it more and more since belonging to this group. You’re a big part of love in my life and I really do appreciate that.

I am Q’uo, and we return your loving respect and pleasure of company, my sister, for it is our great joy to be able to be with each in this circle and with any entity who requests our presence, for when we tabernacle with any we tabernacle with the one Creator. Your experiences are unique to yourselves and each time we are able to blend our vibrations with yours we find new ways of expressing and experiencing love and light.

Is there a final query at this time?


I am Q’uo. As it appears that we have exhausted the queries for this circle of seeking, we would once again thank each present for inviting us to join you in your circle of seeking. We are always overjoyed to be able to join this group and we look, as you would say, forward to these gatherings though forward is perhaps a misnomer, for we live as one being at one time at all times. The illusion which you now inhabit is one which plays a trick, shall we say, in order that you may do a certain dance, make a certain choice, give of yourself in love and move one step further in your union with the All.

At this time we shall take our leave of this instrument and this group. We leave each, as always, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends.

This morning I vacuumed the first floor of my home.

This afternoon I went over to my neighbor across the street and noticed that the bird feeder pole that I had taped onto another birdfeeder pole to make it too high for the deer to eat had slipped down so that all the birdseed was gone whereas the other feeder that is out of the deer’s reach was still mostly full. So, I went in to visit my neighbor to see how her week has gone now that she is alone since her husband passed into larger life earlier this year. After our conversation I went outside and used a different role of packing tape to tape the pole higher up after putting it on a piece of firewood to help hold it in place.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

February 7

Softness Of Heart

I am the spirit of the living Christ ,and I greet you in the full consciousness of perfect Love.

We would give to you and to all the peoples of Earth the grandeur and the glory of creation, the aspect of heaven which your eyes do not see but which rests imperishably within each perishable mote of shape and substance in the creation.

We would give to you the softness of heart to perceive glory. And yet often you who seek the living Spirit of Love feel that you must toughen and harden yourselves to be more effective blunt instruments for Christ. Yet Christ is not one desirous of seeing large generalities or of using blunt instruments.

Jesus the Christ wishes to send you into the world as a soft, complex, subtle and quietly shining being, one who celebrates the imperishable in every perishable situation; one who can ignore the perishable even when a less subtle heart would be prone to condemn and turn away.

The strength of Jesus the Christ seems often like softness, yet there is more steel in the velvet manipulations of the Spirit than in the hardened thrusts of all the righteous lances in the perishable universe.

May your hearts be softened and may you find peace in the imperishable, now and always. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from March 21:

Question from J: “Please describe the contractual design and service to the one Creator, service to others, and to Mother Earth which my divine essence through love and service has created, agreed to, and desires to fulfill at this current space-time.”

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator in whose name we come to you this day, to this part of that which we may call the “Godhead Principle” for all entities are a portion of this Godhead Principle, each splintering as gems from a mother lode or sparking off as sparks from a glorious and sacred place of Creatorship, always and ever retaining, in the microcosm of the macrocosm, a holographic expression of the infinite reaches of the one Creator and Its creative Thought of Love. We are most happy to share our thoughts with you upon this subject and ask only that each thought that we offer be appraised and estimated with quite careful discrimination, seeking and searching always for the personal resonance, for that peculiar sensation of remembering that which you have already known and simply had forgotten. This is the mark of personal truth. All other ideas, be they ever so attractive as toys for the mind, need to be left behind as stumbling blocks, if that essence of remembrance and resonance is not there. With this freedom granted us, we may then express ourselves without being concerned that we, as incorrectly perceived authority figures, might cause any to stumble.

The life of any, the incarnation of the flesh, is brief and dense with possibilities. For us to be able to express to you the whole of those things which you planned as possibilities within this incarnation which you now enjoy would be a very long discussion, comprising many avenues which you have not chosen, which you have left behind for the glory, the service, the sacrifice, that Love requires of those who choose the path that is, as the poet said, less chosen. And it has made all the difference. We can say that there is for you perhaps one leaf to fall from the tree of fruit. Yet it is that which will come naturally to you, and it is a roundabout route indeed, were one to gaze at the route from the air of hindsight. But upon the ground of time, it is a good way to go, and all things shall transpire in their time. This is the essence of that which we are able to tell you in any specific way.

We would then spend the balance of this reading discussing that which you have asked in the light of a point of view which is perhaps broader and less specific than you would prefer. However, we wish very much for you to work on this last puzzle, to experience the faith that springs from the leap into midair, to place the self not only upon the line but happily over the line, because it gives joy, and it expresses the deepest passion of the being. These choices are those which, if relaxed into, seem sometimes to flow with uncanny precision and speed. At other times the lesson includes waiting. And there are both aspects within the present puzzle, those things which need not to be resisted and those times faith alone can express the quality of serenity that does not blink at apparent challenge, difficulty, or lack of manifestation.

What is the shape of service to the Creator? We suggest that the contract that you speak of is a contract that you have attempted to keep for some time. It is a life-long contract. It is elastic. It is in force as long as you breathe. This contact is common to many who at this time express upon the surface of your planet, both those who are in last incarnations, or hopefully last incarnations, as an earth native, and those who have come here from elsewhere from higher densities in order to be of service upon planet Earth at this time. This basic mission which all hold in common is perforce a generalized expression of the essence of the self, for are not all selves part of the infinite Creator? So that there is that spiritual paradox, that is so precious, of the absolute equality of all souls and the absolute uniqueness of each gem of personhood that is the soul stream that is represented so sketchily in the illusion of flesh by the personality shell, which those about you experience as yourself. That which you came prepared to live for and to die for is the cause of Love and Light. The need at this time upon the planet which you now serve is great. The time is Harvest and those who have awakened have awakened to the memory that they are here to serve in a specific way.

This specific way is so completely other than the culture in which your peoples experience life, see contracts and jobs, that it is very different to wrap the mind around the job at hand. However, this job is to live a life which contains as much consciousness and awareness and accurate observance of all that is seen as possible. It, then, requires the instrument that is your soul to aid as a shuttle in bringing into the physical body and out into the metaphysical inner planes of this planet, by intention, the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator which at all times is moving through the openhearted entity and being sent by intention either to the Creator, to the fourth-density grid of this planet, which this instrument is so interested in strengthening, and to the people that one comes in contact with on a daily basis, that can be served and can be prayed for by the simple level of consciousness expressed within, that sanctum sanctorum which is the opened heart wherein the entity is in tabernacle with the one infinite Creator. To carry this persona into the world is to carry peace into the world, to carry Light into the world. To carry this consciousness means that you begin to see yourself as the Christ. You begin to see others as the Christ. You begin to see the creation as an expression of the Father, and you begin to see that in being the most essential self that you can, you are moving closer and closer to the selfhood that is the Christ, that is the “I” of “me.”

Question from J: “Please describe the contractual design and service to the one Creator, service to others, and to Mother Earth which my divine essence through love and service has created, agreed to, and desires to fulfill at this current space-time.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that any incarnation is brief and full of possibilities so that they could not describe all of the possibilities that J had planned because some were not traveled, and some were left behind for the service and sacrifice that Love requires of those who chose the path that is less traveled, and Q’uo said that there was one path that will come naturally for J that is a roundabout route when seen in hindsight, but that it was a good way to go, and all things would occur at the proper time. Q’uo continued by saying that they would discuss J’s question in a broader sense and be less specific than J preferred because they wanted J to work on this puzzle in order to experience the faith from taking a leap into midair because it gives J joy and expresses the deepest passion of J’s being, and if these choices are relaxed into, they will sometimes flow with uncanny precision and speed, and at other times the lesson includes waiting so that there are both aspects within the present puzzle which are: “those things which need not to be resisted and those times faith alone can express the quality of serenity that does not blink at apparent challenge, difficulty, or lack of manifestation.” Q’uo went on to say that the contract of service to the Creator is one that J has attempted to keep for some time and is in force for the entire incarnation which is common to many on Earth who are in their last incarnations as either natives of Earth or wanderers who have come to be of service on this planet, and this mission which all hold in common is the essence of all selves who are part of the infinite Creator which means that all souls are equal as well as being a unique facet of the gem of personhood, and that which J came to live for and to die for is the cause of Love and Light since the need at this time upon the planet which J seeks to serve is great because this is the time of Harvest, and those who have awakened have awakened to the memory that they are here to serve in a specific way. Then Q’uo said this way of service is different from the cultural norms because it involves J living a life which contains conscious awareness of all that is seen and experienced so that J’s soul might serve as a shuttle in bringing into the physical body and out into the metaphysical inner planes of Earth the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator which is always moving through the openhearted entity and being sent by intention either to the Creator, to the fourth-density grid of this planet, or to the people that one comes in contact with on a daily basis that can be served and J can pray for according to J’s level of consciousness as expressed within the opened heart wherein J is tabernacling with the one infinite Creator. Q’uo said that: “To carry this persona into the world is to carry peace into the world, to carry Light into the world. To carry this consciousness means that you begin to see yourself as the Christ. You begin to see others as the Christ. You begin to see the creation as an expression of the Father, and you begin to see that in being the most essential self that you can, you are moving closer and closer to the selfhood that is the Christ, that is the “I” of “me.”” On October 7, 2007, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the open heart:

It is wonderful to be in the presence of an entity with an open heart. That glow, that radiation is so enjoyable to be near! One can always feel the presence of a truly loving heart. There is excellence there of the highest degree. Yet the energy of one who is making contact with intelligent infinity is as the wise man to the youth. The one known as Saint Paul said, “Now I see through a glass darkly; then I shall see face to face.” That is the difference. In both cases, may we ask, “Who is the ‘I’ who is radiating?” And you shall say to me, “It is ‘I’ myself. It is the person that I am.”

This is the hardest part to perceive. In the case of the opened heart, there is a simple or simplistic degree of selfhood or ego which is an essential part of the radiating form, for it blesses the Light that is radiating forth from your heart. It is a very personal thing, although it has great overtones of impersonality as the open heart makes contact with the presence of the infinite One.

We do not wish to indicate the literal Christ, that body, that personality shell. But we indicate the consciousness that is the Christ within, that consciousness which the one known as Jehoshuah carried so elegantly, and so bravely, and with such tenacity. Yet it was a cloak, and that cloak is the cloak of the Godhead Principle, shall we say, or the divine Spirit, or as this instrument likes to call it, the Holy Spirit, that which is Christ without the body, that divine fire which flows, that wind of Spirit that “bloweth where it listeth.” This is the consciousness that is your basic contract. This is what you came to do, and this is not easy work. For this is a work that exists throughout the day, throughout the waking time that is left to you upon this sphere, and so it is essential, in the practice of those who would maximize their service, that the entity be more and more aware of the thoughts and the feelings that are occurring, of those triggers that pull the self from the self which rests in the great ocean of divine Consciousness into the murk of the archipelago of confusion and chaos that is the usually segmented daily experience.

The deep waters that surround each moment are not apparent to one skating upon the surface of life. It is those who are brave enough to dive into the present moment and to gain its fruits by thirst and hunger, seeking like the hart that “pants after the water brook” as this instrument would quote from her Bible, that the self becomes a honed instrument, a crystal radio, that is waiting silently, empty handedly, to receive the information that comes through the shuttle of the gateway to intelligent infinity that is the spiritual body.

The strategy that we would recommend for working upon this primary contractual obligation or what the Ra group called “honor/duty” is that heart-opening discipline, for which the one known as J has so richly prepared himself by many resources and many experiences that hone and refine the strategies and processes that this entity may bring to bear upon that seed that is within that blooms in the spring of awakened consciousness. The seed has fallen in good ground and there is every hope of a good spring and we just encourage the one known as J to bend to the Earth of its planting, to tend the buds that come, with great love, with great awareness of the sacred honor in drawing breath at this time, in this place. We encourage the openhearted attempt in each day to gaze at the household of the self with first interest upon the lowest of the floors, that level of survival and sexuality that perhaps the cave and the more primitive parts of a house would suggest, the first floor, a ground floor of personal relationships and the family and group relationships that are intimate in the personal life. These small concerns, these incidental chores and experiences of day-to-day life contain most of the grist for the mill of the metaphysical learning which you indeed did come to do.

Thelearning will take place whether or not all relationships are used that have been prepared. And indeed, in most incarnations many relationships are allowed to lapse, or may not even occur simply because of the road not taken—so that there is no way of exhausting the possibilities of any incarnation. The gift that you give in this contract is the enormous gift of a life that is lived for the Creator, a life that is lived in remembrance of the Creator, a life that is lived in devotion to the mystery of Deity, a life that is lived in faith that all is well, and that all will be well. These energies are the energies which allow the heart to open when the entity is comfortable in its own skin, when it has a home life in which it is functional and content, when it has obtained some grasp of the good and the seeming challenge inherent in the worldly work of gaining supply, then can the heart begin to open and feel safe in an undefended and relaxed state. And in that state full energy begins coming through the heart and according to the will of the entity which is the crystal being doing the work, that energy then can then move in to work in consciousness, for the self, for the planet, for entities about the self or for, indeed, the Creator Itself.

Then Q’uo said that they were not speaking of the literal body of Christ, but they were speaking of the consciousness that is the Christ within that Jesus carried so elegantly and so bravely which was a cloak of the Holy Spirit which is Christ without the body and that wind of Spirit that is ever present, and this is the consciousness that is J’s basic contract which is not easy work because this is a work that exists throughout all of his days of the life on Earth, and so it is essential that J be more aware of the thoughts and feelings that are pulling the self from the self which rests in the great ocean of divine Consciousness into the murky waters of the archipelago of confusion that is a part of the daily experience. Q’uo went on to say that when J is skating on the surface of life that he has no awareness of the deep waters that surround each moment, and it is by gaining this awareness that J can become a crystal radio that is waiting silently to receive the information that comes through the spiritual body which is the shuttle to the gateway to intelligent infinity. Q’uo  recommended that J’s strategy for working upon this primary “honor/duty” is that heart-opening discipline that J has prepared  for himself by many experiences that he may bring to bear upon that seed that is within him that blooms in his awakened consciousness, and Q’uo encouraged his openhearted attempt each day to look at the household of himself with his first interest being upon the lowest of the floors of survival and sexuality that are the more primitive parts of a house, and then look at the first floor of personal relationships and the second floor of group relationships because these small concerns and experiences of day-to-day life contain most of the grist for the mill of the metaphysical learning which he came to do. Q’uo continued by saying that  J’s learning will take place whether or not all relationships are used that he has prepared so that in most incarnations many relationships may not occur because their being the road not taken, so there is no way of exhausting the possibilities of any incarnation, and the gift that J gave in this contract is the gift of a life that is lived for the Creator and a life that is lived in faith that all is well, and that all will be well. Q’uo said these energies are the energies which allow J’s heart to open when he is comfortable in his own skin; when he has a home life which is functional and content; then his heart can begin to open and: “feel safe so that in this state full energy begins coming through his heart and according to the will of the entity which is the crystal being doing the work, that energy then can then move in to work in consciousness, for the self, for the planet, for entities about the self or for, indeed, the Creator Itself.” On August 22, 2004, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the crystal being:

It is a delicate thing to change the point of view from third-density consensus reality to fourth-density perceived reality; to switch from living by fear into living by love; to move from a point of view in which one defends and guards into a point of view in which one sees oneself as a crystal being that is able to receive the Love and the Light of the one infinite Creator, bless it and allow it to go forth from the open heart without distortion. As you are able to express the unconditional Love that fuels your Light and that is the source of your Light, you become the Light of the world.

All of these energies are part of a life lived in faith and in gratitude if it can be remembered to give praise and thanksgiving for all that occurs. The resources which the one known as J has so ably stacked up in the years of experience, of service, and in devotion will be able to come into play as they are needed, not because of the cudgeling of the brain or the intellectual sophistry of thinking, but those things which point, and hint, and suggest shall be bubbling up from dream, vision, bird, bush, sky, and unusual, unexpected synchronicity. We encourage, then, the attention to the information that flows from the devas of second density who are in complete harmony with the needs of your soul stream. We encourage those awarenesses of synchronicities and of good words spoken that are given from the actions of angelic aid in fourth density, of higher teachers in fifth density and sixth density and of the Creator’s whimsy, which operates at an even higher level than even these teachers. Indeed, many times the Creator’s dry and attic wit has salted the sad and sorry earthly tragedy with ironic yet bittersweet humor. This too is a teaching of a very deep kind.

You are a crystal that has the entire spectrum of energy. You can generate and focus upon any of these colors. And by the responses that you give to catalyst—in the daily life especially, in the small life—you can refine, articulate, purify, and crystallize these colors that are your emotions. There is such beauty in the human heart and, as you give yourself to the Creator day by day, you are as the flower in the field that shines with your very own array of colors. These are the palette that you have created to give praise and honestation to the one infinite Creator. What then are your thoughts this day? What then are the feelings that you have produced?

This instrument was saying earlier about itself that in a recent situation it had, on the worldly level, a great success, but on the personal level felt disappointed with herself, for she had not taken the opportunity in every case to see new people, or that is, people new to her, as souls, but rather personalities, becoming involved in the intricacies of very social rituals and aggravation that is inherent in these to this particular entity. Why did this choice get taken? Why was the attention straying from the center of devotion, which this instrument hopes is lit as the lighthouse upon the hill at all times? Nay, this lighthouse sometimes seems to get very faint and seems not to shine very brightly. These are the times that are precious for learning, these moments of awakening awareness that one has been drifting off of one’s focus.

Then it is that it is time— not to discipline the self, rebuke the self, or scold the self—but rather to correct the error of thought, speaking out loud perhaps the principle involved in seeing entities as the Creator, seeing the self as the Creator, and seeing the creation as the Creator’s world. These are those things which you have contracted to do. It is very easy and completely understandable within the culture that you enjoy that you would equate contractual missions with outer gifts. And yet we may say without any feeling of personal wrongness that were this instrument never to have channeled, to have written, or to have sung in this incarnation, this instrument would still be appropriately and properly pursuing that which she calls the King’s Highway.

There is nothing of outer gifts that is contractual but rather the contractual obligation, the honor, and the duty is to the being that you hope to allow to flower within this density and within this lifetime specifically. There was a hope of one who would come to the Harvest, harvestable and shining as brightly as the sun, and thus harvesting those about it as the radiance lights other people and begins other people’s journeys toward awakening simply by the radiance of being that they experience. This is a very subtle, a very hidden service. It is one which takes tremendous discipline yet gives great joy and is actually what this instrument would call the fast track to inner learning. For in this particular state of mind you are as the tuned instrument that is able to observe, from a standpoint of compassion and thankfulness, the unfolding plan of the one infinite Creator.

Q’uo said that all of these energies of work in consciousness are part of a life lived in faith and in gratitude if J can remember to give praise and thanksgiving for all that occurs, and the resources which J has accumulated in the years of his service and devotion will come into play as they are needed–not because of exercise of the intellect–but because of  dreams, visions, and synchronicities, so Q’uo encouraged J to pay attention to the information that comes from the devas of second density who are in harmony with J’s soul stream as well as the words of angelic being in fourth densities, teachers in the fifth and sixth densities, and the Creator’s dry sense of humor which is a teaching of a very deep kind. Q’uo went on to say that J was a crystal that contained the entire spectrum of energy, and he could generate and focus upon any of these colors of his emotions, and by the responses that he gave to catalyst in his daily life that he could refine these emotions. Then Q’uo said that there is beauty in the human heart, and as J gave himself to the Creator every day he was like a flower in the field that shined with his unique array of colors which are the palette that he had created to give praise and honor to the one infinite Creator, so Q’uo asked: “What then are your thoughts this day? What then are the feelings that you have produced?” Q’uo continued by saying that Carla said that recently she had a great success in the worldly sense, but on the personal level she was disappointed with herself for not taking the opportunity to see people that were new souls, but, instead, she had gotten involved in social rituals, and she didn’t know why she had made this choice that was not the heart of her devotion where she hoped to be a lighthouse upon the hill, so she hoped to use this time of straying from her path as a way of learning more about herself. Now Q’uo said that it was not the time that Carla should scold herself but, rather, to correct her error of thought and speak out loud the principle of seeing entities as the Creator; seeing the self as the Creator; and seeing the creation as the Creator’s world; and these are those things which J had  agreed to do so that it was understandable within the culture that J enjoyed to equate his mission with outer gifts, so Q’uo said that without any feeling of personal wrongness that if Carla had never channeled, never written, or never had sung in this incarnation, she would still be properly pursuing the King’s Highway. Then Q’uo said that outer gifts are not contractual, but the contractual obligation is to the kind of being that J hoped to allow to flower within this density and within his lifetime so that there was a hope that he would make the Harvest and shine as brightly as the sun, and thus harvesting those about him as the radiance of his being lights other people’s journeys toward awakening. Q’uo said that this was a subtle and hidden service and one which takes discipline, and yet it gives great joy and is actually what Carla would call the fast track to inner learning, for in this state of mind J is the tuned instrument that is able to observe, with compassion and thankfulness, the unfolding plan of the one infinite Creator. On April 18, 2004, Q’uo described the nature of the fast track:

The choices made by entities striving as this group is striving become more intense and more capable of making powerful changes in consciousness in the process of their being made because of the purity of the desire to stand in the Light of Love and be unified with the higher forces of Love. This also creates an atmosphere in which experiences which are garnered from the ambience of such an atmosphere are very sharp and often painful. It is, as this instrument would say, a very fast track, one that enables one to lift up and bring the self into an atmosphere of change and learning and energizing of that learning by conscious dedication. It is that which tests the mettle and the determination of the seeker. Any time an entity attempts to do what this instrument would call light work, to better the planet and its people, to serve as a beacon, and so forth, that choice brings into being a time of testing. And the more there is the desire to serve and to learn, the more the testing shall occur. It is a self-governing system that must operate as it does in order for free will to be preserved and in order for choices to be tested, refined and evolved. For a choice tends to move to another choice, to another choice, and so forth, so that it is a spiraling system that builds upon itself; each choice building upon itself or working to correct a previous choice made. Again, this is always at the discretion of the individual.

This is the time wherein many are being called to awaken and take up their part in this effort to build a road to fourth density that is a safe one for those who come after this generation upon planet Earth. The work with third density of this group of entities called human beings is largely at an end and the, shall we say, political, global score does not look very good. It looks as though we have as entities not proceeded to a very appropriately harvestable place for those interested in Love and in Light. Yet these appearances have no substance. A microscope taken to anything physical may show that there is virtually no substance in matter but, for the most part, space. Energies are what have substance within the metaphysical world. The energy of intention and the absolute fidelity to focusing upon the center of your desire are the basic prerequisites for the work ahead. It will bless many, yet it will often be hidden.

Wedo bless and encourage you to follow those paths which lead to outer service as well. These are less central to the energy which causes you to ask these questions, yet we feel that you will be feeling delighted as well as in some consternation as things unfold. There is much of interest to come so we simply encourage the feeling that all is well, the feeling that the road is beneath the feet. That which this instrument calls the King’s Highway, that Tao, that Way is beneath the feet, and you are on the road. This is the bulk of that which we would say to respond to your query with one more thought concerning the work with the environment that you mentioned.

The one known as Gaia, or the Earth, or Terra groans in a despairing labor at this time. She has become somewhat encouraged as more and more entities send light and begin to grieve for the suffering and feeling of fear that is being cast about the surface of your globe like a pall. This is encouraging to Gaia, yet she needs ever more reassurance that her children love her and wish her well and assist her in the travail of the birth of her fourth-density self. Entities such as this instrument and its group and other groups like it have begun to become aware of ways to intensify and strengthen the one known as Gaia and especially that fourth-density labor. The tool, as is so often the case, is the human crystal placed in visualization or meditation at a particular time, thus joining wills into a more and more giant and strong will that may bring many others to it by the sheer energy of its light.

There is, inherent in the attempt of Wanderers to, shall we say, infect the Earth with heightened awareness of Love, that dependency upon what this instrument would call the One Hundredth Monkey Effect, the hope being that eventually more and more entities are forming lighthouses, light groups, study groups, meditation groups, groups of all shades of devotion and way of expressing devotion to the infinite Creator, yet groups that harmonize in wishing Light and Love to planet Earth and its people. These goals are moving along with speed, and we see many more places of Light coming to be where entities may come into small groups and form spiritually oriented friendships, fellowships, and families. These possibilities for increased Light at this time are great blessings, and we encourage those opportunities that come one’s way for these are opportunities to add one’s light to the light of many others. And these opportunities are occurring with greater and greater frequency for those of your peoples who have awakened.

Know that the Earth will be fine. It is the sadness and the sorrow that shall occur if the Earth must give up upon humankind that is the tragedy here. Therefore love the Earth, express that love by direct relationship with the Earth, spending the time with the nature and the state of nature and simply sharing love with the Earth, experiencing loving and being loved as you breathe the carbon dioxide for the trees to inhale and as the trees exhale their oxygen so that you may have life, rest in the harmony of the one infinite Creator, and be healed.

