I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from April 19, 1992:
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and light through this instrument. At this time it is our privilege to offer ourselves in the capacity of speaking to further queries, if there are any at this time. Is there a query to which we may speak?
M: Yes, I have some confusion about truth not being possible in this incarnation yet possible in another incarnation, but then the statement later that there is no truth. Can you help clear the confusion for me?
I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my sister. Within this illusion, the life that each of you leads, there is almost complete covering over of those basic qualities or truths which are the foundation stone of your being. That is, those answers to questions such as who each of you is, how you are related to the one Creator in a very fundamental sense, and how the power of love moves through each life to shape and form it in a way which is perfect, and yet which to each of you may seem confusing and out of kilter, shall we say, from time to time. There is the possibility of approaching these truths in ways which words cannot begin to assume, through a kind of experience which many of those of your religious orders have called the transformative or unitive experience, where the light of truth fills one’s being, and one for the extent and duration of the experience is able to become those truths.
There are these opportunities presented to each entity, perhaps not in the current experience but in one which shall follow it in another of what you may call incarnations. This illusion which you inhabit is one which is by its very fabric one which causes you to ask these questions and to begin to make tentative assumptions concerning the quality of truth, yet the very fabric of illusion is one which only permits the beginning, for here you are as the student who first enters school at an early age and you begin this process which shall take you…
[Side one of tape ends.]
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and I am again with this instrument, as it was necessary for it to accomplish the tending of the recording device. The one known as Carla is asked to speak that which it desires.
Carla: Thank you, Q’uo. I’d just like to restate M’s question. There were statements that in reality there is no truth, also that there is a truth that will be experienced later in our evolution, and a third statement that no truth is final. Could you clarify?
I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my sister. We can say that the means of transferring information which we use at this time—that is, words and concepts—are incapable of transferring that which is truth, and we can suggest that there will be opportunities offered to each as your journey proceeds for you to experience the truth of unity with the one Creator and All That Is, and we can say that as you continue upon this journey in that fashion that the creative power that is the one Creator shall learn from Itself those lessons that shall increase Its knowledge and experience so that that which was true shall be added to, shall we say, so that experience grows for all of creation as each portion of creation learns and seeks this one creative force, so that which has been true and which has become the foundation stone for one experience shall be built upon for further experience, further truth, and shall enhance that truth, so that in the ultimate sense, though all is one, all learns, all grows, all teaches and evolves in a fashion which causes truth to be enhanced, and in the sense of apprehending such a truth, there is no truth that can be apprehended and kept in a static and understandable fashion, for it is a dynamic universe and Creator in which we all live and move and have our being.
M asked Q’uo: “I have some confusion about truth not being possible in this incarnation yet possible in another incarnation, but then the statement later that there is no truth. Can you help clear the confusion for me?” And while I was turning the tape over in the cassette recorder Carla also asked a refinement of M’s question: “There were statements that in reality there is no truth, also that there is a truth that will be experienced later in our evolution, and a third statement that no truth is final. Could you clarify?” So, I will comment on Q’uo’s answer to M’s question and follow that with Q’uo’s response to Carla’s refinement. Q’uo began by saying that within the third density there was no way to find the truth to questions like: “Who each of you is, how you are related to the one Creator in a very fundamental sense, and how the power of love moves through each life to shape and form it in a way which is perfect.” Q’uo said that there was no way to answer these basic questions with words, but for some people there were transformative experiences which would fill the entity with light that would allow the entity to become these truths at some point in the many incarnations within the third-density experience. In response to Carla’s clarification question, Q’uo continued their thoughts by saying that the infinite Creator learns from each entity’s experience so that It’s knowledge and the nature of truth continues to grow for all of the creation in a dynamic situation so that no truth can ever apprehended as the final truth. On March 26, 1995, Q’uo spoke of the inability to know and communicate the truth:
When one attempts to communicate the truth one can be sure that if the matter has substance the full truth shall not be revealed. The arbitrary and contrary nature of this intangible called truth is such that while one may asymptotically approach truth from many angles, one cannot arrive at it in time and space. Consequently, all efforts that we are aware of to define, capture, or communicate pure truth are attempts which this instrument would call quixotic, errands of the soul doomed to a noble and worthwhile attempt and failure.
Is there a further query, my sister?
M: No, that’s clear [inaudible] and involving God [inaudible].
This is so, my sister, as far as we are able to ascertain, and we are but the humblest of messengers for such a dynamic Creator.
M: Thank you.
We thank you, my sister. Is there another query?
Carla: One last one. So that is the reason why, as the possibilities of one creation end and all coalesces back to the one infinite Creator, there is always another creation, and the branches are sent out again from the roots of the vine. That’s why it never stops, because the Creator Itself is infinitely learning, infinitely [inaudible] is that so?
I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my sister. Again, to the best of our knowledge and the knowledge of those who serve as teachers to us, this is so, for all entities gain from experience and produce a seed, shall we say, of knowledge, and when all such seeds have reached the final ground of being in reunifying with the one Creator, there they are planted to grow again into another creation that stands, shall we say, upon the shoulders of preceding creation and the one Creator harvests in a cyclical fashion those experiences from all of its portions and utilizes them in a learning fashion so that each succeeding creation becomes enhanced by all that which has gone before.
Is there a further query, my sister?
Carla: Not for me Q’uo. That’s just a wide and wonderful picture, thank you very much.
M: And from me, thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we are also thankful and grateful to each of you for inviting our presence and presenting us with the queries which illuminate the journeys of all of us, for we also learn from you that which is of importance to you, and especially do you learn that great desire which you have for seeking that which you call truth. This desire also is felt, may we say, by all of creation, for each portion seeks to return to its source and that source of all creation seeks the knowledge and experience of each of its portions. Thus, this dynamic desire to seek, this yearning between Creator and created, is that force which propels all creation forward that the one Creator may be glorified by each of Its portions, and each of Its portions may know the Creator through each experience.
We are known to you as those of Q’uo, and we again thank you for this blessing and opportunity to speak with you. We shall join you again in your future upon your request. We shall take our leave of each at this time, leaving each as always in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are those of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.
This morning I went outside and dug up another load of moss from the pet cemetery and transplanted it in the Moss Garden. Then I carefully wound the long and strong rose vine stalks around the other two portions of the arbor on which it has been growing for some years. The two other vining roses on these two arbors died out a few years ago, but this third vining rose is long enough and has enough vines to easily cover the whole arbor.
This afternoon Austin came over and got me set up in the recording studio to record some of Daniel’s guided meditations.
Today is the ninth anniversary of Carla’s passing into larger life. While she was on this Earth she gave us so much inspiring channeled information, and I think that these channelings from the Holy Spirit are some of the most beautiful I have ever read. She also channeled her life as a constant devotion to serving the one infinite Creator in all that she did. I feel that her legacy is one of love for everyone who reads any of her channelings, or her talks, or who might have known her and had the opportunity to feel the love of her presence which gave her the ability to love everyone at the level of the soul, even if she never had met them.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
April 1
Cost And Fruit
I am of the principle of the consciousness of divine love and I greet you in radiant joy.
It is the season of Easter, the time when Jesus’ emergence from the earth is held in remembrance and His ascent therefrom rejoiced at. Now is the season of blooming, for just as Jesus grew like a flower from the earth, so too may we see in each flower that resurrection glory.
In this season may you find much to rejoice at, never regretting the cost of winter but glorying instead in the fullness and promise of spring. Such are the cycles of eternal life. The cycles contain different kinds of blooming and different kinds of growing, but always the pulse of cost and fruit.
We leave you in the peaceful harmony of Jesus the Christ, now and ever. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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