Now Q’uo said that this is the time where many are called to awaken and help in building a road to fourth density that is a safe road for those who come after this generation upon planet Earth, and Q’uo’s work with third density human beings is nearly over with few to harvest in Love & Light, and yet these appearances have no substance because it is only energies that have substance in the metaphysical world so that the energy of intention and the focusing upon the center of J’s desire are the basic prerequisites for the work ahead. Q’uo encouraged J to follow those paths which lead to outer service as well even though they are not as important as his spiritual questions, yet they felt that he will be delighted as well as be in some confusion as things unfold, but there was much of interest to come in the future, so Q’uo simply encouraged J to know that all is well and to feel that the King’s Highway is beneath his feet, and he is on the road. Q’uo went on to say that Gaia is in painful labor at this time, and she has become encouraged as seekers send her light and grieve for the suffering and feeling of fear that is being cast about her surface like a dark cloud, and this is encouraging to Gaia, yet she needs more reassurance that her children love her and will assist her in the travail of the birth of her fourth-density self. Q’uo said that Carla, her group, and other groups like it have discovered ways to strengthen Gaia in her fourth-density labor by using a crystal placed in visualization or meditation at the same time by joining wills into a more powerful will that may bring many others to it by the sheer energy of its light.  Q’uo continued by saying that as  Wanderers seed the Earth with greater awareness of Love by forming light groups, meditation groups, and study groups that they are calling upon the One Hundredth Monkey Effect to increase devotion to the infinite Creator by sending Light and Love to planet Earth and its people, and these goals are moving along with speed, and Q’uo said that they: “see many more places of Light coming to be where entities may come into small groups and form spiritually oriented friendships, fellowships, and families. These possibilities for increased Light at this time are great blessings, and we encourage those opportunities that come one’s way for these are opportunities to add one’s light to the light of many others. And these opportunities are occurring with greater and greater frequency for those of your peoples who have awakened.” Q’uo completed their reply by saying that Earth will be fine, and it is the sorrow that shall occur if Earth must give up upon humankind that is the tragedy here, so Q’uo suggested that we should express our love by spending time within her state of nature and simply sharing love with the Earth, experiencing loving her and being loved as we breathe the carbon dioxide for the trees to inhale, and as the trees exhale their oxygen so that we may have life, rest in the harmony of the one infinite Creator, and be healed. On March 2, 2003, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the increased light as we move towards the fourth density:

The third-density kind of light casts a certain construction upon events which transpire within the day-to-day living. The same events gazed at from the standpoint of the next density are seen in a fuller and more generous Light. The key to adapting to this time of increased Light, increased transparency between third density and fourth density, and increasing amounts of the light of honesty within the self as it matures and grows, is to offer that which is wrapped up in the fuller and more generous light. The information coming into your very body, into the energy system of the body, at this time is information that is Light, that is the limitless Light of the one infinite Creator, carrying with it overlays of the increasing fourth-density energy which is, as this instrument said in the discussion prior to this “cosmic sermonette,” bringing things to the surface that were hidden and making the rough places plane.

The energies of fourth density are those energies which look at distortion with full awareness of the beauty of each distortion and awareness also of those harmonics and harmonies of undertone and overtone that create avenues of progression in which the biases, which may seem less than harmonized, may blossom and open in the sunlight of compassion until a fuller view is seen, a larger area constituting a point of view in which not only can a distortion be seen but also the surrounding energy that creates the distortion and that place which seems to be blocked.

We would at this time ask if there are any follow-up queries that we may help you with at this time?

Jim: I would like to know about that tone that he has experienced in his right ear for a number of years, a very light tone, what that tone might be for, what it might be a symbol of or a result of?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. This tone is that confirmation of a positive conclusion that you have set for yourself. The similar tone upon the left side would then be the indication of a negative response to a conclusion that had just been reached. This is not a fast rule, for other causes can produce tones within the ear. However, it is helpful when such a tone is perceived to think back upon that which was the issue upon the mind at the time the tone was heard and see if there might be some information within that sound that is perceived within the inner ear.

Is there another question, my brother?

Jim: When J does breathing exercises he goes into a certain state of suspended animation where he hears another tone. Could you explain what that tone might be?

We are those of Q’uo. The one known as J has the separation of a slight nature of the inner bodies from the physical body as the complete cessation of the respiration occurs. The inner bodies are lifting somewhat up into the gateway and moving up, shall we say, the silver cord or the spiritual shuttle resting in the information stream that is down-pouring from the one infinite Creator. This indeed does alter the consciousness, and the noise is as if the car window were cracked a bit allowing the universe of airflow outside to enter the protected shell of the physical vehicle.

May we answer you further, my brother? We are those of Q’uo.

Jim: J feels a connection with those of Ra, with the Great Ones of the Central Sun, and with those of Metatron. How can he make that connection more apparent, and how can he use it in his own spiritual journey?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The precise status of connection to entities with these names is…

[Tape ends.]

This morning I ran a couple of errands with my first stop being at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for myself. My second stop was a Walgreen’s Drug Store where I bought some Pepsi-Zero and some non-food items.

This afternoon I went out to Bosco’s grave site and took the gravestones off of his grave because the heavy rains last night seemed to cause the stones to move further into the ground on the right side of the grave. I am assuming that the box that I put his body in collapsed because of the rain, so I raked some dirt into the right side of the grave and replaced the big stone first and then put the smaller stone with Bosco’s name on it on top of the big stone.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

February 6


I am the Comforter, and I speak to you in the wholeness of the Love of Jesus the Christ.

Today is a word which means “the present.” Yet how little time each may spend in peaceable, comfortable thought concerning today! Many hark back to yesterdays which seem unsatisfactory and experience emotions negative and sorrowful. Many more gaze into tomorrow with fear and apprehension.

Yet it is today that the Father watches and sets His angels to guide and guard each of you. It is in the present that situations and relationships belong and in the present that help needs be asked.

Yes, it is well to pray for forgiveness of yesterday’s sins and for peace of mind concerning an uncertain future. But the Spirit of the living Christ urges you to release all and focus upon the moment at hand. For in this moment lies the wholeness of creation, the energy of goodness, the Love of Christ, the sacrifice of crucifixion and the sure knowledge of resurrection from any crucified pain or trouble.

Speak in your soul and heart this day of today and, as you ask for comfort, it shall rain upon you in a gentle, peaceful rain. There is help and comfort today.

May your joy be complete in the present moment. And in that moment may you find the peace of the consciousness of Love, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from March 16:

The question today has to do with how light seems to respond either to impending catastrophe or out and out catastrophe. So many people are marching for peace, now that it seems war is so likely. The women in Rwanda have had a chance to bring the feminine principle and the nurturing of their being into their country now that the men have been killed, pretty much. It almost echoes the veil between the consciousness of conscious mind, and the possibility for two paths, whereas before there was just positivity. Would Q’uo talk to us about how the possibility of catastrophe and disaster can help to being the light to being in our world today?

(Carla channeling)

We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. As always, we thank this group for creating an opportunity for us to share our thoughts, and we are most happy to do so on this occasion, with the request, as always, that each evaluate our thoughts on the basis of those thoughts alone and not on the basis of our authority. The resonances of personal truth have nothing to do with authority. We ask you to use your discrimination carefully, for there is much information and much of it is excellent, but there is always that precise choice that is possible of that which is truly your own. The great challenge of the maturing spiritual entity is to move beneath the surface of things and to begin to see things not from an historical or political point of view but rather from a spiritual point of view, a stance, or attitude which has its basis in those dynamics which truly are functioning within the heart of that situation which is called “history” in its outer manifestations.

The dynamics of harvest for your particular planet at this particular juncture are not those of what could loosely be described as a normal third-density harvest. This instrument has frequently made jokes concerning the status of Earth or Gaia as a planet for juvenile delinquents who have repeatedly flunked third grade at other schools and are finally sent to Earth when it is felt that they are incorrigible. The profoundly militaristic energies that your peoples experience at this time are, as has been discussed by the one known as J and the one known as Jim, the fruit of repetition and iteration over many civilizations, many wars, and even many planets. Those upon your sphere have experienced misalignments of energies and misjudgments of polarity in honest but misguided efforts to attempt to serve and to grow. And the nature of the decisions which have capitulated previous societies into catastrophe, catastrophic war, the leveling of that which was wealthy and sophisticated to the so-called dark ages, is a pattern that has been repeated not once or twice but many times.

Consequently, your present harvest has overtones and undertones from many previous expressions of the iterating mechanism which turns love into fear and fear into aggression. The energies that are present at this time are iterative energies, energies that have become mindless, that have, in a tremendously profound sense, become obsessed, obsessed to the level of the archetype, so that it is as though your harvest expresses the archetype of the lightning-struck tower with an intensity that could only be achieved by mindless repetition past the point of self-knowledge and into a state of mind of slavery of which at this time we see your peoples attempting with ever fresher energy to snap and break the control, so that the human spirit might once again become liberated from this endless round of fear and hostility.

Thereason that the so-called disaster is found to have a silver lining is simply that your peoples, beneath the veneer of those decisions made by few which affect the culture or the experience of all, are as the rind of dead energy that is enclosing a very fresh fruit that has been growing from the inside out and is coming to a state of ripeness. Consequently, those who are in power at this time, being more of a service-to-self tribe, shall we say, create the apparent history, the apparent news, the apparent on-going story of your people. Whereas the true story of your people is that story that moves from the heart, that moves from the seed of the fruit that has ripened within the rind of militarized thinking that infects your planet at this time. The inner fruit is healthy. And in times of disaster the rind of militaristic thinking is chipped away, and people suddenly become aware that they are alive and in considerable and substantial opposition in feeling and in mind to those militaristic actions which tend to be the agenda of the day for any group of those who hold power at any time.

We cannot say that it is impossible for entities to hold power without becoming service-to-self oriented. We can only say that it is catalyst for all entities to respect those moments when power is offered. Each of you has a power in this situation, each of you who are part of the healthy fruit of Earth, that fruit which is being harvested at this time has that power, passion, and energy of a growing, living, thriving being. That energy is of the One, connected to the root, to the womb, to the Earth, to the Mother. The goodness that springs forth in almost all entities’ breasts is that goodness which is the truth of the human race, just as the militaristic shell of humanity’s behavior is a truth. It is a part of a truth that attempts to take over the entire consciousness of what the human entity is. In assuming that such separating ideas as aggression have worth, the standpoint of those with power is continually biased more and more towards that attitude which accepts the power to change others for the better. This is the innocent beginning of that which can become a monstrous evil, as this instrument would call it.

The group question for this session was: “Would Q’uo talk to us about how the possibility of catastrophe and disaster can help to being the light to being in our world today?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that the population of our planet is not going through a normal type of harvest because much of our population has come to Earth to repeat third density since they were not able to make the harvest on their home planets due to their tendency towards experiencing misalignments of energies and misjudgments of polarity in honest but misguided efforts to attempt to serve, and to grow, and then engage in warfare, and this is a pattern that has been repeated many times.  Q’uo continued by saying that our harvest has the vibrational energies from many previous expressions of the repetitive mechanism which turns love into fear and fear into aggression so that the energies that are present at this time are energies that have become mindless and so obsessed with war that it is as though our harvest expresses the archetype of the lightning-struck tower, and is locked into a state of mind of slavery that our people are attempting break the control of so that the human spirit might become liberated from this endless round of fear and hostility. Q’uo went on to say that the reason that disaster has a silver lining is that our people are the victims of those who are in power who are of a service-to-self nature create the apparent history and news and the true story of our people is that story that moves from the heart, that moves from the seed of the fruit: “that has ripened within the rind of militarized thinking that infects your planet at this time. The inner fruit is healthy. And in times of disaster the rind of militaristic thinking is chipped away, and people suddenly become aware that they are alive and in considerable and substantial opposition in feeling and in mind to those militaristic actions which tend to be the agenda of the day for any group of those who hold power at any time.” Then Q’uo said they could not say that it is impossible for entities to hold power without becoming service-to-self oriented, but that it is necessary for all entities to respect the nature of power because each of us has power in this situation, and each of us who is part of the healthy fruit of Earth, which is being harvested at this time, that power and passion of a living being full of the energy of the One, connected to Mother Earth, and the goodness that springs forth in almost all our beings is that which is the truth of the human race, just as the militaristic shell of humanity’s behavior is a truth. So, Q’uo said that it is a part of a truth of those in power who attempt to take over the entire consciousness of what the human entity is, and then assumes that separating ideas such as aggression have worth, and the standpoint of those with power is continually biased towards that attitude which accepts the power to change others for the better, and this is the innocent beginning of that which can become a monstrous evil. On March 28, 2006, Q’uo described how those in power can make everyone feel uneasy:

There is, in many entities, a very accurate perception that the culture of which they are a part is one in which they do not feel comfortable. Certainly, within this instrument’s feelings and thoughts there is often a reaction to the choices and decisions made by those in power. She wonders what is happening to her world. She is puzzled, and more than puzzled, she is disturbed. These emotions are mild compared to the kind of fear that is generated by eyes that look upon what seems to be a hostile world that is unresponsive to the gentle and sensitive portions of human nature. Fear builds up within such an entity and there is a desire to find an environment in which, even in a game, there is the illusion of being in control.

What a flower does to praise the Creator is blossom. And what each of you may do to praise the Creator is allow yourself to blossom. Those elements of cultural thinking which have infected each mind to whom we speak will show themselves to you with their thorns, their warts, and their scars. And you will gaze upon them, and they will not be fair. There will be thoughts of anger, jealousy, retribution. These will not be true thoughts, yet these are thoughts that are pressed upon you daily, and have been since your youth. There is no judgment in thinking these thoughts, and we would not ask you to judge yourself for finding yourself with the capacity to think them. But indeed, you have the capacity to be conscious of them, to evaluate them, and if you find them to be those thoughts which do not allow you to blossom then you may, by choice, pluck that thought from ready memory and replace it with one that is more close to the heart of that which you truly feel to be the spiritual truth of the situation.

Each shadow that you remove from your own flowering being is one less barrier betwixt you and the sun that gives you life, the Logos that sends the energy that creates each moment. As the crisis period continues you may find yourself in any number of situations in which there will be the choice of moving from the militaristic rind of thought that infects the planetary thought at this time at the level of those in power or choosing to think from a spiritual point of view in which all entities are seen as souls in the service of the one infinite Creator in various ways.

As the one known as J has said, some entities must draw the short stick, some entities must accept being the bad example. Each entity which is perceived by the seeker to be a service-to-self entity bent on the destruction of the good is also a soul who is serving perfectly, in his own way, attempting to learn the same lessons, those lessons of love and how to love always the choice of how to love. For those who are on the service-to-self path also have passion, but it is the passion for the self, to arrange the world in which the self is satisfied, safe and comfortable. It is easy to see a display of evil and good, dark and light, yet we ask you to move beyond this somewhat limiting image of the present harvest, for it not a battle betwixt good and evil.

It is, rather, a battle for thought. It is a battle betwixt those who would wish to enhance, and lift, and enlighten in a great outpouring of radiated love and those who would control, contract, and shepherd the world as they would wish it to be controlled. Expansion or contraction? You are experiencing the contractions of fear of those who are in power and, yes indeed, because of these encroachments of aggression, upon the very citizens in whose name they are promulgated. This pressure has produced a kind of explosion of healthy, blossoming, passionately engaged human beings who have now experienced themselves as souls; who have a deep and passionate feeling about that which is the appropriate action for themselves, their families, and their country.

Then Q’uo said cultural thinking has infected our minds and will  show itself to us as thoughts of anger, jealousy, and retribution that have been given to us since we were children, but they will not be true thoughts, so they asked us not to judge ourselves when we think about them, and if we find that they do not allow us to blossom, then we may remove them from our mind and replace them with ones that are closer to the heart of that which we feel to be the spiritual truth of our situation. Q’uo went on to say that each negative thought that we remove from our being is one less barrier between us and the Logos that sends us energy and creates each moment, and as our crisis period continues we may find that we will have the choice of moving from the warlike way of thinking, that has infected the planetary thought of those in power, or in choosing to think from a spiritual point of view where all are seen as souls in the service of the one infinite Creator in various ways. Q’uo continued by saying that some entities must accept being a bad example, and are seen to be a service-to-self entity dedicated to destroying the good which is also a soul who is attempting to learn the lessons of love for the self and to create a world in which they are comfortable, and it is easy for us to see both evil and good, but Q’uo asked us to move beyond this limiting image of the present harvest, for it not a battle between good and evil. Q’uo said this is a battle between those who wish to enhance and enlighten all in a great outpouring of love and those who would control and contract world as they would wish it to be controlled, so we are experiencing the contractions of fear of those who are in power upon the very citizens in whose name they are promulgated, “and this pressure has produced a kind of explosion of healthy, blossoming, passionately engaged human beings who have now experienced themselves as souls; who have a deep and passionate feeling about that which is the appropriate action for themselves, their families, and their country.” On September 16, 2001, Q’uo spoke of a great outpouring of love on our planet:

We are aware, to some extent, of the distress and the discomfort of the normal tenor of life your peoples have greatly suffered, and it is a particular kind of suffering which is not only the suffering of particular nation but a suffering which goes beyond your nation states and into the overriding ethos of your culture.

What it looks like to us is somewhat different because we see in a wider range of things that are visible. We are not limited by physical limitations in what we see, what we hear, shall we say, what we are aware of, but rather are limited only by our distortions which to us is limit enough. Because of being able to see into the finer planes of your planet’s ongoing developing nature and essence we are able to report both that there is genuine suffering going on within your earth world in the finer plane,s and that there is at this time, as this instrument and as the one known as Steve has mentioned, a tremendous outpouring of love, light and energy.

Itis indeed a precious moment and a promising time of rapidly awakening consciousness planet-wide, and it has been pressed into being and encouraged by the seemingly disastrous policies of those who wish war among your peoples at this time. And we may say without expressing any unknown information, certainly, it is not one entity or a small group of entities which wishes the engagements of war and the reallocations of territory and power. There is pressure planet-wide, at the level of those who remember whole societal-wide catastrophic scenarios and wish beyond all reason to reinvent them, that presses these entities onward. Much of this harvest, then, expresses enormously deep archetypical energies that have been stuck for an unusually long period of time, repeating seemingly endless cycles of rising towards the light, rising towards union, rising towards an awareness of Love in its unconditional and redeeming aspect, only to fall back to the level of the great apes and their tribal loyalties and the protection of the family group. It is a great ascent that the human attempts in third density, to move from beast to angel, from a mute and unspeaking love to a supernal, wordless expression of Love. In between those two lies the third density and in that density you have the forgetting that allows your voice to be uncertain; that allows your mind not to know; that allows your heart to make foolish choices and then to experience change because of them.

Each of you is a wonderful flower that blossoms daily, that opens to the Light, that has your own unique aroma, and habit, and form. Each of you is a tremendous blessing to this planet by your being. You are as those who have fought alongside each other for many, many years. This is another time, another opportunity to stand together and to fight for the Light, not to be against anything, but to do the inner battle that wins through to the armor of light, to face the self in every day, in the morning Light that shows all flaws clearly. This is your geste, to gaze in that mirror and see the flaws and see also the one infinite Creator, to gaze into the world as it is and see past the rind of militaristic thinking, see past this deadening infection that has blotted the surface of your thoughts with a kind of mildew.

Remove yourself from the surface, remove yourself from that which is not truly your own thinking. Come back into the heart of your flowering being, and feel the strength, the passion, the love that resides and rests there just as it has always rested over the deep before any form was. That is the peace that lies within your heart. It is a sweet peace; it is a true peace; it is the original peace; And it is a peace of you, that which can never be separated from you. Nothing can separate you from the Love of the infinite Creator. Nothing can separate you from the truth of your being. Nothing can separate you from yourself.

We wish to express thanks to the outer expressions of this group in the context of your political situation, for those who light a candle for peace express a beautiful thought, and it is very appropriate, we feel, that such lighting of candles about the globe may be seen from your satellites, so that all the world has become, in its own way, a rock concert. We enjoy that image of all of those lighting the flame and this time not for the love of a good song and a good time, but for the love of the world.

Now Q’uo said it is the time of rapidly awakening consciousness planet-wide which has been brought about by the policies of those who wish war among your peoples at this time to gain territory and power on a planet-wide basis by those who have used war in this way in previous incarnations so that much of this harvest expresses deep archetypical energies that have been repeating endless cycles of rising towards an awareness of Love in its unconditional and redeeming aspect, only to fall back to the level of the great apes and their tribal loyalties and the protection of the family group, and it is a great ascent that the human attempts in third density: “to move from beast to angel, from a mute and unspeaking love to a supernal, wordless expression of Love. In between those two lies the third density and in that density, you have the forgetting that allows your voice to be uncertain; that allows your mind not to know; that allows your heart to make foolish choices and then to experience change because of them.” Q’uo went on to say that each of us is a blessing to this planet by our very being, and we have fought alongside each other for many years, and this is another opportunity to stand together and to fight for the Light–not to be against anything–but to fight our inner battle to face our self every day in the morning Light that shows all of our flaws clearly, and this is our journey to gaze into that mirror and see our flaws and the one infinite Creator, to gaze into the world as it is and see past the outer skin of militaristic thinking that has blotted the surface of our thoughts with a kind of disease. Q’uo continued by saying that we should remove ourself from that which is not truly our own thinking and come back into the heart of our being to feel the strength and love that rests there just as it has always rested before any form was, and that is the true peace that lies within our heart, and it is a peace of us that which can never be separated from us because nothing can separate us from the Love of the infinite Creator or from the truth of ourself. Q’uo completed their thoughts by saying that they wanted to express thanks to this group’s lighting of candles to illuminate our political situation, for lighting candles for peace expresses a beautiful thought and lighting of candles around the globe may be seen from our satellites so that all the world has become a rock concert, and Q’uo enjoyed the: “image of all of those lighting the flame and this time not for the love of a good song and a good time, but for the love of the world.” On May 10, 1981, Hatonn spoke of the nature of true peace:

We have spoken with peace and yet, surely you know by now that the peace of which we speak is not the peace of your peoples, for your peoples have no true peace, but only destruction and the numbing of the senses. It is written in one of your holy works that the one known as Jesus said, “I come to bring not peace, but a sword.” And so will this peace seem in your life. As you become able to view your experiences in a conscious and loving manner, multiplying the true peace of your existence, that vision will cut through the feelings and the preferences of those about you who do not prefer true peace, but rather the illusion.

If you seek peace, know this: it is truly worth that which is paid for, and yet it may sometime seem like loss. Rest, then in your meditation, in the true peace of love, and as you find your understanding causing you to act in such a way as to cause those about you to observe a difference in your actions, understand that those who radiate love may also be counted as fools.

We have spoken also this evening of service. A great part of the peace that is true peace is service to others. Moment by moment you have unending opportunities to view your situations as opportunities to be of service, to sow a seed of calm, of love, of kindness. Again, many times you may be counted as a fool, but my friends, it is the fools of this world who shall be in salvation. Only a fool can love without judging. Only a foolish person can desire to serve those who are unlovable, and can pray for those who are unattractive and cold in their misery.

Be fools, then. And join a joyful host of such fools, for those who love will always be such. It is to be remembered that those ways of judging among your peoples are greatly various. It is to be remembered that it is impossible to judge, but through the grace of the inner light and love available to you, it is possible, indeed, to love.

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim, in case there are other queries that may be answered at this time. We thank this instrument and leave it in love and in light. We are those known to you as Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo. We greet each again in love and in light though this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to ask if there may be any further queries which we may attempt to respond to with our opinion.

J: Hi, Q’uo, this is J, and I have a question today from R. She’s in Hawaii and she complains that recently her dreams seem to be invaded, as Carla would say, from psychic greeting. Several years ago she had experienced a period of time where she was a willing participant in some ritual sex and she feels that those cords are still connected and the thoughts are pervading her dreams. So, her question to you is, do you possibly have any suggestions or anything that you could speak to on how she might be able to disengage these connections, these cords that were made at that time? Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my sister. As we observe this entity we see that which she and you have called the cords that connect her to a previous activity of a ritualized nature which had its place in magic, shall we say. That is, in the changing of consciousness by the effort of will and ritual combined. We would recommend that that which was formed may also be removed or cut, shall we say, by once again utilizing the force of the will and a ritual movement that would be accomplished within the meditative state. After the meditative state has been achieved and the entity feels calm and centered within its being, it may visualize these connecting cords with as much detail and clarity as possible, seeing the source, the origin, the connection with the self and the place upon the physical body that the connection is observed. Then this entity may, during the meditation and in a mental sense, take the scissors and cut these cords, bidding farewell to that energy in love and light, in peace and in joy, bidding that energy to go its way, as the one known as R goes her own way, now unencumbered by these cords. When this has been successfully imaged in the mind, then there may be the completing of this ritual of freeing oneself from unwanted energies by the grounding of this ritual either by the words, “So may it be done,” or similar words or by the stamping of the foot upon the ground, or the hand upon the surface, with this motion completing the ritual.

Is there a further query, my sister?

J: No, Q’uo, thank you. Thanks for being with us today.

I am Q’uo, and it is our great privilege to be with you this day and to respond to your query. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: A question about direction of thought that I’d been taking with P. He asked me to get you to confirm that a very viable way for us to go at L/L Research to help to promulgate the Law of One is to form an Essene Teaching Circle. It’s not a very elaborate plan yet, but he asked if I would ask you all about this concept, if you had any comments, or you could confirm that it was a good idea.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query my sister. We can confirm that whenever entities who wish to be of service to the light gather together in any ritualized form to pursue an understanding and a service of that Light there is an advantage indeed to this blending of energies. For when there is the addition of wills to a central purpose there is far more possibility that the purpose shall be realized. For as those of Ra have well said, “When those of like mind together seek, far more surely is it that they shall find.”

Is there another query, my sister?

Carla: Do you have any recommendations for a budding community such as ours?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We can recommend that which you know already to be true, that is that it is well to communicate in an open-hearted fashion, in a frequent fashion, for many are the opportunities for misunderstanding when there is more than one entity in a group.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No. Thank you, Q’uo.

I am Q’uo, and again we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I’m out.

I am Q’uo, and we seem to have exhausted the queries somewhat earlier in this day!


We are very pleased with our efforts!

Carla: On behalf of S, I would just ask if my Annsy is happy in my lap?

I am Q’uo, and we are happy to confirm the joy of your Annsy.

Carla: I just thought that you might enjoy that.

I am Q’uo. We have the greatest of appreciation for your effort to stand in for the one known as S.

Carla: I love you Q’uo. It is so good to be with you.

I am Q’uo. And we are most overjoyed to feel the love and compassion, the sense of proportion and dedication from this group. We are always pleased to be able to join your group and this day has a special feeling about the open-hearted sharing that has occurred.

We thank each for this offering of love and for the invitation to join your group. As always, we are most privileged to be able to do so. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. At this time we shall take our leave of this instrument and of this group. We leave each, as always, in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends.

This morning, I alternated working on my Camelot Journal entries for the next few days with hanging out with Bosco by petting him, brushing his fur, talking to him, and meditating with him because I made an appointment yesterday with my vet for Bosco to be euthanized this afternoon because he has stopped eating.

This afternoon I spent a couple more hours with Bosco and working on my Camelot Journal entries, and then I took him to the vet where I had a chance to spend more time with him, to pet him, and to tell him how much I loved him and how I hope that the love that we have for each other will help him to become a third-density being when he leaves his body. Then the vet gave him a sedative that took a couple of minutes to put him to sleep, and then she gave him the injection that was the death of his body. Then I drove home to discover that the forecast for rain that was supposed to happen tonight was already happening, so I had to get a large tarp to put over his grave that I dug yesterday. I nailed it to large honeysuckle bushes on one end and propped it up with rakes and shovels where there were no bushes. Then I went into my home to get Bosco, who I had wrapped in a blue towel and then put him in a carboard box. Then I got a folding chair and took it and Bosco to his grave site. I read a burial service that Carla had created out of the burial service that came from her Episcopal Church. Then I covered the grave with dirt and placed a large stone over the grave with a small one on top of it that had Bosco’s name on it. It is hard to believe that he is gone, but I know that it was the right time for him to leave his body. Now I begin the grieving process which I have been through before, but, somehow, it seems that I don’t have tears enough to express it for Bosco.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

February 5

Vehicles Of The Spirit

I am the spirit of the living Christ, and I speak to you through this instrument in peace.

May you experience Love washing over you in waterfalls and great channels of swift-moving power.

Yet if you do not experience the Spirit in this wise, know that it is also through quiet and subtle movements and effects that the Spirit makes Itself known to the churches and to humankind. For it is not only those who gesture and speak with authority, claiming a closeness with the Spirit by virtue of station or special knowledge that others do not have, that spread transformation upon the Earth but also every movement of Light, every creation of form, and every happenstance, and event which carries the message of the Spirit of Christ.

Look for the Spirit of Love in unlikely and hidden places as well as the great shelves and benches of sunlit and authoritative existence and information, for we of the principle of Love scorn nothing. All is a vehicle fit for the Spirit, and all is fit to be transformed through Jesus the Christ.

May the peace of transformation be with you now and always.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. The Q’uo quote today comes from March 2:

The question today has to do with what we, as we talked around the circle perceived, as an increase in the level of energy, the tension, the intensity, the amount of things and difficulty that people are going though. And we had the idea that maybe what’s happening for people now is they are reflecting this increased energy by having whatever catalyst that is ready to come up in their lives come up—whether it’s getting out of one relationship and into another or transitioning from one place to another, one life to another. We’d like to have some information on whether this might be a correct perception. Any type of elaboration on this topic would be appreciated as well.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. It is a great blessing for us to be called to your meeting, and we thank each of you for creating this circle of seeking, this opportunity for us to share our thoughts with you. We would ask only that each of you listen carefully to that which we have to say, with an eye to keeping those thoughts which appeal to you and have a resonance to you, and laying aside all those that do not, for we would not wish to constitute a stumbling block to any. We ask that each of you trust your discrimination for there is that within you which recognizes that truth which is yours.

Each within this circle has a tremendous amount of experience at thinking about spiritual structures and the spiritual life. And each realizes already, as the one known as D has said, that there is something going on, and there is change in the wind, shall we say. Now let us pull back a bit and gaze at the sphere of consensus reality that this instrument sometimes calls the world of Maya. It is the nature of illusion to appear quite real. It is the nature of reality to be an illusion. The essence that is not illusion is unfindable, existing in potentiality only. All of which you may become aware with your present—or with our present—organs of sense or instrumentation is illusion. You are not moving from a third-density illusion into a fourth-density position of no illusion. You are moving from an illusion in which there is a relatively small amount of Light into an illusion in which there is a fuller or more generous brand of Light, a different animal, shall we say, a new kind of Light that has different characteristics and that supports different life forms, different planes of existence, different lessons, and so forth.

This is occurring within that which the one known as G called the time/space continuum. And may we say that we are most grateful to have the good offices as the one known as G and it is a great pleasure to work with this beautiful spirit. The experience of each of you, as you begin to become aware of those things which built your question this day, the increased energy, the increased rate of change, the increase of suffering, the increase of stressful things, is receiving experience in ways other than they seem on the surface. The third-density kind of light casts a certain construction upon events which transpire within the day-to-day living. The same events gazed at from the standpoint of the next density are seen in a fuller and more generous Light. The key to adapting to this time of increased Light, increased transparency between third density and fourth density, and increasing amounts of the Light of honesty within the self as it matures and grows, is to offer that which is wrapped up in the fuller and more generous Light. The information coming into your very body, into the energy system of the body, at this time is information that is Light, that is the limitless Light of the one infinite Creator, carrying with it overlays of the increasing fourth-density energy which is, as this instrument said in the discussion prior to this “cosmic sermonette,” bringing things to the surface that were hidden and making the rough places plane.

The energies of fourth density are those energies which look at distortion with full awareness of the beauty of each distortion and awareness also of those harmonics and harmonies of undertone and overtone that create avenues of progression in which the biases, which may seem less than harmonized, may blossom and open in the sunlight of compassion until a fuller view is seen, a larger area constituting a point of view in which not only can a distortion be seen but also the surrounding energy that creates the distortion and that place which seems to be blocked.

It is, from the third-density point of view, very tempting to make judgments, especially concerning the self. It is very tempting to make these judgments far below the level of conscious thought. In this atmosphere of judgment, whether it is known by the self that the self is judging the self, or whether it is only known to the self that there is judgment against the self and the entity experiences that judgment as being projected from others, yet still there is that spiky, thorny energy of judgment which can catch an entity up into an endless round of self-examination and attempts at healing. So, we would suggest that there are things about the fourth-density point of view which are increasingly available to those who look for them.

The fourth-density energy is not an energy in which it is possible to make a judgment. Rather, it is an energy in which distortions are seen in their colors. Let us say there is a different kind of judgment in assessing the beauty, the truth, the purity of a color. Gazing at a distortion it may be seen, shall we say, as green, but is it a beautiful green? Or is it muddy with the overlays of judgment? It is possible in many cases for an entity to sit with the self and ask, “Is this feeling, this color, this bias, a thing of beauty, a thing of honesty, a thing of truth within my being? Or do I carry that which is not intrinsic to myself? Do I carry armor to defend against an enemy? Does this bias carry the pain of self-judgment, the opposite of armoring in which armor is tossed away, and the self is flayed by the judgment of the self?”

The group question for this session was: “The question today has to do with what we, as we talked around the circle perceived, as an increase in the level of energy, the tension, the intensity, the amount of things and difficulty that people are going though. And we had the idea that maybe what’s happening for people now is they are reflecting this increased energy by having whatever catalyst that is ready to come up in their lives come up—whether it’s getting out of one relationship and into another or transitioning from one place to another, one life to another. We’d like to have some information on whether this might be a correct perception. Any type of elaboration on this topic would be appreciated as well.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that each within this circle has experienced thinking about spiritual structures and the spiritual life, and each realizes that there is change in the wind, so now Q’uo wanted to look at the sphere of consensus reality that Carla called the world of Maya because it is the nature of illusion to appear quite real, and it is the nature of reality to be an illusion. Q’uo went on to say that the essence that is not illusion is unfindable, and exists only in potential which we may become aware of with our senses, and we are not moving from a third-density illusion into a fourth-density of no illusion, but we are moving from an illusion in which there is a relatively small amount of Light into an illusion in which there is a greater kind of Light, a new kind of Light that supports different life forms, different planes of existence, and different lessons. Q’uo continued by saying as this is occurring within the time/space continuum we begin to become aware of the increased energy, and we begin receiving experiences in ways other than they seem on the surface so that the third-density light casts a certain perception upon events within the our day-to-day living, and the same events seen from the standpoint of the next density are seen in a fuller Light, and the key to adapting to this time of increased transparency between third density and fourth density. So Q’uo said that in order to experience increasing amounts of the Light of honesty within ourself we can see that which is wrapped up in the fuller and more generous Light as the information coming into the energy system of our body at this time is information that is the limitless Light of the one infinite Creator, carrying with it overlays of the increasing fourth-density energy which is bringing things to the surface that were hidden and making the rough places smooth. Now Q’uo said that the energies of fourth density are those energies which look at distortion with full awareness of the beauty of each distortion and the harmonies of their nature that create avenues of growth in which the difficult biases open, when seen with  compassion, so that a fuller view is seen, and not only can a distortion be seen but also the surrounding energy that creates the distortion and the chakra which seems to be blocked can be seen. Q’uo said that in the third density it is tempting to make judgments about ourself below the level of conscious thought, and whether we or someone else is judging us we still have to deal with the thorny energy of judgment which can cause us to enter into endless rounds of self-examination and attempts at healing, so Q’uo suggested that there are things about the fourth-density point of view which are helpful for us to look at. They said that fourth-density energy is not an energy in which it is possible to make a judgment since it is an energy in which distortions are seen in regard to the truth, beauty, and purity of their colors, so when we are looking at a distortion we may see it as green, but is it a beautiful green, or is it muddied with judgment? Then Q’uo said that it is possible us to sit with ourself and ask: “Is this feeling, this color, this bias, a thing of beauty, a thing of honesty, a thing of truth within my being? Or do I carry that which is not intrinsic to myself? Do I carry armor to defend against an enemy? Does this bias carry the pain of self-judgment, the opposite of armoring in which armor is tossed away, and the self is flayed by the judgment of the self?” On December 25, 2010, Q’uo described how self-judgement affects us:

Energy expenditure, especially when it is devoted to the energies of self-judgment, self-criticism, and a lack of self-forgiveness, are energies that are unwisely spent. Once those energies are dedicated to self-judgment and related energies, those energies are no longer free to be used for Love’s service. Consequently, although it may seem difficult to do at first, we encourage you at all times to come from a place of being self-forgiven, in full knowledge of your worth and with no tendency towards self-criticism.

It is not that we would suggest that you stop noticing when you make errors. Self-perceived errors are helpful, and mistakes are the way people learn, whatever their field of study. However, it is useless to become angry at the self because one has added two and two and gotten five. It is only necessary to note down that two and two equal four and to move from that premise in the future.

The energy expenditures that you are called to are those of Love. That is why you came, and that is why you remain. You are not yet done loving this planet and its people. Consequently, waste no time in judgment on yourself or on others, but only spend your energy on the inner planes for those purposes of dedicating all that you are and all that you have to the service of the one Creator; to being that entity of Love that you intended to be when you chose to come here.

Come to a feeling concerning that bias, that color. See that as yourself and accept that bias, not as a third-density entity would, judging its worth, but as the fourth-density entity would gaze upon any vibration which crossed its path. This enables each entity as a person, as a seeker, to have a way of assessing inner feelings, inner biases, without calling the self in any way incorrect, wrong, or unworthy. We do not mean to suggest by this that there is no structure within which one may judge for the self the ethical rightness or wrongness of action. This is indeed a very helpful and driving part of the spiritual life. Metaphysically speaking, entities move from decision to decision, from choice to choice and those choices build the polarity which is intended by the intensity of the desire to make the most positive choices.

What we are attempting to move into here is the pattern wherein entities set, deep within themselves, as the one G noted, the habit of being a certain way, the habit of accepting this and that as true about the self and those other things as untrue. As change inevitably occurs, some of those things which have been true concerning an entity change, and this process is cumulative, so that many is the person who gazes at the self one day and realizes that a change has occurred, and it has been missed until this instant. It is a wonderful time when that realization occurs.

While each is the entity who lives within the flesh and bone of third density, we assure each that these changes and disruptions will continue and increase, for there is a time of transformation for this entire planetary entity. The actual changes that are occurring, while exquisitely articulated, are in fact relatively slight. Consciousness among your peoples upon the metaphysical level is heartwarmingly, shall we say, close to jumping that area of resistance which is as the meniscus upon the surface of water, which is as the ocean which runs betwixt the densities, that area of resistance or quantum boundary to cross. You are much advanced as a people in doing this, to the extent that we can begin to address those of Earth as a social memory complex in the metaphysical sense. Certainly, there is a good deal of development that shall take place before this process of birthing…

[Side one of tape ends.]

…that work of being, as the one known as G has said.

Yet in that being you can become far less troubled by yourself by doing what this instrument has called falling in love with the self. This is the essence of the fourth-density way of dealing with distortion. Each is aware of entities they know which have quirks and habits that are laughable or ridiculous. This entity’s love of clothes, for instance, is well known to many within this circle. Yet were those within this circle to speak of this quirk of the one known as Carla, their tones would be fond, and their voices would hold nothing of judgment but only affection. For it is seen by all others within this circle that the personality shell of this instrument, while silly, is not criminal. It is simply distortion, and each has its patterns of distortions. Thus, each can see that it is possible to love the quirks and distortions of another, finding them loveable and forgivable.

Yet as this instrument turns its eyes on the self, this instrument, in the past, has been known to judge itself quite harshly for having this predilection and it has, for various portions of time within its life, simply refused to allow itself to purchase any new garments, feeling that it had quite enough. And yet, within this instrument there was the constant craving for something new to put on the body. Is this a clever, intelligent, or sensible way to be? No. And yet it was the work of literally decades for the instrument to come to a day in which she gazed at this distortion within herself and realized that she had fallen in love with herself, that she could forgive herself this: that there were, in her newly expanded way of looking at herself, more important things to focus upon than the details of a personality shell.

Once this lack of judgment began to filter into the roots of personality, relaxing this skein of judgment that had netted and twisted itself about the personality shell, that energy to judge the self faded for this instrument, thus freeing the ability of this instrument to love other flawed personality shells and the souls which they contain. The fourth-density attitude begins with the awareness that each entity is divine, yet a portion of that which we may call the “Godhead principle.” The physical being, the personality shell, the thoughts of the surface of the mind itself, are layers of an illusion which is held in place by that system of energies which is at this time beginning to falter and weaken, beginning to give way to a fuller and more generous Light. Allow and call for this golden Light. Know that you are as capable of receiving it as you are as asking for it. We encourage each to begin to find ways to fall in love with the self. This resource that you have within you of forgiveness is extremely powerful and it connects within the tree of mind with those energies which are far more powerful than those archetypal rulers of third density. This is, may we say, a fascinating subject which we could speak upon for some time yet, but this instrument informs us that we must stop speaking and so we accept that it is time for us to release this instrument from discussing that main query.

Then Q’uo said that we should see and accept ourself as that bias of the nature of our being–not as a third-density entity would by judging its worth– but as the fourth-density entity would gaze upon any vibration because this enables each of us, as a seeker, to be able to assess our inner feelings and biases without judging ourself as worthy, but then Q’uo said that they did not mean that there is no way in which we may judge the ethical rightness or wrongness of action because that is indeed a helpful part of our spiritual life since, metaphysically speaking, we move from choice to choice, and these choices build the polarity which is intended by the intensity of the desire to make the most positive choices. Q’uo continued by saying that they were attempting to move into the pattern of discussing where we set, deep within ourselves, the habit of accepting some behaviors as true about ourself and other behaviors as untrue, and as time moves on, some of those things which have been true for us change, and this process is cumulative, so that many of us who look at ourself one day and we realize that a change has occurred, and it has not been noticed until this instant, and it is a wonderful time when that realization occurs. Q’uo went on to say that each of us lives within the third density body, and they wanted to let us know that these changes will continue and increase, for this is a time of transformation for Earth, and the actual changes that are occurring are slight, but the metaphysical consciousness among our people is close to overcoming that area of resistance which is like the ocean which runs between the densities, and we are advanced as a people in being able to do this, so Q’uo began to describe those of us on Earth as a social memory complex in the metaphysical sense. Now Q’uo said as a fourth-density being we can more easily fall in love with ourself and accept the quirks and habits that seem ridiculous because each of us has our patterns of distortions, and we can see that it is possible to love the distortions of each other and find them loveable and forgivable. Q’uo said that in the past Carla had judged herself harshly for loving to buy new clothes to wear, and she decided to stop buying more clothes because she had all that she needed, but she still craved to buy new clothes until after a few decades she looked at this distortion and realized that she had fallen in love with herself, and now she could forgive herself because there were more important things to focus upon than the details of her personality shell. Q’uo said that once Carla was able to love herself she was also able to love other flawed personality shells and the souls within them, and this was a part of the awareness that each of us is divine, and our personality shell and the thoughts of our mind are layers of an illusion which are held together by the third-density energies that are beginning to weaken and give way to a fuller Light. Q’uo completed their thoughts by saying that we should call for this golden Light and know that we are capable of receiving it by simply asking for it, so they encouraged us to find ways of falling in love with ourself because this resource of forgiving ourselves is powerful,  and it connects the tree of mind with those energies which are far more powerful than those archetypal rulers of third density. On October 20, 1996, Q’uo spoke of the value of falling in love with ourself:

Each entity shall have its own strengths and its own weaknesses. However, there are some general principles which a seeker may attempt to follow in seeking that point of balance that signifies a level of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual comfort, that feeling of being comfortable within one’s own skin, and pleased with one’s own company.

If you are an entity which enjoys itself, you have achieved an enviable state of balance. It is the work of much compassion and hard-won wisdom to fall in love with the self, to be a support to that self in all of its uniqueness, with all of the quirks that signal and trumpet the imperfection of self. Each entity is uniquely distorted, and each should celebrate and enjoy those distortions while keeping the weather eye out to find those quirks whose laughter is not kind and to work with those portions of energy until the same stimulus triggers, not a different response in terms of emotion, but rather a sense of compassion which embraces and accepts that which is seen as distortion. The entity in balance is one which has achieved a state wherein judgment of others or of self has accuracy tempered with gentle kindness.

We would move to the one known as Jim to pick up any brief queries before we would leave this group. We thank this instrument and this group for bearing with us while we attempt to articulate that which is not particularly easy to say in your words. We thank this instrument, and we leave it in love and in light. We are those known to you as Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and we greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. At this time we would ask if there might be any shorter queries to which we may speak in a brief fashion. Is there another query at this time?

[Long pause.]

Carla: I guess not, Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo. We are most grateful to each for inviting our presence this day. We realize that we have spoken over-long and we ask your indulgence and your forgiveness for causing you to have to sit for this period of time. We are most grateful for your patience and for your desire to seek that which is loosely called the truth. We share with you that which is our opinion and we ask that you weigh each word carefully, leaving behind any that do not feel right to you. We do not wish to be a stumbling block in any path of seeking.

At this time we would take our leave of this instrument and this group. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. We leave each in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends.

This morning, I reflected on the meditation that I did last night in which I considered the difficulties that Bosco has had in eating less and less each day for some time now so that now he has stopped eating. So, I decided that I would call the vet today and ask for an appointment for tomorrow to euthanize Bosco because I wanted to hang out with him today as much as possible. So, for the rest of the morning and afternoon I went into the living room from time to time and invited him to sit on the pillow on my lap the same way that we start each day with my first two meditations. Occasionally, I would stop meditating and either pet him or brush his fur. I alternated these times with Bosco by working on Camelot Journal entries and answering a few emails that were in my Inbox. Every time I was with Bosco I told him how much I love him, and how much I will miss him when he is gone, and how much I am hoping that the love that we have shared these past few years would help him to become a third-density being.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

February 4

The Tides Of The Spirit

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the full consciousness of Love.

How deeply below the ground of sensation, feeling, and thought run the tides of the Spirit within each individual! If you wonder at the seemingly random turns and twists of daily life, the answers that deny randomness and proclaim the harmony of the great Deity’s plan lie far too deep for discovery.

Like a great underground sea, the Spirit makes all things new and guides circumstance in order that the fullness of experience may provide the opportunity for divine change. Thus, when you ask for the Comforter of the Spirit of Jesus the Christ to come upon you, know that the more intense your asking, the greater your opportunity for renewal and change. For you may be created anew at any time that you truly wish it.

With love of such power, peace may not seem possible, yet this power is harmonious, and, whatever the appearances, its outworking lies in perfect peace.

And in this peace that is strife to the world, we leave you, now and ever.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from February 19, 2003:

Question From R: What are the disciplines, prerequisites, attitudes, and practices that are helpful to me in order to open my indigo-ray center to intelligent infinity at the present time?

(Carla channeling)

We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in whose service we are. It is our privilege to be called to this group and we thank the one known as R for this query and the seeking and hungering for the truth that brought this entity to request information that may aid in the evolution of mind, body, and spirit. We thank as well those who sit with this group in service and in an equally pure search for the truth. These energies that move into the sphere of this working create that vibration upon which we are able to stabilize and establish this particular channel through this group and through this instrument. It is our distinct pleasure to offer our humble opinions upon this most interesting question of information concerning the opening of the gateway to intelligent infinity.

We would ask that, in order for free will to be respected, each who receives these thoughts feels completely free to disengage the self from any of them which do not seem correct at this time. Those thoughts which are part of the subjective truth of that particular individual at that particular space and time will be very resonant and will seem as though remembered, rather than learned for the first time. Those thoughts that do not seem resonant are those thoughts that we would ask you to leave behind. We thank each for respecting this request, for it allows us to speak freely without being concerned that we will be taken as authorities rather than as your brothers and sisters in seeking and in service.

The request of the one known as R for information is exquisitely phrased and we would thank the one known as R for the care and love with which he crafted this expression of seeking for the truth of the moment, the space, the time, and the ever-full expression of appreciation and thanksgiving for that process which moves into the present moment as the emerging blossom of transformation, new life, and new birth. The request for prerequisites, practices, disciplines, and attitude that are helpful is a request made by one who has spent a good deal of time and energy in contemplation of the outer teachings of what this instrument would call unchurched spirituality. The question being couched in the language familiar to those who enjoy the wording of those known as Ra creates an atmosphere in which we may feel free to use the cosmology of this system, which indeed is most concisely described or represented by those known as Ra.

Within this system of cosmology, shall we say, the gateway to intelligent infinity rests above the energy center known as the brow chakra or the indigo-ray chakra and hence the work of indigo ray is that work which has most directly or proximally to do with opening the gateway to intelligent infinity. The discipline of the personality and work in consciousness is the precinct and purpose of this energy center, and it is within this center that the practices and disciplines requested dwell, for the most part, in terms of their subject matter.

The attitude is certainly a central key not only to the seeking, pattern and process of the one known as R but also the seeking, pattern and process of each seeker of truth within the creation of the Father. This attitude is such a central key that it becomes as the chief rod and staff that support the seeking of the pilgrim. The preeminent position of attitude is such that, by attitude alone, the entity who dwells in faith and lives fearlessly and in an atmosphere of thanksgiving and gratitude has, by that simple token, entered the gateway of intelligent infinity.

Being fearless is perhaps not as simple as it may seem. And the threads of being that move into the lessons of becoming fearless are those same threads of being that move into the lessons of peace and the discovery of its nature. Indeed, it may be said that the redeemer of the third-density world is that which is known to this instrument as Love. For the heart of the attitude which gives thanks for all things is the fearless heart that sees the Love in all things, even as it sees the distortions to which Love has been bent by those co-Creators which are other selves. The process of becoming aware of reasons to be grateful in all things is a long and subtle process and one which ties back into the discipline of the personality.

The part of your query to which we have not yet responded, however, the prerequisites of work at this time for the one known as R in opening the gateway to intelligent infinity, moves back into what we would call the metaphysical past rather than the historical past, within the inner universe of the one known as R, for the prerequisite for doing work in consciousness for any is that progressive and conscientious query of energy centers and the preparation for the promulgation of sacred or priestly work, thus giving respect and honor to that energy of self which is as the entity of sacred or magical energy which functions as the priest or minister of that which is the sacred life, the life that has been consecrated by the ever-opening awareness of previous work in consciousness.

Question From R: “What are the disciplines, prerequisites, attitudes, and practices that are helpful to me in order to open my indigo-ray center to intelligent infinity at the present time?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that R’s question regarding the process of transformation into new life, new birth, and the prerequisites and attitude that are helpful on the spiritual path is a request made by R after contemplating the outer teachings of what Carla called unchurched spirituality and framing it in a way similar to those of Ra so that Q’uo felt free to use the terminology of Ra’s system of being concise. Q’uo continued by saying that within this system of cosmology the gateway to intelligent infinity rests above the indigo-ray chakra so that the work of indigo ray concerns opening the gateway to intelligent infinity by using the discipline of the personality to do work in consciousness, and it is within this center that the practices and disciplines requested dwell. Q’uo went on to say that attitude is the central key to the seeking process of each seeker of truth within the creation of the Father, and this attitude becomes as the foundation that supports the seeking of the seeker because it is by one’s attitude alone that the seeker who fearlessly lives in faith within an atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving may enter the gateway of intelligent infinity. Then Q’uo said that the path of becoming fearless moves into the lessons of peace and the discovery of its nature, and the redeemer of the third-density world is that which is known to Carla as Love, for the heart of the attitude which gives thanks for all things is the fearless heart that sees Love in all things, even as it sees: “the distortions to which Love has been bent by those co-Creators which are other selves. The process of becoming aware of reasons to be grateful in all things is a long and subtle process and one which ties back into the discipline of the personality.” Now Q’uo said that the prerequisites of work at this time for opening the gateway to intelligent infinity moves back into what Q’uo called the metaphysical past rather than the historical past within the inner universe of the seeker, for the prerequisite for doing work in consciousness is that continuous study of the energy centers and the preparation for the practicing of sacred work which gives respect and honor to that energy of the self which is the magical energy that functions within the priest as it lives that which is the sacred life, the life that has been consecrated by the ever-opening awareness of previous work in consciousness. On September 5, 2004, Q’uo spoke of the nature of sacred work:

The more you work with moving through the chakra system, the more you see that this open red-ray energy moves into the opening of the orange-ray energy, which then moves into the opening of the yellow-ray energy, so that the energy moving up into the heart is whole and has not been hindered by fear at any of these three lower places. When energy is able to move up into the heart in full strength, then the whole world of higher chakra work begins to open up. It is very wise of the one known as J and the one known as T to investigate the opening up of red-ray sexuality, because it is the foundation for so much more sacred work. Yet the hunger remains for an expression that is sacred, an expression that has deeper meaning and higher purpose. There is that opening of the heart and that realization that each entity whom one meets is the Creator. There is then the opening of the heart to serving the Creator in each entity and most of all in one’s mate, so that it comes full circle back to the sacredness of red ray, seen in the fullness of a system of living out that sacredness that is felt within the heart.

When desire has been disciplined and focused, it is the most powerful force in creation. It is that energy that moves the mountain. It is that energy that creates miracles, and it becomes more and more closely allied with those mysterious words of “faith” and “will.” A great deal of time has been spent, in each of your incarnations, on trying to determine what it is that you seek, who it is that you are, what it is that you truly desire. These are wonderful energies; these are defining energies for you; these are key questions. And we greatly encourage this whole line of discussion and exploration.

With this entity then, the one known as R, we shall walk through some considerations for the work of preparing for a session of work in consciousness. The basic plan for this work would be to choose a single place and a single time of day within which to do this work. This time would be a time of contemplation and what this instrument would call the balancing meditation. This meditation is one in which recent thoughts and biases of the feelings that have been experienced by the self are examined to determine for the self the possible distortions, both positive and negative, that have resided in these pockets of gathered catalyst and experience.

The one who reviews the self’s thoughts and feelings is as one who goes into the storehouse of its grains to gaze at the harvest and judge its worth. As one winnows through one’s thoughts and as one reviews those triggers which have caused responses within the self, one may see those areas of lack and esurience which baffle or otherwise distort the flow of energy through the energy body. It is well, perhaps, to start with that which is the so-called lowest, that first chakra or red-energy center in which reside strong and profoundly meaningful responses to triggers concerned with survival, sexuality, and territory. It is very often that issues will become caught in this very basic energy center because of this particular culture within which all of those in this circle enjoy life, and its great dependence upon or emphasis upon sexuality as being central to that root ray or red-ray energy center.

However, within the life experience of all those within this sitting circle, the threat of war has been always imminent and at this time continues so. Consequently, there is an issue common to all of those within your culture at this time which has to do with survival. Further, there are those issues concerned with information of the so-called New Age, as this instrument calls it, information which often suggests the sudden ending of certain processes upon your planetary sphere; thereby, in a lesser but equally disturbing way, suggesting threats to survival. These issues create a background area of interference which may only be addressed when acknowledged, recognized and dealt with as part of that which is the milieu.

Within the next energy center lies that which is most visible among your peoples and yet not that which can be overlooked. The culture which you enjoy and the so-called New Age sub-culture whose opinions often affect the philosophy of, shall we say, the surface culture of your peoples, emphasizes and indeed nearly glorifies personal relationships and consequently it is most likely within your day-to-day discussions and communications and with other selves that the issues which truly are informing and consuming the mind and the emotions are known to the self. It is well, however, to gaze at those patterns which are repetitive which do not seem constructive, for energies within this orange-ray system may well be strengthened and crystallized by such work.

A key indeed is to see each entity within a relationship as a flower of an unique beauty which is better beheld than trimmed or plucked. Again, within that which is called the yellow ray or yellow-ray chakra by this instrument, the culture within which you now dwell is likely to bring to the conscious attention of each the over-stimulations and desires for avoidance which are part of the relations of the self such as the family group of birth, the family group created by the marriage of self and other self, the group created by the working for the living and so forth. Again, these interactions are the stuff of gossip as well as the material for learning within the curricula of the school of Earth in third density. However, within these group systems, may we say that nothing is as it seems, in terms of the value of group structures within the learning processes of the self. We can only say that the value of this system of learning which is bound up in the concept of family, clan, and other group concepts cannot be overestimated. It is in this direction that progressive concepts may open new ways of seeing that indeed strengthen and further open the yellow-ray chakra in such a way as to improve the orientation towards the green-ray energy center and that tremendous shift of energy which may come as the heart opens.

The next energy center, moving upwards, to consider in terms of the experiences of the day, is that known as the green-ray energy center, and in this wise we may say that this is the beginning of work in consciousness. When one has been able to address the issues and look into the feelings and distortions and energies experienced within that portion of the lower energy body, then the entity is ready to move into the open heart, having secured a good flow of energy, that energy of the one infinite Creator, through the roots of the energy system of the physical vehicle into that energy system which does indeed open to the gateway of intelligent infinity as that infinite energy roars through in its ceaseless dance of upward spiraling Light.

Then Q’uo said that they would share some considerations for preparing for a session of work in consciousness so that the plan for this work would be to choose a place and time of day within which to do this work, and this time would be a time of contemplation and using the balancing meditation in which recent thoughts and feelings that we have been experienced are examined to determine the distortions, both positive and negative, that have resided in these pockets of gathered catalyst and experience. Q’uo went on to say that it is well to review those triggers which have caused responses within ourself so that we may see how experiences distort the flow of energy through the energy body, and it is well to start with the red-energy center where there are strong responses to triggers concerned with survival, sexuality, and territory, and issues will become caught in this basic energy center because of the culture within which all of those in this circle enjoy life, and its emphasis upon sexuality as being central to that root ray or red-ray energy center. Q’uo continued by saying that the threat of war continues to be possible so that the issue of survival is an issue that everyone in our culture has to deal with, and there are those issues concerned with information of the New Age which  suggest the sudden ending of certain processes upon our planetary sphere that are threats to survival, and these issues create a background area of interference which may only be addressed when recognized and dealt with as part of that which is our environment. Now Q’uo said that within the orange energy center lies that which is most visible among our peoples in our one-to-one relationships of parent to child, teacher to student, and neighbor to neighbor that are basic to our experiences with others that are informing to our minds and our emotions so that we know ourselves better, so Q’uo suggested that we discover those patterns which are repetitive and difficult because energies within the orange-ray energy center may be strengthened and crystallized by such work. Q’uo said  the yellow-ray chakra will focus our attention on the over-stimulation and the desire to avoid the yellow ray energies of the marriage family, the work group, and other groups within the culture that we now dwell in, and they are likely to bring to our conscious attention the over-stimulations and desires which provide us the catalyst for learning within the third density, but Q’uo said that within these groups that nothing is as it seems, in terms of the value of group structures within the learning processes of the self. They said: “that the value of this system of learning which is bound up in the concept of family, clan, and other group concepts cannot be overestimated. It is in this direction that progressive concepts may open new ways of seeing that indeed strengthen and further open the yellow-ray chakra in such a way as to improve the orientation towards the green-ray energy center and that tremendous shift of energy which may come as the heart opens.” So Q’uo said that the next energy center is the green-ray energy center, and this is where work in consciousness begins so that when we have been able to address the issues of the three lower energy centers then we are ready to move into the open heart since we have created a good flow of the energy of the one infinite Creator, through the roots of the energy system of our physical body, into that energy system which opens to the gateway of intelligent infinity as that intelligent energy ascends through in its ceaseless dance of upward spiraling Light. On July 5, 1992, Q’uo gave a general outline that we can use to accomplish work in consciousness:

The means of clearing the centers or chakras of energy by the use of the polarization of the mind is that process whereby you take that desire and move through each chakra in turn, utilizing this desire to find those distortions or imperfections of manifestation within each center of energy, and seek for that moment to visualize or imagine the balanced expression of energy that is appropriate for you at that time in that center, assigning to each center those properties that are appropriate for each center, beginning as we said, with the first, or root center, and looking at this center as that which is the love of life, the expression of the desire to be, to move, to breathe, to do.

Moving to that center of interpersonal relationship next, that of the orange ray, where you put yourself in balanced relationship with one other being at a time, so that there is the one-to-one exchange of energies.

Moving therefrom to the yellow-ray center where you are in relationship with many others, with groups of beings with whom you share interest, energy and activity.

Moving from this center to that of the heart, the green ray where your love of others extends beyond any group that you may have association with to all entities simply because they exist.

Moving from this center to that of the throat and the blue ray of communication, where the love that you feel for all creation is expressed in a means of communication that is freely given, and which speaks in inspirational tones to those about you as a result of your feeling of the love of the green-ray center.

The indigo-ray center being that of the brow, where there is the work in consciousness that each seeker achieves when it begins to use the force of its will and faith to move its attitudes and perceptions into alignment with the ideals that are its guiding star.

Therefrom moving to the violet-ray center where the totality of the being is expressed as a measure, a mark, or a register of the entity. By utilizing this desire to serve others in balancing and harmonizing each center of energy, you have cleared this path for the flow of the Love and Light, or the prana of the one Creator to move cleanly through your centers of energy, in order that you may be a smoothly functioning reflector and creator of the Love and Light of the one Creator.

The heart chakra is not that which is worked with as much as it is that which is entered, as one with great gratitude enters the holy place in which one is safe, loved, cared for, and appreciated as a child of the one infinite Creator, a child and an heir, a rightful and loving heir, and, indeed, a co-Creator. The space of the heart is that which is filled with the balm of Gilead. It is that which beams and radiates as the sun. It is that in which there is no effort, strife, or worry but only the feeling of loving arms, a strong and loving chest and shoulders to rest the head upon when one is weary, a capacious lap to sit in, to nestle in, to curl into and to go to sleep in when one is exhausted within the heart. This is the energy of healing, the energy of unbridled and unstinted compassion. This energy is that energy that is the steady state of the creation of the Father, that vibration which is the essence of the one great original Thought of the infinite Creator.

Resting upon the energy of this center, resting upon the open heart, it is then that the disciplines of the personality begin. That which is the blue-ray center or the throat chakra is the seat of the discipline of creating true communication, true speech, and true statements. It is the seat wherein one discovers the art of listening. And these disciplines feed into those conduits that lead to communication that runs clear, as the stream that does not pick up the mud and the silt of the storm but, rather, lets energies be as they express and as they resound and as they ripple, not so much judging as praising the beauty of the ripples, not so much resisting as dancing with the patterns that emerge.

The one known as R has tremendous amounts of dedication and energy in the area of the indigo-ray work and is well aware of issues which it focuses upon at this time, and we would not infringe upon the free will of the one known as R by commenting more closely. We do not believe that there is any lack in this portion of the creative and intentional work in service of the one known as R but, rather, that this entity focuses with great care, and love, and persistence at this time. As this entity indicates by the very shape of its query, it is well aware of its need to move always back into the whole self as a prerequisite to doing work in consciousness. It is when the bottom is firmly planted and well placed on the ground of true small things that the spirit may soar. It is when the first story of the house of a life is swept and tidied that one may go to the upper room, there to be lifted up into midair with the angels. Let that first floor first be neat as a pin, with each honor which is also a duty seen to, each promise kept, each relationship honored, each thread of self within found like the lost sheep, brought into the loving heart, kept warm, comforted and fed until the self is as loved as those loved ones that are about one, until the self is also seen as the Creator, as the Christ, as the child of the one infinite Creator, utterly worthy of love.

To become fearless is not the work of a moment or a year, yet it is the work of any within a lifetime. At least there is goodness in the intent to discover the nature of true release from fear. For there are two choices: contraction into fear, or expansion into love. It is the nature of work in consciousness that it does not proceed well unless there is first established full energy into the heart and the resting within the heart in unconditional love. With this energy flowing through the heart, the work that is done in consciousness is well powered, well fueled, and well supported.

Aboveall, we would encourage a releasing of heaviness. It is a time within your peoples’ experience when there is every energetic reason to become more and more wound up, distracted by the nature of the illusion. Yet this is precisely the time when it will be most effective to express, in whatever way is felt appropriate, those positive feelings having to do with the certainty that all is well. For as the fourth density becomes closer and closer, it becomes more and more important to remember the increasing transparency of thought to materialization. Thoughts are becoming things. States of mind are becoming DNA. Lean into, then, the advantages of an increasingly metaphysical atmosphere. If there is a fear-based concept which moves into the awareness of the self, encourage the promulgation of a positive gratitude and confidence-based response. For there is Love in each situation, and the expression of that Love is as the sun that radiates and warms the chilled soul.

Lift up the heart. Lift up the eyes. Lift up the hands. And lift up the voice in singing, and praise, and thanksgiving, and in joy. The opportunity to express and bear witness at a time of such powerful illusion and seemingly unlimited potential is a wonder. We bless the journey and celebrate the process of the one known as R and encourage him always to keep the light touch in the seeking that honors the ideals of the self beyond all words and yet may take the self lightly.

Now Q’uo said that our heart chakra is not that which we work with as much as it is that which we enter with great gratitude as a child of the one infinite Creator, a loving heir and a co-Creator, and our heart is filled with the balm of Gilead so that it radiates Light as the sun, and it is that in which there is no strife or worry but only the feeling of loving arms, a lap to sit in and to go to sleep in when we are exhausted within our heart, and this energy is that energy that is that vibration which is the essence of the one great original Thought of the infinite Creator. Q’uo said that when we are resting within our open heart it is then that the disciplines of the personality begin where our blue-ray chakra is the seat of the discipline of creating true communication, and it is where we discover the art of listening, and these disciplines feed into those conduits that lead to clear communication. Then Q’uo said that there is the need to move back into our whole self as a prerequisite to doing work in consciousness because it is when the first story of the house of our life is swept and tidied that we may go to the upper room to be lifted into midair with the angels, so we: “should let each honor which is also a duty seen to, each promise kept, each relationship honored, each thread of self within found like the lost sheep, brought into the loving heart, kept warm, comforted and fed until the self is as loved as those loved ones that are about one, until the self is also seen as the Creator, as the Christ, as the child of the one infinite Creator, utterly worthy of love.” Q’uo continued by saying that to become fearless is the work of a lifetime, and there needs to be goodness in our intention to discover the true nature of the release from fear because there are two choices: contraction into fear, or expansion into love, and it is the nature of work in consciousness that it does not proceed well unless we have established full energy into our heart, and we are resting within our heart in unconditional love so that when this energy is flowing through our heart the work that we do in consciousness is well supported. Q’uo encouraged us to release any heavy feelings because it is a time within our peoples’ experience that it is easy to become distracted by the nature of the illusion, but is also the time when it will be most effective to express those positive feelings of knowing that all is well, for as the fourth density comes closer it becomes important to remember that thoughts are becoming things, and states of mind are becoming DNA, so we should lean into the advantages of an increasingly metaphysical atmosphere,  so if there is a fear-based concept which moves into our awareness we should express a confidence-based response, for there is Love in each moment that warms our chilled soul. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that we should: “Lift up the heart. Lift up the eyes. Lift up the hands. And lift up the voice in singing, and praise, and thanksgiving, and in joy. The opportunity to express and bear witness at a time of such powerful illusion and seemingly unlimited potential is a wonder.” On January 21, 1981, Latwii spoke of how there is love in each moment:

May we close this particular response by suggesting that in all cases, whether there is an understanding of the condition or not, it is most helpful to accept that condition and to feel the love that each moment of that condition offers to all involved. It is not useful to worry endlessly about conditions which persist. It is most helpful to find the love in each moment and to accept that which is given, for, my friends, may we say that there are no mistakes in any incarnation or experience. Each experience is a gift, a treasure, a gem from the one Creator who created each being to be the one Creator so that the Creator might know Itself. Seek there, my friends, in the heart of your being for the Creator in each moment.

We leave this instrument with blessings upon its sacred and glowing round, and we offer to R our presence within the silent communication in order that we may aid in deepening the meditation for this entity whenever this entity might wish to request our presence mentally. We thank this instrument, this group, and the questioner known as R, and we leave this group in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. Adonai. Adonai, vasu, borragus.

This morning I ran some errands with my first stop at Feeder’s Supply to buy more birdseed. My second stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market where I bought some food for myself. My last stop was at the vet’s where I picked up some food for Bosco and let the vet know that Bosco has been eating less and less as time has gone on, and he is losing weight, and he has also been experiencing more seizures. So the vet said that I should consider that since Bosco’s quality of life is deteriorating it might be well to consider euthanizing him in the near future.

This afternoon I meditated on the proper road to take with Bosco, and I decided that I will call the vet tomorrow and suggest Wednesday as the day to euthanize him with the hope that the love that we have shared for the last six years will help him to become a third-density being. So, I went outside and dug a grave for him in the pet cemetery that would be the proper size for the box that will contain his body. This is one of the hardest decisions that I have ever had to make, but it feels like the right thing to do for Bosco’s quality of life has deteriorated a great deal over the last few weeks.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

February 3

Echoes Of Love

I am of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. I greet you in the full consciousness of that Love for which the remainder of the creation is but a synonym.

We gaze upon the palsied, frail, wandering thoughts of humankind with cheerfulness and Love, not with sadness and despair as do you who gaze upon your own thoughts with disappointment. For we know that your thoughts may wander in arid regions. Yet the more unprofitable you find your thinking becoming, the more rich becomes the potential for your turning from the unformed to the formed, from the uncreated to that which is full of grace and purpose.

Your infinite and loving heart is not a machine, that you may produce an output according to your quota. But, rather, it is a sounding board by means of which the Spirit of Love may echo to the infinite reaches of the created universe.

Turn, therefore, from despair, and free the echo chamber of your heart from all tense worries that, surprised by inspiration, it may reverberate in Love and peace.

I am of the spirit of Christ, and I leave you in peace, now and ever.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from February 6:

Question from B: The question today has to deal with the concept of empowerment and enslavement that Q’uo mentioned in the last session. We are aware of how enslavement in various kinds occurs through governments, military, and so forth, but what we would like to know [inaudible] empowerment might even be found in the very DNA that we contain, that would help us to realize our life’s goals of serving and of learning, and we were wondering if Q’uo can give us some information about how a person can achieve this empowerment, and what was Q’uo talking about when empowerment was mentioned in relationship to the enslavement. In addition, we would like to know something about what the empowerment in the DNA might actually look like.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. We greatly appreciate and thank each present for calling this circle of seeking together and calling us to your group. It is a great privilege to speak and share our opinions and we would simply ask that, as always, each idea be taken as an opinion and not as an authoritarian statement, for we would not wish to be a stumbling block for any. With this caveat in place we feel free to share our opinion with you without infringing upon your free will or your learning process.

As we gaze upon your query we realize that there are opportunities to infringe neatly pocketed along the way that we shall need to observe, so pardon us if our information is uneven. It is to be noted that as we tell you this story, we ourselves are the legend in the story, and when history is revealed in its truth it is almost inevitably made of stories. There is almost never the possibility of achieving a unified truth concerning the events of your peoples. It is possible to move closer and closer to the full picture but very difficult to move beyond unseen limitations. Some of these unseen limitations lie within us and some within this instrument. Both systems of limitations, whether that be ethical or informational, these things do limit and possibly skew the story that we tell.

The long history of your people is preceded by an even longer, unwritten, unrecorded history of those energies, and essences, and individuals that made their own history at the time of what this instrument would call the last cycle change, or ice age. These entities were plummeted into service of a high second-density nature by entities who wished to have aid and help with their needs. These entities were not intending to be either evil or good, but rather were those who looked upon the second-density life forms of this planet as fair game for molding into the workers that they needed. Thusly, a new race was created, not merely by the infinite Creator, but by those co-Creators which were attempting to work with these life-forms for their own needs. Further energy and further manipulation was offered to these entities, creating within them that which this entity would call soul-streams. These were the improvements, shall we say, that indeed moved into that which was part of the DNA. However, not the same portion of DNA which had been the focus of change previously.

In this second wave of alterations, improvements were made so that entities were of third density, being ensouled and capable of mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution in ways which transcended the second-density model of individuals coming from a gene pool and returning to that common memory pool. These entities, then, having been altered twice, were soon joined by other entities from other spheres within your galaxy whose time had run out for their third-density planets, and whose needs led them to this particular sphere that you call Earth. These entities through the processes of years, generations, and millennia gradually continued to alter and continued to spread and continued to learn. With the steady increase in the sources of population to your planet came an increasingly complex mix of archetypical structures, which were in some ways not so much incompatible as cranky with each other. It was not that the differences between populations was impossible to breach, it was that within the biases of the population groups there survived a good deal of territorial energy from second density, the parent genetic structure being that of the great apes.

Consequently, there was an inborn tendency towards aggression which had only been encouraged by the second wave of genetic manipulation. This set the stage for entities we shall grandly call the space pirates. The space pirates were, in these entities’ way of describing them, from the fifth density, and they had many minions from the fourth density, but these densities being in the negative sense a very pure path along the path of service to self. It was discovered that if these entities used those with a hunger for power to encourage and hone their appetite for power and domination, these entities in turn would do their best, through the processes of aggression and war, to conquer and control that which was seen as desirable, whether it be geography, position, money or power. And these entities found, perhaps due to the limitations of your human imagination, perhaps due to the limitations of imagination of fourth-density minions, that their greatest tool was the very blunt instrument of war and consequently, when the forces that learned their trade within the culture that this instrument calls Atlantis, whenever these entities show up their plan is always to encourage division, strife, and, if possible at all, the largest war available.

The group question for this session was: “we were wondering if Q’uo can give us some information about how a person can achieve this empowerment, and what was Q’uo talking about when empowerment was mentioned in relationship to the enslavement. In addition, we would like to know something about what the empowerment in the DNA might actually look like. Q’uo began their reply by saying that they could see the possibility of infringing upon free will so that their reply might be uneven, and they said that as they would answer the question in the form of a story that they would be part of the story as would the people of Earth, so it would be difficult to give the true picture concerning the events of our people because there were unseen limitations within Q’uo and Carla concerning ethics. Q’uo went on by saying that the long history of our people was preceded by a longer unrecorded history of those entities who lived at the time of the ice age, and were late second-density entities who were forced into servitude by third-density entities who needed help with their own needs, and through this interaction—that was neither positive or negative–a new race of beings was created, and further energy manipulation was offered to these second-density entities that created soul-streams within them that involved part of their DNA which was different from the first focus of change. Q’uo continued by saying that the second series of alterations on the second-density beings created third-density beings who were capable of mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution, and they were soon joined by other entities from other spheres within our galaxy who had come to the end of the third-density cycle of 75,000 years and who had not made the graduation into fourth density, so they came to Earth to try again.  Then Q’uo said that these former second-density entities went through many generations of incarnations and continued to learn, and grow, and mix with the entities from other galaxies who had not made the fourth-density harvest, and they didn’t get along well together because of the second-density nature of territoriality that came from their great ape ancestry. Now Q’uo said that there was an inborn tendency towards aggression within these beings which had only been encouraged by the second wave of genetic manipulations, so this set the stage for what Q’uo called space pirates, who were negative entities from the fifth density, and they had many fourth-density minions, so the space pirates used these manipulated entities who had a hunger for power to engage in war to conquer and control other third-density groups in order to acquire land, money, or power, and they carried out these plans most notably in the times of Atlantis to encourage separation, strife, and the largest wars possible. On December 19, 2005, Q’uo described the role of the space pirates and how we can share the message of the Confederation to help people make their choice of service to others:

These entities would no longer be enlivened by third-density entities who have the power of free will that could make the choice of service to self or service to others. They would be instinctual, great-ape-type beings who look like you do because that is the genetic pool that now exists upon planet Earth. However, these entities would simply be slaves of a kind that spent their lives living a life much as you now experience it: a life without a good deal of variety, a life that is not concerned with coming into harmony as a planetary system but is only concerned with the tribe of its family and its clan, with protecting the resources of that family and clan, and of defending that family and clan.

What the fifth-density entities, which you may call, as this instrument has jokingly done, “space pirates,” have in mind is simply to have a continuing harvest of food, that food being fear. You may see the creation of an atmosphere of fear in your governmental systems in your present culture. Indeed, we find from this instrument’s mind there have been several conversations concerning this precise point recently among those who sit within this circle.

The goal, therefore, of those who wish to aid planet Earth at this time is firstly to express the situation of the choice, without concern for numbers but only with concern for making an appropriate effort to, as this instrument would say, get the word out globally; to share the information of the Confederation as regards this being the density of choice and there being time yet for making that choice.

For this in turn subverts the energies of youth and maturity towards the entrainment of conscious thought processes until entities moved into that space within their minds where they believe and accept as true the necessity of war, the rightness of the native land’s authority figures, and the real and genuine desire to make the world a better place through rearranging the geography, the people who are in power in a way which keeps those in power in even more power and simply enslaves the attitudes of the minds of all of those who follow them into furnishing the physical vehicles that march off to the war, and by their dying, their suffering, and their injustice thereby spread the suffering, the pain, and those other negative emotions ever higher, evermore violently, ever at a greater level. The goal of these space pirates is simply to achieve a [inaudible] so that third-density cycles come and third-density cycles go, and there is either a very small harvest or no harvest at all, most of the harvest, therefore, being that which this instrument might call spent energy or entropy, except that it has to do with the burden of sorrow, grief, suffering, and pain of those who have not made the harvest.

This began to cycle in Atlantis and has moved through its complete cycle at this time. In all three cycles, then, there has been almost no harvest and as your peoples approach the end of this present cycle of time, which is the final opportunity for harvest within this particular planetary third density, the energies of Atlantis remain. There had been incarnations of groups of entities which first did the bidding of these space pirates in Atlantis. Not yet once, but as the gazing eye looks at history this group can be found again and again. Within those of Babylonia, within those of Rome, within those of Germany, within those of Germany once again, and now within that which is the United States.

These energies have grouped, gathered, and arisen as a natural event, since graduation is at hand, and these entities are attempting to graduate in service to self. Consequently, once again millions and millions of earth natives who are otherwise very close to being harvested have been entrained in their minds and in their thinking by the discussion of subjects that lead the mind to war and to the just reasons for it, thereby once again placing these millions of entities in the uncomfortable space of being dimly aware that their true freedom is being taken from them, but truly having no real capacity to figure out what is going on and why there is no rest or peace for them.

Then Q’uo said these wars destabilize the energies of youth and maturity towards the alignment of conscious thought until entities are moved into that place within their minds where they accept the necessity of war, the rightness of the authority figures, and the desire to make the world a better place through conquering other countries, giving more power to the people in power, and enslaving the minds of all of those who follow them by providing the physical vehicles that march off to war, and by their dying spread the suffering and the pain evermore violently and at a greater level so that the goal of these space pirates is simply to achieve a situation so there is either a very small harvest or no harvest at all, most of the harvest being the burden of sorrow and pain of those who have not made the harvest. Q’uo went on to say that this process began to cycle in Atlantis and has been completed without any harvest in any of the three cycles of 25,000 years, and as we near the end of the master cycle of 75,000 years the energies of Atlantis remain. There had been incarnations of groups of entities which first did the bidding of these space pirates in Atlantis as they have done in Babylonia, Rome, Germany in WWI and in WWII, and now within United States. Q’uo continued by saying that these energies have arisen as a natural event, since graduation is at hand, and these entities are attempting to graduate in service to self, so once again millions of earth natives who are close to being harvested have been entrained in their minds to think in ways that lead them to justify war which places millions of people in the difficult position of being only dimly aware that their freedom is being taken from them without any ability to determine what is going on and why there is no peace for them. On March 22, 1981, Hatonn said that graduation is at hand:

My friends, this time is a very important time in the history of your planet. The lessons that have been learned are about to culminate. My friends, graduation is at hand. The lessons shall shortly change, and you shall move to new lessons, lessons where love will be understood, not as an intellectual concept, or expression of feeling, or emotion toward others. My friends, Love will be understood as a living being; will be understood in all of its essence as the foundation for everything that is.

As you become aware of this form of Love you will then be aware of the true creation. My friends, the true creation is Love. There is nothing else. Shortly, as I was saying, you will be fully into this vibration, fully into this new experience, or density, if you will, density of Love. Many, many of the peoples that now inhabit the surface of your planet will not have the opportunity to enter this density at this time but will necessarily reexperience the lessons through which they have just passed. This is neither unfortunate for them nor fortunate for you. It’s just simply the condition of existence. For each it’s the total freedom to choose the path that he walks.

The one known as B asks concerning the DNA and the empowerment of this DNA, and, indeed, the DNA was carefully adjusted not to move beyond third density by those entities of the first adjustment of the great ape vehicle which was found upon your planet at the end of second density. This adjustment was in its own way a safety precaution, as in a tamper-proof lighter or a child-proof bottle cap, for it was felt that such entities as these great ape beings had been would not be able to withstand the pressure of ethical decisions or knowledge of right actions.

However, the structure of DNA is not limited by these manipulations which may be done by your men and women of science. These spirals of light that cohere for the formation and continuation of life are born from states of consciousness or matrices of perception rather than being limited by the current instructions of the current DNA. The energies of unity and unconditional love once welcomed into the heart and worked with in a persistent and conscientious manner begin to lend to the mind of the meditator and seeker of silence access to a state of consciousness in which there are no limitations. In this state of consciousness infinite energies are flowing in infinite supply at all times and there is ample energy to fuel any state of consciousness to which the focus, the desire, the purity, and the process of an entity has brought him. Is it easy to attain a state of consciousness that builds new strands of DNA? For a very few it is relatively easy. However, for most it is a great challenge. The hope of the various populations of your sphere, then, may be based upon that hope that springs forever from the heart. That hope to seek and find, to open up that source of magic that makes the impossible possible.

We of the Confederation of Planets have come to tell a very simple story. It is a story of thought. It is a story of the power of thought. It is a story of the power of a certain Thought that created all that is. It is a story of the power of absolute and unconditional Love. It is a story of intelligent infinity and the desire of that infinity to know Itself. It knows itself with every thought of Its children and each entity of whatever density of whatever planet within the infinite creation is a child of the Father, or as many would say in this time of political correctness: Father/Mother.

This work of connecting DNA strands through alterations in consciousness is work that is as accessible as the next moment, that moment when one ceases speaking and enters the silence with a full heart. This moment is as far away as the nearest star. It is the kind of choice that entities may look at from the worldly point of view and say, what a nice structure, what a pleasant fantasy, that fantasy of creating the self anew and transforming the self into an entirely different kind of person. However, from the standpoint of faith there is available another point of view. That point of view is inscribed within what this instrument would call the magical personality.

For a millennium you upon this planet who look straight at the questions of truth, beauty, and life have carefully written down this and that observation and experiment with consciousness and with energy fields. Each attempt at inner knowledge have been somewhat successful, and there is available to the seeker a fairly substantial supply of excellent information on what it is to become a magical being, what it is to become a nation of priests, what it is to become a tribe of shaman. It is entirely possible through the discipline of the personality, through the seeking after silence, and through the other giving of oneself to the will of the Creator to move into that space wherein there is a true, real possibility of literally designing and building DNA in many of those who come now to birth upon your planet.

The entities you call your scientists begin to find again and again that there are more strands of DNA found within many of the children being born upon your planet at this time and even those who have been born with usual DNA are found to be creating new strands within their incarnation. This is that which we were speaking of when we were mentioning that empowerment of DNA. Indeed, more and more entities among your people are able to share in a charismatic sense a good deal of that state of consciousness for a limited amount of time, it being a yellow-ray sharing rather than that which comes from the truly unified heart. Within this influence it is entirely possible that many would find it maximally potentially doable to lift themselves into a state of mind which indeed is true freedom, that state of mind which no longer is connected to fear, is no longer connected to the desire to defend, but is free to love, to radiate, to embrace.

Now Q’uo said that the DNA of the great ape body was carefully adjusted so that it would not move beyond third density by those entities who made the first adjustment of the great ape vehicle which was found upon our planet at the end of second density, and this adjustment was a safety precaution, for it was felt that these great ape beings would not be able to withstand the pressure of ethical decisions or knowledge of right actions, but the structure of DNA is not limited by these manipulations since these spirals of light that stick together for the formation of life are born from states of consciousness rather than being limited by the current DNA so that: “the energies of unity and unconditional love once welcomed into the heart and worked with in a persistent and conscientious manner begin to lend to the mind of the meditator and seeker of silence access to a state of consciousness in which there are no  limitations.” Q’uo went on to say that in this state of consciousness infinite energies are flowing in to the being of the meditator so that there is enough energy to fuel any state of consciousness to which the desire and purity of an entity has brought him, and for a few it is easy to attain this state of consciousness that builds new strands of DNA, but it is a challenge for most entities, so the hope of most people is that which springs from the heart to seek and find that source of magic that makes the impossible possible. Q’uo continued by saying that they have come to tell a simple story of the power of the Thought of Love that created all that is and a story of intelligent infinity that desired to know Itself through every thought of each of Its children on all planets in each density of the Creator, and this work of connecting DNA strands through alterations in consciousness is work that can be done when one enters the silence of meditation with a full heart, and from the worldly point of view it could be seen as a fantasy, but from the standpoint of faith there is another point of view where the person is transforming itself into the magical personality. Now Q’uo said that for a thousand years that the population of this planet who looked at the questions of truth, beauty, and life have written down their observations and experiments with consciousness, and there is available to the seeker a substantial supply of information on how to become a magical being and what it is to become a nation of priests, and: “it is possible through the discipline of the personality, through the seeking after silence, and through the other giving of oneself to the will of the Creator to move into that space wherein there is a true, real possibility of literally designing and building DNA in many of those who come now to birth upon your planet.” Q’uo said that our scientists have begun to find that there are more strands of DNA found within many of the children being born upon our planet at this time, and those who have been born with normal DNA are creating new strands within their incarnation, and Q’uo said this was what they were speaking of when they said that this was the empowerment of DNA. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that more entities among our people are able to share in an ecstatic state of consciousness for a short amount of time since it is a yellow-ray sharing rather than that which comes from the unified heart, and within this influence it is possible that many would find it possible to: “lift themselves into a state of mind which indeed is true freedom, that state of mind which no longer is connected to fear, is no longer connected to the desire to defend, but is free to love, to radiate, to embrace.” On March 27, 1983, Q’uo described the nature of the discipline of the personality:

The body which shall be inhabited by those of the fourth-density positive remaining upon this sphere is a body which is much more densely filled with light and the force of life which we have spoken of as the prana or love/light of the one infinite Creator. Many among your planet, in studying those things of mystery and of an occult nature, describe this body as the astral body. It is the green-ray energy center equivalent to the body you now inhabit as the yellow-ray energy center body. It is a body which responds much more fluidly and instantaneously to the will and faith developed in the indigo-ray energy center so that those actions or artifacts which are desired are much more easily constructed through the indigo-ray energy center’s contact with intelligent energy. This allows for the further development of the, what might be called, discipline of the personality which allows an entity much greater freedom in travel, in contacting telepathically all those about it, whose thoughts are seen to be quite transparent, and to do all things which serve as catalyst and as means for processing catalyst. The body is therefore much more malleable and subject to that which has created it, that is, the mind of the mind/body/spirit complex.

We feel that we have come to a natural pause and would ask if there are any follow up queries at this time?

Questioner: Has there ever been a time in the history of this planet when human beings experienced unconditional love in a group way?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, at this very moment there are many groups upon your planet who are experiencing unconditional love. Such entities have largely been hidden, entities such as this group, entities who are not at all well known, entities who are completely out of sight of any publicity, have always in these ceaseless changing patterns of energy of groups upon your planet found ways to come together to express love for each other. Sometimes it is the force of an idea that for a time blends people’s energies so beautifully that they are able, simply by the force of an idea, to dedicate their lives to that goal, to that ideal. We would suggest those known as the Quakers and those known as the Transcendentalists.

Other groups have been formed because of the charisma, or beauty, or purity of the service of one entity, a woman or a man of extraordinary capability. The great monasteries of your so-called dark ages were opportunities for entities who wished nothing for themselves but everything for the truth. To serve without [inaudible], without record and with exquisitely positive results. Groups such as these will exist as long as there are entities within third density, for it is the absolute destiny of that which you call the human spirit to seek and know the truth. When that seeking for the truth becomes so pure that it has a force stronger than the need to respect authority or resist change, then such a group moves forward, finds its own strength and serves quietly, lovingly, faithfully and persistently.

Spiritually speaking, history is story after story of those who, for the love of the Creator, for the love of an ideal, or for the love of a wonderful teacher, gave all that they were and all that they had towards the generation and the propagation of unconditional love.

May we answer you further, my brother?


Questioner: In the Ra books it was mentioned how much of the information that seemed quite sensational was actually transitory and had little importance. When making films, this type of sensational information is usually quite frequently utilized. How best can we balance the need for sensational attraction and the quality information that may not be quite as sensational?

We are those of Q’uo, and grasp your query, my brother. Perhaps we may simply say that when telling the absolute truth, the sense of humor is often helpful. May we ask if this penetrates the outer walls of thought at all, or shall we attempt again?

Questioner: Could you also speak further?

We are those of the Q’uo, and would be glad to do so. It is indeed truth that transient material fascinates the mind of those within the illusion which supports such antics. It is equally true that the substance of metaphysics is naturally and instinctually fascinating to few. The introduction of characters who are wise is often accompanied, because of these biases, by the addition to that character of quirks which while not destroying the creature’s wisdom or veracity, nevertheless give a character quirks that are genuinely humorous to that culture. Consequently, the use of humor softens the blow of the use of truth. The use of the various devices of humor, whether those be of language as in the rhyming or in any other…

[Side one of tape ends.]

Questioner: In The Law of One books it was mentioned that Star Wars was kind of like a children’s story compared to what is really occurring. So many times Hollywood uses fantastic stories to give a message. Is there some way that we could be more realistic, shall we say, in presenting this information?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We believe that there are an infinite number of ways for such information to be shared. The truth of spiritual achievement is that those among your peoples at any particular time who are able to do work in consciousness dwell side by side with those who have no claim to an inner life. They dwell for the most part very quietly. We would ask you to think of those known to this instrument as Native Americans, whose rituals are based within the general category of the magical personality and seen by ordinary people as an everyday part of a naturally lived life. To entities within this particular culture all parts of the illusion are alive, all first density, second density, and third density entities alike share consciousness and are part of one ever moving, ever living story of creation. The earth is seen as the body of the mother and all of those upon the mother are seen as the children of the mother. All natural elements and energies and animals and plants are seen as various very lively, very energy filled creation which is full of information at all times.

It is very instructive to see how simple and direct many of these exercises in enlarging consciousness are. The truth of enslavement to fear and suffering and other people’s wars, and the possibility of choosing instead empowerment, freedom and the spiritual path is one which lies directly in the path of every day and of every man. It is not necessary to be extreme or inhuman in order to become an entity that truly has a magical personality. Rather, it is a matter of moving through an awakening process and becoming directly aware of the self. Once this point has been reached—and this point is very realistically expected to be reached by one who attempts it—the universe opens and the impossible becomes possible.

The greatest amount of effort for one who is attempting to make this change is the beginning, where it is in the beginning where one must express the faith of that which has not yet occurred. When there is a very good psychological structure which would give characters a reason to pay attention and to begin to work upon the spiritual personality, the magical personality, then it is possible, perhaps, to move into your structure of [inaudible] character the logical and persuasive proximate reasons for characters to become part of a group which does attempt to seek the truth.

May I answer you further, my brother?

Questioner: One particular possibility is to have a dissatisfied businessman who has perhaps suffered a loss of a loved one who has the chance to risk his life to save another, and this other was not really in danger but was a means by which an ancient brotherhood contacts him and through this interaction between the brotherhood and the man many aspects of love [inaudible] are brought out. Could you comment on this particular approach to the project?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. As in many good ideas there are inconsistencies within the idea. However, we would say on the whole it is an excellent idea. The difficulty that we see with it is simply that the positively oriented entity is unlikely to set up a situation that is false in order to make a test. Rather, such an entity or group of entities would observe such an entity as moving into such a role and would, because of the emotional colors shown by this entity, because of its emotional purity and love, become a candidate for further communication.

May we speak further, my brother?

Questioner: So the situation would really be an actual situation that would be observed by the brotherhood rather than being staged by the brotherhood?

We are those of Q’uo, and we can affirm your understanding, my brother.

Questioner: Could you comment on a second approach which would have a scientist, a geneticist perhaps, discovering that within the DNA there had been a certain quality that allowed the experience of unity but it had been switched off so he begins to work with himself and his own DNA to switch it back on, which brings him into contact with various villains and other characters.

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. And this concept is also an excellent one and also has drawbacks, in our opinion, and we would share that with you. The DNA angle, shall we say, is a very helpful one to bring up for entities as it is, indeed, the heart of the penetration into the illusion of the structure of the spiritually or energetically formed world. The changes that will allow entities within third density to welcome fourth density life are bound up in the further strands of DNA that are formed with the full consciousness of unconditional love.

However, the concept of moving through scientific testing and in some way measurable by scientific instruments at this time discovering how to place unconditional love into the perceptive matrix of an entity is questionable. There is much to study, shall we say, in this angle of DNA research and we would suggest that which has been useful to this instrument has been a specific work called, The Biology of Perception. This instrument, we may say, has had its eyes opened to a great extent, far greater than the eyes were open before on this subject by this very helpful bit of research.

We encourage the one known as B to investigate not only this particular source of information on DNA and perception, but any sources which are suggested in the course of investigation into this particular article or video cassette as this instrument would call it.

May we answer you further, my brother?

Questioner: So, when you said earlier that there were children now being born with additional strands in their DNA, is it true then that this would not be measurable by current scientific technology.

We are those of Q’uo, and would say, my brother, that there is always the possibility of doubt when outrageously different or new information is offered, and this has certainly proven to be the case with many other instances of seeming impossible events, such as, for instance, the possibility of meteors falling from the heavens, which was considered impossible at the time that they were finally, once and for all proven to exist. We find that we are very limited in our ability to speak concerning this because it is more than most of those things that we have offered that which can be plumbed by the use of your techniques of research.

May we answer you further, my brother?

Questioner: What was the connection of doubt that was mentioned?

We are those of Q’uo, and, my brother, we do not doubt that we used the word, but we doubt that we can remember why.

Questioner: Writing about unconditional love is hard to do from the theoretical point of view. Is there something that B could do in the way of another session with Carla or with Q’uo that would help him to experience this quality in order to be able to write about it?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Certainly, we would be glad to speak with you upon the subject at another time. The one known as Carla is also most happy to share upon the subject. We would also point out that there are two other sources of strength for you. One is that invisible but very present group of entities that are devoted to the one known as B and that have spent many, many years caring for and accompanying the one known as B. Those presences of support, sanity, and encouragement that have sometimes been felt are most real and most loving ,and these constitute an unseen band of advisers and helpers. The key in invoking their help is in the word, invoke. It must be asked for, and it must be appreciated. With the request and the thanksgiving being the foundations of such a silent communication with those that have no words, this very powerful help may be activated, enlivened and energized by the living entity’s faith that they are there.

The second group that this entity has available to it is that visible group known as L/L Research which has a physical location and a location in time which meet your requirements for being upon the planet at the same time and being able to connect with a spiritual group, or, shall we say, a spiritual clan or family, which in and of itself has the potential to be a great source of strength for those who wish to spend time becoming, shall we say, enchanted or charmed by the magic of that particular gathering of light and energy. Such places, once established, are as the lighthouse which the longer it burns gathers more fuel to burn even brighter.

We are aware that this has been your last query but if we may clear up anything we would offer you that opportunity at this time.

Questioner: Thank you for your questions, they were very, very good.

We are those of Q’uo, and we would at this time take this opportunity to bless you, wish you well and leave you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are always available to you to deepen and strengthen your meditative states. You have only to ask mentally, and we will be there in silence and in great love. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai. Adonai vasu borragus.

This morning I went outside and drained 6 inches of water out of the fish pond and then refilled it with fresh water. I could tell that the filters for the pond were not dirty so I didn’t clean them, but I could tell that some of the netting around the pond is torn, so in the next few days I may be replacing the torn netting on three sides of the fishpond with new netting.

This afternoon I went out to the parking area in front of my home and used a shovel to shovel the crushed rock and snow out from behind the long flower garden beside the parking area. Then I used a rake to rake the crushed rock off of the flower garden and back into the parking area. I also used the rake to rake up some crushed rock behind the flower garden and in front of the Burning Bushes. Then I used my backpack blower to blow the flower gardens and the stones in front of the gardens free of the small amounts of crushed rock here and there.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

February 2

Every Flower Rejoices

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the full consciousness of Love.

Be it known to you that every flower that nods in the sunlight rejoices in Love; that every green leaf that shakes upon the bough lifts its voice in songs of praise to Love.

Know, too, that every cell of your body and every cell of your mind is full of the Love of the Father, full of the Christ, full of rejoicing.

It may seem to you that portions of your body or your mind have been cut off from the Love of God in Jesus Christ. Believe and know that this is in no case the final truth and press on in faith, holding the vision of Love in every cell, of rejoicing in every iota of the body and the mind. By this may the power of the Spirit of Love be called to you, be drawn upon you, and begin to heal you.

We leave you in the peace of love, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. The Q’uo quote today comes from January 26:

The question this week is from J: “My understanding is that free will is based on the right to shift the point from which one views life and experience, while choice deals with the decisions made once you are there on that point of view.” We would like Q’uo’s comment upon J’s idea that free will is the point from which one views, while choice deals with the decisions made from that point of view.

(Carla channeling)

We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is our great privilege to be called to your group for this session of working, and we thank each of you for the seeking that brought you hither. We ask, as always, that each use discrimination in listening to those concepts which we may offer this day, for we would greatly prefer not to be a stumbling block before any. It is never known what reed may break under a general breeze, and truly we would wish to harm no spirit who is seeking this day. We simply urge each to be aware of the power of thoughts, perceptions, and concepts, for their energy for weal or woe is great.

You ask this day concerning the nature of free will and the nature of choice, and as often is the case in such queries, we find it is well to step back from that question and create some platform from which to observe the context of that question. The structure of the universe that is your house is created hierarchically; that is, from that which is above to that which is below or from that which is inner to that which is outer. In this hierarchy of creation, the unpotentiated Creator is that which rests in infinity and eternity. The first distortion to this one infinite Creator is that distortion called free will. The distortion called free will creates that distortion which is called the Logos, that principle from which the creation is brought forth, that Thought whose power to create and to destroy is absolute. From this second distortion of unity in its unpotentiated form develops all of the nested series of illusions which you enjoy within your creation. Such is the structure of the house of the one infinite Creator.

What, then, could be described as the nature of this first distortion of that so-called Law of One or unity of all things? Within this instrument’s system of studied and practiced religion, there is a concept which is part of the mythological structure of Christianity, as it is called, that entity being one of a triune set of entities or essences which express the relationship of parent-child and that which is somewhat amorphously called the Holy Spirit. It is this so-called Holy Spirit that holds within this mythological system the equivalent position to this first distortion which is called free will, in that it expresses the feminine aspect of the principle of deity; in that it is the fructifying, fertilizing, and potentiating force that makes possible the concept of novelty, creation, separation, and all of the concepts that flow therefrom, including the concept of choice.

Consequently, this aspect of free will is as an archetype or an archetypical energy which has aspects of the Creator centrally placed within that structure which make free will, as an entity or essence, that mystery which is infinitely feminine in the archetypical sense. Thusly, it could be observed that the energies of femininity can be seen prejudicially as being negative, in the same way that Light can be seen to be a negative influence from the standpoint of those who associate Light and knowledge with an awareness of sinfulness or wrongdoing. However, the energy of free will is as the energy of the wind, moving under divine influence.

Light, itself, may be seen to be an aspect of divinity, and that which is subsumed under the concept of the tree of good and evil may, endlessly, be seen in ways both positive and negative. Always, when there is such power as free will expresses, there is within the system of judgment of those attempting to grasp the nature of such energies a slight tendency, perhaps, to be prejudiced against the sheer power of such an impersonal and yet highly individuated essence, to the soul stream which is looking out through the eyes of incarnation. The impact of beginning to grasp the actual nature of the nested illusions of experience is daunting and can constitute a time of adjustment in which the nature of the self is allowed to transform itself according to the ways of this free will that enters into the creation upon each level of development. The free will of yourself can barely be distinguished from the free will of that Logos that is your higher self, that overarching Logos that is the group mind of that soul stream, that overarching Logos that is the planetary mind, and so forth. The connections that each entity has with other aspects of an infinite being that is the self are unending, so that free will is, shall we say, that icon of deity which expresses the feminine, the ever-moving, the fructifying.

The group question for this session was: “My understanding is that free will is based on the right to shift the point from which one views life and experience, while choice deals with the decisions made once you are there on that point of view. We would like Q’uo’s comment upon J’s idea that free will is the point from which one views, while choice deals with the decisions made from that point of view.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that it is well to step back from the question and create some platform from which to observe the context of that question where the unpotentiated Creator is that which rests in infinity, and the first distortion to this one infinite Creator is called free will that creates the distortion which is called the Logos, or Love, and is that principle from which the creation is brought forth so that Thought, whose power to create and to destroy is absolute, and from this second distortion of unity in its unpotentiated form develop all of the nested series of illusions which you enjoy within your creation. Q’uo went on to ask what is the nature of this first distortion of the Law of One or unity of all things? They answered by saying that in Carla’s practice of religions that there is a concept which is part of the mystical nature of Christianity, and is that entity that is one of a trinity of beings which express the relationship of parent to child, and is that which is called the Holy Spirit that holds within this mystical system the equivalent position to this first distortion of free will because it expresses the feminine aspect of the principle of deity that it is the fructifying and potentiating force that makes possible the concept of creation and all of the concepts that flow from it, including the concept of choice. Q’uo continued by saying that this aspect of free will is an archetypical energy which has aspects of the Creator placed within that structure which makes free will that mystery which is feminine in the archetypical sense so that it could be said that the energies of femininity can be seen as being negative, in the same way that Light can be seen to be a negative influence from the standpoint of those who associate Light and knowledge with an awareness of sinfulness or wrongdoing, but free will is like the energy of the wind that moves under divine influence. Then Q’uo said that Light may be seen to be an aspect of divinity which is  included under the concept of the tree of good and evil and can be seen in ways both positive and negative, and when there is the kind power as free will expresses, there is within the system of judgment of those attempting to grasp the nature of such energies of the positive and the negative a tendency to be prejudiced against the power of such an impersonal quality of Light as seen by the soul which is looking out through the eyes of its incarnation. Q’uo said that the difficulty of beginning to grasp the actual nature of the levels of illusions of experience can require a time of adjustment in which the nature of the self is allowed to transform itself according to the ways of this free will that enters into the creation upon each level of development and: “The free will of yourself can barely be distinguished from the free will of that Logos that is your higher self, that overarching Logos that is the group mind of that soul stream, that overarching Logos that is the planetary mind, and so forth. The connections that each entity has with other aspects of an infinite being that is the self are unending, so that free will is, shall we say, that icon of deity which expresses the feminine, the ever-moving, the fructifying.” On April 18, 2005, Q’uo spoke of the nature of our soul stream:

The requirements for penetrating the veil of forgetting are a sincere feeling that this is an important piece of information that will help you in your spiritual evolution. If the desire is pointed in the direction of this information, then that activates the process of coming into possession of more information of this type. The maximum degree of penetration of the veil of forgetting is variable. Different entities will be able to bear different percentages of the full weight of the experiences that have been embraced and assimilated by the soul stream.

The density and weight of such information is incredibly great. You, my brother, would find it difficult to believe the amount of information and the kind of information that you have accreted to your soul stream during the very long and busy history of your beingness. You must realize that you have existed since before the planet upon which you now draw breath was created. You are a portion of the Creator Itself. You have experienced all densities within this octave of creation. In the non-local or metaphysical sense, you are even now in all of the densities, accumulating information to yourself to offer up as a gift to the one infinite Creator. Consequently, to know even one percent of your total history would be far too much information for you to bear within incarnation.

As we begin to speak of choice, we move deeply within this nested arrangement of illusions into that one which you now enjoy, for this illusion which you now enjoy, which we have often called third density, is that density within which a very pivotal choice must be made, and indeed for almost all of those upon the surface of your sphere at this time, has been made. Indeed, in these so-called latter days, we have begun to release our concerns about choosing, for we feel more and more that people are awakening to their choice having been made, or are becoming aware very quickly of the choice to be made: that is, the choice of service to others or service to self and the making of that choice.

It is a situation in which people are within a very small distance of awakening in greater numbers, and we can say that this is exciting for us to see. It does indeed seem to be a substantially growing energy within our observed routines in watching the energies of your planetary energy grids that there is more substantial light from all over your globe, that there are those within all precincts of your earthly sphere who are spending time within the tabernacle of their hearts offering their hopes, their dreams, and their full intentions towards the increase of light, love, healing, and peace within your planetary sphere.

These energies are not lost but rather are gathered together, and, as we have shown this instrument before, you may see these angels of Light weaving together the many, many prayers and hopes, and dreams, and visions that are the vehicles for sending light that is blessed by entities such as yourselves into the inner spheres. We may say that many, many are those who have chosen to begin to do this, as people, whenever they can, thinking of those who are in need and sending them prayers of love, light, and support. Indeed, we find more and more that entities have made the choice of how to serve the infinite Creator.

Now, perhaps it is valid to build on the choice that has been made, to rest within its commitment as if it were a cleft in the rock, and from that point of view which is the choice to be fearless, to allow all other choices to be those choices that optimize the perceived sense of Love. The choice of service to others or service to self that so classically is expressed in the archetypical image of the tarot card of The Lovers seems a simple one. It often seems very clear what is service to self and what is service to others. However, many are those who have found that there are courses in polarity given to them by the school of life which are exceedingly subtle and worthy of study. For those who are attempting not only to choose but to choose with grace, and deftness, and skill, not the most obvious service to others but the highest, there is a never-ending and very rich palate of choices to be made, options to be considered. And always, ever-new each day, a new and newly mysterious universe to comprehend, behold and give thanks for. Free will blows as it will; spirit moves where “it listeth.” Shall your ears be open; shall your eyes see clearly; shall your hearts understand. We salute that universe our poor words faultily attempt to describe, and we salute the questioner for seeking the truth.

Then as Q’uo began to speak of choice they said that it is in the third density that an important choice must be made, and Q’uo felt that more people are awakening to the need to make this choice of service to others or of service to self, and they said that there is a growing energy within our planetary energy grids where there is more light shining from all over our planet because more people are spending time within the tabernacle of their hearts to offer their hopes, and dreams, and their intention towards helping to increase the light, love, healing, and peace with the Earth. Q’uo continued by saying that these energies are gathered together by angels of Light weaving together the prayers, hopes, and dreams that are blessed and sent by entities such as ourselves into the inner planes of Earth, and there are many more people sending these prayers whenever they think of those who are in need, and this is a reflection that more people who have made the choice of how to serve the infinite Creator. Q’uo went on by saying that it is valid  for us to build on the choice that we have made by choosing to be fearless and to allow all other choices to be those that increase our sense of Love because the choice of service to others or service to self that is expressed in the archetypical image of the tarot card of The Lovers seems a simple and clear example of what is service to others and what is service to self. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that many of us have found that there are courses in polarity given to us by the school of life which are subtle and worthy of study, and as we are attempting choose with grace and skill the highest form of service to others, there is an endless number of choices to be made, and every day there is a newly mysterious universe to behold and give thanks for because: “Free will blows as it will; spirit moves where “it listeth.” Shall your ears be open; shall your eyes see clearly; shall your hearts understand. We salute that universe our poor words faultily attempt to describe, and we salute the questioner for seeking the truth.” In 99.8, Ra speaks about the nature of the The Lovers, or the Transformation of the Mind:

Let us now observe the evaluation of the two females. The observation that to the left-hand path moves the roughly physical and to the right-hand path the mental has a shallow correctness. There are deeper observations to be made concerning the relationship of the great sea of the unconscious mind to the conscious mind which may fruitfully be pursued. Remember, O student, that these images are not literal. They haunt rather than explicate.

Many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mind were a badly used, prostituted entity. Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough, prostituted, and without great virtue. Those who turn to the deep mind, seeing it in the guise of the maiden, go forth to court it. The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted, yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great. The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves.

We hope that our humble words have provided some thoughts that may be helpful and would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim that any other queries that this group may have may be addressed. We thank this instrument and leave it in love and in light. We are those known to you as Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and we greet each once again in love and in light through this instrument. At this time, we would ask if there may be any further queries remaining upon the minds of those present. Is there another query at this time?

T: Yes, I have a question. Maybe I’m beating a dead horse, but it’s back to my attempts to conquer my negativity, and I guess just any help, I mean, my idea is to try to pick out the person that I least like to give positive thoughts to and attempt to do that. Could you comment on this or have any suggestions?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We would respond by suggesting that, though it is well to send positive thoughts and thought forms to those whom you feel have an emotional attachment to you or, should we say, you to them, it is also well to be able to accept the self, for having this flow of charged catalyst moving through one is much like the meditation in which you attempt to focus single-pointedly upon a concept, a thought, or a feeling or perhaps upon nothing itself, and while you are doing this, many thoughts of all kinds move through your mind and to address them most efficiently with your goal of single-pointed focus in mind, it is well to observe them and let them go. Thus, in your daily round of activities, as you experience these moments of negativity in which you feel anger or frustration, or doubt or fear, any of the emotions which would cause you concern, that you also observe these, that you let them move through your being and let them continue through your being unless you feel there is some quality or concept which a particularly recurring thought may have for you. This you may determine by feeling the emotion within you in its, shall we say, aftereffects or long-run impact upon your mind and your emotions. When you feel there is something of importance within the origination of such a thought or the form in which it takes and expresses itself to you, then this also may be examined. However, if you feel there is no emotion that is connected to the thoughts in a personal sense, it is well to allow the thoughts to pass their way and to continue on your way. Is there a further query, my brother?

T: No, thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

V: I have a quickie. As you spoke of the concept of free will earlier, you likened it to a house as a hierarchical structure, and what came very vividly to mind was a brief portion of a dream that I had a number of years ago where I am standing in front of a very large house, or not standing but riding in a car and traveling up to the front of the house, and I say to the person with whom I’m traveling, “This is my father’s house. It has thirteen rooms.” I’ve never known what that meant, and I don’t even know why it came to mind as you were speaking of the concept of free will, but I’m wondering if indeed that is why it came to mind. Can you speak to that?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister, and, to a degree, we feel that we may speak, though there is much in this concept which is best left for your discovery. However, in relating the concept of free will as a house or a hierarchical structure, we may suggest to you that, in the dream house with thirteen rooms, that you have within this structure which you have described in the dream as your father’s house a room for yourself that is placed in an hierarchical fashion; that in this house which belongs to your father there is a place for you, and that place is the point, is the question.

Is there a further query, my sister?

V: No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I’d like to ask about a dream I had also, Q’uo. Just anything that you could tell me about its meaning, because it’s haunted me. In the dream, I was trying very hard to save a family of royalty from the disloyalty and perfidy of some people that were around them, and I was having to work with a whole team and do all kinds of derring-do, and it was a big adventure, and, at the end of the dream, when I woke up, I had collected all this evidence against the criminals and had taken it to the authorities, and then was told that, because I had done it the wrong way, I had not taken the evidence directly to the judge, that the evidence was no good and that I had failed to do my job. And, since I had that dream, I’ve had several more dreams in which I’m seemingly back in this same, very large hospital and research center trying hard to save the lives of the royalty that the opposition is attempting to kill. If you could give me some directions to go in looking at that, I’d like anything that you have to say, I’d appreciate it.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We face the same situation in regards to providing interpretation of this message from your subconscious as we did in the previous query. However, we may suggest that the family of royalty may be looked at as those qualities or concepts that are held most dear by you and for which you would indeed give all of your effort, your self, and your incarnation for the preserving of which. The paperwork may be seen as related to the mundane world and its valuing of such qualities or principles.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: Not on that point. I would like to ask another question with the full understanding that I’m just asking, and you don’t have to answer. I would appreciate it if you could confirm that an energy that I’ve recognized in the one known as K is belonging to an entity that seems now to be visiting another entity known as C. I wondered if you could comment on this or confirm that there is indeed a congruency of vibration?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister, and may suggest that there is a great degree of truth in this assumption, though there is also more complexity than the simplicity of the statement would suggest.

Is there a further query?

Carla: Yeah, I’d like to follow up on that by asking if, by that, you intend to indicate that there is a fairly comprehensive extended family of entities that are not local earth which cooperate together not just on the positive side but also on the side of service to self in attempting to create the atmosphere that would be most conducive to their goals.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister, and would suggest that this assumption is correct except with the use of the verb, cooperate. Those of negative polarity compete, thus there may be more than one negative source.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No, not at all. I will have much to think about there. Thank you for that. I just really appreciate being able to talk to you. Thank you for everything.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I guess, could I ask just one last query? And, it is this. A lot of people have asked me lately, how do I look at this world with all of its difficulties and have a good attitude, and I’ve basically said to them things along the lines of, well, just look and be as accurate as you can and learn it all and know that this is what it is that you’re here to love. Is that a helpful way to focus on the things that are seemingly quite appalling that are occurring, is that it’s time for us to be steadfast but it’s good for us to know what we’re being steadfast in the face of?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would suggest that, as you look at the illusion which is your experience at this time in third density, that you attempt to activate and balance all energy centers and the attributes with which they allow you to deal with the solution; that you see with clear eyes and honest seeking for truth that you give wholeheartedly your unconditional love to the Creator in all beings; that you work tirelessly within your illusion to bring these principles to those you love; that you communicate with each entity that you have a connection with to work together for this goal and that you give praise and thanksgiving for the very life you experience within whatever kind of illusion presents itself to you in your daily round of activities. Taken together, these energy centers and expressions of your abilities and desires can form a kind of magical transformation; first upon a metaphysical level of your own being and of the illusion about you, and then may move in a doubled sense each time you are able to share with another these efforts, concerns, dreams, and so forth.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No, Q’uo, thank you so much.

I am Q’uo, and again we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

[No further queries.]

I am Q’uo. We would take this opportunity to thank each one again for inviting us to join you in your circle of seeking this day. It is always as great joy for us to do so.

[Tape ends.]

This morning I was honored to be a guest on Jonthan Tong’s Seattle Law of One Study Group where I attempted to answer the various spiritual questions of the members of the study group. I enjoyed all of the questions because I knew that they came from conscious seekers of truth that were hoping to take one more step on their spiritual journey.

This afternoon I went across the street to my neighbor’s yard and cut up a large pine tree limb with my chainsaw, and I filled four garbage cans and brought them back to my driveway so that I can put them out for yard waste pickup next Thursday.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

February 1

Open Your Hearts To Love

I am the Spirit of Jesus the Christ left to the world upon this Master’s removal from it. I greet you in the comfortable Word of divine Love.

We proclaimed ourselves to this instrument this morning as the Spirit of the one infinite Creator. And so, we were challenged again in the name of Jesus the Christ, for the instrument felt we were too close in feeling to other material this instrument has received which seems not to be of Jesus the Christ.

Yet we must remind the instrument that all those of the world of Spirit move from the one Creator, and as this instrument challenges in the name of Jesus the Christ, so all who come to this instrument are linked in unity of consciousness.

To some we are angels; to others, alien beings. Yet in our essence is our function; in our Love and its communication, our hope of service. You, who seek to serve Jesus the Christ, open your hearts to the perfect Love of yourself, for you were created by Love. You are love. The rest is surface behavior and confusion.

May you sink into the comfort of your true nature. May you seek the comfort of the spirit of Christ. And may you manifest the Love which flows through you to all whom you meet this day.

We leave you in peace, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from January 5:

The question today has to do with the grid of our planet as we are moving from third into fourth density. We are assuming that there are points on this grid that are in need of some attention, some sort of focusing energy which we would like to be able to do in our meditative state and maybe even in general; just the way we are able to live our lives to produce compassion, or love, or mercy, or forgiveness in our daily round of activities. We would like Q’uo to give us some sort of an idea about how we might be able to be of service in this respect: in strengthening the grid, the road to fourth density from where we are in our daily round of activities in dealing with the catalyst of the day, with our own distortions, with our desire to serve and our feeling like sometimes it’s just too much.

(Carla channeling)

We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We consider ourselves to be those who are part of what this instrument’s teacher calls the godhead principle, and we speak to that part of you which has called us here, that part of you which is also the godhead principle. It is in the sympathetic vibration of that likeness of focus and polarity that we link and find ourselves in this most agreeable and blessed condition of sharing this time of seeking with you. We thank you for the privilege of being called and for the careful way in which our nature was defined by the parameters of the tuning and challenging of this instrument. We greatly appreciate the care being taken with the tuning of the connection to enable us to experience clear communication with this particular, shall we say, biological instrument; one of the more complicated wind instruments, shall we say, being the human bodily instrument. In this case, the instrument is also the composer of the song which creates a fascinating context for us to work within in shaping these awkward bundles which are called words, to attempt to speak of concepts which exceed the limit of any words. We ask only that each take what seems sensible and helpful, from those thoughts we share, and leave the rest behind, for we are not those who are in authority but rather those who share experiences as your neighbors and co-creators.

We are glad this day to speak with you concerning the metaphysical road-building in which this particular instrument and the one known as Jim have been much interested in late months, as the experience of entering fully into the twenty first century and dealing with the weight of previously known information has brought these two entities to a condition of perception at this juncture which seems to indicate work in the direction of this metaphysical roadbuilding.

Wewould first comment upon the concept of time, for much of what we say has a certain timbre which can create sense only within a limited context, that being the illusory context of space/time. The metaphysical universe is not the space/time universe, and so, consequently, a query concerning the physical aspects of metaphysical work draws a response which must straddle both space/time and time/space considerations. The outer activism which is the interest of this instrument, especially, is dependent upon a network of information and data concerning space/time projections of time/space events. If one focuses upon the space/time continuum and its illusory march of progress, shall we say, the energies of metaphysical structure recede, and the more the effort is made to interact with space/time events and space/time values, the less direct will be the effect of such work upon the time/space or metaphysical continuum, which is a consideration when one is attempting to connect space/time to time/space, insofar as each entity involved is capable of embodying that linkage.

In this regard, we would state our observation that fear and fear-based concern is easily the most challenging foe that stands before the faithful warrior of Light at this juncture. We do not criticize or judge entities for their fear-based responses to the space/time events which unfold as part of the consensus reality of your illusion. There certainly would appear to be concerning and substantial issues which indicate almost certain disaster. From our viewpoint as those observing this global culture from the outside in, we would state another observation, that being that, although it may have escaped your notice, there have been few years in recorded history in which there was not disaster, catastrophe, and war. There also has not been a time within your recorded history when there has not been a wide range of options for solving all perceived problems. That which appears to be worthy of great fear on another level is precisely that which may be embraced with the most surety, because it is in challenging and novel times that one begins, within incarnation, to learn about the self and to be surprised, encouraged, invigorated, and renewed by the experiences one has in learning of the depths of the self, the self’s emotions, and the self’s hopes and dreams.

Is it hunger that is feared? Then, when that time of hunger comes, take what little that you have and give it away to the common good, and you will find that you can create miracles of loaves and fishes. Do you fear the cold? Take heart, and when you are cold, move to the company of others who are also cold and embrace them, and together you may live through the night and know the heart of another. Do you fear having nothing? Take heart, for truly all entities possess nothing, but merely share that which comes their way, that which has been allowed to come their way by circumstance, by pre-incarnational request and by the desire to learn. Do you fear not having enough? Embrace thankfulness and gratitude and count the blessings of what tiny things you may have in the face of deprivation, and you will find yourself endlessly giving thanks.

For once the eyes of gratitude, of thankfulness, have been opened, it may more and more easily be seen that all circumstances are those for which one may give thanks with a true, honest, and cheerful heart, for insofar as circumstances seem difficult, just so far shall they later be revealed as the healers of those deeply buried sores that must be lanced. Each entity has placed in its own path those things which look remarkably like stumbling blocks and sources of great suffering, and they can be seen that way with perfect logic and sanity. We do not suggest that losing fear is a logical process; we suggest rather that the way the process of living has its impact upon a given soul is dependent upon that soul’s point of view and attitude. We are suggesting that the point of view or attitude is powerful and central to the goal of becoming a working crystal which is indeed sending blessed and transmuted Light received from the infinite Creator by personal intention into the planetary fourth-density/third-density connection, creating the lighting up of the fourth-density grid.

The group question for this session was: “We would like Q’uo to give us some sort of an idea about how we might be able to be of service in this respect: in strengthening the grid, the road to fourth density from where we are in our daily round of activities in dealing with the catalyst of the day, with our own distortions, with our desire to serve and our feeling like sometimes it’s just too much.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that they were glad to speak about metaphysical road-building that Carla and Jim had been working with lately as a means of entering fully into the twenty-first century to build upon previous information they had gathered on this topic. Q’uo continued by saying that they wanted to comment on the concept of space/time because the metaphysical universe is not the space/time universe, and a question about the physical nature of metaphysical work requires that the answer include both space/time and time/space considerations because as more effort is made to interact with space/time events and space/time values, the less direct will be the effect of such work upon the time/space or metaphysical continuum which must be taken into consideration when one is attempting to connect space/time to time/space, as each of us of expressing that linkage. Q’uo went on to say that fear-based concern is the most challenging foe that stands before the faithful warrior of Light at this time, but they did not judge people for their fear-based responses to the space/time events which are part of the consensus reality of our illusion even though there were concerning issues which indicate almost certain disaster in the future. Then Q’uo said that in observing our global cultures that throughout the history of Earth there were few years when there was not a disaster of some kind as well as options for solving all of these problems so that it could be said that these disasters can be embraced on a higher level with surety because challenging times within our incarnations give us the opportunity to learn more about ourself and to be encouraged by these experiences that we have in learning the depths of our self, our emotions, and our dreams.  Now Q’uo asked: “Is it hunger that is feared? Then, when that time of hunger comes, take what little that you have and give it away to the common good, and you will find that you can create miracles of loaves and fishes. Do you fear the cold? Take heart, and when you are cold, move to the company of others who are also cold and embrace them, and together you may live through the night and know the heart of another. Do you fear having nothing? Take heart, for truly all entities possess nothing, but merely share that which comes their way, that which has been allowed to come their way by circumstance, by pre-incarnational request and by the desire to learn. Do you fear not having enough? Embrace thankfulness and gratitude and count the blessings of what tiny things you may have in the face of deprivation, and you will find yourself endlessly giving thanks.” Q’uo said that when our eyes of gratitude and thankfulness have been opened we can see that all experiences are those for which we can be grateful for with a cheerful heart so that later we can see that they will be revealed as the healers of our deeply buried sores that must be lanced because each of us has placed in our path those things which look like sources of great suffering, and Q’uo suggested that the way the process of living has its impact upon our soul depends upon our attitude which is central to our goal of working as a crystal which can send the transmuted Light of the Creator by our personal intention into the planetary fourth-density/third-density connection and lighting up the fourth-density grid. On January 9, 2006, Q’uo spoke of the value of gratitude and thankfulness:

But when those times come for you, when you have moments of clarity, find the discipline, and remember to dwell in thankfulness for the gifts that you have received. As you dwell in gratitude and thankfulness, you create an atmosphere or an environment within your electrical body, within your chakra system, as this instrument would say, that encourages further awareness. And just like your Earth, you are an ever-expanding organism. However, you are expanding into the metaphysical realm, rather than into the physical realm.

Losing fear is therefore a tremendous and powerful resource to pursue. The ways of losing fear often have to do with more and more becoming aware of how fear has embedded its trigger points within the network of antennae which your personal structure of perceptive priorities presents to you: first, second, third, fourth and so on. A great deal of what is gained from the input of data into the mind and the consciousness has to do with how items are prioritized in the consciousness. The process of perception is far other than the way it seems, entities neither hearing with their ears nor seeing with their eyes, but rather forming a digitized information grid from not only the present moment grid but previously organized grids of expectations. Changing the expectation grid of one’s prioritizing software, shall we say, changes the information package that one receives from oneself as it inputs the data.

In a way, we are speaking very mechanically and yet the mind works along logical, mechanical, and habitual routes, taking shortcuts when it can once it has decided upon the priorities. Moving into the prioritizing mechanisms within the self is deep work and takes a good deal of self-awareness that can usually be achieved only through time. Consequently, this is a long-term goal, for fear is not an absence of love; it is not what is left over when love is ended. Fear is the dark side of love. Fear has its legitimacy and must indeed be embraced within the self and asked to avail its gifts to the use of the Light. Fear becomes courage when the fear is faced, and the wolf that has caused the fear, rather than being fled or being slain, is invited into the heart to be loved, understood, accepted, and charmed.

We ask you to become storytellers to yourselves, telling yourself the story of the hero or the heroine that you are, the warrior of Light who makes so many mistakes and must iron its costume daily, and yet somehow, though the costume is baggy and the efforts are unavailing, this story of the self moves on as one of the fighter that will not quit but never fights against but only for. Gaze upon those fear reactions and ask your most intelligent and clever self what creative things that you can do to target, come to understand, and come to have sympathy for each direction of fear-based thought; not rooting it out, not judging the self for fear, but having compassion upon the entity that is involved in a flesh, blood, and bone illusion.

Each entity will perish from the third-density experience. This source of fear is, shall we say, the parent of all other fears, that fear of ceasing to be. We would ask through faith that the entity posit to itself whether it is worthwhile to fear death or whether it might not be more skillful to see the inevitability of that, and rather than shrinking from that inevitability, to turn that story from that fear of death to the love of each and every day and hour that remains to you. Time, in terms of space/time, is an illusion, yet it is within this illusion that each of you dwells; it is within this incarnation that each of you now acts; and within your continuum and your illusion it is indeed a very intense time of transformation and change for the planet upon which you live. Consequently, there are indeed aspects of the metaphysical transformation of the planet’s population and its very global entity that poke up rather abruptly as mountains on the topography of the present time and space. Many catastrophes have already been seen of the natural kind and of the, shall we say, human, or political kind, and you may see that these forces and energies become more sharply delineated, more clarified and more obvious.

Then Q’uo said that losing fear is powerful resource to pursue,  and a great deal of what we gain from the input of data into our mind and consciousness has to do with how we prioritize what we perceive, which does not involve hearing with our ears or seeing with our eyes, but involves forming a digitized grid of information from the present moment and also previously organized grids of our expectations, and changing the expectation grid of our prioritizing software changes the information that we receive from ourself as we input the data. Q’uo went on to say that they were speaking very mechanically because our mind works along logical and mechanical ways and takes shortcuts when it can after it has decided upon its priorities, and moving into the prioritizing mechanisms within our self is deep work that takes a good deal of self-awareness that we can achieve only as a long-term goal because fear is not an absence of love; fear is the dark side of love, and we must embrace it within ourself and ask it to use its gifts to the sharing of the Light so that our fear becomes courage when it is faced, and the wolf that has caused us fear, rather than being slain, is invited into our heart to be loved and understood. Q’uo continued by asking us to tell ourself the story of the hero or the heroine that we are, the warrior of Light who makes so many mistakes, but this story of ourself moves on as the fighter that will not quit but never fights against but only for, so we should look at our fear reactions and ask ourself what creative things we can do to understand and have sympathy for each of our fear-based thoughts; not judging ourself for them but having compassion upon ourselves because we are involved in a flesh, blood, and bone illusion. Now Q’uo said each of us will perish from the third-density experience, and this is the greatest of all of our fears, so Q’uo suggested that we ask ourself whether fearing death is worthwhile or whether it might more skillful to move from the fear of death to the love of each hour that remains for us because space/time is an illusion, and it is within this illusion that each of us dwells; that each of us acts; and within our illusion it is an intense time of transformation for the planet upon which live, so Q’uo said that: “there are indeed aspects of the metaphysical transformation of the planet’s population and its very global entity that poke up rather abruptly as mountains on the topography of the present time and space. Many catastrophes have already been seen of the natural kind and of the, shall we say, human, or political kind, and you may see that these forces and energies become more sharply delineated, more clarified and more obvious. On May 25, 2019, Q’uo spoke of various kinds of catastrophes and how they affect us and our planet:

The difficulty with the delivery of the new fourth-density planet and its population comes not from either the planet or the fourth-density potential population, but from those entities that are engaged in disharmony and bellicosity of one nature or another, creations of disharmony, disease, confusion, and agitation. There is much division between the various cultures, entities within cultures, and entities within families, that there is the possibility of further enhancement of this disharmonious relationship, so that the warring factions of one group pitted against another could potentially cause difficulties of not only the mental, psychic, and physical nature, but of the potential for planetary catastrophes that are well-documented within the history of your planetary experience. For there have been thousands of years of the warring efforts of many peoples that has embedded the anger of separation within the crust of the planet, so that there is the need at this time to release this heat of anger in a controlled fashion, so that there is necessarily a finite amount of heat that is released at any one time, thus reducing the possibility of planetary annihilation.

There is much difficulty at this time, as you are aware, in the various divisions that exist within the cultures of your planet, so that this birth is occurring in an environment of great angst and hostility that must needs be dealt with in one fashion or another by those entities that are experiencing such disharmony.

It is hoped that through the efforts of your adepts, of your wanderers, and of those Confederation entities that send Love and Light to your planetary sphere, that these efforts at reducing the disharmony may indeed do so, and allow the birth of this planet to occur along with its population in a less difficult situation, shall we say.

Embrace this time as a time when those who are steadfast shall be those who are able to function as Light transducers, keeping the energy moving into that grid which is made up of Love. When an entity’s heart has been able to relax and free itself from fear and from the need to protect, it becomes soft, and fertile, and yeasty with the food needed for the seeds of Love to blossom into those beanstalks that truly do constitute a ladder between earth and heaven. Each is aware of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. This entity gave away its cows in exchange for magical seeds, and the entity came home and planted these seeds and grew itself a beanstalk that reached into another world. It is having the faith, in very non-physical ways, to sell the cows that gives to the Light worker the ability to grow beanstalks between third density and fourth. The beanstalk is a seed of faith, and each of you is one who gently and sometimes unknowingly cradles that seed. When you birth it, that is the beginning of the self as an impersonal portion of the Godhead principle. When one can see oneself as, shall we say, a priestly or a magical figure, one then is able to move from a metaphysical position, from a position of embracing time/space and time/space values. This is the other side of releasing fear; that is, the discipline of continuing in remembrance of Love, continuing in remembrance of who the self is, continuing in remembrance of why the entity is here.

We would close this discussion or, shall we say, this primary discussion by touching upon those interests that this instrument has in more specific details of ways to have organization come to a physical effort to support the concept of helping the fourth-density or Christ grid become stronger, helping the connection between this world and the next to solidify. You may tell from the balance of our cosmic sermonette that most of the work has to do with state of mind, for Love and all of the energetic essences which underlie and create your space/time reality have to do with the energies of Love, those energies which created you and which you now can focus as co-Creators, allowing your will and your desire to direct those healing and infinitely beneficial energies of unconditional Love that flow through each entity ceaselessly from the Creator. This state of mind is always the choice of the entity and indeed constitutes the greatest and most continual choice of the incarnation. Where shall the thoughts settle down? In love or in fear?

When one sees the self in fear, do not abandon the self, do not correct the self, but sit with the self and look at the fear. Let it be. Let it wash over and through one seeing the self as permeable, as healable, as fallible but also as a shining hero dealing with the most amazing adversity. This is your story; we ask you to stick to it; we ask you to think well of yourself. The one known as S, in channeling, enjoys creating a common ending for these channelings just as this instrument enjoys closing with those words which mean farewell and peace in the Creator. This entity closes its channelings with the thought, “Play well together.” This is a great road-building statement. Those who play well, with themselves and with each other, are honoring the Creator and the forces of unity that will release fear and open the heart.

There is some science which can be applied to a linear calculation of those plans which entities may create for themselves in order to give more shape and focus to what may otherwise seem an amorphous goal; that of lighting the planet and creating that solid connection to the next world which is at this time attempting to be born and certainly having its own difficulties. We commend all and any efforts to serve. Needless to say, we must leave plans which have to do with physical calculations in the hands of those in whose free will these plans are being tossed about as dreams, hopes, and visions. We commend the group effort suggested for exploring such services and would echo the sentiments of this instrument as spoken prior to this channeling having to do with being willing to rest in mystery and resonance to a certain extent in feeling one’s way towards the blending of the physical and metaphysical in service.

Now Q’uo said that we should embrace this time as a time when we who are steadfast shall be those who are able to function as Light transformers, keeping the energy moving into that grid which is made up of Love, and when our heart has been able to relax and free itself from fear it becomes fertile and contains the food needed for the Light worker to use faith in non-physical ways as seeds of Love to create a path between the third density and the fourth density, and each of us is one who gently and sometimes unknowingly utilizes faith, and when we birth it, that is the beginning of the self as an impersonal portion of the Godhead principle. Q’uo said when we can see ourself as a magical figure we are then able to move from a metaphysical position and time/space values, and this is the other side of releasing fear and the discipline of remembering that we are a being of Love and why we are here. Q’uo went on to say that they would complete this primary discussion by speaking about the interests that Carla had in more details of having organization come to the physical effort to support the concept of helping the fourth-density or Christ grid to become stronger and help the connection between this world and the next to solidify because most of this work has to do with our state of mind, for Love and all of the energetic essences which create our space/time reality have to do with the energies of the Love which created us and which we can focus on as co-Creators, allowing our will to direct those healing energies of unconditional Love that flow through each of us ceaselessly from the Creator, and this state of mind is always our choice and constitutes the greatest and most continuous choice of the incarnation: where shall our thoughts settle down, in love or in fear? Q’uo continued by saying that when we see ourself in fear that we should not abandon ourself but sit with ourself and look at the fear; let it be; see ourself as healable and as fallible but also as a hero dealing with amazing adversity because this is our story, and we should think well of ourself just as Carla enjoys closing her channeling with those words: “Play well together.” Q’uo said that this is a great road-building statement because those who play well, with themselves and with each other, are honoring the Creator and the forces of unity that will release fear and open the heart. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that there was some science of a linear nature for those plans which we may create for ourselves in order to give more shape and focus to what may seem an unclear goal of lighting the planet and creating a solid connection to the fourth density, which is attempting to be born and is having its own difficulties, and they commended all efforts to serve, but they felt it was necessary to leave plans which have to do with physical calculations in the hands of those in whose free will these plans are seen as dreams, hopes, and visions, and they suggested the group effort to be focused on being willing to rest in mystery and resonance to a certain extent in feeling our way towards the blending of the physical and metaphysical in our service. On May 25, 2003, Q’uo spoke of the birth of the fourth density upon Earth at this time:

Entities shall move into early fourth density no matter what happens to your sphere as the density changes, and they will repair the planet with the planet’s cooperation. Indeed many entities even now are repairing their little bit of the planetary surface by loving and talking to the Earth, by cooperating with what this instrument would call nature deities or divas, by relating to the surroundings of self with the understanding that all things are alive, all things work in rhythm and in harmony, and all things except those sunk in the mire of third-density forgetting not only love each other but know that they are one. In this atmosphere, the possibilities of becoming a powerful, magical person are great, and as the time sharpens the focus right unto the moment of birth of fourth density, there is in effect a fourth-density energy that is now as real upon your sphere as the third-density energy. It shows up within the physical world only by creating anomalous effects in terms of physics’ sub-atomic particles but it shows up within the inner life of that wonderful multilayered being that each of you is in a much more clear and obvious way, as the interpenetration of the two densities becomes such that it is much easier for nature, or for the forces of coincidence, to work in order to bring things to your attention which you have asked to be brought to your attention. That is why, in the midst of such challenging times, such times of transformation and change, yet still each of you has had the feeling of entities helping along the way, unseen hands giving a boost and angelic guidance coming through unexpected and unusual means.

We thank this instrument for its service at this time and would transfer this contact to the one known as Jim, leaving this instrument in love and in light. We are those of Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and we greet each of you in love and in light through this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to ask if there may be any other queries to which we may speak at this session of working.

S: I have questions with me. In each meditation we have with you, we offer the lives of those friends and family who may be in need, but, since we may not always ask specifically to do that for them, would that be considered any violation of free will, per se?

I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. There is the gift of the one Creator which is the prana, the love energy which is available to all entities as a source of the life-giving qualities of the one Creator. It is to these energies that one adds when one prays for the wellbeing of another. Thus, the entity has the free will to work with these energies as they are given in the daily round of activities, perhaps enhanced by those who pray, by those who wish the entity well, but these energies are added to those which are usually utilized without one’s being aware of them.

Is there another query, my brother?

S: The last one is, I seem to have a great affinity for quartz crystals and points, and I was wondering if there is any other light that you could shed on why that might be so, whether it’s past incarnations or just the energies they allow or anything like that that I could contemplate on?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that there is some general information of this nature which we may share without infringement. We would suggest that there has been within your pattern of incarnations a great predilection towards these means of communication and healing which you have utilized in various ways in different incarnations. Thus, there is within your being a portion of your learning and service which resonates to these crystalline entities and their abilities to enhance one’s wellbeing, one’s level of élan vital, shall we say, the energy which powers one in the daily round of activities and in the geometric precision with which these crystalline entities may be utilized for healing, for communication and for the far-seeing, shall we say.

Is there another query, my brother?

S: Not from me, thanks.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I’d just like to ask, since it was my question and also my channel about the grid, if there was anything that you could channel through the one known as Jim that you couldn’t get through me because of my biases? If so, I’d be glad to hear it.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. No, we do not wish to be overly generous in our compliments to your abilities as an instrument. We would suggest that there is a clear entry into your being which we may utilize in speaking our thoughts through your instrument. We feel no distortion or hesitation or bias that would hinder our ability to communicate that which we wish to communicate.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No, thank you, thank you very much. Thank you for the invitation. I’ll look at it very carefully.

I am Q’uo. Again, we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

[No more queries.]

I am Q’uo. We are most grateful for each entity’s participation in this circle of seeking, and we thank you for inviting us once again to join you as you walk this path of meditation, of service, of intensification of desire, and of open-hearted sharing, each with the other.

We are known to you as those of Q’uo. At this time, we shall take our leave of this instrument and this group. We leave each in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I vacuumed the first floor of my home.

This afternoon I ran some errands with my first stop at Feeder’s Supply where I bought some cat food. My second stop was at PNC Bank where I made a cash withdrawal. My third stop was at Walgreen’s where I picked up a couple of prescriptions and some paper plates.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

January 31

The Arid Seedcases Of Words

I greet you in the consciousness of the Love of Jesus Christ.

I am the Spirit of that love among the nations of the world, the force which carries the single concept of Love in the clumsy containers of words to all who may have ears to hear.

Yet how can words wake up to the aliveness of the Spirit, which cannot be contained within the arid seedcases of words? It is a great temptation to speak only in poetry, only in stories, to attempt to evoke feelings beyond words, emotion beyond concept.

For though we offer knowledge, it is not knowledge of words but knowledge of faith. For the full consciousness of Love evokes an assurance and a delight. If you feel not these things, ask again for the spirit’s comfort, that you may know the Love of Jesus Christ and reflect it in your life; that you, too, may carry in awkward seedcases the living and fructifying Love of Christ to all who have ears to hear.

In peace I leave you, now and always. I am the Holy Spirit of Jesus the Christ.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from December 22:

Question from J1: Can the source of anger, seeming this is the source of the cancer, be inherited? Can it be from past-life programming, or could it be deliberately implanted or consciously created to create a learning opportunity during the incarnation?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you with great joy in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in Whose service we are. It is a great blessing and privilege to be called to your group this day to join in your meditation and to offer our humble opinion on the subject of the causes or the providence of cancer. We are glad to share our opinions with you with the request, as always, that each discriminate carefully as each listens or reads so that no idea is allowed to take lodging within your value system that is not resonant to you personally. With this in place we feel much freer to offer our opinion without being concerned that we might infringe on your free will.

The circle of seeking this day queries concerning cancer and certainly we may speak concerning this particular distortion or disease. However, our remarks may in general be relevant to other conditions and estates of humankind’s physical vehicle.

We would begin by acknowledging some of the basic structure from which we speak concerning that which is conceived of among your peoples as disease. Since all that has formed is a distortion of the one original Thought, to say that disease is a distortion is not to insult the breed. For, indeed, that which is known among your peoples as disease has its own beauty and function within the system of dynamics of third density. It is a highly convenient and somewhat sensitive means of ending a life span at the just and appropriate time for that entity and, indeed, in many cases the so-called disease comes into play as a result of the filling up of the capacity of the entity’s learning system from the wear and tear of the daily incarnational experience once the vital energies of the entity have expended that amount which they have to offer to the challenges and pleasures of having breath and life within third density which may have ended sooner than was intended before incarnation.

This is impossible to predict before incarnation, either how catalyst will strike the entity within incarnation or to what depth the increased load of unprocessed experience may go. When such bank accounts of undigested experience rest within an entity so that the amount of unprocessed catalyst is over the full line for an entity in terms of incarnational energy then it is that the physical vehicle may gladly accept the disease in order to plead a sensible and timely period upon an incarnational pattern. This is most helpful for the entity so that healing may occur as would be needed to create an atmosphere within which the entity somewhat healed from its travels in its personality shell through the incarnation may recover itself, take thought after its healing, and consult with its higher self and all guides in the construction of a new incarnation which would address those unresolved catalysts. It is for this reason that many entities who find themselves dealing with physical difficulties of one kind or another would then end life experience at a younger age than would be, shall we say, the cultural norm among your peoples. Consequently, whatever the condition or disease that is perceived by those who offer tests with the various measuring devices of your peoples, they have only the outer hints and clues as to the true cause of the condition.

The shape of unprocessed emotion within the incarnational energy vehicle most closely associated with the physical vehicle has a much more accurate and clear concept of where the opportunity of an ending to the incarnation is coming from in terms of cause. Only the entity and, perhaps, sometimes not even that entity is fully aware of what sorrows upon the heart, what unbalanced emotion upon the emotional body, have created a situation of imbalance which has reached the point where the mind complex of an entity cannot balance it. When this occurs the natural evolution of the distortion known as disease is to move from those difficulties within the mind to the more obvious hints and clues offered by the analogous condition which has been given to the body, for it to, shall we say, act out its distress, sorrow, anger, grief, or whatever the imbalanced emotion or unrefined emotion that has been causing the distortion to be chronic within the energy body of the individual.

The query specifically moves to question the three possible causes of the arising of cancer from anger, that is: the predisposition of the genetic makeup of the vehicle, the carryover from past life distortions, and the placing of the illness or condition within the life experience as a response to those things which occur within incarnation, and we would take these one at a time after simply saying that we would agree with the one known as J1 that relating the emotions of unrefined anger to the condition cancer is quite often correct as a solution to the linkage between mind and body in the arising of that particular disease.

The group question for this session was: “Question from J1: Can the source of anger, seeming this is the source of the cancer, be inherited? Can it be from past-life programming, or could it be deliberately implanted or consciously created to create a learning opportunity during the incarnation?” Q’uo began their response by saying that all things are a distortion of the one original Thought, and that which we call a disease has its own distortions that have their own beauty and function within the third density, and diseases are often the way of ending our life at the appropriate time after we have learned what we came to learn, and the wear and tear of our life of learning has used up our vital energies to meet the challenges and pleasures of learning our lessons sooner than was intended before incarnation. Q’uo went on to say that it cannot be predicted when our catalyst will strike our bodies within our incarnation or how much unprocessed catalyst will remain that could be more that our incarnational energy can process, so then our body may accept a disease in order to gain more time for a partial healing to occur as would be needed so that we may consult our higher self and guides in order that a new incarnation may be planned to deal with our unresolved catalyst, and this is why many entities would have their lives ended at a younger age than would be normal for our culture as determined by our medical sciences. Q’uo continued by saying that when we have unprocessed emotions within our energy body–which is a portion of our physical body–they will give us a clear concept of where the cause of the ending of our incarnation is coming from in the form of sorrows within our heart which we have not been able to balance, and when this happens then the disease will move from our mental difficulties to the clues which have been given to our body for it to symbolically express the imbalanced emotion of sorrow, anger, or grief within our energy body. Then Q’uo said that there were three possible causes of cancer as anger coming from: “the predisposition of the genetic makeup of the vehicle, the carryover from past life distortions, and the placing of the illness or condition within the life experience as a response to those things which occur within incarnation”, and Q’uo said that they would speak about these one at a time after agreeing with J1 that relating his emotions of unrefined anger to his cancer is usually correct as a solution to the link between the mind and the body in the cause of cancer. On March 5, 2016, Hatonn spoke of the process unprocessed catalyst by the mind is given to the body:

We find that in the healing process we look upon the body as the creature of the mind that has expressed symptoms that you may call disease or distortions that exist because the mind itself has not been able to successfully process catalyst. When the mind has not achieved this processing of catalyst, then it is that the catalyst is given to the body complex in a symbolic form with the hope that this form of disease, as you would call it, may attract the attention of the mind to notice this catalyst in another form because it was missed the first time around, shall we say.

Firstly, there is the possibility of genetic predisposition, and while we completely agree that this predisposition is a portion of many entities within your density who do experience the arising of this disease, it is entirely possible for two entities with the same genetic makeup to respond quite differently to stress when it takes the form of the hot and fiery distortions of anger. One entity may be able to allow the refining of that anger by not resisting it or holding on to it but simply sitting with that anger in utter compassion for the reasons for that anger, the hurt, and pain, and sorrow behind that anger, the entity feeling threatened, fearful, abandoned or unworthy and thus creating the experience of a confused anger that then can be placed in the tempering fire of patience and waiting so that that anger is given time to be refined by the enduring fire of experience.

When that which is creating distortion is allowed to express itself completely in the inner energetic system of the vehicle then it is that the physical distortions that might arise, the cause of genetic predisposition, will not arise since there is not an imbalance penetrating or chronic enough to trigger the stimulus to which cancer is a response. Consequently, the thinking system and the perception system of each entity has the responsibility for determining what is the truth of any particular occurrence, and when an entity’s information system is able to deliver, shall we say, a less distorted truth concerning the evolution of the emotion of anger, the skill of this draws the sting out of the otherwise triggering perception that the entity is no longer safe and must become one who is on guard and protecting oneself.

This contracting or defending choice when faced with one’s own anger defines the perception that the cells of the body will receive. If anger is perceived and yet it is perceived from a viewpoint of safety, compassion, and nurturing it will not constitute a trigger for a physical vehicle to produce that which is cancer. Thus, it is exquisitely central for entities to be alert to the actual nature of their allowed perceptions for what is perceived is what the physical vehicle reacts to. Each has seen the demonstration of hypnotism where an entity is informed that being stuck with a pin will not hurt and, sure enough, the hypnotist is able to demonstrate the changed perception of the client which has been hypnotized. This is precisely the nature of perception, and we encourage each always to gaze with a clear eye and an unbiased point of view at the nature of one’s thoughts. For each thought that is processed by the intelligence has its nature, its strength, and its vector in terms of polarity and purity.

Then Q’uo said that cancer may come from a genetic predisposition, and that it is possible for siblings with this same genetic make up to respond very differently to fiery anger where one entity may be able to allow the refining of its anger by not resisting it but sitting with it in compassion for the hurt and pain that caused its anger, and caused it to feel threatened or unworthy, which creates the experience of confused anger which can then be placed in the tempering fire of its patience and giving it time to be refined by the enduring fire of experience. Q’uo went on to say that when the stimulus which is creating anger is allowed to express itself completely in the inner energetic system of the body, then it is that the physical distortions of cancer that might arise–which are the cause of the genetic predisposition—or may not arise if there is not an imbalance that is strong enough to trigger the stimulus that will cause cancer, so Q’uo said that the perception system of each entity is responsible for determining what the truth is of any experience, and when their perception is able to see a less distorted truth concerning the evolution of their anger, this removes the sting from triggering perception that the entity is no longer safe and must become one who is on guard and protecting themself. Q’uo continued by saying that if anger is perceived from a viewpoint of safety and compassion it will not become a trigger for the body to produce cancer, so it is important for entities to be alert to the actual nature of their perceptions, for what they perceive is what their body reacts to,  and Q’uo encouraged each entity to gaze with an unbiased point of view at the nature of their thoughts because each thought that is processed by the mind has its nature in terms of polarity and purity. In 46.7-11, Ra described the general situation for positively and negatively oriented entities in dealing with anger in order to keep from getting cancer:

Questioner: I was just wondering, if an entity polarizes toward the service-to-self path, would the anger have the same physical effect that it affects an entity polarized toward the service-to-others path? Would it also cause cancer, or is it just a catalytic effect working in the positively polarized entity?

I am Ra. The catalytic mechanisms are dependent not upon the chosen polarity of a mind/body/spirit complex, but upon the use, or purpose, to which this catalysis is put. Thus the entity which uses the experience of anger to polarize consciously, positively or negatively, does not experience the bodily catalyst but rather uses the catalyst in mental configuration.

Questioner: Not sure that I understand that. Let’s take some examples. If an entity polarizing toward the negative path becomes angry… let’s take the condition where he develops a cancer. What is the principle of that for him?

I am Ra. We see the thrust of your query and will respond at variance with the specific query if that meets with your approval.

Questioner: Certainly.

Ra: The entity polarizing positively perceives the anger. This entity, if using this catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself. It then intensifies this anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived, not as folly in itself, but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the randomness of energy being used.

Positive orientation then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the mind/body/spirit complex. The other-self which is the object of anger is thus transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began.

The negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complex will use this anger in a similarly conscious fashion, refusing to accept the undirected, or random, energy of anger and instead, through will and faith, funneling this energy into a practical means of venting the negative aspect of this emotion so as to obtain control over other-self or otherwise control the situation causing anger.

Control is the key to negatively polarized use of catalyst. Acceptance is the key to positively polarized use of catalyst. Between these polarities lies the potential for this random and undirected energy creating a bodily complex analog of what you call the cancerous growth of tissue.

Questioner: Then as I understand it you are saying that if the positively polarizing entity fails to accept the other-self or if the negatively polarizing entity fails to control the other-self, either of these conditions will cause cancer, possibly. Is this correct?

I am Ra. This is partially correct. The first acceptance or control, depending upon polarity, is of the self. Anger is one of many things to be accepted and loved as a part of self or controlled as a part of self, if the entity is to do work.

Questioner: Then are you saying that if a negatively polarized or polarizing entity is unable to control his own anger, or unable to control himself in anger, that he may cause cancer? Is this correct?

I am Ra. This is quite correct. The negative polarization contains a great requirement for control and repression.

The second suggestion as to causes of the cancer, that is, the cause of how the anger expresses itself in cancer, is that which is carried over into a present incarnation from a past incarnation. Often there is in the experience of older souls upon your planet—that is, those who have been through multiple lifetimes upon your planetary sphere—that there is a carryover especially of those experiences that have been involved in a previous death: the place of a fatal blow, the chakra involved in a mortal emotional dysfunction, even the primary and secondary energy centers associated with certain relationships distortions and imbalances. When such a relationship is central to the incarnation pattern it may well constitute an imbalance that expresses even through an entirely new body and energy system the cause of the strength of the previous distortion. Often in the case of wanderers this does not apply because such entities have balanced karma moving into the earth plane and therefore have only the energies of the present incarnation to balance.

When such a lack and imbalance does persist from one incarnation to another, we would say that it most generally does not take a certain form in terms of disease but rather constitutes an area of weakness that may be a target of opportunity for those illnesses that are offered to one that is at as toxic state of imbalance. These would then have to do more with the energy center affected by the imbalance than they would have to do with a particular disease. That is, where the imbalance was seen to be a yellow-ray imbalance, shall we say, the disease might be of the organs; it might be cancerous; it might be a nervous disease; it might have various descriptions depending upon the target of opportunity, its timing, and those illnesses available in the surrounding of the [inaudible]. However, such an illness would involve the same basic area of the physical vehicle.

This, then, would not be so much an emotionally caused disease but rather it would be that almost mechanical outworking of previous patterns with the insulating numbness of forgetfulness to ease the outworking of a complex pattern of imbalance from a previous incarnation. The usual expressions of such carryover illness are those expressions such as the colds, the flu, the problems with weight, the problems with the appearance of the skin, those things which are more generalized or simply visit for a time at a time when an entity does present a target of opportunity.

Now Q’uo said the second cause of how anger expresses itself as cancer is that which has come from a past incarnation where there is a carryover of those experiences that have been involved in a previous death such as: “the place of a fatal blow, the chakra involved in a mortal emotional dysfunction, even the primary and secondary energy centers associated with certain relationships distortions and imbalances,“ and when this kind of a relationship is important to the current incarnation it may create an imbalance that expresses itself through a new body and energy system because of the strength of the previous distortion, but this would not apply to wanderers because they have balanced karma as they incarnate on Earth, so they only have the energies of the present incarnation to balance. Q’uo went on by saying that when such imbalance persists from a previous incarnation it usually does not manifest as a certain disease but rather expresses itself in an area of weakness of the energy body which is out of balance such as the yellow-ray imbalance that would have to do with the organs in that area that could become cancerous, or it might be a nervous disease and have various descriptions depending upon the target of opportunity, its timing, and those illnesses available in the surrounding of the same basic area of the physical vehicle, and then Q’uo said that this would not be an emotionally caused disease, but it would be the mechanical manifestation of a previous incarnation, and the usual expressions of such an illness are in the form of: “colds, the flu, the problems with weight, the problems with the appearance of the skin, those things which are more generalized or simply visit for a time at a time when an entity does present a target of opportunity.” On March 4, 2001, Q’uo spoke of our energy body in relation to blockages and our health:

We would begin then by suggesting that it is well, when faced with a perceived imbalance in the energy body, to realize that the situation is non-local, no matter how local it may seem. That is, it may seem that there is a red-ray over-activation or a red-ray blockage and that this is then removing energy from the red ray. In actuality, the energies of the system are seldom blocked in only one ray because of the interrelationships between the rays, especially between the primary rays and also because of the centrality of the heart to those who are working in service-to-others polarity.

In the case of perceived red-ray blockage, for instance, it is well to gaze carefully at the nature of red ray. It is that first gateway of the energetic body. It is that first gateway that allows in the infinite energy of the one infinite Creator. The easy way to gaze at energy systems is to look at the blockages and, one by one, to remove them. However, the subtleties of each chakra move beyond the stated venue or placement of that chakra. That is to say, certainly the red-ray blockage has to do with sexuality in a linear sense, but in a very significant non-linear sense it has far more to do with the processes of love and fear as regards survival. Survival is a vital and hidden issue for an entity that is well fed, decently clothed, warm and with a roof over the physical head. It does not occur to the waking consciousness that there is a survival issue with regards to sexuality, for sexuality is clearly not necessary for survival. However, in the gateway to the metaphysical body or energy body one also is gazing at the gateway to the physical body, and this connection between physical and metaphysical bodies creates the situation in which the instincts of the physical body have a sometimes striking and, again, hidden effect upon the perceived experience of blockage in red ray, so that that which is perceived as sexual frustration is actually the cry of the heart to survive.

The third suggestion of the one known as J1 was that such anger may create opportunities for such a disease as cancer from inside the incarnation or from just prior to incarnation during the planning stages. And we would say that often this is the cause which is the, shall we say, the efficient cause of cancer among your peoples. For many are the people who are very eager to cleanse and purify their energy body of all imbalances and the guidance before incarnation encourages the self to put in place a possibility of illness in order that should the incarnation not be going as planned there may be set in place the predetermined tendency to form illnesses which create the opportunity for inner work. A good example from channeling which we find within this instrument’s awareness is that of the one known as Franklin who programmed into its incarnation the possibility of crippling polio. This did not occur in childhood as that particular disease normally does but rather it was set in place as a fallback strategy in case the one known as Franklin became led astray from its desires prior to incarnation to become more positive, more openhearted, and more service-oriented.

The practice of politics is, shall we say, not designed to create such opportunities for positive polarity but rather such practice as those of a politician may well lead to service-to-self energies being fairly freely encouraged under the guise of helping groups of people for their own good. When this particular imbalance became marked enough within this entity’s incarnation it then chose subconsciously to create for itself a situation within which it would be more able to do inner work and less able to have a breadth and a fast pace of social activity. This did, indeed, in this particular entity’s case work well and created the possibility of much good work and balancing the distortions having to do with the right use of power.

When a severe illness comes to one unexpectedly it certainly is appropriate to question carefully all three of these possibilities and many others not yet thought of. It is well to gaze deeply into the self to see as clearly as possible the distortions and glamours and exaggerations and cruel lacks of self-encouragement and self-validation that may have created such an imbalance that the energies of disease were needed. It is well always to see disease not as an enemy but as that friend which has perhaps come too soon and needs to be asked to move out of the stage of life and back into the wings so that more of this incarnation may be enjoyed.

The solution which the one known as J1 seeks to the riddle of disease and illness is that which we commend for truly all is Love and as each becomes able to see the self with Love and all things outside the self with Love, one is able to create the atmosphere in which healing occurs. It is like giving oxygen to one who is having trouble breathing to give Love to the inner self. It may seem that others should love one and one should love others and that self-love is selfish, but there is a level at which it is not only unselfish but necessary for health, to come into a sense of peace within the self that is beyond explanation that is the result of feeling unthreatened, safe, and nurtured, and there is no one but the self that is able to give that resource to the self on a stable, everyday basis.

Certainly, an entity may feel safer with a certain companion or with a certain group. However, in terms of the innermost workings of an energy system within the human third-density being the setting of the stage for a balanced and even functioning experience of living is what this instrument calls falling in love with the self. The energy of compassion is easy to feel for others. It is easy to open one’s heart when one sees another’s suffering. It is much more difficult to see the beauty of one’s own suffering and to see the heroism of one’s own endurance and determination to survive. It is very easy for an entity to be blind to his own beauty. More than that it is very easy for entities, especially within your culture, to fear and shun the shadow self, thus alienating that dark side of self in which lies so much strength and health when appropriately acknowledged, loved, and disciplined. The one known as John wrote, “Love is all there is.” Others have written similar sentiments such as, “Love is the answer,” and these simple phrases hold a powerful and unified truth.

We would ask each at this moment to rest and to invite the self to move beneath the breathing, the heartbeat, and to the essence of self. Beyond form, beyond function, beyond explanation, can you feel the jewel-like crystal of you vibrating, radiating and being? Experience that beautiful energy that is yours alone, feel it flowing from the root chakra upwards and out the top of the head. Sense into the entity upon your left; now turn your attention to the entity upon your right. Feel the energy fields mingle and cuddle together and feel the energy of the group entwining itself from the energies that have flowed out of the heads of each so that they begin to spin and form a spiral, upward spiraling, moving on into the eternal realms from each pilgrim heart. This is your beauty, and this is the beauty of the group.

Q’uo said that the third suggestion of the one known as J1 was that such anger may create opportunities for such a disease as cancer from inside the incarnation or from just prior to incarnation during the planning stages, and they said that often this is the cause of cancer among our people because before incarnating many people wish to purify their energy body, but their guidance encourages them to put the potential for illness in place so that if our incarnation is not going as planned there may be the tendency for an illness to occur that would create the opportunity for inner work, and a good example was Franklin Roosevelt who programmed polio to set into his body if he failed to follow his pre-incarnative desires to be openhearted in seeking and using power. Q’uo went on by saying that when a severe illness comes to one unexpectedly it is well to look at all three of these possible causes of cancer and any others that can be thought of and to look for them deeply within the self to see where if there are any distortions of self-aggrandizement or lacks of self-validation that may have created an imbalance that resulted in a disease, and any disease could then be seen as a friend which has appeared too soon and needs to be asked to move out of the body so that the incarnation may be longer. Q’uo continued by saying that the solution to healing disease is Love, and as each of us sees ourself with Love and all things with Love, we can create an atmosphere in which healing occurs, and there is a level at which it is possibe for our health to come into a sense of peace within ourself that is beyond explanation and is the result of feeling safe and nurtured, and there is no one but ourself that is able to give that resource of peace to us on a stable, everyday basis. Then Q’uo said that we may feel safer with a certain companion or with a certain group, but as third-density beings, in order to set the stage for having a balanced experience of living, we need to fall in love with ourselves by seeing the beauty of our suffering and our determination to survive, and we also need to learn how to love and accept our dark side which contains so much strength and health when we acknowledge, love, and discipline it. Q’uo asked each of us to rest and to invite ourselves to move beneath the breathing, the heartbeat, and to the essence of ourself and experience that beautiful energy that is ours flowing from our root chakra upwards and out the top of our head. Q’uo completed their reply by asking us to sense into the person on our left and on our right and feel their energy fields mingle together and: “feel the energy of the group entwining itself from the energies that have flowed out of the heads of each so that they begin to spin and form a spiral, upward spiraling, moving on into the eternal realms from each pilgrim heart. This is your beauty, and this is the beauty of the group.” On September 4, 2010, Carla said that we need to love and accept our dark side:

We need our dark side. We need to love our dark side. We certainly don’t need to exercise it, but we need to appreciate it, to accept it, and to ask it to work for us instead of against us. And I think we can do that. We can learn to play this piano. Not just chopsticks. We can be good. We can be really good!

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim that we may answer any shorter queries that this group may have at this time. We thank the one known as Carla and leave this instrument in love and light. We are those of Q’uo.

This morning I ran some errands with my first stop being at the vet to pick up some meds for Bosco. My second stop was at PNC to make a cash withdrawal. And my last stop was at Walgreen’s Drug Store to pick up two prescriptions and some paper plates.

This afternoon I went over to my neighbor’s house and used some packing tape to tape a third bird feeder pole to the shorter of the two bird feeder poles in her front yard so the deer won’t be able to reach it and empty it in a day.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

January 30

The Presence Of Heaven

I am of the principle manifest in the Love of Jesus the Christ. I greet you in the full consciousness of divine Love.

Where is the keeper of the keys to your idea of heaven? Indeed, what is your idea of heaven? Within the infinity behind the closed eyes, consider this: how far lies heaven or how near? What holy ground is nearest to your own situation?

The Spirit of Love is that which is the essence of heaven and that heaven is available within each spirit that abides in faith.

Pause within this moment to feel the great galaxies of inner space that lie within the silence behind closed eyes. Sense the divinity of this space. Sense that floor of heaven out of which each entity and all of its experiences grow.

Yes, my friend, your roots are in heaven. That is your native land, and you carry it with you, within yourself. It is not to be put off so that you may suffer now. Allow your suffering to lift long enough to sense the blessed presence of Love within. This presence is that which you call heaven, whatever its manifestation.

Do not submit to misery when there is, to the faithful seeker, the certainty of heaven. Allow the heaven within to speak to the misery within. Allow the eyes of that consciousness to find for you the peace within suffering, the options not noticed before that may alleviate this suffering and above all the greater point of view which glories in the challenges of lessons learned and heaven recognized within.

We leave you in love and peace, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from December 19:

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in whose service we come today. We thank you so much for calling us to your circle of seeking and for taking the time, and the concentration, and focus from your very hectic and busy lives for creating a place and a time to seek the truth.

We grasp that this is to be a question-and-answer session, and so we would ask only that, in our answering these questions, each keep in mind that we, like you, are travelers upon a road, knowing little, experiencing mystery, and wishing to share our thoughts and opinions but not wishing to assume the vesture of authority. Therefore, we ask each to pick up and enjoy those thoughts that appeal to each. Those thoughts that do not appeal, we ask each to leave behind. With this discrimination on the part of each, we are free to speak without infringement upon free will. May we ask for the first query?

J: Yeah, hi, Q’uo. This is J and glad that you’re here with us today, and I’m the one that called you to the channel, and I’m here with my best friend, R, who is leaving soon to move to the beautiful island of Hawaii, and so I wanted her to be with me here today to ask some questions. One of the most nagging questions that I have is I really like what I do; I like being a body worker; I love doing massage with people; and I feel like that’s one of the ways that I can be in service of others. However, sometimes I feel like that there’s more that I should be doing, and I don’t know if I should worry about it. I would like if you could speak about being in service to others and maybe doing body work, and if this is really where I’m supposed to be at this time.

We are those of Q’uo, and we grasp your query, my sister. The desire to be of service to others is the arrow that flies without error. It is difficult from within the illusion of third density to have a clear, lucid point of view concerning one’s own outer gifts and inner gifts, and one’s use of them. It is often skewed, because perhaps one misperceives a portion of one’s gifts or denigrates it as being not as useful as other inner or outer gifts. We are aware that, in the case of the one known as J, the desire is true, and, although we cannot ask any to be content with our knowledge, we would offer the point of view that the system of incarnational lessons and service works with a great deal of redundancy so that if an incarnational lesson has been planned, it will occur as an opportunity, not once, not twice, but as long as the entity who has set this pattern up is alive and needs the experience of working with that particular pattern or structure of catalyst.

Therefore, it is not that any entity is going to be the perfect understander and scholar of one’s own fate or destiny, but rather that the redundancy feature ensures that, if one opportunity for a certain type of service or a certain type of learning is missed or unseen at one juncture, it will surely come around again offering another opportunity, and another, and another. Nor is there any judgment from self to self, in terms of the self between incarnations that set this plan up, concerning whether or not the entity in incarnation decides to take advantage of a particular pattern for learning. Indeed, it may be noted that many wanderers create for themselves a superfluity of incarnational lessons and service in the same way that a child will fill his plate overfull because it all looks so good.

Not all things in life are requirements as far as the school of living is concerned. As a classroom, the curriculum of Earth is simple: it is love. There are lessons in how to love, in how to accept love from others. These lessons may have to do with loving without expectation of return or, in many cases, learning to accept love without expectation of debt or guilt. As the one known as J has pointed out, it is often far easier to serve and to love without expectation of return than to accept the love offerings of others as a worthy and honorable person. The lesson of acceptance of love is keyed, therefore, to those who are dealing with exceptional clarity in seeing the landscape of their own imperfection. Consequently, that entity which is working upon opening the heart to being worthy of love is also working upon lessons that are linked to the distortion of feeling unworthy. The service of the inner type, as each in this group is aware, is the more central service, since it works upon the soul of the planet, the soul of the entity, and the soul of the group entity that is the self and those other selves that are even now becoming more and more able to form the basic structure of trust and sharing that is the foundation for fourth-density shared memory.

J asked: “One of the most nagging questions that I have is I really like what I do; I like being a body worker; I love doing massage with people; and I feel like that’s one of the ways that I can be in service to others. However, sometimes I feel like there’s more that I should be doing, and I don’t know if I should worry about it. I would like if you could speak about being in service to others and maybe doing body work, and if this is really where I’m supposed to be at this time.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that it is difficult from within the third-density illusion to know what our inner and outer gifts are and how to use them because they may be misperceived or not valued, but  that J has pre-incarnatively programmed her lessons and services that will be revealed to her by appearing in her life at various times for as long as she is alive so that if one opportunity is missed it will come around again. Q’uo went on by saying that the lesson of Earth is to love so that: “There are lessons in how to love, in how to accept love from others. These lessons may have to do with loving without expectation of return or, in many cases, learning to accept love without expectation of debt or guilt.” Then Q’uo said it is easier to give love than to accept love, and that the lesson of accepting love is worked upon by us as we see our own imperfections so that when we seek to open our heart so that we feel worthy of being loved we are working upon our feeling of being unworthy. Q’uo said that the more important type of service is of the inner type since it works upon the soul of the planet, our soul, and the souls of other selves that are becoming able to form the love of others that is the basic foundation of the fourth-density social memory complex. On May 25, 2019, Q’uo spoke of how we can aid the soul of our planet as we join together to form a social memory complex:

Each conscious seeker of truth who is attempting to open the heart in unconditional love, and therefore become what you would call harvestable, is potentially a parent of that which is being born at this time upon and within your planet, and within the heart of each seeker of truth. The fourth-density vibrations have been engulfing your planet for some period of time, which you would call years, shall we say, so that this kind of illumination for the planetary entity and its population is that which feeds the soul of each conscious seeker of truth. Indeed, this feeds the soul of the planet itself as it begins to interact with those conscious souls who are aware that there is a transition, both for themselves as entities, for the population as a group, and for the planet as an entity itself.

Therefore, there is much of a unified experience that is ongoing at this time. The planetary entity of the fourth density is this babe in the manger of the mind, body, and spirits that seek the fourth-density experience of love and understanding. This interaction between the fourth-density planetary sphere and the new fourth-density population that shall inhabit that sphere is as the parent to child, shall we say, in both directions […] being inspirationally electrified so that there is much more energy available to the experience of growing, of seeking, of utilizing the Love and the Light of the One Creator. This growing and seeking is shared by the planetary entity being born, and the population of the fourth density that will inhabit this fourth-density planet.

Although the inner service is the central service, it is often the least easy to accomplish because of its very simplicity and its nature of being essence rather than form. Consequently, it is often the more efficient route to rest within one’s outer gifts while one is becoming more aware of the beauty of the inner self. There is, as this instrument has often said, a process which this instrument calls falling in love with the self. Until this moment occurs, the self will be seen as imperfect and error-prone. Within the illusion which you enjoy at this time, this is inevitable. However, there is a process of moving beneath the personality shell’s turbulence that we encourage each to invite, through silence and listening and the immersion of self in the creation of second density and first density, where the vibrations are without the veil, and there is much grounding and reaffirmation coming from the energetic beings that dwell within air, fire, earth, water and within each plant that blossoms and each animal that shares breath with those upon this planet.

This first and second-density entity is extremely helpful to those who are attempting to get a sense of themselves as beautiful and worthy, for each animal, no matter how humble, each plant, no matter if it be called a weed or a flower, has its youth, and its blooming, and its happy old age, and its natural sinking again into the earth. Does the leaf grow concerned because its structure has been somewhat eaten by insects? Does the doe in the forest lose faith in the rightness of things because there is not enough to eat? Indeed, each plant and each animal spends its time in surety, confidence and peace, for it is not troubled by attempting to justify its existence. It is not troubled by its perceived imperfections. Rather, such entities are just as the very aged kitty on the instrument’s lap. As it struggles with difficult and stertorous breathing it has absolutely no feelings of inadequacy, guilt, anger, or fear, but rather takes each breath as it comes while enjoying the most positive, and safe, and comfortable situation that it can find which, in this cat’s case, is to be within the aura of its favorite human.

May we say in this regard that service is often greatly helped by association with those who are able to support, encourage, and offer honest criticism of that path which in general is shared by both. The value of spiritually oriented companions in this wise of seeing oneself, seeing one’s service, cannot be overemphasized. All is within the self, and that which is intended to be placed before the view is indeed being placed before the view. The essence of service is that there is not a specific right service, but rather there is an opportunity that will revolve and come about again and again, and each instance of this sort of opportunity to pursue an outer gift will, if pursued, blossom into a viable path. Consequently, you cannot make a mistake; you cannot choose an incorrect road. You can choose only between a more direct one and a more roundabout one.

Q’uo continued by saying that our inner service is the central service, and it is difficult to accomplish because of its nature of being essence rather than form so that it is more efficient to focus upon our outer gifts while we are becoming more aware of the beauty of our inner self. Then Q’uo said there was a process which Carla called falling in love with ourselves, and until this moment occurs, we will see ourself as unworthy, which is inevitable within the third-density illusion, but there was a process of moving beneath our personality shell’s turbulence through silent meditation and walking within the natural environment of the first and second density where there is the feeling of our being grounded by theses energies and our feeling of the reaffirmation of the nature of our being. Then Q’uo said that first and second-density entities are extremely helpful to us when we are attempting to see ourselves as beautiful and worthy because each animal or plant goes through its cycle of life and death and spends its time in confidence and peace, for it is not concerned with being beautiful, or worthy, but they take each breath as it comes without trying to justify their existence. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that our service is often helped by joining with spiritually oriented companions that are able to support us and offer honest criticism to help us see ourselves and our service more clearly because all that we need to see is shown to us so that we can see that there is not one correct service, but there is a variety opportunities for service that will come around again and again, and each opportunity can become a viable path, so we cannot make a mistake; we cannot choose an incorrect road; we can choose only between a more direct path and a more roundabout path. In 83.17, Ra spoke of how spiritually oriented companions can help us on our spiritual journey:

Secondly, we would note that effect which we have learned to call the doubling effect. Those of like mind which together seek shall far more surely find.

May we answer further, my sister?

J: No, that was good on that question. Back to the second-density beings. I was wondering if you could speak to me about my dog, Gypsy, who is also getting on in years. She is so loving and so faithful. Is she third-density harvestable at this point in time when the cycle of her life ends?

We are those of Q’uo, and we find that we can confirm this as the one known as J is already aware of this entity’s harvestability.

J: Okay, one more question, and then I’d like for R to ask a question if she’d like to. I’ve been wondering lately if earth changes, things could really occur this year. I see Carla as an advisor, because she really helps me to stay grounded and not have a lot of fear. I’m thinking that possibly I should change residence. Is that something that you can speak to? I do like this place that I live in, but I’m wondering if I move in this coming year of 2003.

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. The energy that moves through your peoples at this time is an extremely vigorous one. It is the product of the increasing transparency between third density and fourth density. As this process of transparency continues to intensify, more and more entities will be sensitive along the lines of their distortions, sensitive in all ways. In those who are awake, it may seem to be a vigorous, cleansing wind; in others, it may seem to be the wind of change; in those who are fast asleep, it may seem simply to be a wind of confusion, chaos, and disaster. As this instrument would say, it is all in the point of view.

In such an atmosphere of increasing sensitivity of the self to thoughts and subtle energies, it is not surprising that entities whose distortions lie along the lines of quiet and an untouched aura would begin to feel that perhaps dwelling in such a densely populated area might not be as desirable for the peace of the inner self as moving to a less crowded area where there is more space for the aura to flower on its own. We see neither harm nor true help in such a move in terms of any deep spiritual motivations but would note that often, when there is within the self the desire for transformation, the movements of the self in the outer sense of literally moving from place to place may well help to create the atmosphere of transformation, in that the process of moving is in itself traumatic and carries an energy which can be added unto by the cleansing and regenerative energies that are felt within the being. Therefore, the move is not just a physical move but a symbol of the felt or perceived movement or transformation of the self. Therefore, it may be that such a trigger, that acts as a suggestion resource for the inner entity, may be helpful to the outer entity.

Is there a further question on that, my sister?

J: No, no, that’s good. That explains everything great. I personally want to thank you very much, and, as always, it’s good to be around you and your energy. I would like to ask R if she would like to ask a question.

R: Yes, J, thank you, and thank you for honoring me by bringing me here to this channeling. Thank you, Q’uo. I feel like a lot of what you’ve spoken already has been spoken to me and my inner self and questions. I am moving to Hawaii in less than a month, and I feel one of the big reasons is that I want to create that feeling of space and openness for my inner transformation, and you spoke of the first and second densities, of the plants and the animals, and I have a strong urge to submerge myself in that environment of nature. My questions would be, how can I best serve this world, my girlfriend, M, who I’ll be moving with, and myself through this move and this transformation, and are there particular energies, whether it be individuals or groups that might… that I might be able to assist, and they may be able to assist me in our transformations to be love?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. We are glad to comment upon this exciting and transformative adventure upon which you set out in so brief a period of days and hours. The best way to serve in the new environment is the best way to serve in all environments, and that is to offer the self without pride but with joy, to the moment, to the lifetime, to eternity in purity of being, in the glisten of armor polished by discipline so that the armor of light may shine.

Already the one known as R sees the self as a light. The question always with the light is, where to put it? Shall it be placed upon the top of a building and become a light in a lighthouse that warns those of dangerous reefs? Shall it be a light of hope that is cast into those lives which have been darkened by pain? Is it the particular kind of light that is the flame of passion? This is the question that each may ask the self when hoping to serve one’s very best. Where is the passion, where is the desire, and where, when one opens one’s eyes, is the opportunity?

It has puzzled, confused and baffled many and discouraged more that when the dreams of the heart are to serve by noble and outwardly respected means, that when the eyes open to the situation at hand, it consists instead of cleaning a bathroom, washing the dishes, cooking the meals, “chopping wood, carrying water,” as this instrument would say. The one known as R also has placed for itself in the coming situation, as well as in the situation it is leaving, ample opportunity for service and for learning. There are entities and groups with whom, as a soul, your soul stream has made agreements. You may think of these entities as members of a large family that has been apart for some time but that, when it comes together, has a certain resonance that speaks of home, anchoring, safety, intimacy, and nurturing. Look for the resonances in those that you meet, not only so that you may be of help to them but so that they, in their need to be of service, may be of help to you.

May we answer you further, my sister?

[Long pause.]

Is there a further query at this time?

J: No, I think this is probably about the length of time for this instrument. We thank her, too, for offering herself as a channel and thank you very much, Q’uo, for being with us today.

We are those of Q’uo, and we thank you, too, my sister and the one known as R as well. It has been our privilege and our pleasure to share energy with you. We thank this instrument as well, and we leave each of you as we found you, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai. We are those of Q’uo.

This morning I ran some errands with my first stop being at Paul’s Fruit Market where I bought some food. My second stop was at the Speedway Gas Station where I filled Stanley with premium gas. My last stop was at Walgreen’s Drug Store where I dropped off a prescription and then bought some Pepsi-Zero and some Kleenexes.

This afternoon I filled one of my neighbor’s bird feeders and then went inside her house and visited with her for a while to see how things have been going for her recently and letting her know what I have been doing lately.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

January 29

Praise You Like A River

I am of the Spirit of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the full consciousness of divine Love.

Open your eyes and praise the good and bounteous Creator.

Open your heart and find the cause for praise in all that you see.

Every dead branch that litters the ground is but a symbol of the health of the tree. Thus, those things which seem to be un-praiseworthy are, indeed, cause for thanksgiving.

Just so, your feet are to be praised as they walk upon the road of life. And the road of life is to be praised for holding your being, cradling your consciousness, and opening up eyes that see not only the good in those things beautiful to the eye but the praiseworthy aspects of those things which may seem lesser.

See the pruning of the Father’s universe and praise the good Maker of the peaceful, harmonious and sacrificial plan of change, development, maturity, and illumination.

In the end, as you see with eyes of praise, you shall be transparent, and praise shall flow from you like a river as it flows into you by your prayer.

We leave you in peace, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.